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Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome has been remained one of the most health issue concerns till recently. HIV infection can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner, unprotected oral sex, injection... more
We invite you all to the International conference on Pediatrics & Neonatology to be held in London, UK on March 14-16, 2019 Will you be interested to participate as a speaker/delegate? You can learn more about the scientific sessions at... more
Objective: Accurate assessment of pain is central to diagnosis and treatment in healthcare, especially in pediatrics. However, few studies have examined potential biases in adult observer ratings of children’s pain. Cohen et al. (2014)... more
Clinical Notes 14 Whether the use of taping or strapping is useful has been under discussion for many years. We propose a new tape and suggest that the UH tape as described in this paper can be used in cases where it is perceived to be... more
Hypospadias is a relatively common genital condition in which the urethral opening forms on the underside of the penis, as opposed to at the tip of the glans. Patients with hypospadias are typically referred for surgery during infancy or... more
El Hidrógeno Molecular (H2) es considerado el antioxidante mas poderos! Es la fuente de energía por excelencia para las células que le permite desempeñar por completo todas sus funciones, tales como: desintoxicar, sanar, reparar y... more
Introducción: Las enfermedades con diagnóstico no especificado son denominadas enfermedades huérfanas; definidas como aquellas por las que el enfermo puede encontrarse en peligro de muerte o de invalidez crónica y tienen una prevalencia... more
Objectives Neonatal jaundice (NNJ) is a common newborn disorder globally which is preventable and easily treatable. However, when detected late and/or poorly managed, it is a leading cause of hospitalization, neurological complications... more
Guía de administración de fármacos en el período neonatal para enfermería.
In January of 1927, Dr. Richard D. Mudd of Detroit published a letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association, seeking to vindicate his grandfather, Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, against charges of conspiring in a murder [1]. The victim... more
La enfermería se considera parte integral del sistema de atención de salud y se concibe como una profesión que abarca cuidados de promoción de la salud, prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad. Para el desarrollo de esta profesión, los... more
The foot is a complex structure of the body responsible of the body support during the dynamic and static phase of the movement. The foot is composed by two components: the "talar" portion, consisting of talus, navicular bone, cuneiforms... more
En un mundo complejo como el nuestro, los problemas no suelen tener una única solución. No solo eso, sino que un problema no es, a fin de cuentas, más que una construcción mental y discursiva que plantea los términos de las... more
Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as dyshidrotic dermatitis or pompholyx, is characterized by pruritic, tense, deep-seated vesicles mainly on the palms and lateral surfaces of the fingers. In the chronic phase, scaling, desquamation,... more
Introducción. El sarcoma de Ewing se define como una neoplasia ósea de alta agresividad y su origen se atribuye a una patología de tipo endotelial vascular, caracterizándose como un tumor formado por células redondas indiferenciadas. Se... more
In a recent editorial, Dr. Andrew L. Freedman, a member of the 2012 AAP task-force on circumcision, argues that “health issues” are only a “small piece of the puzzle” when it comes to this procedure. “Although parents may use the... more
Shabanzadeh et al (1) claim in their title that “Male circumcision does not result in inferior perceived male sexual function.” Yet such a categorical conclusion does not follow from the data and analysis presented in the paper itself. As... more
Normal neonates are equipped with a limited immunocompetence, therefore they need breast milk (BM), which represent an excellent immune protection for the neonate during the critical period of intestinal vulnerability, due to a great... more
More than 50 years ago food allergy (FA) was suggested as a contributing factor in AD. It was shown that cow’s milk (CM) feeding predisposed to the development of AD while breast fed babies had a prevalence of eczema seven times lower... more
Although severe anaphylatic reactions are rare, allergic or immediate hypersensitivity reactions to natural rubber latex (NRL) have been reported in children with increasing frequency in the last few years. Indubitably, every-day rubber... more
Objective Cow’s milk (CM) allergy (CMA) is a disease of infancy, usually appearing in the first months of life. Symptoms triggered by CM at first introduction are not completely defined. The evaluation of infants for possible CMA is one... more
Control de Salud infantil:  Enfoque biopsicosocial de la infancia y adolescencia.
Background Normal newborns have a limited immunocompetence therefore they need breast milk (BM), which represent an excellent immune protection for the neonate during the critical period of intestinal vulnerability, owing to a great... more
Recent developments in medical treatment allow for approximately 70% of children with cancer to survive. In developing countries such as Mexico, however, the oncological disease still represents the two main causes of death in children 6... more
There is no consensus with regard to which charts are most suitable for monitoring the postnatal growth of preterm infants. We aimed to assess the strategies used to develop existing postnatal growth charts for preterm infants and their... more
There is no consensus with regard to which charts are most suitable for monitoring the postnatal growth of preterm infants. We aimed to assess the strategies used to develop existing postnatal growth charts for preterm infants and their... more
La epidemia del VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un problema de salud pública a pesar de los esfuerzos intersectoriales en el contexto mundial. Los jóvenes están en el centro de la epidemia; más de la mitad de las nuevas infecciones por el VIH... more
Pediatrics is the specialty of medical science concerned with the physical, mental, and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Pediatric care encompasses a broad spectrum of health services ranging from preventive health... more
Atopic dermatitis (AD) together with asthma and allergic rhinitis, is the most typical manifestation of an atopic constitution. Atopic dermatitis has been known since ancient times: Job probably suffered from it. Aetius de Amida in 534BC... more
Introducción: Las prácticas culturales son parte de una comunidad y definitivamente influirán en el cuidado de la salud de sus integrantes; por tanto, la enfermera debe valorar estas prácticas antes de brindar la educación sanitaria a... more
RESUMEN: Objetivos: Identificar la relación existente entre el grado de estrés y el nivel de satisfacción, y analizar qué aspectos influyen en la percepción de estrés general en los padres y madres con hijos ingresados en UCIN. Método.... more
La seguridad del paciente en el ámbito domiciliario constituye una línea de trabajo e investigación muy importantes para los profesionales sanitarios. Muchos de los errores o problemas relacionados con la seguridad clínica (errores de... more
Objective: To identify the psychopedagogical training needs of the pediatric nurses in the largest public hospital of the Balearic Islands, Spain. Method: This study was developed with a quantitative and qualitative design, where 78... more
There is no consensus with regard to which charts are most suitable for monitoring the postnatal growth of preterm infants. We aimed to assess the strategies used to develop existing postnatal growth charts for preterm infants and their... more