Official Web Pages

Official pages have a "base" URL in one of the following formats: e.g.

The University of Dundee is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, data, wording or graphics ("Material") on the web site and the Material is not provided for any specific or general purpose and any third party to who any such Material is passed should be made aware of this. No reliance should be placed on the Material by the user without specialist advice.

The University reserves the right to make changes to the site without notice.


Unless otherwise stated all intellectual property rights (including without limitation copyright, registered and unregistered trade marks and database rights) are the sole property of the University of Dundee.


University of Dundee takes the privacy of your information very seriously and respects browser settings for privacy control.


Why do we use them?

To help improve this site we may place small data files, known as cookies, onto your computer.

Our cookies aren’t used to identify you personally. They’re just used to make the site work better for you. They do this by:

  • remembering how you like things displayed
  • measuring how you use the website so we can make sure it meets your needs
  • ensuring the website works properly
  • improving navigation

Types of cookies used on our website

  • First Party Cookies are cookies our website places on your device.
  • Third Party Cookies are set by a domain other than the one you are visiting.
  • Temporary Session Cookies track you during a browsing session. The session ends when you close the browser window.
  • Persistent Cookies will stay on your device after you close your web browser. They remember your preferences when you access our site again. 

How and where we use cookies

First party cookies


Enable you to move around the website and use its features, such as accessing secure areas. 

Cookie NameExpiration TimeDetails
user_id End of browsers sessions When using for course search - contains a 100% anonymized hash representing a unique session.
WPM_Store, CompanyID, ASPSESSIONID End of browsers session When using -remembers what items are in your shopping basket as you navigate around the site.


Collect information about how visitors use a website. All information is anonymous and is used to improve how the website works.

Google analytics

Many organisations use Google Analytics, a web analytics service. It allows us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they’re using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by making sure users are finding what they need easily.

If you wish to prevent information being transferred to Google see their Opt-Out option

Cookie NameExpiration TimeDetails
_ga 2 years Used to distinguish users.
_gat 10 minutes Used to throttle request rate.


Insepctlet enables us to improve navigation and features on our website to enhance the user experience.

Opting out of Inspectlet will disable telemetry data for your browser by any websites using Inspectlet.

Cookie NameExpiration TimeDetails
__insp_pad, __insp_sid, __insp_ref, __insp_scpt, __insp_nv, __insp_wid, __insp_identity End of browsers session Used to distinguish users.
__insp_uid Long term Used to distinguish users with a random ID.


DoubleClick enables us to track our digital campaigns.

Opting out of DoubleClick will disable collection of data for your browser by any websites using Google Ads/DoubleClick.

DoubleClick cookies contain no personally identifiable information. Sometimes the DoubleClick cookie will contain an additional identifier that is similar in appearance to the cookie ID, and is used to identify an ad campaign to which a user was exposed previously.

All cookies 

You can manage and/or delete these small files as you wish. You can even decide to stop any site from using them.

To learn more about cookies and how to manage them visit