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The eulogy of Queen Hildoara, wife of the Visigothic king Gundemar (610-612), preserved in a consolatory letter within the epistulae Wisigothicae, contains the most complete literary description of a Visigothic queen so far. The aim of... more
The eulogy of Queen Hildoara, wife of the Visigothic king Gundemar (610-612), preserved in a consolatory letter within the epistulae Wisigothicae, contains the most complete literary description of a Visigothic queen so far. The aim of this work is to stress the importance of this text, while also carrying out a comparative study of this source with other Spanish and Merovingian consolationes and laudationes, in order to remark on the similarities and differences between the description of Hildoara and the rhetoric models of queens and women in Visigothic literature.
The diplomatic protocol observed by the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo still lacks a deep study, despite having at our disposition an important epistolary collection, the Epistulae Wisigothicae. The present study focuses on some letters... more
The diplomatic protocol observed by the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo still lacks a deep study, despite having at our disposition an important epistolary collection, the Epistulae Wisigothicae. The present study focuses on some letters from this collection: those exchanged between King Sisebut and the Byzantine patricius Caesarius. During an open conflict between emperor Heraclius and King Sisebut (c. 614-615), some embassies were sent by both parties to conclude a peace treaty, from which these letters emerge. Through the analysis of their contents, some common features of diplomatic protocol, some shared practises, and perspective differences between both states can be defined.
Among the several diplomatic letters transmitted to us from king Sisebut of the Visigoths (612-621), there is one that stands out for its content and length: the letter addressed to the Lombard kings Adalwald and Theodolind, in which the... more
Among the several diplomatic letters transmitted to us from king Sisebut of the Visigoths (612-621), there is one that stands out for its content and length: the letter addressed to the Lombard kings Adalwald and Theodolind, in which the king urges them to convert to Catholicism the gens Langobardorum. Through it, we can understand the Visigoth monarchy's official discourse regarding its Arian past, both in political and religious terms, and we can observe the coincidences between this discourse and the one developed by the Spanish clerical hierarchy after the 3rd Council of Toledo (589), in which the ideological foundations of the so-called “Catholic kingdom of Toledo” were laid.
This study is concerned about some carmina of the so-called Appendix Eugeniana, republished in 1984 by Nicolò Messina in his work Pseudo-Eugenio di Toledo. Speculum per un nobile visigoto. This reissue brought a new interpretation and... more
This study is concerned about some carmina of the so-called
Appendix Eugeniana, republished in 1984 by Nicolò Messina in his
work Pseudo-Eugenio di Toledo. Speculum per un nobile visigoto. This
reissue brought a new interpretation and restarted some debate on
the writings, which had already been subject of older discussions:
these poems were considered by Messina a speculum principis written during the years of the Visigothic kingdom of Toledo, although its actual chronology is far from sure. The manuscript tradition
and several content issues of the carmina will be analysed in order
to support or deny Messina’s hypotheses and to argue if we are
facing a useful source for the Visigothic aristocratic ideology or a
later writing.
Father Jaume Pasqual, a Premonstratesian monk and scholar of the so-called “School of Les Avellanes”, was one of the prominent antiquarians of the Catalonian Enlightenment and, possibly, a pioneer of Catalonian archaeological field work.... more
Father Jaume Pasqual, a Premonstratesian monk and scholar of
the so-called “School of Les Avellanes”, was one of the prominent
antiquarians of the Catalonian Enlightenment and, possibly, a pioneer
of Catalonian archaeological field work. This study therefore analyses
the precedents, methods, innovations and drawbacks of 18th century
antiquarian Catalonian historiography through Pasqual’s research in
identifying of the location of the Laietan settlement of Rubricata.
Definition of identities (whether cultural, religious, social, ethnic) in Late Roman Empire and early German kingdoms (5th -6th centuries AD) has been, and is already being, object of deep revision in the last years. Given this, the use... more
Definition of identities (whether cultural, religious, social, ethnic) in Late Roman Empire and early German kingdoms (5th -6th centuries AD) has been, and is already being, object of deep revision in the last years. Given this, the use of onomastic criteria has not always paid attention to the enormous complexity within this issue when it comes to define identities. By using several examples, we are going to analyse, in this study, the main features of Late Roman onomastic habits and the various troubles which the scholar has to face when it comes to translate these facts into their “holders'” social, religious, or ethnic characterisation.
