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Background Studies have suggested that embryo-endometrial developmental asynchrony caused by slow-growing embryos can be corrected by freezing the embryo and transferring it back in a subsequent cycle. Therefore, we hypothesized that live... more
Endometrial Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (endMSCs) are multipotent cells with immunomodulatory and pro-regenerative activity which is mainly mediated by a paracrine effect. The exosomes released by MSCs have become a promising therapeutic... more
In this work, we applied three-dimensional microCT imaging to study murine embryogenesis in the range from immediate post-implantation period (embryonic day 5.5) to mid-gestation (embryonic day 12.5) with the resolution up to... more
En Colombia se encuentra un antecedente jurídico de protección al no nato,pero con la Sentencia C-355 de 2006 se presentó un cambio en la línea jurisprudencialrespecto al problema jurídico de la legalidad del aborto, al igualque en la... more
Tubulins and microtubules (MTs) represent targets for taxane-based chemotherapy. To date, several lines of evidence suggest that effectiveness of compounds binding tubulin often relies on different post-translational modifications on... more
SR-BI is the main receptor for high density lipoproteins (HDL) and mediates the bidirectional transport of lipids, such as cholesterol and vitamin E, between these particles and cells. During early development, SR-BI is expressed in... more
Disrupting the redox balance through reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and intracellular glutathione (GSH) depletion presents a promising strategy for cancer therapy. Megadoses of ascorbic acid (AA) can induce oxidative stress in... more
The lipid layer surrounding the vitelline membrane of insect eggs has a critical role in the waterproofing and desiccation resistance of embryos. However, this lipid layer also prevents the flux of chemicals into the embryos, such as... more
The present paper outlines the establishment of four additional cloned cell lines derived from embryo tissues of Bombyx mori, which were designated as SES-BoMo-J125K 1, SES-BoMoJ125K2, SES-BoMo-J125K5, and SES-BoMo-Jl 25K6. These cell... more
The dioxin-inducible cytochrome P(1)450 (Cyp1a1 gene) and P(3)450 (Cyp1a2 gene) enzymes have been implicated in the metabolism of numerous polycyclic hydrocarbons and arylamines, respectively. The prototypic inducer 3-methylcholanthrene... more
Study question Is it safe to use metabolic imaging to measure nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) associated auto-fluorescence during embryo development using adapted confocal microscopy? Summary answer Non-invasive metabolic imaging... more
Endometrial extracellular vesicles (EVs) are emerging as important players in reproductive biology. However, how their proteome is regulated throughout the menstrual cycle is not known. Such information can provide novel insights into... more
STUDY QUESTIONDoes female ageing have a negative effect on the DNA repair capacity of oocytes fertilised by spermatozoa with controlled levels of DNA damage?SUMMARY ANSWERCompared to oocytes from younger females, oocytes from older... more
The specific role of the canonical WNT/β-catenin signaling pathway during the preimplantation development of goat remains unclear. Our objective was to investigate the expression of β-CATENIN, one of the critical components of Wnt... more
Background Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is an approach for the propagation of elite animals. In vitro condition, especially the composition of culture media has a profound effect on the developmental competency of in vitro derived... more
Paria Behdarvandiyan ACECR Institute of Higher Education (Isfahan Branch) Sayedeh Sahar Hosseini ACECR Institute of Higher Education (Isfahan Branch) Farnoosh Jafarpour Royan Institute for Biotechnology, ACECR Mehdi Hajian Royan Institute... more
 Hexafluoropropylene oxide-dimer acid (HFPO-DA) is one of the emerging replacements for the “forever” carcinogenic and toxic long-chain PFAS. HFPO-DA is a polymerization aid used for manufacturing fluoropolymers, whose global distribution... more
Background The teleost fish Fundulus heteroclitus inhabit estuaries heavily polluted with persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals. While embryos of parents from polluted sites are remarkably resistant to toxic sediment and develop... more