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The project of privatisation of water has been floated in Bangalore since 1999, and though it has been kept in abeyance by social activists and non-government organisations working with the urban poor, water is being commoditised. In this... more
This study was undertaken to investigate the causes of poverty among women in Chikombedzi, Masvingo. Zimbabwe. The quest to identify the causes of the failure of positive change to the lives of women in Chikombedzi was the motivation... more
Marriages in India are essentially endogamous in nature. The influences of western education and socio-economic transformations have led to enormous change in the existing pattern of choosing one’s life partner and marriage practices in... more
This report presents a gender analysis of the laws and policies guiding the cocoa, palm oil, rubber and timber supply chains in Cameroon. Gender analysis is the study of different roles and responsibilities of men and women; their... more
Resumo Este trabalho de pesquisa tenta responder à pergunta sobre como as estratégias de assistência à infância (crianças de 0 a 4 anos de idade) são desenvolvidas por mulheres jovens de contextos de alta vulnerabilidade socioeconômica na... more
Klimakrise und Energiewende sind keine rein technischen, sondern zutiefst soziale Herausforderungen – dabei muss allen Menschen ermoglicht werden, an vorhandenen Ressourcen und technologischen Innovationen teilhaben zu konnen. Dieser... more
En el presente trabajo estimamos la incidencia, la intensidad y la desigualdad de la pobreza multidimensional en Nicaragua a lo largo de los primeros quince años del siglo XXI, utilizando como unidad de identificación la persona y no el... more
Este capítulo se centra en el análisis de las interacciones entre las transferencias condicionadas de ingresos y otras intervenciones estatales en un territorio urbano específico. Este trabajo compara la construcción estatal de las... more
Klimakrise und Energiewende sind keine rein technischen, sondern zutiefst soziale Herausforderungen - dabei muss allen Menschen ermöglicht werden, an vorhandenen Ressourcen und technologischen Innovationen teilhaben zu können. Dieser... more
Klimakrise und Energiewende sind keine rein technischen, sondern zutiefst soziale Herausforderungen, dies ist mittlerweile unbestritten. Daher muss auch der Thematik der Energiearmut besondere Aufmerksamkeit zukommen, um politische... more
Table of Contents I. Poverty & Gender Issues: “Orphans” Of The Reorganization? II. A Case For Revamping The Poverty Assessment Of Every Borrowing Country III. A Case For Performing Social Assessments For Every Project IV. Board... more