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US Central Americans are destabilizing, reconceiving, and revitalizing the US Latina/o canon, and in doing so, they are forcing us to reconsider hegemonic ideas about Latinidad. The cultural production of Latinos/as of Central American... more
Este Dossier es el resultado del encuentro y trabajo conjunto entre investigadores de México, Centroamérica y Argentina interesados en analizar los procesos sociopolíticos centroamericanos a partir de un eje problemático compartido:... more
During the 1990s and 2000s, a policy known as Education with Community Participation (EDUCO) not only became the cornerstone of education reform in El Salvador but also became a global education policy, one which is known for... more
To quantify the costs and benefits of three HIV prevention interventions in migrants in Central America: voluntary counseling and testing, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, and condom distribution. The methods were: a)... more
In dem Beitrag werden die Möglichkeiten und Erkenntnisgewinne einer transdisziplinären Verschränkung der analytischen Kategorien "Raum" und "Diskurs", insbesondere für die kulturwissenschaftliche Stadt- und... more
This article examines visual images of the Pan American Highway, focusing on photographs and maps from the late 1930s to the early 1960s as a means to explore the crucial role of imperial visuality in constituting, representing, and... more
Este artículo compara dos momentos de la producción cinemática centroamericana mediante un análisis de dos películas: Alsino y el cóndor (1982), del director chileno Miguel Littín, y El camino (2007), de la directora costarricense Ishtar... more
"They Have Fired Her Again" is the English translation of "La han despedido de nuevo," first published in El Salvador in 2005. The novella tells the story of Lourdes, a recent immigrant from Central America juggling a series of jobs in... more
This article examines the everyday lives of Nicaraguan immigrants in Costa Rica to understand the temporal aspects of illegality produced by immigration law. Two sets of temporary measures highlight the temporality of both law and... more
This short article seeks to explain the FMLN's electoral debacle in the February 2019 presidential elections. From the series "Ethnographic Explainers: Contemporary Latin American Politics."
Crisol de las principales corrientes en el arte contemporáneo y zona de encuentro y desencuentro entre las expresiones artísticas tradicionales y contestarias, los setentas marcaron un antes y un después en la historia del arte... more
A brief relation of the situation of the Emerald Hummingbird (Amazilia Luciae) as an endangered specie endemic to Honduras, in Central America. Threats and protection strategies.
A review of the literature since 2009 reveals a staggering health and economic burden resulting from neglected tropical diseases in Panama and the six countries of Central America (referred to collectively here as 'Central... more
Un documento que resumen varios estudios sobre el diseño y la implementación de Miles de Manos, GIZ/PREVENIR.
Hunting presents a paradox for biodiversity conservation. It is both a problem and a solution to species declines and poverty. Yet, conservation scientists hold different assumptions about the significance and sustainability of hunting... more
This article takes anticorruption activism as a starting point for analyzing how young activists unequally experience the inequalities produced by corruption, as well as the bureaucratic and financial weight of anticorruption and audit... more
Resumen El Terremoto de Limón (Ms = 7.5) se presentó el 22 de abril de 1991 y tuvo su epicentro en las coordenadas 9.685 N y-83.073 W. El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la relación de los procesos detonados por el sismo en... more
This study aims to compare the political systems in Central America from a historical perspective. Here, Central America is considered as a very diverse region in experiences and quality of democracy; Costa Rica is the most successful,... more
Electronic catalogue of the exhibition
When things fall apart: Critical voices on the radars.
Trapholt Museum, Denmark. February 2016
While much of the historical literature on FAO has adopted a headquarter perspective, this article examines FAO's nutrition activities in Central America from the vantage point of a field worker stationed in the region during the 1950s.... more
Based on the work of the Global Water Initiative (GWI)1 in Central America from 2007 to 2012, this brief provides analysis and recommendations for improving the quality of water services in the region. It synthesizes our lessons learned... more
After the 1992 Peace Accords, El Salvador has developed initiatives to improve the education system. However, considering the SDG4 and Education 2030 Agenda, the country still faces challenges in terms of education access, quality and... more
En este texto se expone, con base en numerosos estudios, un análisis de la evolución, costumbres y contexto de las pandillas latinoamericanas, que han definido su lugar en distintos espacios urbanos posicionándose mediante la violencia, y... more
Durante las décadas de 1990 y 2000, una política conocida como Educación con Participación de la comunidad (EDUCO) se convirtió no solo en la piedra angular de la reforma educativa en El Salvador, sino además se convirtió en una política... more