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The need to achieve stability and security in Europe has been a core motivation for European Union actors in their decision in favour of enlargement, calling for new measures to advance the enlargement pro-cess. EU leaders have often... more
Leonardelli, Pickett, Joseph and Hess integrate Brewer’s (1991) optimal distinctiveness theory with the nested categorical context typically descriptive of an organization’s internal structure, where individuals belong to groups... more
Research indicates that cultures differ in the ways they approach social conflicts, with Japanese being more motivated to maintain interpersonal harmony and avoid conflicts than Americans. Such cultural differences have developmental... more
This article reports a meta-analysis of 82 studies assessing the relationship between social value orientation (SVO) and cooperation in social dilemmas. A significant and small to medium effect size was found (r = .30). Results supported... more
Male reproductive cooperation is rare in nature: expectations from evolutionary theory suggest that males should be competitors for reproductive opportunities and provide little parental care. Counter to this expectation, in cooperatively... more
How effective are rewards (for cooperation) and punishment (for noncooperation) as tools to promote cooperation in social dilemmas, or situations when immediate self-interest and longer-term collective interest conflict? And what... more
Amongst the most researched solutions to social dilemmas is communication. Since the late 1950’s, it has been well known that communication enhances cooperation in social dilemmas. This paper reports a meta-analysis of this literature (45... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book summary in downloadable .doc] Our instincts—for food, sex, or territorial protection— evolved for life on the savannah 10,000 years ago, not in today’s world of densely populated... more
Even though I coordinate an adolescent leadership training program based on cooperative values, I realized that I meant something different with these two words – cooperative leadership. The program was not only about acquiring values,... more
Social scientists and folk views have long had it that there is an association between religiosity and prosocial behaviour, but hard evidence for such a relationship is limited. Studies show that religiosity is correlated with... more
Norenzayan et al. propose that Big God (BG) religions are large group cooperative enterprises that promote internal harmony and higher fertility, resulting in “mutually beneficial exchanges” for those involved. We examine the possible... more
The explication of altruistic behavior in primates remains complex. Gregarious, socially complex primates are characterized by a diverse array of social behavior patterns with seemingly altruistic behavior being relatively commonplace.... more
While inter-personal conflicts have attracted much attention from scholars and practitioners over the last two decades, our understanding of inter-organizational conflicts remains limited. This paper critically assesses current literature... more
This paper serves international water conflict resolution efforts by examining the ways that states contest hegemonic transboundary water arrangements. The conceptual framework of dynamic transboundary water interaction that it presents... more
The book is structured like a dictionary and as such presents 23 short contributions, each with a different topic and an author’s profile and disciplinary perspective. All letters aim to show how diverse, rich and old is the co-operative... more
Recent years have witnessed an increased number of game-theoretic approaches to social norms, which apparently share some common vocabulary and methods. We describe three major approaches of this kind (due to Binmore, Bicchieri and... more
The organizers are seeking papers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and theoretical approaches addressing one or more of the following topics: Prehistoric/historic/contemporary warfare, ritual violence, biodiversity, natural... more
Although cooperation between groups is not unusual, most forms of human cooperation are in-group bounded and, sometimes, motivated by the desire to ward-off and subordinate rivaling out-groups. Building on evolutionary perspectives and... more
Previous research has found that some people suppress their emotions when making a sacrifice for their relationship partner – and that this can reduce relationship satisfaction. We suggest that trust in one’s partner determines who... more
""Abstract Investigations of the evolutionary dynamics of cooperation and collective action provide productive venues for theorizing social complexity, yet this multidisciplinary scholarship contains analytical and epistemological... more
This file contains the PowerPoint slides I used for my presentation of my paper, "A Complex Systems Landscape: Recognizing What's Important in World History," which I presented at the recent World History Association Conference in Bilbao,... more
Although theory suggests individuals are more willing to incur a personal cost to benefit in-group members, compared to out-group members, there is inconsistent evidence in support of this perspective. Applying meta-analytic techniques,... more
Paper for the World History Association conference, Bilbao, Spain, 23-25 June 2022, as part of session D1, Databases for World Historical Information about Distance, Mobility, and Migration (Friday, 24 June, 16.30-18.00). This paper... more
In this paper it is proposed that a central topic of inquiry in the study of social knowledge should be the clarification of the conditions of communication that are likely to lead to the attainment of knowledge rather than to the... more
We argue that recent game theoretic approaches to social norms differ on some fundamental issues, our focus being on recent accounts by Ken Binmore and Cristina Bicchieri. After a brief introduction, we present the deepest cause for their... more
The central contention of this article holds that scholars do not adequately assess and explain the influence of transboundary security issues ongovernment behaviour. Their assessment is not adequate becausethey do not fully conceptualize... more
This paper discusses the distinct meanings of internalization and interiorization as ways of rendering intelligible the social constitution of the psychological in a line of research that started with Piaget and extended into a... more
RESUMO: Este artigo busca debater a política externa de Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014) em relação à União de Nações Sul-Americanas (UNASUL). Averígua-se o direcionamento que o Brasil procurou estabelecer a partir do aumento do escopo das... more
In investigating Dewey’s theory of the Great community, it is important to first examine closely Dewey’s theory of scientific inquiry and show how it evades the spectator theory of knowledge common to all modern epistemologies as closed... more
Ideas about nonhuman primates have long been used to talk about human gender and aggression. Due to phylogenetic relatedness and popular conceptions of similarities, behavioral studies of nonhuman primates have a much greater impact on... more
This briefing paper examines the challenges of cooperation and rivalry between major international organizations. By drawing on the EU-UN and EU-NATO dyads, it seeks to identify core conditions for a more successful, effective and... more
The paper argues that kinship ties and sharing information on violent acts can be interpreted as forms of ‘hostage-taking’ likely to increase cooperation among co-offenders. The paper tests this hypothesis among members of two criminal... more
Although humans strive to be wise, they often fail to do so when reasoning over issues that have profound personal implications. Here we test the hypothesis that psychological distance enhances wise reasoning, attitudes and behavior under... more
Report on the TECT Conference at the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 15-18 September 2009. Conference title: “Evolution of Cooperation: Models and Theories”; prepared especially for the... more
The aim of this article is to analyse the reasons behind continuity and change in Turkey’s relations with Russia and to question the limits of cooperation between the two nations by using historical and current developments as cases. The... more