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Sustainable development represents the future for Romanian rural areas anda viable solution to solve the environmental problems. This concept can beput into practice through the interaction between economic, sociocultural,environmental... more
Sustainable development represents the future for Romanian rural areas anda viable solution to solve the environmental problems. This concept can beput into practice through the interaction between economic, sociocultural,environmental and political-institutional dimension. In this interaction,an important role has the ecological education of citizens from rural areasand their involvement in environmental policy decisions. So, a low level ofecological education in rural areas leads to a permanent degradation ofenvironmental factors. In this research, we showed some negativeenvironmental practices related to the inhabitants of rural areas.Citizen’s education in environmental spirit should promote the principlesof prevention, conservationand recycling.
Natural fertilizers were used in agriculture since ancient times andare still the best method of soil fertilization. Traditional agriculture,practicedin rural areas of Romania, contributes to the maintenance of... more
Natural fertilizers were used in agriculture since ancient times andare still the best method of soil fertilization. Traditional agriculture,practicedin rural areas of Romania, contributes to the maintenance of soilsfertilizationecological practices. Our research shows the evolution of the quantity ofnatural fertilizers used in the past 20 years at the national level and atthe levelof NeamŃ County captures the evolution over the seven years of naturalfertilizers areas. In the analyzed period, the quantity of naturalfertilizers onagricultural land is growing, but fertilized land record low values,showing thatit has increased the average quantity of natural fertilizers per hectare.
This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the... more
This paper aims to capture the importance of demographic dimension in thesustainable development process of the rural space. From a series ofstatistics data we realized an analysis of demographic indicators, which ithelped us to trace the development trends characteristic for our area ofstudy. To understand the evolution in time and the implications of humanresource in the process of development it was necessary referencing themwith national or local historical events. Demographic dimension analysishighlights the development stage of rural space and help the formulation ofthe future local policies that regard the sustainable development.
Household waste generated is often uncollected in rural areas causingvarioustypes of pollution like: air and water pollution, soil pollution and theaestheticdegradation of the landscape. The environmental legislation proposed by... more
Household waste generated is often uncollected in rural areas causingvarioustypes of pollution like: air and water pollution, soil pollution and theaestheticdegradation of the landscape. The environmental legislation proposed by theEuropean Union was transposed into the national legislation but theimplementation process was difficult because of particular situationsencountered in practice. The rudimentary infrastructure of waste managementand limited access to waste collection services lead to uncontrolledhousehold waste disposal. In this context, the geographical location ofrural settlements influences the way of waste disposal either on riverbanks or open dumps placed on roadsides or forest areas with variousenvironmental implications. Those, forest areas in the proximity of humansettlements or recreation areas become vulnerable to waste pollution. Evenif local authorities are obliged to provide waste collection facilitiessince July 16, 2009, the illegal dumping of waste in forest...
Household waste generated is often uncolleted in rural areas causing various types of pollution like: air and water pollution, soil pollution and the aesthetic degradation of the landscape. The environmental legislation proposed by the... more
Household waste generated is often uncolleted in rural areas causing various types of pollution like: air and water pollution, soil pollution and the aesthetic degradation of the landscape. The environmental legislation proposed by the European Union was transposed on the national legislation but the implementation process was difficult because of particular situations encountered in practice. Rudimentary infrastructure of waste management and limited access to waste collection services lead to uncontrolled household waste disposal. In this context, the geographical location of rural settlements influences the way of waste disposal either on river banks or open dumps placed on roadsides or forest areas with various environmental implications. Those, forest areas in the proximity of human settlements or recreation areas become vulnerable to waste pollution. Even if local authorities are obliged to provide waste
collection facilities since July 16, 2009 the illegal dumping of waste in forests is still present. This situation is reflected by field observations from Suceava and Neamt counties. Usually forest areas affected by uncontrolled waste disposal are located in hilly regions or subcarpathian areas. The degradation of these areas is visible and this can have a negative influence not only on the environment but also on tourism activities.
Managing National Parks in the Czech Republic: Economic Analysis, Petra Hlaváčková Forest associations of the National Park Mavrovo in the Republic of Macedonia, Jane Acevski, Bojan Simovski The analysis of life quality indicators in... more
Managing National Parks in the Czech Republic: Economic Analysis, Petra Hlaváčková
Forest associations of the National Park Mavrovo in the Republic of Macedonia, Jane Acevski, Bojan Simovski
The analysis of life quality indicators in the area of natural resources and environment protection in chosen micro-regions of the Czech Republic, Jansky Jaroslav
Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Forest Management in the Czech Republic, Vaclav Kupcak
The Illegal Dumping of Waste in Forest Areas - Evidence from Rural Territory, Andreea Lămăşanu, Florin - Constantin Mihai
Current status and prospects of the market with energy woodchips in the Czech Republic, Dalibor Šafařík
State of the art regarding the ecological and economical assessment of forest sites, Alexei Savin
Aspects Regarding the Floristic Diversity in the Stands Situated on the Eastern Slope of Stânişoara Mountains and the Influence of the Regeneration Cuttings Upon it, Gabriel Dănilă
Effects of alterations of Romania’s forestry stock area and structure on diurnal Lepidoptera – a GIS approach, Andrei Crişan, Cristina Craioveanu, László Rákosy
The risk of fire and it´s management in the forest of Suceava County, Ion Burlui
Aspects regarding the red deer trophy size (Cervus elaphus l.) in the beech – fir tree mixture areas in comparison with those in the spruce - fir tree areas, Nicolae Goicea, Nadia Dănilă
Jugglers in statistics of normality, Sergiu Andrei Horodnic
Restoration Management in Small Forest Watersheds, Alice Kozumplikova, Ilja Vyskot, Jiri Schneider
Flow-rate estimation of a small watercourse as a basic water balance element of a forest microwatershed, Jan Deutscher, Petr Kupec
The Romanian Forest Code (Law no. 46/2008, modified). Some opinions about it, Viorel-Gheorghe Marinescu
Use of building rubble and organic matter mixture as an innovative substrate to improve water regime in degraded soils within processes of land reclamation and reforestation, Michal Henek, Miroslav Kravka, Svatava Henková, Radek Dymák