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Conserved non-coding sequences (CNS) are islands of non-coding sequence that, like protein coding exons, show less divergence in sequence between related species than functionless DNA. Several CNSs have been demonstrated experimentally to... more
Clarify the genetic structure of sheep breeds is essential for their genetic improvement through genomic studies, genomic selection and detailed analysis of quantitative traits. Genetic markers are applied to assess the genetic... more
****The contents of Chapter 2, regarding Selfish DNA, is currently in prep for publication. Based on comments from my defense the eventual form of this paper will change a bit with some additional content added and a probable change in... more
Over the past few decades, plant genomics research has been studied extensively bringing about a revolution in the field of plant biotechnology. Molecular markers, useful for plant genome analysis, have now become an important tool in... more
The crop species within the genus Brassica have highly replicated genomes. Three base 'diploid' species, Brassica oleracea , B. nigra and B. rapa , are likely ancient polyploids, and three derived allopolyploid species, B. carinata , B.... more
Horizontal gene transfer is an important mechanism for the evolution of microbial genomes. Pathogenicity islands — mobile genetic elements that contribute to rapid changes in virulence potential — are known to have ...
SUMMARY Interspecific hybridization is a significant evolutionary force as well as a powerful method for crop breeding. Partial substitution of the AA subgenome in Brassica napus (A n A n C n C n) with the Brassica rapa (A r A r) genome... more
We have constructed a 1736-locus maize genome map containing1156 loci probed by cDNAs, 545 probed by random genomic clones, 16 by simple sequence repeats (SSRs), 14 by isozymes, and 5 by anonymous clones. Sequence information is available... more
The green lineage (Viridiplantae) comprises the green algae and their descendants the land plants, and is one of the major groups of oxygenic photosynthetic eukaryotes. Current hypotheses posit the early divergence of two discrete clades... more
The prominent repair mechanism of DNA double-strand breaks formed upon excision of the maize Ac transposable element is via nonhomologous end joining. In this work we have studied the role of homologous recombination as an additional... more