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Fallout 4: Automatron PlayStation 4

Fallout 4: Automatron Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 13 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: The mysterious Mechanist has unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons like theThe mysterious Mechanist has unleashed a horde of evil robots into the Commonwealth, including the devious Robobrain. Hunt them down and harvest their parts to build and mod your own custom robot companions. Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons like the all-new lightning chain gun. Even customize their paint schemes and choose their voices! Expand


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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Mar 24, 2016
    Automatron manages to take everything that made Fallout 4 great and magnify it. The customization afforded by the robot building, the interesting new weapons, the mysterious adversary, and the hordes of mechanical enemies make for an enjoyable experience throughout that will last well beyond the final quest. It captivates the best of science-fiction while never deserting the core of the franchise that fans love.
  2. Apr 7, 2016
    The robots are coming! Automatron is a wonderful addition to Fallout 4. It fits well into the universe, both thematically and story-wise. Too bad we can't erase our memory and start over from scratch.
  3. Apr 7, 2016
    Automatron pays off by taking advantage of Fallout 4's pulpy, ludicrous--yet still somehow slightly dry--sense of humor. Like any good sci-fi involving robots, it exposes people's humanity and inhumanity. And it adds new toys and settlement pieces to your toolbox. It's a well-rounded piece of DLC, and introduces you to the Mechanist, one of Fallout 4's more memorable villains.
  4. Mar 23, 2016
    Fun for at least a few hours, Automatron is a solid start to Fallout 4's stream of DLC. While it isn't quite substantial enough to satisfy those waiting for a proper expansion, there's still a surprising amount of depth to be found here thanks to the newly implemented robot crafting system. If you've been looking for an excuse to revisit the Commonwealth, there's no reason to ignore the call of the Mechanist.
  5. Mar 24, 2016
    A bit short but fun, Automatron doesn't fail in bringing a new way to entertain with its robot creation system that feels kind of infinite and offer some more possibilities to clean up the whole map of Fallout 4.
  6. Mar 28, 2016
    Short but interesting DLC that adds some new and interesting features to the main game.
  7. Mar 23, 2016
    Going in with modest expectations despite that price point, this is a decent DLC release. The main draw, the robot-building feature, is cooler and more extensive than expected.

See all 13 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Apr 7, 2016
    Don't forget everyone! After Far Harbor there will be 3 more pieces of DLC! That's why the price of the Season Pass went up, but if you boughtDon't forget everyone! After Far Harbor there will be 3 more pieces of DLC! That's why the price of the Season Pass went up, but if you bought it ahead of time you get all 3 of those DLC for free! There's bound to be yet another expansion in the second set of DLC, maybe even more. Mods are coming to consoles soon as well! Expand
  2. Mar 29, 2016
    Value for Money right here.

    As a DLC Automation opens up a smallish dungeon and story (no more than a handful of hours) and the ability to
    Value for Money right here.

    As a DLC Automation opens up a smallish dungeon and story (no more than a handful of hours) and the ability to build your own robot companion - which is as deep as the rest of FO4!

    Don't see this DLC pack as meant to change the game entirely, but as someone that's wondering the wasteland some 700+ hours in, I find this DLC and the new mechanical gangs refreshing.

    People complaining it's to easy are ... ???!!! THERE'S AN OPTION TO CHANGE DIFFICULTY, USE IT!!

