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Seasonal Flu

This section is about seasonal flu. If you would like to find out more about swine flu please visit our swine flu page.


Flu jabs available now from your GP surgery


Seasonal Flu is a highly infectious virus, known as influenza, which spreads fast and can infect anyone. The virus occurs each year, usually in the winter months. Many people confuse the symptoms of a bad cold to be the sign of flu, which isn’t always the case, as the flu virus is a lot worse and last up to two weeks. Flu symptoms include fever, chills, extreme fatigue and aching muscles, sore throats and runny noses

The flu jab vaccination is the best form of prevention in reducing your chances of getting seasonal flu.

Seasonal Flu Vs Swine Flu

Seasonal flu virus is different to swine flu, as the influenza virus changes each year and requires a different vaccine. A separate vaccine for swine flu is currently under production and will be made available to eligible at risk patients.

Those at greater risk of flu

Many people underestimate the affects of the flu. Some people are more susceptible to the effects of seasonal flu. If your 65 or over or have a chronic illness (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, or any other long term condition), you are more at risk of serious illness such as bronchitis and pneumonia, which may need hospital treatment, if you catch seasonal flu.

Flu Prevention

If you are at risk from seasonal flu it is important that you visit your GP before winter starts for the seasonal flu vaccination - the flu jab. The flu jab helps your body fight the flu virus and lasts one year.  The flu jab vaccine does not contain any live viruses so it cannot give you flu. Side affects are rare and some people experience a slight temperature or aching muscles for a couple of days after the injection. These are minor compared to the risks associated with flu.

If you are registered with a Hounslow borough GP and fall into one or more of the following age or health categories you will be able to get a free flu jab from your GP surgery now


  • Aged 65 years or over;
  • A serious heart problem;
  • A serious chest complaint including asthma;
  • A serious kidney disease;
  • Diabetes;
  • Lowered immunity due to disease or treatment (such as steroid medication or cancer treatment);
  • A serious liver disease;
  • Had a stroke or a transient ischaemic attack (TIA);
  • Those who live in an older people’s home or nursing home, or;
  • Those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if the carer falls ill.
  • Sickle Cell Anaemia
  • Beta Thalassaemia Major

Additionally healthcare workers should have the flu jab to protect themselves and those who they are caring for in their occupation.You can also have the jab if you are pregnant.

Contact your GP now for this year’s seasonal flu vaccination.

Seasonal flu. Protect yourself and others

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