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In early 1992 the northern Pacific seastar, Asterias amurensis was identified from Tasmanian waters. It is possible that larvae may have been released in discarded ballast water from overseas ships. Each adult female may release up to... more
The distribution and population density of Acanthaster planci (crown-of-thorns-starfish or COTS) in Sogod Bay, Southern Leyte, Central Philippines was assessed on July August,2012 using belt transects of 50-80 quadrats (5 x 5 m). Four... more
The response of Acanthaster planci or crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) to intracoelomic injection of hypersaline solutions was investigated to establish its potential application as A. planci population control especially during an... more
Le Sud du Maroc recèle un incomparable ensemble d'archives paléontologiques sur les premiers développements de la Vie durant près de 180 millions d'années. Au travers d'illustrations somptueuses, servies par un texte remarquablement... more
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Turkey is surrounded by four seas with different hydrographical characteristics and TSS (Çanakkale Strait, Sea of Marmara and İstanbul Strait) serve both as a biological corridor and barrier between the Aegean and Black Seas (Öztürk and... more
Hewan dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhannya akan energy (ATP) menyelenggarakan berbagai reaksi metabolisme, akan tetapi tidak hanya menghasilkan ATP dan zat-zat yang bermanfaat lainnya melainkan juga menghasilkan zat sisa, yang tidak... more
Acanthaster planci commonly known as crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) is a natural predator of hermatypic corals, and it controls fast growing corals like species of Acropora. However, when the density of COTS on a reef reaches such levels... more
Makalah tugas mata kuliah Biogeografi Organisme Laut
Plusieurs Lagerstätten à échinodermes ont été découverts au cours des dix dernières années dans l'Ordovicien supérieur de l'Anti-Atlas oriental (Tafilalt occidental, Maroc). Ces niveaux ont livré des assemblages particulièrement riches et... more
The site of Bou Nemrou, in the Western Tafilalt (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco) is one of the very few Konservat-Lagerstätten known so far in the world to have yielded numerous remains of Late Ordovician softbodied fossils associated with... more
"The sea cucumber Holothuria fuscocinerea is among the most common holothurian species widely distributed in the Tropical Eastern Pacific Region and is becoming a potentially important fishery in Mexico. Nevertheless, there are no studies... more
– A new solutan echinoderm, Pahvanticystis utahensis gen. et sp. nov. is described from the upper part of the Weeks Formation (Guzhangian). The Cambrian (Series 3) succession of the central House Range in western Utah documents the early... more
Echinoderms are a key element in the structure and function of their ecosystems. To study composition and distribution of echinoderms from northern (Blanquilla, Medio, Lobos and Blake) and southern (La Perla, Zapotitlan, Palo Seco and... more
Presently more than 1900 species of sea stars are recognized, of which 77 are recorded for the coast of Brazil. Although the first starfish record in Brazil was published 363 years ago, our knowledge of this fauna remains unsatisfactory... more
Knowledge of phylogenetic relationships among species is fundamental to understanding basic patterns in evolution and underpins nearly all research programs in biology and paleontology. However, most methods of phylogenetic inference... more
A major goal of biological classification is to provide a system that conveys phylogenetic relationships while facilitating lucid communication among researchers. Phylogenetic taxonomy is a useful framework for defining clades and... more
El erizo de mar Toxopneustes roseus se encuentra ampliamente distribuido a lo largo de la costa este del Pacífico tropical, desde México hasta el norte de Perú. El presente estudio tiene como propósito evaluar rasgos poblacionales de esta... more
Of the major deuterostome groups, the echinoderms with their multiple forms and complex development are arguably the most mysterious. Although larval echinoderms are bilaterally symmetric, the adult body seems to abandon the larval body... more
Four distinct echinoderm Lagerstätten have recently been discovered in the Upper Ordovician of the eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. They have yielded hundreds of exquisitely preserved specimens. Their taphonomy and associated lithology both... more
A guide for identification of the six species of Astropecten starfish from Mediterranean Sea by photography.
New examples of Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) parasitic exocysts on acrosaleniid echinoid tests are recorded from northern France. These exocysts can be attributed to the life activity of copepod crustaceans and are considered to have... more