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Enclosed is the syllabus and course notes from the upper division course I teach in PostModernism and Post-Marxist Critical Theory. It occurs to me that some of these essays--ranging from Horkheimer and Adorno, Baudrillard, Foucault, and... more
Puts 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' in an historical context and shows hows the concept of 'mimesis' prefigures more recent cognitive interest in the emotional foundations of human knowledge and human interaction. The paper builds bridges... more
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
Die sechs Jahre der sowjetischen Perestroika zwischen 1985 und 1991 stellen eine krisenhafte Umbruchszeit dar, in der der Wandel von Bevölkerung und politischer Elite bewusst erlebt und aktiv gestaltet wurde. In dieser speziellen Periode... more
Abstract: This article addresses shortcomings in the way that philosophers and cultural critics have considered propaganda by offering a new genealogical account. Looking at figures such as Marx, Adorno, Marcuse, Habermas, Bourdieu, and... more
Die meisten von Theodor W. Adornos zentralen Thesen zu Faschismus und Antisemitismus finden sich in der mit Max Horkheimer verfassten Dialektik der Aufklärung (1944). Dort sind sie meist sehr theoretisch und in aphoristischen Höhenflügen... more
Il movimento della cosiddetta riabilitazione della filosofia pratica, nato in Germania agli inizi degli anni Sessanta con la formula di Rehabilitierung der praktischen Philosophie, si connota come un movimento di rinascita dell’interesse... more
Mitos y referencias culturales en el film El viaje de Chihiro, de Hayao Miyazaki (2001) Autora: Lic. en Artes Camila Sabeckis El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar el concepto de mito desde el punto de vista de diferentes... more
A research project on the importance and validity of Adorno's/Horkheimer's "Kulturindustrie" for today's fashion industry. The manipulative forces of media, described by Adorno and Horkheimer in the 1940s, have switched to consumer goods.... more
"The mausolea of communist leaders, a major component of Stalinist symbolic politics, are still shrouded in mystery. Some are destroyed, like Dimitrov’s in Sofia, Gottwald’s in Prague and Neto’s in Luanda. The Lenin mausoleum in Moscow is... more
At first, the Russian Formalists overlapped with Frankfurt School theoreticians, such as Horkheimer and Adorno, in criticizing the mechanization of life, clichéd art being one of its manifestations. Soon, however, the Formalists got... more
Powerpoint on Frankfurt School. It is a two hours lecture give at The University of Turku in 18.11. 2015. Lecture belongs to the serie called "Classics of Political Thought".
Dieser Aufsatz stellt eine Analyse der nationalsozialistischen Subjektivität vor und stützt sich dafür auf eine Interpretation der »Freiheit zum Tode« aus Martin Heideggers Sein und Zeit. Meine These ist, dass in dieser philosophischen... more
This book reassesses Primo Levi’s Holocaust texts in light of the posthumanist theories of Adorno, Levinas, Lyotard, and Foucault which together critique humanist notions of subjectivity, ethics, culture, and science. I argue that Levi... more
Séminaire Généalogies de la modernité : textes clés et approches critiques Raffaele Carbone De la Dialectique de la raison à la Terminologie philosophique : Horkheimer et Adorno interprètes de Spinoza 16 mars 2022, 18h30 USIC, 18 rue de... more
The literature on populism used to depict the phenomenon as an alternative to the standard path from traditional to modern society, as a way to enfranchise the underclass, or as an anomaly vis-à-vis class politics and liberal... more
The book makes a critical comparison of fundamental trends in modern epistemology with the epistemological concerns of critical theory of the Frankfurt School. It comprises five chapters, which refer to phenomenology, structuralism and... more
The Majority of the papers in the present volume are the result of a series of seminars which took place between autumn 2007 and spring 2009 at the Department of the History of Eastern Europe at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, headed... more
Update: If you'd like to watch an accurate, funny, and brief take on Eco-Nihilism, please go to #wisecrack on Youtube: Did South Park Turn Anti-Capitalist, where the central argument from Eco-Nihilism is quoted at several junctures:... more
However much we appreciate the enormous scientific contribution by Professor Ronald Inglehart, who initiated the international data collection of the World Values Survey, our re-analysis of the very World Values Survey data [“roll-outs”... more
Joseph Stalin (1879–1953), originally Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, until he adopted "Stalin" ("man of steel") as a nom de guerre while editing Pravda. As the leader of the USSR from 1924 to 1953, he outmaneuvered and liquidated all... more
El presente artículo se confronta con la cuestión de cómo cabe valorar la aportación de la Escuela de Fráncfort desde nuestros días. Para ello, en primer lugar, distingue conceptualmente entre Escuela de Fráncfort y teoría crítica,... more
This paper explains how Horkheimer and Adorno came to understand Enlightenment as totalitarian, illustrated by five examples of possible totalitarianism. It concludes by drawing a line between the totalitarianism of Enlightenment and... more
El propósito de este curso es desarrollar las problemáticas fundamentales de la Filosofía de la técnica, partiendo de las teorías propuestas por Carl Mitcham y Andrew Feenberg. Ambos autores serán los disparadores para repensar y poner... more
This paper provides a reading of Michael Taussig's concept of Mastery of Non Mastery (MONM). I complicate Horkheimer and Adorno's binary between human and nature with the introduction of late 21st century technologies.
The paper presents a brief description of the situation of sport in Poland. The first part focuses on the legacy from state socialism. It concerns both the impact of Stalinism on sport in Poland (1949- 1956), and the rest of the... more
In this chapter I offer a critical re-reading of the Frankfurt School’s concept of culture industry by arguing that this concept can only be understood in connection with the goals of critical theory [1] as a theory of society, [2] as an... more