    Personally, I'm really pleased I bought the Season Pass the day I bought the game last year, this is just the beginning and FO4 is already a superb sandbox RPG now :)
  3. Mar 23, 2016
    With the idea of this DLC, along with wasteland workshop, being a fillers for the real player in Far Harbor coming this may, The installmentWith the idea of this DLC, along with wasteland workshop, being a fillers for the real player in Far Harbor coming this may, The installment of Automatron did its job wonderfully. It brought together the customization aspect of character creation to your mechanical companions. The customization possibilities are endless and this was a major must have for this DLC. Now in terms of the story, it was not all it could have been, robot companion Ada lacks excitement and doesnt pressure current involvement with the mechanist. If there was more emphasis on the need to fight the mechanist, the gameplay would be more intense and more enjoyable. The dungeons were very thorough and provided fantastic loot, the end of one having all three of the new weapon editions. Overall, this was more than i could have ever hoped Automatron to be. It is well worth paying for anyone who missed the opportunity of buying the 30 dollar season pass. Rejuvenates the game and adds more hours of enjoyment!!! Expand
  4. Mar 28, 2016
    Fallout 4s first doc is a mixed bag. On one hand building my very own killer robot is a priceless experience, the story is interesting, butFallout 4s first doc is a mixed bag. On one hand building my very own killer robot is a priceless experience, the story is interesting, but not memorable, the missions are fun but nothing you haven't done in fallout before, I wish jezebel could become a companion (love interest companion) it would be nice to be the one to melt her icy heart, but most of all, I really wish the dlc was a lot longer. For me it took about 3 hrs. All in all a fun first dlc, but are you looking for fun or are you looking for something more? Expand
  5. Mar 23, 2016
    Good value for the money, especially if you got the Season Pass before the price rise. Story missions take around 3-4 hours to complete andGood value for the money, especially if you got the Season Pass before the price rise. Story missions take around 3-4 hours to complete and consist of some interesting fights against new enemy types.

    Jezebel is a fantastic character, probably one of the most interesting in the game, her quips and comments on your performance during her quest was reminiscent of GLaDOS in Portal 2.

    The new weapons were interesting, Tesla gun being a satisfying new weapon with a small number or modifications available. The new Robot Armour, functioning as over-powered Metal Armour was visually interesting, with the new helmets serving as good collectibles with interesting features such as the Assaultron Helmet opening when not in combat.

    The actual robot modding itself is in-depth and extremely satisfying, particularly the ability to modify already existing robot companions Codsworth and Curie (non-synth version).

    Robobrains make a return and are expanded upon, with their backstory being revealed through dialogue, terminals and clues in the environment.

    The final story mission is a long slog, giving a good sense of finality and playing into the superhero narrative the Mechanist had created, serving as a satisfying conclusion to the DLC.

    While the story is relatively short, the modding is expansive with every available mod being unlocked upon completing the story, this provides some longevity to the mod as new builds are worked out to provide a real meaningful companion who impacts gameplay more than those available in the base game.
  6. Mar 22, 2016
    Decent experience with 3-4 hours of Main quest line. A lot of illusion of choice tbh which takes a way a lot from the experience, This givesDecent experience with 3-4 hours of Main quest line. A lot of illusion of choice tbh which takes a way a lot from the experience, This gives it a very linear feel like Mothership Zeta or Operation Anchorage.

    Some interesting loot and the Robot creation mode is fun for a while but gets kind of meaningless as this game doesn't give you any new areas to explore and clear out.

    The ending is a great boss battle sequence but is pretty underwhelming to finish it and then go back out and your back where you started with nothing else to do in the world. Would of been nice to get a few new areas to clear.

    But all things considered its 10 bucks, Some great sequences in the main quest with interesting new enemies and a new raider faction.
  7. Mar 23, 2016
    I've always been a first person shooter type of gamer but liked fallout 4 as an RPG because of its excellent shooting mechanics. I have spentI've always been a first person shooter type of gamer but liked fallout 4 as an RPG because of its excellent shooting mechanics. I have spent a lot of time building my settlements, and developing my character because I enjoyed the game and the unique companions, along with the perk system.
    Unfortunately this DLC seems pretty weak. I played it on very hard mode, not survival, but still was completed in around 3 hours. I guess if you compare it to the price of an "OK" movie, you won't be disappointed.
    Hopefully Bethesda steps up their game and makes it a little more challenging, along with more content in the upcoming DLC's.
    If not this will be my first and last Fallout

See all 11 User Reviews