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Fallout 4: Automatron PC

Fallout 4: Automatron Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critics What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 71 Ratings

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  • Summary: The mysterious Mechanist has unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons like theThe mysterious Mechanist has unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons like the all-new lightning chain gun. Even customize their paint schemes and choose their voices! Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Mar 28, 2016
    All in all Automatron is a good bite of DLC, not a huge sandwich like we're used to seeing from Bethesda and not out of the norm for the current DLC market. But like a lot of good bites, it leaves us wanting more.
  2. Mar 24, 2016
    The results are satisfying. The story mode is brief, the narrative is mundane, and sadly the all-too-familiar Fallout 4 bugs are still hanging around, but the overall experience is rewarding, imaginative, and a pleasure to play.
  3. Apr 4, 2016
    Just be warned you’ll see all there is to see in a couple of evening’s entertainment, but it's a enjoyable enough way to keep Fallout 4 fresh until the meatier Far Harbor arrives.
  4. Mar 23, 2016
    The first add-on got a well made, but short story with an intriguing plot. In addition to this, you are able to build your own mechanical friends! However, Automatron feels unbalanced and is full of known bugs.
  5. 70
    Fallout 4 is set to have a ton of great DLC, and Automatron is a good, if not perfect start. Building your own robot is fun, and leads to tons of hours of scavenging and collecting. The quest is also much longer than expected, though it does begin to feel stale after a while. Overall, this is a good start to what could become a great suite of DLC.
  6. Apr 4, 2016
    The first DLC for Fallout 4 has some good and interesting ideas, but is bad engame content. The main quest is too short and the option to create your own robot army won't be involving for those who already finished the game.
  7. Mar 26, 2016
    Not a good reason for seasoned explorers to head back to the Commonwealth, but it adds a fair bit for anyone who's still got an active game going. Pricey for what it is, though.

See all 14 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 16
  2. Negative: 6 out of 16
  1. Mar 24, 2016
    Automatron DLC is good for the price, the $10 for the DLC is worth it if you have the money to spare. Other than that I would say it isAutomatron DLC is good for the price, the $10 for the DLC is worth it if you have the money to spare. Other than that I would say it is average. I do not think it is a bad DLC at all it fits that content requirement of the price that it is at. It adds an extra challenge to the game making it more rewarding. The story is short but to be honest this really wasn't about the story in the first place, the real point was robot building. So you may be wondering does it fit that aspect of the intended content? the answer to that is a strong yes. The Robot building is rewarding and very much appreciated and fun at the same time. This DLC builds on the fact that everything is needed, nothing is really "junk" at all, everything has it's use. And even stealth characters can benefit from this DLC you can equip your robots with a stealth blade and a stealth module like the power armor, effectively making your robot invisible and making you sneak better. Other than this the content is great the story is average so that is why I am giving this an eight. Expand
  2. Apr 4, 2016
    Making your own robot is an interesting addition. But personally I think it's overpriced.
    It should've been in the base game.
    Don't expect
    Making your own robot is an interesting addition. But personally I think it's overpriced.
    It should've been in the base game.
    Don't expect much from the quest and story, just build your own robot and have fun.

    Things I like:
    + Make my own robots with lot of mods.
    + Modify Codsworth and Curie to my own liking
    + Tesla weapon and Tesla Power Armour

    Things I dislike:
    - Story and quest are meh
    - It's overpriced
    - Robots take companion slot

    If you get it from the season pass before March, it's worth it I think. Otherwise only buy it when it's on sale.
  3. Mar 23, 2016
    hat Fallout 4 Automatron delivers is a new workbench for crafting robots that uses up a lot of resources so you are going to run out extremelyhat Fallout 4 Automatron delivers is a new workbench for crafting robots that uses up a lot of resources so you are going to run out extremely quickly and a short uninspired quest line.

    Leaving random bot bad guys in the wasteland for you to shoot at and gather resources from when you are done with the story, if you can call "shoot this, shoot that, kill the main bad guy" to be a story at all.

    Is it worth £7.99... Not for quests or the uninspired story, there is only about 1 or 2 hours of gameplay in the DLC, so it fails my value for money test by a large margin.

    Taken as part of the original game though, it works rather well but what it supplies is pretty much what the default game did to death already. Eg combat, crafting and grinding.

    What Fallout 4 needed is not in this DLC at all.

    Fallout 4 is lacking a good story, lacking any kind of half decent RPG options, it is entirely combat and grinding and half the world does not respawn fully anyway, so once you get to level 45, your pretty much searching every corner for something to shoot at.

    Assigning Robots to Settler jobs seems to be a bit Gitchy and does not work for all Robots. My first robot did not support such a feature and could not have its AI turned on for it. My Second robot could have an AI turned on for it and did work as a settler. Not sure why they were different, might have missed something.

    I guess there is more to this than is explained in the DLC.

    Since this is working, I am changing my thumbs down to a thumbs up.
  4. Mar 25, 2016
    When my friend told me that the new Automatron DLC was dropped for Fallout 4 I though for $10 this DLC and its content was good. Would I sayWhen my friend told me that the new Automatron DLC was dropped for Fallout 4 I though for $10 this DLC and its content was good. Would I say its on the level of Skyrims Dawnguard. No. The most fun you will mainly have will be gunning down robots and then building your own. Its painstakingly average and this DLC will just have you wishing more. Expand
  5. Apr 3, 2016
    Automatron is a standard DLC in the gaming world today. It has a decent premise that is never fully realized, ,includes a few new weapons, 2Automatron is a standard DLC in the gaming world today. It has a decent premise that is never fully realized, ,includes a few new weapons, 2 New dungeons which are the standard walk, shoot, and slash bethesda affair, and about 3 static characters. In other words it's one of those DLC's you only buy if you reaaaaaaallly just need more of the game. Expand
  6. Apr 3, 2016
    More of the same stuff that made Fallout 4 one of the worst in the series. It doubles down on shooting, looting and radiant quests with no rpgMore of the same stuff that made Fallout 4 one of the worst in the series. It doubles down on shooting, looting and radiant quests with no rpg mechanics in sight. I have yet to see a justification for the season pass price hike outside of Bethesda trying to milk every cent before the release of their very lackluster content. I bought this game hoping for at least a watered down rpg experience on par with Skyrim, but instead was treated to horrible base building and a mediocre shooter. The fact that more radiant quests were added with this "dlc" means that once again Bethesda both do not listen to or care about what the customer wants, even the diehard fans of this game are sick of radiant go here kill this quests. Well played Bethesda you got my money, but I assure you it's the last time. Expand
  7. Apr 1, 2016
    Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P. Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPGBethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P. Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P.Bethesda, I hate you ... RPG R.I.P. Expand

See all 16 User Reviews
