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Доместикация и урбанизация часто отождествляются, так как равно считаются "приспособлением к человеку и созданной им искусственной среде обитания" (т.е. развитием синантропности). Проведённый анализ показывает ошибочность этого... more
Echinocactus platyacanthus es uno de los cactus más abundantes y ampliamente distribuidos en México. En este trabajo se comparó la estructura poblacional de esta especie en dos áreas con grado de accesibilidad contrastante dentro de la... more
The false stable fly, Muscina stabulans (Fallén), was surveyed along an urban-rural gradient at Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Samples were taken at monthly intervals from May 2005 to April 2007. Hourly captures of... more
The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semi-aquatic, generalist carnivore released onto Tierra del Fuego (TDF) Island in the 1940s, subsequently spreading to adjacent islands in the archipelago with potential effects on native prey... more
Reports of amphibian declines have highlighted the urgent need for long-term data sets to increase understanding of population changes. To detect population changes in the agile frog Rana dalmatina in Vendée, western France, counts were... more
Localities and sites of protected and endangered species Bellevalia romana (L.) Reichenb. (Hyacinthaceae) in Slovenia Nahajališča in rastišča zavarovane in prizadete vrste Bellevalia romana (L.)Reichenb. (Hyacinthaceae) v Sloveniji... more
Camera-trap surveys were carried out at two different sites within the Atlantic Forest of Misiones province, Argentina, to study the density, habitat use and activity patterns of ocelots. At Urugua-í Provincial Park, 17 different... more
"We have studied habitat isolation, resource availability and demographic parameters of 15 lion-tailed macaque groups in eight different rainforest fragments in the Anamalai Tiger Reserve, which are controlled by private (PF; n=4) and... more
Between 2004 and 2007, we studied density, habitat features and breeding parameters of the osprey (Pandion haliaetus) population in Boa Vista Island (Cape Verde). A total of 79 nest structures were identified, 37 of which were... more
Eucalyptus trees, which are native to Australia, are now a commercial resource worldwide, and planted forest cover in some African countries is often dominated by these trees. Here, we report, from Rwanda, the presence of Blastopsylla... more
Este livro inicia a série RAE-Clássicos coordenada pela RAE-revista de administração de empresas da FGV, que tem como objetivo proporcionar à comunidade acadêmica brasileira acesso a textos clássicos e de difícil acesso na área, como... more
Understanding the significance of butterflies in an ecosystem as an environmental healthy indicator and pollination of flowering plants is crucial to achieving sustainability and conservation of floral diversity. The aim of the study was... more
During the last thirty years the analysis of intraindustry structure has been a prolific line of investigation since a variety of views like industrial organization economics, strategic management, cognitive psychology, the resource-based... more
Global climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. Large-scale analyses have generally focused on the impacts of climate change on the geographic ranges of species and on phenology, the timing of ecological phenomena. We used... more
The Mediterranean sea is the frame; the growth of population is the body; the increase of trade between Europe and the Near East represents a reason to tighten relations with the Ottoman Empire, even if epidemically dangerous. From 1734... more
Taking inspiration from the archaeology of the Texas Coastal Plain (TCP), we develop an ecological theory of population distribution among mobile hunter-gatherers. This theory proposes that, due to the heterogeneity of resources in space... more
The present investigation entitled, "studies on succession and population dynamics of major Insect Pests of sesame" was carried out in the experimental field of all India Coordinated Research project on Sesame and Niger at Breeder seed... more
RESUMEN Se modeló la distribución potencial del gorgojo descortezador de pino para Honduras en cuatro escenarios climáticos siendo estos: clima caliente, clima frío, clima húmedo y frío y clima normal. Los resultados muestran que los... more
To conserve a rare plant, conservation programs must be guided by the biological attributes of the species. What constitutes the most critical biological information for plant conservation has been the issue of discussion for the last 30... more
Environmental problem is now a subject of serious international concern. These problems include atmospheric pollution, marine pollution, global warming, and ozone depletion, the danger of nuclear and other extra hazardous substances that... more
Эта книга может представлять интерес как для будущих и уже работающих биологов, так и для представителей точных наук. Для биологов --- чтобы не просто освоить логику, но освоить ее в применимой для их деятельности форме, чтобы задуматься... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
ABSTRAK Pedesaan Pantai Utara (Pantura) Indramayu sejak dulu dikenal sebagai daerah pertanian padi sawah yang subur dan lumbung padi nasional. Iklim yang sesuai, topografinya yang landai, dan pasokan air irigasi yang mengalir sepanjang... more