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Your Health





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News Releases

21 December 2010
Taking care over the festive period

NHS Hounslow is gearing up for the winter break by reminding residents

to be prepared during the festive period.

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8 December 2010
Hounslow now home to one of the first GP pathfinders

Hounslow’s Great West Commissioning Consortium (GWCC) has been successful in achieving pathfinder status as announced today by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley.

Being among the initial 52 GP consortia from across England that have been selected means the GWCC will be one of the first to take on commissioning responsibilities. This forms part of the Government’s plans set out in the NHS White Paper Liberating the NHS: Equity and Excellence. As a pathfinder they will work to manage local budgets and commission services for patients direct with NHS Hounslow and the London Borough of Hounslow.

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7 December 2010
NHS Hounslow announce new service to streamline referrals
More support for doctors and patients in choosing the right care

A new service to support GPs in their new role as commissioners was agreed by NHS Hounslow today. GPs in Hounslow are leading the way by shaping local services and the Referral Facilitation Service has been developed in partnership with them to handle all referrals, including those from one consultant to another, from February 2011.

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15 November 2010
Flu – are you ready for it?

NHS Hounslow has kicked off this year’s seasonal flu vaccination campaign. The annual campaign encourages people in Hounslow who are at risk of seasonal flu to protect themselves by getting a free flu jab through their GP. Pregnant women are being offered the flu jab because it will protect them against swine flu. The jab is quick and effective; those who get it will be protected for a year.

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8 November 2010
Patients with a skin condition will get treatment faster and closer to home

A new local service will be launched in February 2011 to improve patient access to care and treatment for routine skin conditions. The Community Dermatology Service will provide treatment faster and closer to patients’ homes. Most patients will no longer need to travel to hospital, and will be assessed and treated at the same appointment.

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25 October 2010
Spreading the word in Hounslow for Breast Cancer awareness month

Its Breast Cancer awareness month (October) and NHS Hounslow is urging female residents to attend screening on invitation and be "breast aware".

In 2009 breast cancer took the lives of 59 women in Hounslow out of a GP registered female population of 129,371. Breast screening can pick up abnormalities that could lead to or be identified as cancer so it is a key element for treatment and saving lives. NHS Hounslow hope the new screening unit open at The Heart of Hounslow will support in up take of screening.

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18 October 2010
Knowing the facts to drink sensibly

NHS Hounslow is urging residents to learn or refresh their knowledge on the risks of excessive alcohol consumption during Alcohol Awareness Week (18-24 October).

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12 October 2010

Let's beat the winter vomiting bug this year


Residents asked to stay home for mild cases of diarrhoea and vomiting

Hounslow residents are being asked to stay away from hospitals, nursing homes, schools and day centres if they have any symptoms of the winter vomiting bug, known as norovirus.

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12 October 2010

Successful programme to help children, young people and their families shed the pounds returns in Feltham


These days, 'modern life' can mean that we're a lot less active. We don't move about as much, or eat as well as we used to. This means many kids today could grow up with dangerous amounts of fat in their bodies. NHS Hounslow offers help for families who want to eat healthily and enjoy more active lifestyles in a free 12 week programme called Alive 'n' Kicking.

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5 October 2010

Don’t underestimate seasonal flu — get your annual flu jab


This year's annual seasonal flu vaccination campaign has been launched by the Department of Health.

The campaign will encourage people across Hounslow at risk of seasonal flu to protect themselves by getting their free flu jabs.

Click here for full story
28 September 2010

Annual Public Health Report published


NHS Hounslow has published its Annual Public Health Report for 2009-10 at a
launch event on 20 September 2010. This year’s report focuses on the health of children and young people in Hounslow aged 19 years old or younger, who make-up over a quarter of the population in the borough.

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20 September 2010

Have your say on our needs assessment of pharmacy services in Hounslow


NHS Hounslow recently asked residents about how they use their local pharmacy with an aim to understanding what pharmaceutical services will

be needed in the future. Pharmacists and GPs were also asked their opinion

on services in separate surveys.

