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Abstract-Networking devices and intrusion detection systems are capable of generating large volumes of audit information. This information should be considered sensitive. Privacy concerns must also be considered, as there are many legal... more
In In spite of the tremendous growth of technologies in computer networking and information technology, still we lack in preventing our resources from theft/attacks. This problem is very big as far as industry / companies are concerned.... more
Cloud computing is envisioned as the next generation architecture for IT Enterprises, and has proliferated itself due to the advantages it provides.Cloud computing provides solutions for carrying out efficient, scalable and low cost... more
The present study determines the effect of roof strength on roof intrusion velocity during a rollover vehicular accident. The response of a finite element model of a production roof during an example rollover condition was compared with... more
The Samchampi-Samteran alkaline complex occurs as a plug-like pluton within the Precambrian granite gneisses of Mikir Hills, Assam, northeastern India and it is genetically related to Sylhet Traps. The intrusive complex is marked by... more
Abstract[1] Crustal structure in Kenya and Ethiopia has been investigated using receiver function analysis of broadband seismic data to determine the extent to which the Cenozoic rifting and magmatism has modified the thickness and... more
Cloud computing is envisioned as the next generation architecture for IT Enterprises, and has proliferated itself due to the advantages it provides.Cloud computing provides solutions for carrying out efficient, scalable and low cost... more