
Academic Affairs - now Directorate of Academic & Corporate Governance

Academic Calendar (Schedule of Meetings for Academic Year)

Academic Council

Academic & Corporate Governance

Academic Dress (from the University Calendar)

Academic Management

Academic Professional Development - see Educational Development

Academic Skills

Academic Standards (AS) - see Quality Framework

ACCESS Centre (Higher Education ACCESS Centre for Tayside and North Fife) - see Disability Services
Access & Participation

Access Courses - see Access & Participation

Access Summer School


ACES (Access to Creative Education in Scotland)
Adjustment (UCAS)

Admission to the University - see Study

Admissions and Student Recruitment

Adult Continuing Education

Advance@Dundee - see Library CITE Them Right Online

Advance@Dundee Postgraduate Portal - see Library CITE Them Right Online

Advice and guidance (for students) - see Student Services

Alumni & Development

Alzheimer's Disease Research Centre

Anaesthesia - see Division of Neuroscience

Anatomy and Human Identification (Centre for)

Annual Monitoring of taught provision (Quality Framework)

Annual Reports - see also - Financial Statements 

Appeals (for students)

Applied Computing - see the Computing

Applied Physics and Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics - see School of Science and Engineering

Approval of new modules and programmes - see Quality Framework


Archive, Records Management and Museum Services (ARMMS) - see Culture & Information

Art College Materials Shop

Art & Design - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Art and Design, General Foundation Course

Arts and Social Sciences - see School of Social Sciences

Assessment Policy for Taught Provision

Asthma & Allergy Research Group - see Scottish Centre for Respiratory Research


Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery

Biological Safety - see Safety Services

Blackboard - see My Dundee

Botanic Garden

Burn, The

Bursaries (and Scholarships)


Buy at Dundee - University online store


Calendar - see Academic Calendar, University Calendar and Useful Dates

Campus - see:

Careers Service

Car Booking - see Vehicle Booking Form

Car Parking - see also Travel Information

Catering Services

Cell and Development Biology

Cell Signalling and Immunology

Centralised Timetabling

Centre for Archive and Information Studies (CAIS)

Centre for the enhancement of Academic Skills, Teaching, Learning and Employability (CASTLE)

Centre for Addiction Research and Education Scotland (CARES)

Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification (CAHID)

Centre for Applied Language Studies - see Languages

Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP)

Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR)

Centre for Medical Education

Centre for Scottish Culture

Chancellor, Lord Naren Patel


Charter - see University Charter [pdf] and the Student Charter


Child Health - see International Child Health Programme

C and IT in Learning and Teaching - see Sub-Committee on C and IT in Learning and Teaching

Civil Engineering

Class Representatives (Student Class Representatives and School Presidents)

Clearing (from 31st July to 30th September)

Clinical Research - see Academic Health Science Partnership in Tayside

Clinical Skills Centre

Code of Practice for Supervised Postgraduate Research

Code of Practice - Web

Comics Studies

Commitment & Advanced Procurement Service (CAPS) see PECOS

Committees - see Court and Committees, Court and Senate Minute Index and Academic Calendar

Communication and Study Skills - see index on Student Dashboard

Complaints (for students)

Computer Services - see UoD IT

Computers in Teaching Unit - see Clinical Skills, Ninewells Medical School


Concordances (Web Concordances at the Department of English)

Conference Facilities

Contact Magazine (University Staff Magazine)

Contacting Us (list of central contact points)

Contemporary European Studies - see European Studies

Continuing Education

Copyright and Other Issues Relating to Intellectual Property

Counselling - Student and Staff Counselling Service
Courses at the University - see:

Court (University)

Creative Writing
Cricket - see University Staff Cricket Club

Crisis Management (Guidelines)

Cuschieri Skills Centre

Culture & Information

CVCP - see Universities UK


Data Protection

Dates - see Useful Dates

Degree courses - see Undergraduate Courses and Postgraduate Courses

Degree regulations - see University Calendar

Degree Show, Duncan of Jordanstone College

Dental Health Services Research Unit

Dentistry (School of)

Departments in the University - see Schools and Professional Services

Design (School of) - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Design and Print

Development - see Training and Development

Digital Literacies

Disability Equality Scheme - see Public Sector Equality Duty

Disability Statement (Information for Students and Applicants)

Disability Support - see Disability Services

Discipline, Complaints and Appeals (for students)

Discovery Research Portal

Distance Learning - see:

Distance Learning Centre (Nursing and Palliative Care)

DNA Sequencing Service (Medical Science Institute / Biocentre)

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Drug Discovery Unit

Duncan of Jordanstone College Degree Show

Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Duncan of Jordanstone College Materials Shop

Dundee Literary Festival

Dundee University Press - see Edinburgh University Press

Dundee University Review of the Arts (DURA)
DUSA (Dundee University Students Association)

Dyslexia Support - see Disability Services


Early Dispute Resolution (EDR)