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20 September 2010

Breast cancer screening now available at The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic


Women in Hounslow can now be screened for breast cancer at The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic as new breast screening facilities have opened on site.

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1 September 2010

Public invited to our board meeting and AGM,held on 9 September 2010


Members of the public are invited to attend this month’s NHS Hounslow board meeting, which includes our Annual General Meeting and the publishing of our annual report.

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25 August 2010

Get the right treatment this bank holiday


People are urged to plan ahead to care for their health and their family’s wellbeing this bank holiday.

To help people choose the most suitable services to get advice and treatment as quickly as possible, the NHS is continuing to run a campaign called Choose Well.

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17 August 2010

NHS White Paper consultation


Hounslow patients and residents are invited to take part in a consultation on the NHS White Paper, Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS, which was released on 12 July.

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3 August 2010

Preparing for Ramadan


As local Muslims prepare for Ramadan, NHS Hounslow is encouraging people planning to fast to see their GP before Ramadan starts if they have any health issues, or are taking medication. 

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26 July 2010

More places now open to support breast feeding mums


NHS Hounslow is encouraging new mums across the borough to breastfeed their babies for a healthier start in life. Breastfeeding groups are a great way for mums to support each other to give their babies the best start by breastfeeding.

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19 July 2010

Innovative project aims to give kids’ teeth the best start in life

Kids’ teeth can get the best start in life thanks to an innovative new NHS project to improve the oral health of children aged over 3 years old. NHS Hounslow is extending its Healthy Smiles programme that aims to make it easier to access NHS dental services, to Feltham having first been piloted in central Hounslow.
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12 July 2010

Give your views on Hounslow’s Pharmacy services

NHS Hounslow is asking residents about how they use their local pharmacy with an aim to understanding what pharmaceutical services will be needed in the future.
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5 July 2010

Enjoy safe sex this summer


The last thing anyone wants to bring back from a holiday as a souvenir is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or end up with an unplanned pregnancy, which is why NHS Hounslow is advising young people to be prepared.

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29 June 2010

Public invited to our board meeting, held on 8 July 2010


Members of the public are invited to attend this month’s NHS Hounslow board meeting.

It takes place at 2pm on Thursday 8 July 2010.The address is NHS Hounslow Sovereign Court, 15-21 Staines Road, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 3HR

Click here for full story
24 June 2010

Be smart in the sun


As we move into summer and the weather is getting warmer, NHS Hounslow is reminding people of the dangers of too much sun exposure.

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23 June 2010

Marking Deaf Awareness Week in Hounslow


Hounslow residents will be able to get expert advice on services for deaf children during Deaf Awareness Week (28 June – 4 July). Staff from the audiology team will be setting up shop in the atrium of The Heart of Hounslow between the 28 and 30 June offering advice and support to parents and carers.

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21 June 2010
NHS Hounslow urges parents to consider
benefits of breastfeeding
This week is national Breastfeeding Awareness Week
(21—27June 2010) and health bosses at NHS Hounslow are
promoting the benefits of breastfeeding, and the support groups
which are available locally, to new mothers and mums-to-be.
Click here for full story
14 June 2010
Are you at risk of developing Diabetes?

People living in Hounslow are being asked to carry out a lifestyle
check during Diabetes Week (13-19 June 2010) to see if they are
at risk of developing the disease.

Click here for full story
8 June 2010

Have your say about sexual health services


Would you like more of a say about your local health services? Would you

like your viewpoint taken into account when key decisions are being made about sexual health services? Are you keen to make a real contribution to

the continuing development of NHS services?

People across Hounslow are being invited to provide advice, comments

and opinions on our proposals for sexual health services.

Click here for full story
2 June 2010

NHS Hounslow monthly board meeting is on 10 June 2010 — you're welcome to join us


NHS Hounslow is holding is board meeting on 10 June 2010, it is open to members of the public. In the final item, anyone can raise issues from the agenda direct with the Board, in the ‘Public Forum’.

