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Lifestyle factors (eg, smoking, diet) and compliance with screening recommendations play a role in cancer risk, and emerging technologies (eg, new vaccines, genetic testing) hold promise for improved risk management. However, optimal... more
American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) experience significant cancer disparities. To inform future public health efforts, a web-based needs assessment survey collected quantitative and qualitative data from AI/AN community health... more
Background: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men globally, constituting the sixth leading cause of cancer related death in males, and the eleventh leading cause of death from cancer in all age groups. In Jordan,... more
Page 1. REFLECTIONS What a Difference One Person Can Make: A Tribute to Mary P. Lovato Linda Burhansstipanov & Joseph O'Donnell & Roberta Paisano & Linda U. Krebs & Judith Salmon Kaur &... more
La revista MyS (Mujeres y Salud) es editada por el programa Mujer, Salud y Calidad de Vida del Centro de Análisis y Programas Sanitarios (CAPS). MyS cultiva el arte de ofrecer información científica rigurosa y de actualidad en lenguaje... more
Breast cancer awareness campaigns are the major strategy used by public institutions and private organizations to empower women about breast cancer. Yet, drawing on my own research and observations as an academic and activist over the... more
Cancer, and the complex nature of treatment, has a profound impact on lives of patients and their families. Subsequently, cancer patients have a wide range of needs. This study aims to identify and synthesise cancer patients’ views about... more
Pacific Islander (PI) populations of Southern California experience high obesity and low physical activity levels. Given... more
Background. Increasing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening is a public health goal. We hypothesized that non-compliant, average risk women would demonstrate low levels of CRC knowledge and underestimate their CRC risk. Methods. Participants... more
Preparing healthy community members with timely communications prior to engaging them in a request to donate biospecimens promises to improve the experience of biobanking participation. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted to... more