Celebrate the University of Dundee's 50th anniversary by helping us choose 50 favourite items from the University Archives.

Of the thousands of fascinating documents, photographs, plans and maps we look after, we're searching for just 50 that we can call favourites. Each item has a different meaning to different people - we're hoping you will tell us which items are special to you. Everyone is welcome to take part.

If you know what your favourite item is, let us know by email archives@dundee.ac.uk, call us on 01382 384095, tweet us or send us a message. Just tell us who you are, what your favourite item is and why you chose it.

‌If you don't have a favourite item yet, why don't you visit us and have a look through the collections?

Or have a look through our albums on Flickr at goo.gl/ZKnaL5 and the galleries at Exhibitions

We'll be featuring the 50 favourite items and who chose them on these pages, so check back and see the 50 Favourites Collection grow.
