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Tom Clancy's The Division PC

Tom Clancy's The Division Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 27 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: A devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services are failing. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, TheA devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services are failing. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos. The Division, a classified unit of self-supported tactical agents, is activated. Leading seemingly ordinary lives among us, The Division agents are trained to operate independently of command, as all else fails.
    Fighting to prevent the fall of society, the agents will find themselves caught up in an epic conspiracy, forced to combat not only the effects of a manmade virus, but also the rising threat of those behind it. When everything collapses, your mission begins.
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 27
  2. Negative: 0 out of 27
  1. Apr 3, 2016
    I had the most fun when I was forced to think tactically, manoeuvre for effect, take an enemy down quick, and reposition myself and my team to deal with the next threat.
  2. One of the most ambitious games we've ever seen. The Division has done a great job in providing players fluid gameplay mechanics, awesome visuals, softcore RPG elements and one of the most detailed open worlds we've seen in this generation.
  3. Mar 18, 2016
    Despite a few tedious moments and some strange design choices, The Division excels at delivering a paranoid, distrustful world full of ambivalence and moral dichotomy along with an extremely enjoyable RPG experience. If you’re looking for a solid shooter experience then I’d say maybe this isn’t the game for you. If you enjoyed Destiny or love MMO games but wish they were a bit more action based then The Division will provide you hours upon hours of fantastic gameplay. Just make sure you have your buddies or that you find other players to play with in order to really get the full experience.
  4. Mar 10, 2016
    The Division is a very good game. Mixing singleplayer and multiplayer in a splendid New York setting, the map offers plenty of content and the Dark zone is a really nice PVP/PVE place to play. The gameplay is simple, the AI is far from good, but the entire experience is a must.
  5. Mar 14, 2016
    As a solo game, The Division gets quite boring, and trying to marathon your way through all the side stuff you'll need to do to unlock every upgrade feels more like a chore than a thrilling video game. But enough of the different components work well enough to make for a good start. At times I had my doubts, but I came out of this one wanting to see at least the first couple of planned updates and ready to play more, when it's available.
  6. Mar 21, 2016
    Quotation forthcoming.
  7. Mar 8, 2016
    I don’t think it’s very good, especially if you’ve a mind to play by yourself. It’s certainly addictive, and it certainly has plenty of stuff for you to do. That goes doubly for people who plan to roll with a squad of friends. As in Borderlands, the general tedium of loot-grinding is more fun when you’ve got people to chat with. If you’re looking for a mindless way to kill a few days/weeks, The Division exists...But don’t expect to remember much of it when it’s over.

See all 28 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 58 out of 222
  1. Mar 8, 2016
    Great game so far, loving the team play aspect, it is 'quick in and out' team play, no horrible loading screens or hard to form team parties,Great game so far, loving the team play aspect, it is 'quick in and out' team play, no horrible loading screens or hard to form team parties, they did an excellent job. I love the customization, and the feel of playing this game, I played the beta and enjoyed it then and am enjoying it even more now. Expand
  2. Mar 10, 2016
    So far so good, even though its can be repetitive you can up the difficulty really making it challenging. The Dark zone is really where its atSo far so good, even though its can be repetitive you can up the difficulty really making it challenging. The Dark zone is really where its at though, i do enjoy the story but there is a tension in the dark zone that makes it really exciting. Do i go rogue or don't I?!?! I do have to state that this review is based on the fact that i have a couple friends i play with which i believe is definitely the key. The matchmaking systems seems good but playing with people you know really makes it feel like a team! Expand
  3. Mar 9, 2016
    So many complaints. Well I guess I've been lucky. I have 12 hours played and I encountered one very minor error so far. No disconnects orSo many complaints. Well I guess I've been lucky. I have 12 hours played and I encountered one very minor error so far. No disconnects or anything, so it's been almost flawless.

    As for the game, I really didn't expect it to be this good. It's super exciting. Great atmosphere.

    I have had no luck in the dark zone yet tho, being a lonewolf I have pretty much been killed by every group of persons I've met. They just don't care about the punishment of killing innocents in there=)
  4. Mar 19, 2016
    Admittedly after a lengthy absence from MMO I was dubious to expect too much from Ubisoft with such a hyped release, but after hearingAdmittedly after a lengthy absence from MMO I was dubious to expect too much from Ubisoft with such a hyped release, but after hearing positive reports from colleagues I invested my time into The Division.

    I'm a shooting man at heart, and this has enough meat to satisfy.

    The plot has you assume the role of a paramilitary agent and while while enjoyable, there isn't really a morale system or dialogue choices, just choices in the missions.. But that said i found myself abit confused the first few confrontations with the enemy, coming in quietly and observantly and struggling to come to terms while being in an open world as it is there is no option for stealth nor is it rewarded apart from triggering the next battle.. It's almost a sin in the world of MMO and classes and opens worlds to not have that freedom, a perplexing mistep, lazy even and I believe holds it back. The rest of the game becomes a borderland-esque mission fest.. it's only RPG as so much as picking what you wear and where you go next, and the game world feels fairly alive and interesting, most of all starkly beautiful.

    (An important note: I think Ubisoft and Nvidia should be commended for this well optimised game, my pc didn't meet minimum specs.. lol and yet still it runs beautifully and i have fairly decent experience on low/medium with a late model GTX 570 and 2600k i7 running completely stock)
  5. Mar 9, 2016
    The thing that stands out the most about this game to me is the absolutely stupid AI. I helped a lady in the street by giving her food andThe thing that stands out the most about this game to me is the absolutely stupid AI. I helped a lady in the street by giving her food and she thanked me saying something like she'll never forget it. Then literally 4 seconds later as I ran past her again she said "YOU NEED TO GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT" in an angry voice hahaha. So ridiculous. The enemies are very repetitive, and again very stupid. The gangsters running around 'popping caps' and taking about 384 bullets to kill seems really daft. With a team of people it definitely has fun moments, but I would never want to play this solo.

    If the enemies were varied, the voice acting wasn't THE WORST, the AI was smarter, the story was better this game could be amazing. It's a great concept done very averagely. Here's hoping Ghost Recon Wildlands is done right!

    I will carry on playing this - but I'm not overly impressed.
  6. Apr 2, 2016
    Pretty disappointed by Ubisoft:
    Repetitive side missions, route repetition, bad, and easily exploitable multiplayer function and end game
    Pretty disappointed by Ubisoft:
    Repetitive side missions, route repetition, bad, and easily exploitable multiplayer function and end game content, slow progression in banning blatant multihack users (Aimbot, 1 Hit kill, Shooting through objects, & teleporting around the map) etc:
    The environment looks nice map is rather large immersive, and graphics are rather nice when turned up. but nothing really creative has been done with it, copy and paste side missions and railed story missions and challenges, no decision mechanics in such a large game. boring as **** loot grind that no one but the lifers will ever really bother with, horribly delayed shot registration, half assed server tick rate, multiplayer disconnects, and broken Uplay functionality hobble what could have been a great game.

    so much potential flushed down the drain really could have been one of the best games in a long time but it will turn out to be an over priced flavor of the month exercise in mediocrity and corporate powered game creation.
  7. Mar 24, 2016
    This game is terrible, its not an RPG as much as they want to make you believe it is. game world is shallow and NPCs are immortal. They don'tThis game is terrible, its not an RPG as much as they want to make you believe it is. game world is shallow and NPCs are immortal. They don't even have breakable car windows, i honestly cannot understand how anyone could enjoy this game. Expand

See all 222 User Reviews