Ecology - see Life Sciences

Educational Studies - see School of Education and Social Work

Education and Social Work (School of)

E-Learning Forum

Electronic Engineering - see Physics

Electrical Safety - see Safety Services

Energy - see Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy

Energy and Environment

Engineering: see School of Science and Engineering


English Language for International Students

English Language Requirements

Enquiry Centre

Enterprise Gym - see Centre of Entrepreneurship

Entry to the University - see the Undergraduate Courses and the Postgraduate Courses

Environmental Management - see Town and Regional Planning

Environment - see:

Environmental Science

E-Prospectus - Undergraduate, Postgraduate

Equal Pay Policy[Word]

Equality & Diversity Training Programme (Human Resources)

Erasmus Exchange

Estates and Buildings

Estates Strategy - see Estates and Buildings

European Studies

Events - see What's On and Events Office (External Relations)

Evening Degree Courses - see: Part-Time MA Evening Degree Programme

Exam Support

Examination Timetable

Examinations Office


External Relations


Facts and Figures

Fees - see Registry

Fees and Funding

Film Studies Undergraduate - see also Film Studies Postgraduate


Finance (course of study) - see Business

Fine Art - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Fine Art Research - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Flexible Delivery of Learning - see Distance Learning

Foreign Language Programmes

Freedom of Information (FOI) - see Information Governance

Freshers' Week - see Welcome

Funding - see Scholarships & Fees


Geddes Institute for Urban Research

Gender Equality Network

Gene Regulation and Expression

Generic Skills - see Organisational & Professional Development (OPD)

General Practice - see Tayside Centre for General Practice


Golf Bursaries - see Scholarships and Fees

Governance - see Academic & Corporate Governance

Graduate Prospectus - see Study - Postgraduate

Graduates Association

Graduation Dates

Graduation Website

Guidelines for Managing a Crisis


Haematology - see Clinical Academic Council

Harassment and Bullying Policy Statement and Guidelines

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Health Service

Higher Education ACCESS Centre for Tayside and North Fife


History of the University

Honorary Degrees (University Calendar)

Human Resources (formerly Personnel Services)

Humanities (School of) - see:


Induction, Staff

IT @ UoD

Immigration - see Points Based Immigration System - for Students | for Staff

Institute for Education and Lifelong Learning - see School of Education, Social Work and Community Education

Institute of Sport and Exercise

Insurance Services

International Applicants

International Student Support

International Water Law Research Institute - see UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science

Internationalisation at the University

Invigilation of Exams

Intellectual Property Rights - see Copyright and Other Issues Relating to Intellectual Property

International Office

IT Workshops and Courses for Staff - see also Training and Development


Job Vacancies


Key Facts - see About the University of Dundee and Facts and figures


Language Courses - see Languages


Law and Accountancy - see Law and

Learning Centre - see Library & Learning Centre

Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science

Library & Learning Centre

Life Sciences (School of)

Life Sciences Learning & Teaching (School of)

Life Sciences Research (School of)

Literary Dundee


Management and Personal Development - see Organisational & Professional Development

Maps - see Travel & Map Information

Maternal and Child Health Sciences - See International Child Health Programme


Matriculation - see Welcome

Mechanical Engineering

Media Arts and Imaging - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design


Medicine, School of

Medicine - see School of Medicine

Medical Education (Centre for)

Medical Physics

Medical Research Council Protein Phosphorylation Unit

Medicines Monitoring Unit (MEMO)

Meningitis Awareness

Minutes - Committees and Minutes

Mission Statement

Modern History - see History

Modules - see Courses and School websites

Module Approval (Quality Framework)

Module Specifications (Quality Framework)

Molecular and Cellular Pathology - see School of Medicine

Molecular Microbiology

MRC Protein Phosphorylation & Ubiquitylation Unit

Museum Services

Music in the University

My Dundee


National Student Survey

NERC Satellite Station

Neurosciences Institute - see Division of Neuroscience

New Students - see Welcome


Ninewells - see Medical School and School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Nucleic Acid Structure Research Group

Numerate Campus

Nursery Facilities - see Childcare

Nursing and Health Sciences (School of)


Obstetrics and Gynaecology - see International Child Health Programme

Occupational Health Service (Safety Services)

Online Store (University)

Open Access

Open Days



Organisation of the University - see Principal's Office

Organisational & Professional Development

Orientation - see Welcome Week

Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery



Paediatrics - see International Child Health Programme 

Parking Information

Paul Brown Unit for Visual Impairment - see Disability Services


Peer Connections

Personal and Professional Development - see Organisational & Professional Development (OPD)

Personal Development Planning for students (PDP) - see Undergraduates and Research Postgraduates (see the MyPDPpg reference)

