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An increasing number of studies have examined the effects of video game contents (e.g. violence) or excessive playing (e.g. addiction). Recently, a multimodal and holistic framework was developed, the Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP)... more
The Tibesti Volcanic Province (TVP) in northwest Chad represents the second largest of the five Gharyan-Tibesti volcanic provinces and covers an area around 29,000 km 2. The other four provinces are in Libya, but all five provinces are... more
Intrusive thoughts about negative events are core symptoms of several psychiatric disorders. Because current instruments for the assessment of thought suppression are unsatisfactory, we developed and evaluated the dimensionality and... more
I filed and served the above document today on landlord's attorney, one Jeff S. Bennett, Esq. who served the subject Motion to Dismiss (MTD) on me yesterday afternoon by email. The more he lags, the faster I get. In it you will find a... more
The Samchampi-Samteran alkaline complex occurs as a plug-like pluton within the Precambrian granite gneisses of Mikir Hills, Assam, northeastern India and it is genetically related to Sylhet Traps. The intrusive complex is marked by... more
Abstract[1] Crustal structure in Kenya and Ethiopia has been investigated using receiver function analysis of broadband seismic data to determine the extent to which the Cenozoic rifting and magmatism has modified the thickness and... more
Information processing theories of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) state that intrusive images emerge due to a lack of integration of perceptual trauma representations in autobiographical memory. To test this hypothesis... more
Petrographic studies and mineral chemical analyses support the hypothesis that garnet lherzolites and websterites from Oahu, Hawaii were produced by mechanical disintegration (stoping), chemical alteration (metasomatism) and mechanical... more
bThe Kulgera Dyke Swarm consists of olivine tholeiites which have intruded late Proterozoic transitional-granulite gneisses and granites of the eastern Musgrave Block, in central Australia. Preliminary Rb/Sr results suggest that the... more