(COPY under request). Las figuras femeninas tardoantiguas asociadas al poder han sido sistemáticamente relegadas a un segundo plano, y en el reino visigodo esta posición marginal se torna aún más flagrante si cabe. Las madres, esposas e... more
(COPY under request). Las figuras femeninas tardoantiguas asociadas al poder han sido sistemáticamente relegadas a un segundo plano, y en el reino visigodo esta posición marginal se torna aún más flagrante si cabe. Las madres, esposas e hijas de los reyes godos fueron casi sistemáticamente silenciadas por las fuentes, hasta el punto de que sus vidas e incluso sus identidades acabaron cayendo en el olvido. Muy ocasionalmente, de las reinas godas sólo ha sobrevivido el nombre; en unos pocos casos, escuetas referencias; la mayoría de las veces, el mutismo total. Sin embargo, con toda probabilidad el desdén de las fuentes hacia ellas no responde a una falta de protagonismo político por su parte, sino a una concatenación de variados motivos. Pero todo ello tuvo una inesperada consecuencia, y es que la invisibilidad de las madres y esposas de los reyes godos despertó un interés inusitado entre los cronistas una vez desaparecido el reino visigodo, y ante la ausencia de referencias femeninas no sólo se empezaron a manipular los datos biográficos disponibles, sino que se acabaron inventando un número nada desdeñable de reinas. También en este caso, existió una motivación para ello: la historiografía postvisigoda aspiraba a explicar la relación que las mujeres habían mantenido —o que se suponía que debían mantener— con el poder, lo cual también es analizado en aras al objetivo final de este breve ensayo: elaborar un primer elenco crítico de las reinas godas.
Pelagia is a biographical enigma: she was the wife of two of the most powerful men in the Roman fifth century AD (Bonifatius and Aëtius), but despite this, most aspects of her life and deeds are unknown or subject to profound debate. She... more
Pelagia is a biographical enigma: she was the wife of two of the most powerful men in
the Roman fifth century AD (Bonifatius and Aëtius), but despite this, most aspects of
her life and deeds are unknown or subject to profound debate. She could have played
an important role in Western politics, but ancient sources pay little attention to her.
Modern researchers are not sure about her date of birth, her offspring, or her faith. Even
her actual name is uncertain. This contribution examines the scarce biographical accounts of the Roman-barbarian noblewoman Pelagia to demonstrate her relevance as a female character during the final years of the Roman West. Some clues will be provided about her historical significance, as an example of a fifth century female aristocrat, an example of Roman-barbarian political unions, and an example of Arian conversions and their political relevance in military contexts.
Queens Liuwigotho and Cixilo, two of the last known Visigothic queens, are analysed in a case study to stress the problems of their historical contextualisation and the historiographical debate around their significance, as queens and as... more
Queens Liuwigotho and Cixilo, two of the last known Visigothic queens, are analysed in a case study to stress the problems of their historical contextualisation and the historiographical debate around their significance, as queens and as female characters in a time where few sources are available.
Nuestro propósito en el presente estudio es el de reivindicar el relato histórico de la embajada romana a la corte de Atila en el año 449 d.C. del historiador Prisco de Panion, desde una perspectiva distinta que los investigadores... more
Nuestro propósito en el presente estudio es el de reivindicar el relato histórico de la embajada romana a la corte de Atila en el año 449 d.C. del historiador Prisco de Panion, desde una perspectiva distinta que los investigadores contemporáneos, tradicionalmente, no han estudiado debidamente: la Historia cotidiana, poniendo especial atención en el
mundo de los viajes, el transporte y las relaciones exteriores en el Bajo Imperio Romano. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos reivindicar también a Prisco, la vida y obra del cual son únicas y controvertidas, como fuente para la Historia romana tardía.
Research Interests:
Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales reúne diversas contribuciones que estudian, desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinar (con enfoques que van de lo literario a lo antropológico, pasando por lo histórico-arqueológico), la evolución del poder... more
Mujeres imperiales, mujeres reales reúne diversas contribuciones que estudian, desde una perspectiva pluridisciplinar (con enfoques que van de lo literario a lo antropológico, pasando por lo histórico-arqueológico), la evolución del poder femenino y su expresión pública desde la tardoantigüedad hasta el período bizantino tardío.
Los trabajos aquí reunidos consideran tanto la evidencia literaria como la material (pintura y escultura, numismática, epigrafía monumental). Por su carácter interdisciplinar, esta obra permite observar desde diversos ángulos las estrategias que facultaron a estas mujeres para ejercer el poder. Con su liderazgo en las cortes imperiales y reales, las mujeres que transitan por estas páginas consiguieron trascender el papel de meras madres de emperadores y reyes para convertirse en auténticas protagonistas de la política contemporánea.
Research Interests:
PhD Thesis. This work’s aim is to establish a theoretical model of interpretation of what has been called the gens Gothorum throughout the 5th-7th centuries AD. However, I will not only intend to review how our sources have depicted the... more
PhD Thesis.

This work’s aim is to establish a theoretical model of interpretation of what has been called the gens Gothorum throughout the 5th-7th centuries AD. However, I will not only intend to review how our sources have depicted the Goths, but also how this description fits in the historical reality of these centuries. As this thesis’ title says, I will study the dialogue between discourse and reality.

