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polígrado da disciplina de Matemática Elementar
Research Interests:
In the last few years, the internet use is growing and web pages are being populated by multimedia objects. At the same time, traffic over the internet is growing and, conseque ntly, the importance of data compression. This paper presents... more
In the last few years, the internet use is growing and web pages are being populated by multimedia objects. At the same time, traffic over the internet is growing and, conseque ntly, the importance of data compression. This paper presents formal definitions of "compression algorithm", "better compressi on algo- rithm", "best compression algorithm", "animation", "better ani- mation" and a methodology
This paper presents a proposal for the application of Kolmogorov complexity to the characterization of systems and processes, and the evaluation of computational models. The methodology developed represents a theoretical tool to solve... more
This paper presents a proposal for the application of Kolmogorov complexity to the characterization of systems and processes, and the evaluation of computational models. The methodology developed represents a theoretical tool to solve problems from systems science. Two applications of the methodology are presented in order to illustrate the proposal, both of which were developed by the authors. The first one is related to the software development process, the second to computer animation models. In the end a third application of the method is briefly introduced, with the intention of characterizing dynamic systems of chaotic behavior, which clearly demonstrates the potentials of the methodology.
Abstract—In the last few years, the internet use is growing and web pages are being populated by multimedia objects. At the same time, traffic over the internet is growing and, consequently, the importance of data compression. This paper... more
Abstract—In the last few years, the internet use is growing and web pages are being populated by multimedia objects. At the same time, traffic over the internet is growing and, consequently, the importance of data compression. This paper presents formal definitions ...
"Um Guia para o Islam" pretende ser uma ajuda para o muçulmano convertido, cobrindo desde a Oração Islâmica até o Credo Islâmico (Aqeedah), Jurisprudência (Fiqh) e Misticismo (Tassawuf).
Research Interests:
lista de exercícios de pré-cálculo
Research Interests:
lista de exercícios de pré-cálculo
Research Interests:
lista de exercícios de pré-cálculo
Research Interests:
lista de exercícios de pré-cálculo
Research Interests:
This paper presents a proposal for the application of Kolmogorov complexity to the characterization of systems and processes, and the evaluation of computational models. The methodology developed represents a theoretical tool to solve... more
This paper presents a proposal for the application of Kolmogorov complexity to the characterization of systems
and processes, and the evaluation of computational models.
The methodology developed represents a theoretical tool to
solve problems from systems science. Two applications of the
methodology are presented in order to illustrate the proposal,
both of which were developed by the authors. The first one
is related to the software development process, the second to
computer animation models. In the end a third application of the method is briefly introduced, with the intention of characterizing dynamic systems of chaotic behavior, which clearly demonstrates the potentials of the methodology.
Research Interests:
This paper introduces a new methodology, based on Kolmogorov complexity, to compare and evaluate computer animation models, regarding data compression. It was originally proposed to be applyed to characterize the software development... more
This paper introduces a new methodology, based on Kolmogorov complexity, to compare and evaluate computer animation models, regarding data compression. It was originally proposed to be applyed to characterize the software development process. The methodology proposed
here may be used on a more general context, as a tool to solve problems in systems science. Systems science has a vague definition. It is related to the study of general principles governing systems of a large range of types. In
our method, we define an animation model as a machine and use machine simulation to compare diferent types of models, setting out an animation model hierarchy. A definition of
data compression is provided to support our definition of "better animation". The definition includes lossy data compression and may be applyed to MPEG streams. The methodology is theoretical and related to classic computing
Research Interests:
Our main aim is to propose a new characterization for the software development process. We suggest that software development methodology has some limits. These limits are a clue that software development process is more subjective and... more
Our main aim is to propose a new characterization for the software development process. We suggest that software development methodology has some limits. These limits are a clue that software development process is more subjective and empirical than objective and formal. We use Kolmogorov Complexity to develop the formal argument and to outline the informal conlusions. Kolmogorov Complexity is based on the size in bits of the smallest effective description of an object and is a suitable quantitative measure of the object's information content. We try to show that notion of complexity is a suitable measure and a tool for the characterization of the software development process. Following the paper conclusions, the limits of formal methods typifies the software development process as experimental and heuristical based, like, for example, the scientific development in physics and chemistry. Moreover, by our approach, we argue that software development is, in some sense, formally unpredictable. These conclusions suggest that software engineering is a scientific field not totally characterized by the typical work of engineering, but also by the experimental sciences methodology.
Research Interests:
Uma introdução ao pacote Beamer para fazer apresentações em LaTeX
Research Interests:
Material introdutório ao pacote Xy-pic do LaTeX
Research Interests:
Um curso de 1 semestre de semântica formal
Research Interests:
Lâminas inacabadas sobre Teoria das Categorias
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Lâminas para um curso de 1 semestre de Linguagens Formais
Research Interests:
um curso introdutório ao Python com TK (programação orientada a objetos)
Research Interests:
Um curso de 1 semestre de introdução à programação, incluindo programação funcional. Adequado para um primeiro semestre de um curso de bacharelado em computação.
Research Interests:
Exercícios de Introdução à Lógica
Research Interests:
Curso completo de LaTeX - produzindo documentos
Research Interests:
Material de apoio didático para Cálculo 1 e Pré-Cálculo
Research Interests:
artigo descrevendo as transformações matemáticas e sua aplicação na construção do gráfico de funções
Research Interests: