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Millions of unwanted pets enter animal shelters each year in the USA, but only a portion leave alive. Previous research has found that morphology and in-kennel behavior influence adoption. The current study evaluated whether any behaviors... more
All farmed animals, are regarded as sentient beings so their welfare is a matter of much public concern. Positive and negative aspects of the welfare of animals during transport should be assessed using a range of behavioural,... more
Dossier de Presentación del Programa Viopet VioPet es un programa que acoge temporal o definitivamente a los animales domésticos de víctimas de la violencia familiar. Esta iniciativa surge desde GEVHA (Grupo para el Estudio de la... more
Abstract: This paper explores consumer understanding and perception of organic food, with specific reference to the relatively new concept of organic farmed salmon. Key themes associated with the term “organic” and its meaning, as... more
The issue of using animals for research raises many concerns for Buddhists. Buddhism recognizes that all sentient life shares the same fundamental consciousness but also recognizes a difference in the ability of a species to express that... more
Modern-day zoos and aquariums market themselves as places of education and conservation. A recent study conducted by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) (Falk et al., 2007) is being widely heralded as the first direct evidence... more
The purpose of this research was to document the alleged underrepresentation of African Americans employed in U.S. nonhuman animal welfare organizations. A telephone survey of 32 animal welfare organizations yielded responses from 13 with... more
Ahmed Khan, the author of the book being reviewed here, is the editor of CellAgri (, a news and research startup which he founded in 2017 with the goal of making it the go-to place for information on cellular agriculture.... more
ABSTRACT Social relationships guide humans’ and great apes’ behaviors with conspecifics. Inter-individual relationships, based on shared social history, guide behaviors with familiar others; “generalized” relationships, based on the... more
In view of recent developments in human-animal relations, vets and ethicists face a new problem: On the one hand, animals such as mammals and birds are used extensively and are in danger to be reduced to mere production units e. g. in the... more
Notre rapport juridique avec les animaux a-t-il changé depuis la réforme du droit animalier de 2015 ? Le Code civil du Québec établit clairement que les animaux ne sont pas des biens mais des êtres doués de sensibilité. De plus, la Loi... more
This paper sets out to examine the facts behind the trade of long distance transportation of cattle. In particular it looks at the various welfare implications during handling and transport with examples from research work on cattle. The... more
The current study was performed to understand the level of sound produced by ventilated racks, animal transfer stations, and construction equipment that mice in ventilated cages hear relative to what humans would hear in the same... more
According to the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities, 53,786 horses raced flat in the US, 30,271 in Australia and 22,995 in Japan in 2013 alone.(1) Horse racing is a lucrative business with $682,811,690 in prize money... more
Extraterritorial jurisdiction stands at the juncture of international law and animal law and promises to open a path to understanding and resolving the global problems that challenge the core of animal law. As corporations have relocated... more
The paper [in Polish] analyzes ethical aspects of invasive species extermination. It confronts two perspectives: conservation biology and animal welfare, which create a discourse around this problem. We advocate for including welfarist... more