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The start-up acceleration phenomenon is a recent trend in the field of entrepreneurship, impacting academia, policy makers and practioners, but not yet fully researched or comprehended. The existing literature on business incubators,... more
The framework for this study is based on the research and literature related to serial entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Our sample is 12 serial entrepreneurs within a single context—the Waterloo Region—that has been ranked as... more
Human capital and social networks are two pillars of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems (EEs), which are nowadays increasingly shaped by international migration flows. Migrant entrepreneurs are at the same time locally present and culturally... more
En este documento se analiza el ecosistema de emprendimiento de Zacatecas, con base a un modelo de emprendimiento de alto impacto diseñado para ciudades intermedias de Latinoamérica. Los resultados transcriben las experiencias y visiones... more
Although literature discusses many entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) based on technological development and Information Technology and Communication (ITC), it also refers that they are unique and can emerge in any place under unrepeatable... more
Entrepreneurship is instrumental in a nation’s wealth development and management, furthermore as a social mobility tool. Over the years the impact of entrepreneurship has brought about numerous implication and transformation to many... more
Why do some social entrepreneurs embrace the assistance of their social impact entrepreneurial ecosystems (SIEEs) in creating and scaling social ventures while others go-it-alone and do not capitalize on the resources in their local... more
Despite intense scholarly interest in entrepreneurial ecosystems, research has not explicitly emphasized ecosystem-level dynamics or explored sources of variance among ecosystems. We theorize that entrepreneurial ecosystems are... more
Purpose: Impact investing, a type of values-based investing that combines financial investment with philanthropic goals, is receiving heightened scholarly and practitioner attention. The geography of impact investing, however, is largely... more
Entrepreneurs increasingly tap into both spatial and digital resource environments to mobilize critical resources in support of new ventures. Yet we know surprisingly little about how entrepreneurs make joint use of these environments.... more
Progress in entrepreneurship research is inhibited by lack of agreement on what constitutes an entrepreneurial venture. We argue for an inclusive conceptualization, and the need to distinguish types of entrepreneurial ventures. A typology... more
In pursuit of the beneficial outcomes of entrepreneurship, governments and regional development organizations enact policies aimed at stimulating entrepreneurial activity. A growing focus of policymakers in emerging and developed... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems have emerged as a popular concept to explain the persistence of high-growth entrepreneurship within regions. However, as a theoretical concept ecosystems remain underdeveloped, making it difficult to understand... more
This study explores the potential of social franchising to contribute to the development of the rural entrepreneurial ecosystem in contexts of market and governance failure in least developed countries. Social franchising is a social... more
En la actualidad, el impulso a la actividad emprendedora ha sido una de las principales estrategias para fomentar la generación de empleos y el desarrollo de las localidades. Para poder realizar esta actividad de manera correcta, los... more
Rooted in the territorial approach, this theoretical paper offers a systematic literature review (SLR) of ecosystems based on a selection of 104 articles and books and their archetypes. First, we identify and discuss the four main types... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are receiving heightened attention from scholars and practitioners. Studies have focused on isolating entrepreneurial ecosystems' components; however, prior research has not offered a theory of entrepreneurial... more
A State of Victoria, Australia, report asserts that concept of the entrepreneurial university in Australia has “never been taken seriously” and had been “found to be lacking in validity” (State of Victoria, 2010, p. 83). This is a curious... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are receiving growing attention from scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers in both developed and developing countries. Studies of this phenomenon have focused almost exclusively on ecosystems in large,... more
Despite the ubiquity of small towns, the forces shaping entrepreneurship in cities of limited size, reach, and scope are unexamined. To address the lack of attention to small town entrepreneurship, a comparative-case study of two small... more
The research focuses on understanding of the role of public sector in catalyzing economic growth by promoting entrepreneurship in Pakistan. The concept of “Entrepreneurial Government” is emerging, in which public organizations/... more
The recent widespread interest of policy in entrepreneurial ecosystems has been complemented by a burgeoning academic research output. This research to date may be broadly categorized as focusing on place, actors, governance, and... more
Vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems – systems of inter-related forces that promote and sustain regional entrepreneurship – are increasingly viewed as sources of innovation, economic development, and community revitalization. Regions with... more
Over the past two decades, various policies have been implemented on an international and national level to support regional competitiveness, in which Universities are often called on to play a crucial role. Taking into account their... more
