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According to the newest report issued by the Guttmacher Institute, 926,200 abortions were performed in the US in 2014. A holistic approach which accounts for biblical, biological, and philosophical truths must conclude that these unborn... more
According to the newest report issued by the Guttmacher Institute, 926,200 abortions were performed in the US in 2014. A holistic approach which accounts for biblical, biological, and philosophical truths must conclude that these unborn... more
Covers the concept of ensoulment from early beginnings until it entered Christianity as codified law through Exodus 21:22-23,
At a time when bioethical issues are at the top of public and political agendas, there is a renewed interest in representations of the embryo in various religious traditions. One of the major traditions that has contributed to Western... more
Anthony A. Akinwale: Political Philosophy and Human Nature in Thomas Aquinas ● Mario Di Giacomo: Alteridad, indigencia y esperanza. Una lectura de la fenomenología de la plegaria según Jean-Louis Chrétien ● Andrzej Maryniarczyk: The... more
This is the second portion of my book on abortion rights. This chapter analyzes the policy of the Catholic Church concerning reproductive rights in order to demonstrate that it is profoundly immoral. This chapter is dedicated to Justices... more
Marsilio Ficino's view on ensoulment, which can be extrapolated from his critique of natal astrology, relies on the relations of metaphysical proportion between the different levels of life and being which are central to Platonic... more
""Comment l’âme vient-elle à l’embryon? Ce n’est pas la même chose d’envisager l’embryon comme le réceptacle incident d’une âme tombée des cieux, ou comme un corps s’éveillant à la vie. C’est pourquoi il faut tout d’abord répondre à... more
This study of the philosophical and patristic texts of the second-fifth centuries, explores Christian theories of reproduction in the context of Hellenic dualist discourse and embryology. I argue that due to the specific metaphysical... more
A partir d'un dossier de textes de Syméon de Thessalonique et de Gennadios Scholarios, l'article examine les accusations portées contre Grégoire de Nysse à propos de ses théories sur l'origine de l'âme (transmise ou non à l'embryon par la... more
L'article étudie la façon dont s'est constituée une pensée chrétienne sur l'embryon, entre Platon et la Bible, à partir de trois philosophes chrétiens du 6e siècle: Enée de Gaza, Zacharie le Scholastique et Jean Philopon. The article... more
The dispute over delayed animation, although it has its beginnings already in ancient philosophy and culture, started for good only in contemporary times when the right to kill unborn children (so-called abortion) entered the canon of... more
This essay will closely evaluate the approach of Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas to the question of human ensoulment, treating immediate rational ensoulment at conception, Maximus’s position, and delayed hominization, Thomas’s... more
The question of the “status of the embryo in Islam” has to be asked not only in theory, i. e. in science, but also in practice, i. e. in German society. Since Muslims constitute by far the largest religious group in Germany after the... more