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In this report, we will discuss how the products from the Coca-Cola Company are produced and distributed, as well as talking about the procedures throughout the process. We will also address the sustainability policy that “Coca-Cola”... more
coca cola markasının tarihçesi ve bazı reklam stratejisinden bahsedilmiştir. Pazarlama karması ve swot analizi ön çalışması yapılmıştır.
Análisis estratégico de la empresa Coca Cola Company en el entorno económico de España, analizando su situación actual, para poder proponer soluciones y otras estrategias.
Brand Personality Analysis for Coca-Cola, The Ritz Carlton & New York City
As the leading beverages company in the world, Coca Cola almost monopolizes the entire carbonated beverages segment. Beside it, Coca Cola also maintain their reputation as the leading company in the world using PESTLE analysis so that... more
Introduction In extent literature works, brand is labeled as the most valuable intangible asset to a firm's development, for it is not just a name, a logo for customers to recall when they think of a specific product category. Most... more
The Coca-Cola Company was first established in 1886 by Dr. John Stitch Pemberton. Today the company is the world’s leading manufacturer in the beverage industry, operating globally in more than 200 countries with its head office located... more
Strategi dan taktik pemasaran gerilya dengan menggunakan berbagai alternatif senjata pemasaran yang paling efektif. Ketika sebuah perusahaan memilih untuk menggunakan pemasaran gerilya, mereka berharap untuk menjangkau konsumen mereka di... more
Marketing hinges on brand identity. If the identity is strongly tied to a particular country, how do you effectively engage foreign markets? The Coca-Cola company has effectively leveraged their buying propositions in two countries in... more
La eficacia de la escena enunciativa de las leyendas urbanas, englobadas en lo que se llama “folklore post-industrial” y “folklore digital”, a pesar de sus diferencias, está supeditada a un juego de significados y contra-significados en... more
1. Istoricul campaniei 2. Publicul tinta 3. Mesajul cheie 4.Obiectivele și strategia campaniei „Share a Coke”. 4.1 Obiectivele campaniei Coca Cola „Share a Coke”. 4.2 Strategiile campaniei Coca Cola „Share a Coke”. 4.2.1. Dezvoltare... more
This study will tried to point out main information about Coca Cola corporation generally.
Na última década um ritual ganhou notoriedade durante as celebrações de Natal no Vale do Itajaí. Esta celebração, de origem “alemã”, tem como personagem principal o Pelznickel, um presenteador que premia os bons e ameaça de punir as... more
Coca-Cola Company resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Its trade mark was registered in March 27, 1944. The beverage “Coca-Cola” is often referred simply as coke. This is a case study which analyzes their mission and set of goals. I've discussed... more
Esta presentación tiene por objetivo exponer dos esquemas básicos sobre el desarrollo de las estrategias empresariales, a fin de ofrecer al ejecutivo empresarial un paquete de alternativas para la toma de decisiones de la alta dirección;... more
La evolución de la publicidad se ha producido paralelamente al de las TIC. De este modo, la publicidad se insertó rápidamente en Internet y, en la actualidad, lo ha hecho en las nuevas plataformas on line en auge: las redes sociales. El... more
Coca-Cola is the largest retailer of beverages in the world with market share of 24 percent, and is the brand of choice all over the world. There are many reasons behind the success. The Distribution strategy adopted by Coca Cola is one... more
Resumen de " En el principio todo el mundo era América " de Meek Roland El autor toma en cuenta cuatro estudios para de construirlos y analizarlos de acuerdo al contexto en el que cada uno fue escrito, el primer comentario que hace acerca... more
La palabra Keyword hace referencia al término que se introduce en un motor de búsqueda, para ser tenido en cuenta para varios efectos. Primero, el titular del registro de una dirección de URL podrá conseguir que los usuarios busquen y... more
This project was made within the framework of  "Customer Journey Management", professor S.Kaperonis @ AUEB
«Sin pasarse de la raya» traza la genealogía de la normalización de los consumos de drogas en el contexto español, desde sus inicios en las pistas de baile de finales de los ochenta hasta la actualidad. A raíz de la difusión de drogas,... more
Teenagers and young adults are increasingly using social networks as a means to interact and participate in constructing a multiple speech. Companies take direct options with followers in networks and use these virtual structures to... more
In this article, we want to do a structural analysis over Coca-Cola and Pepsi, McDonalds and Burger king advertisements through semiotics and alignment theory. We tend to investigate their identity forming procedures. Having this... more
This is a paper on both Advertisement and Culture; how advertisement changes in based on the culture of the country where the company is in. I've used different advertisements of Coca-Cola in different location on different occasion so it... more