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We describe the development of web-based software that facilitates large-scale, crowdsourced image extraction and annotation within image-heavy corpora that are of interest to the digital humanities. An application of this software is... more
Topic detection with large and noisy data collections such as social media must address both scalability and accuracy challenges. KeyGraph is an efficient method that improves on current solutions by considering keyword cooccurrence. We... more
Offline cursive script recognition and their associated issues are still fresh despite of last few decades’ research. This paper presents an annotated comparison of proposed and recently published preprocessing techniques with reported... more
We present a general model and information server for the digital annotation of printed documents. The resulting annotation framework supports both informal and structured annotations as well as context-dependent services. A demonstrator... more
The automatic annotation of medical images is a prerequisite for building comprehensive semantic archives that can be used to enhance evidence-based diagnosis, physician education, and biomedical research. Annotation also has important... more
Legal texts play an essential role in the organisation, be it public or private where each actor must be aware of, and comply with regulations. However, because of the difficulties of the legal domain, the actors prefer to rely on the... more
The paper discusses the issues faced while evaluating the different aspects of mapping language specific data onto the IMAGACT interface. The paper is a result of working on the IMAGACT project under the supervision of Prof. Girish Nath... more
The nature and extent of the demand for research capable workers, is a topic of intense concern locally and internationally. With around 60% of graduates in Australia finding employment outside of academia on graduation, PhD programs are... more
New social annotation practices have the potential to become a “signature pedagogy” (Shulman 2005) for educators in literary studies, because social annotation encapsulates both the expected learning outcomes and the underlying value... more
An updated, expanded description of the JDPA Sentiment Corpus, which will appear in the upcoming Handbook of Linguistic Annotation.
Zeyrek, D , Demirşahin, I., Sevdik-Çallı, A. B., Çakıcı, R. (2013). Turkish Discourse Bank: Porting a discourse annotation style to a morphologically rich language. Dialog & Discourse 4 (2) pp. 174-184. This paper describes the current... more
This paper presents a project for the creation of an ontology-encoded version of the “Fontes” by Giuseppe Lugli, one of the most important collections of sources for the study of the topography of ancient Rome. Only seven volumes of the... more
This article explores ways of using digital methods for analyzing texts in academic teaching with the aim of promoting discussions about the theory and methodology of interpretation. In a first step, some relevant distinctions and topics... more
The paper describes the experience of the MCCA research group with regards to the interoperability of Folker, ELAN and Praat computer programmes for multimodal linguistic annotation, describing the reasons for choosing them instead of... more
This research is an annotated translation. The problems of this research are: (1) What are the difficulties encountered by the researcher/translator during the process of translation? (2) How are those difficulties solved? The aims of... more
"The paper describes common principles for annotating communicative macro episodes in the ORD corpus of Russian everyday speech, which takes into account different types and conditions of spoken communication. The paper provides concise... more
This paper outlines our experiences with applying collaborative tagging in e-learning systems to supplement more traditional metadata gathering approaches. Over the last 10 years, the learning object paradigm has emerged in e-learning and... more
This thesis critically compares dance notation systems and annotation practices, explaining why we might want to look more closely at their technological conditions and how we may do so by drawing from media theory. Accordingly, this... more
A szövegeket kiegészítő annotációk digitális reneszánszát éljük. Tézisem szerint a digitális annotáció - amely a saját megismerésünk eszköze - a közösségi tudásunk hordozója. Dolgozatomban először Gutenberg-galaxisban lefektetett... more
Close reading describes a set of procedures and methods that distinguishes the scholarly apprehension of textual material from the more prosaic reading practices of everyday life. Its origins and ancestry are rooted in the exegetical... more
Alberto MONTANER, «Don Sancho de Azpetia, escudero vizcaíno (Quijote, I, VIII-IX)», Emblemata: Revista Aragonesa de Emblemática [ISSN 1137-1056], vol. X (2004), pp. 215-332.
Over the past three decades, the history of reading has become an increasingly lively field of scholarship. Important case studies have documented the freedom that individual readers have enjoyed in handling their books. On a structural... more
Discussing the study of translation as it relates to various disciplines, from comparative literature to philosophy and stylistics, in this paper I examine the philological and translatory practice of Vladimir Nabokov. Specifically, I... more
The process of transcribing and annotating non-manual features presents challenges for sign language researchers. This paper describes the approach used by our research team to integrate the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) with the... more
What exactly has changed in the production of secondary school English over the last decade? To provide one part of an answer to that question, this paper takes the practice of annotation—a defining activity of the subject English in the... more
Low-resource languages present enormous NLP opportunities likewise varying degrees of difficulties. This thesis focuses on supplementing the newly-released Yorùbá Dependency Treebank (YTB) through manual annotation of some parts of the... more
Since the verbs are the most important grammatical category in a language and actions, activities and states are denoted with the help of them, the goal of this project is to study the different meanings of verb "gereftan" and show the... more
In the article, we will present our experiences with, and problems that we came across while, working on a multilingual corpus of speech data (Polish and German) and conducting a pragmalinguistic and suprasegmental analysis of it.... more
The present study entitled “Linguistic Annotation of Malayalam Speech Corpus” is a study on the annotating the Malayalam speech data collected from the informants of the various district of Kerala, who are the natives speakers of... more
IntEnz is the name for the Integrated relational Enzyme database and is the official version of the Enzyme Nomenclature. The Enzyme Nomenclature comprises recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Bio... more
Una serie di linee guida per l'annotazione manuale degli enunciati nominali (o frasi senza verbo) in un corpus di testi dialogici informali scaricati dal web. Queste linee guida tengono conto della varietà di forme degli enunciati... more