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The term strategy is increasingly mentioned in the interpreting literature. Individual strategies have been approached from various perspectives by a number of interpreting research scholars. Those strategies are used by interpreters to... more
This paper reports on interprofessional education (IPE), a teaching and learning strategy that is widely used in healthcare training. IPE is structured and usually situation-based training that involves two or more groups of... more
A study was conducted on four-year ASL Programs where students can earn a degree in ASL at three institutions. The study consisted of a document review and interviews to determine similarities and differences between curriculum design and... more
This paper introduces the application of the Signs of Ireland (SOI) digital corpus in teaching at the Centre for Deaf Studies (CDS), Trinity College Dublin (TCD). The SOI corpus is one of the largest digital corpora of a signed language... more
This study analyzes the functionality of reported speech marking in interpreter’s utterances in authentic ad-hoc-interpretated German-Turkish and German-Portuguese doctor-patient communication (Special attention is paid to the Turkish... more
The University of Bologna/Forlì offers students of the MA in Interpreting a course in Methods and Technologies for Interpreting. A recent addition to the software presented to students is InterpretBank, a CAI tool designed to assist... more
Dolmetschen bei einem Onkologen oder während eines OP-Aufklärungsgesprächs … Dolmetschen während einer Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung oder in einem Frauenhaus … Dolmetschen im Jobcenter oder auf dem Jugendamt … Dolmetschen während eines... more
Speech given upon receiving the Danica Seleskovitch Prize for notable contributions to the profession of conference interpreting.
The recent expansion of the European Union into 25 member states has created an increased demand for professional interpreters from and into the " new " languages. In their effort to meet the needs of the market, universities have been... more
Изложены аргументы в поддержку мнения об уместности обучения переводу с листа на завершающем этапе подготовки переводчика международных конференций, после усвоения студентами базовых навыков синхронного перевода. Предлагается использовать... more
V práci predkladám konkrétny návrh hodnotiaceho formulára na hodnotenie vlastného tlmočníckeho výkonu študentov, ktorý sa dá využiť vo výučbe tlmočenia, ale aj v samostatnej práci študentov. Detailný popis tvorby formulára, ako aj iné... more
This paper examines conference preparation (CP) as a skill which veteran interpreters learn and perfect over time. It sets CP in the context of processing models and expertise studies, and identifies the centrality of acquiring knowledge... more
În articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii din cadrul Departa-mentului Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată al USM la orele de interpretare consecutivă. Analiza este... more
[SLOVAK] Autorka sa v teoretickej časti zaoberá otázkou hodnotenia kvality tlmočenia a otázkou tlmočníckej sebareflexie, ponúka prehľad poznatkov v domácej aj zahraničnej literatúre na obe témy a predstavuje existujúce hodnotiace... more
An interaction between a mental health professional and a person with a mental illness is in many ways different from an interaction between a general healthcare professional and a person with a physical condition. In a mental health... more
This paper introduces VIP, an R&D project that explores the impact and feasibility of using Human Language Technology (HLT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) for interpreting training, practice and research. This project aims at... more
Táto kapitola predstavuje nový, kontextuálny model tlmočenia. možno z pohľadu Settonovej klasifikácie zaradiť skôr medzi vzťahové modely, hoci kladie významný dôraz na informačné úvislosti tlmočeného textu. Neskúma a neopisuje kognitívne... more
Academia´s thoughts and graduates' opinions of education at university degree for translators and interpreters: is there a need for revisiting both concept and practice? Abstract The reason for the present study topic is rooted in a... more
PhD Thesis on telephone interpreting on-line training. The main focus is on the trainer-trainee relationship with a view to the empowerment of the future interpreter.
Kapitola ponúka pohľad na historické východiská a tradície výučby tlmočenia na Slovensku a ponúka nové pohľady na prípadný rozvoj a ďalšie smerovanie didaktiky tlmočenia na Slovensku. Definuje základné koncepty, vedomostné požiadavky a... more
Community interpreting has become a global phenomenon and the need for standard assurances of practice is being met by credentialing systems that certify a community interpreter through testing and/or training. This paper examines... more
The present textbook is the outcome of several years of practical experience in interpreter training in Iranian academic environments, intertwined with a number of relevant research projects. It adopts a ‘cognitive’ approach to... more
În prezenta lucrare abordăm rolul interevaluării în traducerea orală ca metodă complementară de evaluare didactică şi ca factor-cheie care contribuie la încurajarea participării studenţilor în actul învăţării, la o apreciere mai obiectivă... more
This paper discusses how the impact of the revolution of NICTs on interpreters' work in the media can be transposed to the interpreting classroom. This article focuses on the use of sound and video editing software by interpreters for... more
T&I programmes aim to produce self-reliant graduates capable of judging their own work against agreed criteria and increasing their levels of competence over the course of their careers. To achieve this goal, an essential element is the... more
The paper studies the relationship between the number of publications on note-taking that one reads and how notes are then taken in conference interpreting. The works of four authors (Rozan, Matyssek, Jones and Gillies) are looked into... more
Communication is not a simple commodity. If the aim is to share ideas on an equal footing and find mutual understanding, simplified English is never enough. In international conferences a chance to listen to one’s native language should... more
The use of Mock Conferences (MCs) to prepare student interpreters for future professional careers has been repeatedly mentioned by Interpreting Studies scholars, yet the systematic design of MCs and their teaching effects are... more
This article considers the roles of medical interpreters and cultural mediators and proposes that the two should be seen as separate. In the last six years cultural mediators have been trained in Ireland not to be interpreters but to help... more Linguistic support is indispensable for military crisis management operations. This study examines military interpreters in the context of linguistic support in the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF)... more
Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una radiografía de la evolución de los Estudios de Interpretación, desde el interés inicial en la interpretación de conferencias hasta el auge actual de la interpretación social, sin olvidar la constante de... more