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The twelfth century was a period of significant development and change in the religious and secular world of Western Europe. One area of transition occurred in depictions of Christ’s crucifixion. In both writing and art, the triumphant... more
This is a study of two examples from the Abbasid age on a debate on the crucifixion of Jesus in the early dialogues between Christians and Muslims. It focuses specifically on how Timothy I and Theodore Abū Qurrah understand the Christian... more
Why did Jesus die? And in what ways did his crucifixion offer redemption to the world? Those questions, which lie at the heart of Christian faith, remain a pressing concern for theological reflection. Together, the two authors, a... more
Consideration of texts and Jerusalemite practice in the late Second Temple period urges a certain conclusion as  to the location of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus.
The Swoon Theory, or as it is sometimes called the Apparent-Death Theory asserts, that Christ did not die on the cross, but swooned or fell unconscious and was revived after being placed in the tomb. How this was achieved is under great... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
A close relationship exists between Jesus’ death on the cross and the fact that Jesus was a carpenter. Wood, from which the tool of Jesus’ execution was fashioned, was also the dominant element of the Son of God’s everyday experience. In... more
This research examines the apostle Peter’s life from the time Jesus called him into ministry until his death. A chronological approach to Peter’s travels clarifies his location at key places along his timeline. Key historical events,... more
This is the third chapter of my contextual introduction to the New Testament, From Crisis to Christ (Nashville, TN: 2014), 51-74. It was published on the Bible and Interpretation site, May 2015 as an example of my new approach to biblical... more
Qui Parle: Critical Humanities and Social Sciences
Volume 23, Number 1, Fall/Winter 2014
pp. 183-212
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
Three minute sermon delivered at Elim Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN, on Good Friday, 14 April 2017.
La prima parte della corrente tesi di laurea magistrale è stata ampliata e approfondita e utilizzata come punto di partenza per la stesura del libro La Crocifissione di Cristo tra arte, fede, e scienza Un'indagine sulla Passione di... more
Taking a cue from the African American Theologian James Cone, who argues that contemplating the crucifixion of Jesus makes possible a fuller understanding of Christian identity, white supremacist violence, and the legacy of slavery in the... more
Il supplizio come forma suprema della punizione ha percorso la storia dell'occidente dalle sue prime configurazioni antiche fino al suo tramonto come spettacolo pubblico nel corso del XIX secolo. Questo studio si propone di indagare la... more
The Vatican pilgrim casket (sometimes referred to as the Sancta Sanctorum pilgrim box), containing relics from the Holy Land, reveals important changes in the history of devotional art. In revisiting the increasing use since late... more
Recently the walking, talking cross in the Gospel of Peter has been interpreted as a popular belief or a common apocalyptic motif, irrelevant for understanding the gospel’s christology. I argue that the animated cross should be understood... more
The Gentle Answer to the Muslim Accusation of Biblical Falsification was published in 2015 as a friendly appeal to Muslim readers to reconsider any prohibitions to reading the Bible and an invitation to Muslims to "read and reason"... more
Ausgabe: April/2016 Spalte: 329-331 Kategorie: Bibelwissenschaft Autor/Hrsg.: Cook, John Granger Titel/Untertitel: Crucifixion in the Mediterranean World. Verlag: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2014. XXIV, 522 S. = Wissenschaftliche... more
"THE CRUCIFIX OF POZZUOLI Gino Fusco [roughly translated by "Google translate"] Scholars working on a graffiti via Pergolesi: the oldest evidence of a torture similar to that inflicted on Jesus The crucifix of Pozzuoli "It remember... more
New archaeological evidence of a crucified man in Cambridgeshire, England, confirms burial of victims of crucifixion.
I was blessed to be able to attend Sunday School at a young age. My Chinese father was a Buddhist and my mother, of Chinese, Spanish and Filipino descent, was a Roman Catholic. Although they were nonChristians then, they allowed me,... more
My Huffington Post review of the fifth CNN "Finding Jesus" episode (03/31/2015); while relics of the cross of Jesus came to be proliferated during the Byzantine era and later during the Crusades, most of these relics are dated later using... more
Studiosi al lavoro su un graffito a via Pergolesi: la più antica testimonianza di un supplizio simile a quello inflitto a Gesù IL CROCIFISSO DI POZZUOLI «Ricorda la Sindone e fa conoscere le tecniche dell’epoca, Puteoli ancor di più... more
Sentiamo una donna gridare. I suoi bambini sono piccoli e tranquilli nei giubbottini e giocano tra loro, fratellino e sorellina, a rincorrersi. Fila alla cassa, kebab e moretti. Non si trovano le valigie: non si trovano, le hanno prese,... more
A cutting taken from a luxurious early fifteenth-century Venetian choir book depicts what some scholars have referred to as a ‘scene of sacrilege,’ or a ‘scene of iconoclasm’ (Musée de Cluny, Cl. 22713). The choir book, to which this... more
Thank you for the feedback. I hope you read it in full. My research scope was Christianity bound. Christianity serves as a perfect example of the intended purpose. The publication focuses on the criticism of idolatry within Christendom,... more
Store dele af den moderne evangelieforskning såvel som den nutidige debat i kirken kan føres tilbage til, hvordan vi skal forstå de to helt centrale begreber i evangelierne: Gudsriget og korset. Er det sådan som det teoretisk set er... more
Violence nestles cozily and intimately at the very heart of the Christian story. From the execution of a Jewish man named Jesus through the Pauline letters, passion narratives, and martyrologies, violence appears at the crux of what came... more
Punishment and Restitution: Ancient Near East, Hebrew Bible, Greco-Roman world, New Testament, and Rabbinic Literature
Apresentação introdutória da figura de Jesus de Nazaré no Corão e na tradição islâmica, com ênfase especial para seu papel no processo de interação entre cristãos e muçulmanos ao fim do primeiro milênio da era cristã. Jesus de Nazaré é um... more
I maintain that 1 Corinthians represents Paul’s written attempt at imparting the identity and vocation which arise from knowing Christ crucified. Paul uses his own self-portrayal, as an extension of embodying the gospel with his life, to... more
The Dream of the Rood constitutes one of the most intriguing products of Old English literature, both in terms of its highly imaginative, heroicised depiction of Christ and the Cross and on account of its numerous Christian and... more
Б. А. Успенский Никодимово евангелие и культ св. Лонгина Культ св. Лонгина в западной и восточной христианской традиции обнаруживает существенные отличия. На христианском Востоке, прежде всего в греческой традиции, под Лонгином... more
Documentary maker Simcha Jacobovici has said of two nails in his possession: "...the nails of Jesus’ crucifixion have been identified – and there’s still bone residue and slivers of ironized wood adhering to the nails!" In this essay... more
In this article, I will discuss several aspects of Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ” including its graphic violence, its anti-Jewish tendencies, and its sources. In particular, I will show that an important feature of the... more