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  • Teacher Education, Telecommunications Engineering, Mobile and Telecommunicaions, Computer Networking and Telecommunication, Telekomunikasi, Education, and 48 more
    (Philosophy, Computer Science, International Relations, Economics, Communication, Opnet, NS-3, Atoll, Matlab, Wireless Communications, Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Social Media, Computer Engineering, Opnet based simulation for deploying VoIP, Implementation of Voice Over IP In UMTS Using OPNET, Telecommunication, Matlab Programming, Ad Hoc Networks, Matlab & Simulink programming, Electronics and Communications Engineering, The advantages of CDMA over GSM UMUT OKCU, Jaringan Komputer, RF Optimization, 3G Huawei KPI, Telecommunications, Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, Cognitive Radio Networks, Gnu Radio, Software Defined Radio, 3G and 4G technologies, Long Term Evolution (LTE), 5G Mobile Communications, LTE Optimization, Internet of Things (IoT), Omnetpp, Omnet, Technology, Management, Mathematics, Telecommunications Policy, Regulation and Economics, Telecommunications policy and regulation, Telecommunications Policy, Spectrum Management, Spectrum Regulation, ICT policy and regulation, Regulation Economics, and Internet Policy)
  • Alfin menamatkan pedidikan sarjana di Teknik Elektro UGM pada tahun 2002 dan memulai karir pertamanya di Indosat seba... more
    (Alfin menamatkan pedidikan sarjana di Teknik Elektro UGM pada tahun 2002 dan memulai karir pertamanya di Indosat sebagai Technical Support penempatan Surabaya-Batam, setelah keluar dari Indosat Dia bergabung untuk mengerjakan Project Samsung sebagai RF Optimization Engineer untuk Jabodetabek Area. <br />Pada Akhir 2003 bergabung menjadi Dosen di IT Telkom Purwokerto (dahulu AKATEL/ST3 Telkom Purwokerto). Pada tahun 2009 mendapatkan beasiswa dari Telkom University dan berhasil meraih gelar Magister Teknik Elektro pada tahun 2011. <br />Sekarang Alfin sedang menempuh pendidikan S3 di Teknik Elektro di Universitas Indonesi (UI), dia juga pernah mengikuti beberapa pendidikan non formal di bidang ICT antara lain di Shenzen Cina, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia dan Singapore.<br /><br />Berbekal pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang di miliki, selain menjadi Dosen di IT Telkom Purwokerto ia sering diundang untuk memberikan training atau menjadi narasumber di bidang Telekomunikasi Seluler 5G-4G-3G-2G dibeberapa institusi antara lain, PT Telkom Indonesia, PT Telkom Satelit, PT Indosat Jakarta, PT Inti Bandung, PT Huawei Services Indonesia, PT Xerindo Teknologi Jakarta, PT Alita Praya Mitra, PT Moratelindo, PT Lexcorp, PT Floatway, CV Commtech , PT Bali Tower, PT KIN, PT IBS, Polines, Pens-ITS, PNJ-UI, Vokasi UGM, Vokasi Tel-U, Untidar Magelang, UII serta beberapa Training Public yang di laksanakan di Jakarta-Bandung-Semarang-Surabaya.<br /><br />Alfin juga pernah menjadi Tenaga Ahli untuk beberapa Kementrian, yaitu: <br />• Perencanaan Jaringan Seluler 3T 2015 dengan Teknik Elektro University Indonesia (UI) dan Balai Penyedia dan Pengelola Pembiayaan Telekomunikasi dan Informatika (BP3TI) Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika, <br />• Kajian Infrastruktur Digital Nasional 2019 dengan Kementrian Perindustrian dan Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Departemen Teknik Undustri.<br />• Penyusun Kurikulum Program Vocational School Graduate Academy Digital Talent Scholarship Tahun 2020, Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika.<br />• Pengolahan Data Cakupan Sinyal Seluler Kuartal IV Tahun 2019 untuk All Operator, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika<br />• selain itu menjadi konsultan ICT untuk Program Depkominfo yaitu ICT Pura pada tahun 2012 di Kab Banyumas serta Kab Purbalingga di tahun 2013.<br /><br />Selain menjadi Tenaga Ahli di beberapa kementrian, Alfin juga menjadi anggota Delegasi Republik Indonesia untuk acara sebagai berikut :<br />• Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Conference Preparatory Group for WRC-23 (APG23-1) – 2020<br />• Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) ,&nbsp; The 26th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-26) 2020<br />• Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) ,&nbsp; The 25th Meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-25) 2019<br /><br /><br />Penelitian yang di tekuni terkait tentang Teknologi Wireless/Seluler, hasil penelitian dapat di lihat di : <br />• Google Scholar , H-Indeks : 10<br />• Scopus Author ,&nbsp; H-Indeks : 5<br /><br />Sebagai reviewer dibeberapa Jurnal dan Seminar (diantaranya):<br />1. Jurnal Buletin Pos dan Telekomunikasi (Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informasi). Terindex Sinta 2<br />2. Jurnal INFOTEL ( Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto). Terindex Sinta 3.<br />3. International Conference on Electronics, Biomedical Engineering, and Health Informatics (ICEBEHI)-2020. Terindex Scopus.