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25 May 2010

NHS Hounslow reappoint Charanjit Ajitsingh and Kathy-Ann

Sienko as Non Executive Directors


NHS Hounslow is delighted to announce the reappointment of Charanjit Ajitsingh and Kathy-Ann Sienko as a Non Executive Director.

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24 May 2010

NHS Hounslow appoint Andreas Lambrianou as chair


NHS Hounslow is delighted to announce the appointment of Andreas Lambrianou as interim chair. Andreas will take up this post from 15 April

2010 until December 2010. He takes over from Sarah Cuthburt, who has been interim Chair since January 2009.

click here for full story
18 May 2010

Have your say about community dermatology services


Would you like more of a say about your local health services? Would you

like your viewpoint taken into account when key decisions are being made about community dermatology services? Are you keen to make a real contribution to the continuing development of NHS services?

People across Hounslow are being invited to provide advice, comments

and opinions on our proposals for dermatology services.

Click here for full story
18 May 2010

Health information screens in Hounslow GP surgeries — with the help of an Apprentice winner

NHS Hounslow rolls out display screens to give patients health and well-being messages to watch whilst they are waiting for their appointment in a GP surgery.The winner of BBC’s Apprentice Yasmina Siadatan now works for Amscreen delivered a zero cost digital signage system for NHS Hounslow.
22 March 2010


NHS Hounslow highlights where to go and what to do if you get sick over the Easter holidays


GP practices in Hounslow will be open normal practice hours in the run up to Easter and will close on the bank holidays - Friday 2 April and Monday 5 April. Some practices will open as normal on Saturday 3 April. Individual practices will inform patients if special arrangements need to be made to pick up prescriptions early on Thursday 1 April.

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22 March 2010


NHS Hounslow marks World TB day


TB (short for Tubercles Bacillus) is a preventable infection and is spread from person to person when someone coughs or sneezes. Close and prolonged contact with someone with active lung TB is needed to be at risk of being infected.

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15 March 2010
NHS Hounslow urges patients to have their say

NHS Hounslow would like local people to be aware of the Department of Health’s consultation on registering with a GP practice of their choice.

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09 March 2010
NHS Hounslow get in gear for No Smoking Day 2010
NHS Hounslow Stop Smoking Service visited Hounslow and Feltham ASDA stores on Thursday 4 March and Saturday 6 March to encourage smokers to consider quitting on No Smoking Day (Wednesday 10 March). 
click here for full story
02 March 2010

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - know the signs

March is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - and NHS Hounslow is urging men to seek medical advice if they experience any unusual symptoms which could be related to the disease.
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01 March 2010

Minister officially opens polyclinic

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health Services and MP for Brentford and Isleworth, Ann Keen officially opened The Heart of Hounslow, as a polyclinic on 25 February 2010.
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22 February 2010

The Heart of Hounslow is officially opened as a polyclinic


The highly successful The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic will be opened officially on 25 February 2010 by Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health Services and MP for Brentford and Isleworth, Ann Keen.

Click here for full story
16 February 2010

NHS Hounslow urges patients to have their say


Around 20,000 patients in Hounslow will soon receive the national GP Patient Survey to gather their opinions on various aspects of visiting the doctor, including the opening hours, how easy it is to make an appointment, the cleanliness of their GP surgery, helpfulness of receptionists and the service given by the doctor.

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8 February 2010

It’s your choice. What ever your reasons


Did you know that for the past couple of years, if your GP refers you to hospital, you are able to choose to go anywhere in England where your care is funded by the NHS? This includes NHS hospitals and some independent (private) hospitals. This allows you to make a choice that suits your personal circumstances – giving you greater convenience and peace of mind

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2 February 2010

NHS Hounslow starts vaccination programmes in all Hounslow comprehensive schools for those in Year 10


Young people at all comprehensive schools across Hounslow are being vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus and polio starting from the 2 February, 2010.