This study examines the progress of the two major universities in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago toward the transition to entrepreneurial universities through the core components of designing and delivering entrepreneurship... more
This paper examines the role of cultural characteristics in entrepreneurial ecosystem. We investigated whether and how much cultural differences affect entrepreneurial orientation and performance. Measuring culture is a challenging task,... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, the set of forces that generate and sustain regional entrepreneurial activity, are a growing focus of scholars and practitioners. Studies are beginning to draw attention to the role of cultural artifacts,... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems – the inter-connected set of organizing forces that produce and sustain regional entrepreneurial activity – are receiving heightened attention. Research finds that narratives about ecosystem participants... more
My intention in this paper is to take an expansive view of the word ‘ecosystem’ and to discuss how a seemingly biological concept works at the level of society and at the level of the private sector, which includes business entrepreneurs.... more
The “entrepreneurial ecosystem” (EE) has become the dominant metaphor in theories explaining how location-specific forces influence entrepreneurship. Despite the progress made by scholars studying EEs, in this essay we contend that the... more
The contextual turn in entrepreneurship research has shifted scholars’ attention to the place-based forces that shape entrepreneurship in vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems, such as Silicon Valley, Stockholm, and Bangalore. Studies find... more
Κατά τις τελευταίες δύο δεκαετίες εφαρμόζονται σε διεθνές και εθνικό επίπεδο πολιτικές στήριξης της περιφερειακής ανταγωνιστικότητας και ανάπτυξης στις οποίες συχνά κεντρικό ρόλο καλούνται να διαδραματίσουν τα Ιδρύματα Τριτοβάθμιας... more
please send an email to if you want to receive the PDF Sustainable entrepreneurs are key actors in sustainability transitions; they develop needed innovations, create markets, and pressure incumbents. While... more
Undoubtedly, stimulating the European entrepreneurship is one of the most important prerequisites both for strengthening the EU member-state financial position and for maintaining their share in international production as a reply to the... more
Female-led ventures that are market-expanding, export-oriented, and innovative contribute substantially to local and national economic development, as well as to the female entrepreneur’s economic welfare. Female-led ventures also serve... more
This study aims to identify the prevailing type of culture and its relationship with performance in SMEs operating in Pakistan. Using competing value framework, the cultural profile and dominant characteristics of SMEs are identified and... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are receiving growing attention. However, prior research has primarily focused on the physical characteristics and artifacts of such systems. The social construction of entrepreneurial ecosystems, and... more
Undoubtedly, stimulating the European entrepreneurship is one of the most important prerequisites both for strengthening the EU member-state financial position and for maintaining their share in international production as a reply to the... more
The notion of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) has garnered considerable attention in the academic discourse. However, quite often this notion is treated as just a biological metaphor that should not be taken too seriously. I challenge... more
La construcción de un sistema de aprendizaje que complemente el sistema de instrucción y desarrolle en los estudiantes de diferentes carreras los atributos y características del emprendedor es un desiderátum clave en el entorno... more
This paper develops and applies a new evaluative approach to local entrepreneurial ecosystems, as configural narratives. We examine how configurations of local entrepreneurial ecosystem attributes, as evaluated by local experts, support... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems are the focus of government economic policies around the world for their potential to generate entrepreneur-led economic development. The paper identifies key research questions and challenges to building... more
Scholars are increasingly adopting an ecosystems perspective focused on the complex systems of factors that influence organizations. A type of ecosystem that is receiving significant academic and practitioner attention is the... more
Entrepreneurial alertness can play a vital role in the identification and creation of opportunities involving early-stage ventures. However, the strategic function of entrepreneurial alertness in more mature organizations has not been... more
Entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) are receiving intense attention. However, the revitalization of inactive EEs in unmunificent contexts is understudied. To investigate this phenomenon, an inductive study was conducted of a once-vibrant EE... more
The objective of this study was to analyze the Brazilian entrepreneurial ecosystem in the light of the National System of Entrepreneurship – NSE theory, through the implementation of the Global Entrepreneurship Index methodology – GEI.... more
Entrepreneurs require human resources to establish and scale their ventures; however, constraints often prevent entrepreneurs from investing in formal human resource systems. How entrepreneurs overcome human resource challenges by... more
Academics and practitioners are increasingly lauding the economic and community benefits of entrepreneurial ecosystems: the inter-related forces that promote and support entrepreneurship in geographic areas. Most researchers examining... more