So long this work is concerned with the construction of Gothic identity by the Greek and Latin sources of Late Antiquity, it is worth to begin with a status quaestionis in order to establish the meaning of “Goth” and the Gothic people. For many years, scholars have been arguing about the barbarians’ identity in Late Antiquity, about the degree of their “barbarism” or “Romaness”. New and recent perspectives on barbarian identity have changed the way in which scholars approach to the study of barbarian kingdoms in 5th-6th centuries, mainly through the anthropological notions of flexible group identities and the historical notion of Late Antique continuities. One can no longer understand the formation of a barbarian people and kingdom – such as the Goths – by using former statements of rigid and ethnically homogeneous Germanic communities that built up new Germanic kingdoms over a submitted and passive Roman population. Not only were barbarians and Romans cooperating, cohabitating and mutually sharing political, and social culture, but even the very definition and identity of these barbarians and their kingdoms was shaped by Christian Roman scholars and theorists. This work fits in all those new historical perspectives and explores both possibilities and limitations of these models in order to study a single gens: the gens Gothorum.

Given this, in the present work I will write a comprehensive analysis of the Goths, joining theorisations and models about them and their evolution’s reality. From migrating “barbarians” rejected by proud Roman aristocrats and clergymen, to the Toledan Catholic Gothic kingdom, the dialogue between discourse and historical reality will be stated. It is not, of course, an issue that has not been previously studied by modern scholars, but I hope this work will provide an innovative perspective on topics long debated. Especially, I will intend to offer a synthesis of several historical phenomena that contribute to shape the gens Gothorum throughout the 5th-7th centuries: their condition as a military group, their role as landowners, their aristocratic values and their barbarian identity.
Comunicació a les Jornades Internacionals d'Estudi "Biografia i Prosopografia a l'Antiguitat Tardana. Barcelona. 22 i 23 de gener de 2024", Universitat de Barcelona, GRAT-AEM. S'explrarà el valor i l'origen de les fonts de dubtosa... more
Comunicació a les Jornades Internacionals d'Estudi "Biografia i Prosopografia a l'Antiguitat Tardana. Barcelona. 22 i 23 de gener de 2024", Universitat de Barcelona, GRAT-AEM.
S'explrarà el valor i l'origen de les fonts de dubtosa autenticitat a l'hora de reconstruir la biografia d'un personatge femení obscur.
Cicle de Conferències "Xerrades del Col·lectiu Esparreguerí de Recerques. Esparreguera, 23 de setembre de 2023. Conferència sobre el paper institucional, l'agència i les vides més destacades de les reines, esposes i mares, dels reis... more
Cicle de Conferències "Xerrades del Col·lectiu Esparreguerí de Recerques. Esparreguera, 23 de setembre de 2023. Conferència sobre el paper institucional, l'agència i les vides més destacades de les reines, esposes i mares, dels reis visigots.
Se presenta un manuscrito inédito que contiene dos fragmentos de un leccionario medieval procedente del archivo municipal de Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona). Uno de los fragmentos, en particular, contiene la parte central de una passio de... more
Se presenta un manuscrito inédito que contiene dos fragmentos de un leccionario medieval procedente del archivo municipal de Olesa de Montserrat (Barcelona). Uno de los fragmentos, en particular, contiene la parte central de una passio de Santa Ágata, cuya filiación manuscrita, contexto, cronología y difusión en Cataluña serán discutidos.
La qüestió de la crema de documents o condemna de llibres és un factor gens negligible dins les causes de la pèrdua de textos i documentació escrita al llarg de l’Antiguitat Tardana. Aquesta comunicació explora la pervivència, aplicació... more
La qüestió de la crema de documents o condemna de llibres és un factor gens negligible dins les causes de la pèrdua de textos i documentació escrita al llarg de l’Antiguitat Tardana. Aquesta comunicació explora la pervivència, aplicació i, especialment, viabilitat d’aquest fenomen en el regne visigot de Toledo i les conseqüències que la crema de llibres pogués tenir en la desaparició de literatura arriana.