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19 January 2010

New café style drop in for breast feeding mums


NHS Hounslow launched a new breast feeding drop in clinic

at the South Isleworth Children’s centre on 14 January 2010.

The clinic offers new mums advice andsupport in breast feeding in a more

relaxed and informal environment. It is being run in partnership with

the National Childbirth Trust (NCT).

Click here for full story
12 January 2010

NHS asks people to choose the right service


With more cold weather forecasted, people with minor illnesses and

injuries are being asked to ‘choose well’ if they need treatment, to allow

accident and emergency staff to deal with serious and life-threatening


Click here for full story
11 January 2010

Hounslow residents urged to do 30 minutes of moderate

physical activity five times a week


Over 3.5 million adults in London are not doing the recommended 30

minutes of moderate physical activity five times a week. Being physically

active can help reduce the risk of premature death, cardiovascular disease, developing type II diabetes and some cancers. It can also help in

preventing obesity and improves your mental health and well being.

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21 December 2009
Reminder to be prepared for the festive season

Being ill over the winter break is never fun, so patients across Hounslow are being reminded by your local NHS to get prepared.

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21 December 2009
Polyclinic now takes pressure off local hospitals

London Ambulance Service crews from today, 21 December 2009, will now take calls are considered non-life threatening or serious, known as Category C patients, to the walk-in centre at The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic instead of local hospital A&E departments. It is a two month pilot and will be made permanent if successful.

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16 December 2009

Latest figures on childhood obesity in Hounslow

NHS Hounslow  measured 94 per cent of children in the school years of reception (aged four and five) and year 6 (aged ten and 11) to find our how many are ‘underweight’, ‘healthy weight’, ‘overweight’ and ‘very overweight’.
Click here for full story
11 December 2009
Choose Well campaign launched in Hounslow

NHS Hounslow launched ‘Choose well’ campaign by hitting the streets and speaking to local residents in Hounslow High Street on Friday. It is designed to help people to get the most from their local health services.
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08 December 2009

NHS Hounslow gets good rating for how they protect and look after children and young people


NHS Hounslow and London Borough of Hounslow have been praised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted in a wide-ranging report into how they protect and look after children and young people.

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07 December 2009

New free NHS Health MOTs for Hounslow patients: we’ll call you


NHS Hounslow launches free health MOTs to check for vascular diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.


Known as The NHS Health Check, the programme will call in everyone between the ages of 40 and 74.
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24 November 2009
Help to shape our website
Visitors to the NHS Hounslow website will now have the opportunity to shape its future. We have launched a new survey in order to gain an insight into the views of patients, residents, stakeholders and other site visitors.
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16 November 2009

New healthy café opens its doors at polyclinic


Patients, relatives, visitors and staff can now buy healthy food at The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic. The new café specialises in freshly-pressed juices, smoothies, wraps and a wide range of salads.

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03 November 2009

Get fired up for winter

Families, over 60s and people with disabilites or long term health conditions are encouraged to be well prepared for winter.
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03 November 2009

New programme to help children, young people and their families shed the pounds launches in Hounslow


Wlthily and enjoy more active lifestyles.

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27 October 2009

Local residents give polyclinic the thumbs up

The Heart of Hounslow has been a big hit with local residents in its first six months as a polyclinic. Over 11,000 people have used the walk-in service, known as The Practice Heart of Hounslow, open 8am to 8pm every day of the year.
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20 October 2009

At-risk residents urged to be vaccinated against swine flu


  As the borough’s 57 GP surgeries gear up to take delivery of the first batch of the swine flu vaccine, health bosses urge at-risk residents to be vaccinated.
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15 October 2009

NHS Hounslow improves its NHS performance rating


.NHS Hounslow has today received a major boost after a key national report revealed it is continuing to improve.  The NHS watchdog has today (Thursday 15 October 2009) published the results of the 2009 Annual Health Check for all NHS organisations. This year, NHS Hounslow has been rated FAIR for quality of commissioning and FAIR for financial management, up on last year’s performance

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13 October 2009

Don’t underestimate the threat of seasonal flu


We have kicked off this year’s annual national seasonal flu vaccination campaign. The campaign encourages people in Hounslow who are at risk of seasonal flu to protect themselves by getting their free flu jabs through their GP. The jabs are quick, simple and effective; the flu jab will protect them for a year.

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6 October 2009

New Cardiology Clinic at The Heart of Hounslow


Hounslow patients are now able to access comprehensive cardiology services without a visit to hospital, thanks to a new weekly clinic set up by NHS Hounslow at The Heart of Hounslow polyclinic, provided by Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust.

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6 October 2009

Hounslow convenience store given fruit and veg makeover


  Hounslow Post Office and convenience store in Hounslow is one of 16 convenience stores across London has been given  an innovative fruit and veg 'make over'. Launched on launched on 1October 2009 at a Londis store this project seeks to increase the availability and affordability of fruit and vegetables in low-income areas — so more people can get their 5 A DAY.
click here for full story
29 September 2009
NHS Constitution good news for all

NHS Hounslow is delighted to announce the reappointment of David Cahill as a Non Executive Director. David is chair of the Diabetes UK Hounslow voluntary group and was educated locally. He brings excellent financial and treasury skills learnt working at a senior level for international banks in the City of London. He will have an annual remuneration of £7,765 and has no declared political activity in the last five years or other ministerial appointments.

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29 September 2009
NHS Hounslow reappoint David Cahill as Non Executive Director

NHS Hounslow is delighted to announce the reappointment of David Cahill as a Non Executive Director. David is chair of the Diabetes UK Hounslow voluntary group and was educated locally. He brings excellent financial and treasury skills learnt working at a senior level for international banks in the City of London. He will have an annual remuneration of £7,765 and has no declared political activity in the last five years or other ministerial appointments.

click here for full story
22 September 2009
Young people now able to get a free Chlamydia test at a high street chemist

This week, NHS Hounslow launched an awareness campaign about Chlamydia and invites young people between the ages of 16 to 24 to for a test for Chlamydia or screen at a local high street chemist.

click here for full story
8 September 2009
Groundbreaking scheme to improve the oral health of children

NHS Hounslow launches a groundbreaking Healthy Smiles’ scheme to improve the oral health of children aged 3 years and over. This scheme is the first of its kind in England and aims to improve awareness and access to NHS dental services where there is most need.

click here for full story
19 August 2009

NHS Hounslow helps Muslim smokers quit for Ramadan


NHS Hounslow kick starts its annual Stop Smoking campaign for Ramadan; this year is from 21 August to 19 September. Ramadan is a time when Muslims abstain from food, drink and for those who smoke, cigarettes, during daylight hours.

click here for full story
17 August 2009

Hounslow gears up for first round of swine flu vaccinations

NHS Hounslow is gearing up for the first round of swine flu vaccinations, which the Government expects to start end September/early October 2009. But this can only take place if the vaccine is produced in sufficient quantity and licensed in time.
click here for full story

28 July 2009


Find your ‘flu friends’ now

click here for full story

21 July 2009


New stroke and major trauma centres to “radically improve” care for Hounslow residents

click here for full story

15 July 2009


Dementia Awareness Week a success in Hounslow

click here for full story

1 July 2009

NHS Hounslow launches new Acute Home Care service
click here for full story

NHS Hounslow on Radio Jackie:

Square Logo

Dental services in Hounslow - click to play mp3.

Chlamydia screening available free for young people - click to play mp3.

Communications Team
For media and press related enquiries contact the communications team.
Tel : 020 8630 3318 / 3957 / 3036
Email : Communications.Team@hounslowpct.nhs.uk


                         Older news releases can be found here



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Sovereign Court, 15 - 21 Staines Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 3HR
Tel: 020 8630 1000, Fax: 020 8630 3000
Email: communications.team@hounslowpct.nhs.uk. Copyright HPCT 2008

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