Personal Transferable Skills - see list on Students page

Personnel Services - see Human Resources

PhD Studentships


Physical Education - see Institute for Sport and Exercise


Plant Sciences

Playgroup - see Childcare

Points Based Immigration System - for Students | for Staff

Policy & Legal Affairs - see Academic & Corporate Governance

Policy Statements and Regulations


Polyhandicap Initiative - see Profound and Multiple Impairment Service

Postgraduate and Postdoctoral training - see Organisational & Professional Development (OPD)

Postgraduate courses and research - see Study - Postgraduate  and Postgraduate Research

Postgraduate Portal - see Library CITE Them Right Online

Postgraduate Preparation Courses - Postgraduate Pre-sessional courses

Postgraduate Registry

Postgrad Studies in Public Health and Environmental Health - see Centre for Biomedical Sciences & Public Health

Pre-sessional English Language Courses

Press Office

Press Release Archive (2000 - 2013/14), see also University News

Principal's Office - see University Executive Office

Print - see Design and Print

Procurement Office

Profound and Multiple Impairment Service (PAMIS)

Programme Approval (Quality Framework)

Programme Review (Quality Framework)

Programme Specifications (Quality Framework)

Prospective Students

Prospectus - see also Undergraduate Prospectus, Postgraduate Prospectus, and Distance Learning Prospectus

Protein Phosphorylation Unit (Medical Research Council)


Public Health - see Dundee Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit

Public Relations Office - see Press Office

Pure - Research Information Management System

Purchasing - see Procurement Office


Quality Assurance of Degree programmes - see Quality Framework (QF)

Quick Facts - see Facts and figures


Radiation Safety - see Safety Services

Reach Scotland

Records Management - see Information Governance



Religious Activities - see Chaplaincy

Research and Innovation Services

Research Centres and Units

Research Code of Practice - see Code of Practice for Supervised Postgraduate Research

Research Degrees

Research Ethics and Guidance - see Policy Statements, Regulations and Guidance

Research Excellence Framework 2014 (REF)

Research Information Management (RIM)

Research Quality Assurance - see Quality Framework

Research Studentships - see Scottish Overseas Research Student Awards Scheme (SORSAS)

Revealing Research

Residences - see Accommodation 

Risk Management

Room Bookings


Safety Services

Satellite Station (NERC) see also: Space Technology Centre

Shops - see Campus Shops on the Campus Map and University online store

Scholarships and Bursaries

Scottish Centre for Respiratory Research

Scottish Culture (Centre for)

Scottish Institute of Cell Signalling

Environment- see also:

School Presidents

School Secretaries Forum

Secretary's Office - see Academic & Corporate Governance


Semester dates

Senate - see also Senate Minute Index

Smoking Policy

Social Dimensions of Health Institute (with University of St Andrews)

Social Work - see Education, Social Work and Community Education

Societies - see:

Space Technology Centre

Sports - see:

Staff Development - see Organisational & Professional Development and Training and Development

Staff Development Policy

Staff Induction

Statistics - see Quick Facts and Student Numbers

Statutes - see University Calendar

Strategy: University Strategy to 2017

Student Charter

Student Class Representatives and School Presidents

Student Funding

Student Recruitment - see Admissions and Student Recruitment

Students' Association - see DUSA

Student Services

Studentships (Research)

Studying Abroad - see

Study Skills - see Academic Skills Centre

Summer School - see Access Courses

Supervised Postgraduate Research - see Code of Practice for Supervised Postgraduate Research

Surgery and Molecular Oncology - see Cancer Research

Surgical Skills Unit - see Cuschieri Skills Centre


Taught Programmes, Academic Standards and Quality of - see Quality Framework

Tayside Centre for General Practice

Teaching Quality Assurance - see Quality Framework

Teaching Resources Unit - see Library & Learning Centre

Teaching Timetable

Telephone Service

Television and Imaging - see Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design

Term Dates - see Semester dates

Theatre Studies

Top of the Tower (Cafe)

Town and Regional Planning

Training and Development

Transferable Skills - see list on Student Dashboard

Transformation:Vision and University Strategy to 2017

Travelling to the University - see Getting to the University

TSE Transatlantic Exchange - see Incoming, Outgoing

Tuition Fees


UCAS Adjustment

UCAS Clearing

UCAS codes - refer to Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate courses

UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science

UNISON - public service union

University Calendar

University Executive Office

Universities UK

University News


Vacancies, Jobs

Vacancies, Undergraduate

Vehicle Booking Form

Virus Information

Virtual Learning Environment - see My Dundee

Visas - see Points Based Immigration System for Students | for Staff


Visit Days

Visual Research Centre


Web Services

Welcome - Freshers' Week (for new entrant students)

Wellcome Trust Biocentre - see School of Life Sciences Research

Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression

What's On

Whistle-Blowing - see Public Interest Disclosure (Code on Whistle-Blowing)

Who's Who - see Contacting Us

Wider Access Study Centre - see Access and Participation

Writing Skills


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