sabemos tanto de las reinas como nos permiten nuestras limitadísimas fuentes. Y constituye un verdadero reto obtener información de ellas, porque para el período que nos interesa, la época visigoda (c. 507-711), son realmente escasas.... more
sabemos tanto de las reinas como nos permiten nuestras limitadísimas fuentes. Y constituye un verdadero reto obtener información de ellas, porque para el período que nos interesa, la época visigoda (c. 507-711), son realmente escasas. Esto no sólo es una limitación reconocida, sino una característica del estudio de las reinas visigodas, y por lo tanto es tan importante estudiar tanto las definiciones como los silencios, porque incluso ellos significan algo. Borders in Late Antiquity were not exclusively physical. The period 230-700 saw many ideological changes that progressively departed from the Classical World and laid the foundations of... more

Borders in Late Antiquity were not exclusively physical. The period 230-700 saw many ideological changes that progressively departed from the Classical World and laid the foundations of the medieval years. Depictions and role models of noblewomen were not indifferent to these changes, which operated in every level in which power and social pre-eminence were affected. New forms of Christian lifestyle combined with the emergence of non-Roman power figures shaped gender. Common women underwent deep changes during this time; although Late Antique literary sources were far more concerned with noblewomen, empresses, and queens. Their role models, despite all the continuities, were newer and more different from their Classical predecessors.

This session provides three examples of the evolution of women in power in Late Antiquity, women who lived between two worlds: the case of an imperial princess between her barbarian origins and her Roman husband; the conflicting identity and political role of a Byzantine empress married to a man regarded as a barbarian by her fellow subjects; and the accomodation of a Visigothic queen between a repressing clerical role model and courtly alternatives. Three features of change and continuity in the ideological borders of Late Antiquity: Roman/Barbarian, both in the 3rd and 5th century Roman East and West; and Clerical/Courtly role models in Barbarian 6th and 7th century West.
El objeto de mi comunicación es mostrar un ejemplo práctico de experimentación y análisis de una fuente concreta: el relato del viaje de Prisco de Panion a la corte de Atila. Mi intención, con esta comunicación, es hacer notar que, para... more
El objeto de mi comunicación es mostrar un ejemplo práctico de experimentación y análisis de una fuente concreta: el relato del viaje de Prisco de Panion a la corte de Atila. Mi intención, con esta comunicación, es hacer notar que, para el investigador de la Antigüedad, para el cual las fuentes clásicas son tan importantes, es fundamental conocer y dominar las “herramientas”, digamos, de análisis de fuentes, ya que si le hacemos las preguntas pertinentes, la fuente nos puede sorprender con un abanico de informaciones que a priori no se nos hubiera ocurrido que podía contener. Y, en definitiva, también, mediante este ejemplo, me gustaría hacer notar que, en el ámbito de la historia cotidiana, a menudo tenemos que recurrir a detalles inscritos en obras de temática muy diversa para hallar la información que buscamos.
We know very little about Visigothic queens. Visigothic researchers know that, about queens, we have at our disposition merely a handful of scattered and unimportant references. Only in the case of Goswinth, Atanagild's, and after,... more
We know very little about Visigothic queens. Visigothic researchers know that, about queens, we have at our disposition merely a handful of scattered and unimportant references. Only in the case of Goswinth, Atanagild's, and after, Leovigild's wife, there is enough information about her for us to draw a picture of her life from almost contemporary sources. Generally, Spanish Visigothic normative, literary, and narrative sources, pay little attention to queens. In most of the cases, we have more questions than answers about their identity, biography, her political role or official attributes. We do not know but the name of some queens, and about others it's only the name that's known. In the present speech I will proceed to analyse some historical aspects of the queens' treatment in contemporary and later sources.
Al finalizar el conflicto visigodo-bizantino en los primeros años del reinado de Sisebuto (612-615), el rey godo y el patricius romano Cesáreo intercambiaron una serie de cartas, de las que conservamos cuatro, en vistas a establecer un... more
Al finalizar el conflicto visigodo-bizantino en los primeros años del reinado de Sisebuto (612-615), el rey godo y el patricius romano Cesáreo intercambiaron una serie de cartas, de las que conservamos cuatro, en vistas a establecer un tratado de paz que, para los bizantinos, iba a suponer el aplazamiento en unos años del fin de la provincia romana de Spania. Más allá de los factores históricos y las circunstancias políticas en las que se desarrollaron las conversaciones, cuestiones ya estudiadas, las cartas permiten analizar los elementos de protocolo y hábitos diplomáticos que existían en el siglo VII, con especial atención a los visigodos y en comparación con la diplomacia bizantina.
Book review of Du royaume goth au Midi mérovingien. Actes des XXXIVe Journées d’Archéologie Mérovingienne de Toulouse, 6, 7 et 8 Novembre 2013. Edited by Emmanuelle Boube, Alexis Corrochano and Jérôme Hernandez. Mémoires 56. Bordeaux:... more
Book review of Du royaume goth au Midi mérovingien. Actes des XXXIVe Journées d’Archéologie Mérovingienne de Toulouse, 6, 7 et 8 Novembre 2013. Edited by Emmanuelle Boube, Alexis Corrochano and Jérôme Hernandez. Mémoires 56. Bordeaux: Ausonius. 2019. 560 pp. €60. ISBN 2356132465. ISSN 1283 2995.