<br /><br />Pengalaman dalam struktural perguruan tinggi adalah : pernah menjadi Wakil Rektor 1 Bidang Akademik dan Riset, Wakil Ketua 1 Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan, Ketua Prodi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Kabag Kerjasama dan Promosi, Kasi Kemahasiswaan dan Akademik, Pendiri dan Pembina UKM Pencak Silat Merpati Putih Kolat Telkom. Selain jabatan diatas pernah juga menjadi Sekretaris Senat dan Anggota Senat Institusi.<br /><br />Selain menjadi Asesor Kompetensi BNSP dengan No. Reg. MET.000.006349 2017, Dosen pada Program Studi S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi, Peneliti , Konsultan, dan Trainer, Alfin juga menjadi penulis Buku, 3 buku yang ditulisnya adalah 4G Handbook Versi Bahasa Indonesia Jilid 1 , 4G Handbook Versi Bahasa Indonesia Jilid 2 dan Perancangan Jaringan Gelombang Mikro Menggunakan Pathloss 5.<br /><br />Alfin juga aktif menjadi Volunteer IEEE, yaitu <br />1. General Secretary di IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) Indonesia Chapter sejak 2020<br />2. Publication Co-Chair , 9th 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Network, and Satellite (IEEE Comnetsat 2020)<br /><br />Komunitas Berbagi File dan Diskusi ttg Telekomunikasi :<br /><br />
The Indonesian spectrum usage fees—the so-called Biaya Hak Pengguna Frekuensi Izin Pita Frekuensi Radio (BHP IPFR)—are currently calculated using a formula determined by the three following main parameters: the frequency band, the... more
The Indonesian spectrum usage fees—the so-called Biaya Hak Pengguna Frekuensi Izin Pita Frekuensi Radio (BHP IPFR)—are currently calculated using a formula determined by the three following main parameters: the frequency band, the country’s economic parameter, and the nationwide population. As spectrum usage fees are proportional to the width of the bandwidth, the current formula would result in an extremely high price when applied to 5G-mmWave private networks, with the cost burden being a direct consequence for the service operator. In this paper, we propose the formulation of a new spectrum usage fee for 5G-mmWave private network implementation in Indonesian industrial areas. To do so, we evaluate the current formula, adopt the framework offered by the ITU-R SM.2012-5 (06/2016), and use an industrial reference index—the Indonesia Industry Readiness Index 4.0 (INDI 4.0) score. We test the proposal by applying the new formula to calculate the 5G-mmWave private network spectrum usag...
Cellular technology that is currently being planned to release is 5G technology that will be released in 2022 in Indonesia by using frequencies at 3.5, 26, and 28 GHz. To maintain economic stability in Indonesia, especially in the field... more
Cellular technology that is currently being planned to release is 5G technology that will be released in 2022 in Indonesia by using frequencies at 3.5, 26, and 28 GHz. To maintain economic stability in Indonesia, especially in the field of non-tax revenue, it is needed to examine how much the Spectrum Fee is paid by the operator to the government. The formula of Bandwidth Spectrum License has set by the Government through the Ministry of Communications and Informatics. To analyze the suitability of the spectrum fee values and operators revenue the writer readjusts the value of normalization factor (K) where this value is given by 4 options which are 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25% of the K values obtained. As a result, The calculation of Spectrum Fee using 100% of K factor resulting Rp. 1,6 Trillion for the mid-band, while for the high-band resulting Rp. 6,4 Trillion. Spectrum fee is reduced in proportion to the decrease in the K Factor used. so that the K factor of 25% resulting Rp. 400 Billion for the mid-band, while for the high-band resulting Rp. 1,6 Trillion. In general, the use of high-band results in higher spectrum fees, this is due to the use of bandwidth that is 4 times higher than the mid-band and the higher K factor value.
The development of information and communication technology (ICT) in Indonesia is increasing rapidly every year. However, this increase is not comparable to the distribution of technology in remote areas, especially areas with mountainous... more
The development of information and communication technology (ICT) in Indonesia is increasing rapidly every year. However, this increase is not comparable to the distribution of technology in remote areas, especially areas with mountainous contours. So it takes a proper backhaul network design to deploy telecommunication services in remote areas. Microwave transmission technology is widely used as a backhaul network in mountainous areas because it can reach areas that are difficult to reach by fiber optic. However, multipath fading becomes a problem in microwave communication, so to solve it, we use the diversity configuration approach. Space diversity configuration is the system most often used, but in more extreme conditions it can use a hybrid diversity configuration which is a combination of space and frequency diversity. In this study, we designed and compared the performance of two types of diversity configurations, namely space and hybrid diversity in cross-mountainous areas u...
Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi telekomunikasi yang pada saat ini banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat yaitu Long Term Evolution (LTE), dibutuhkan perencanaan jaringan agar teknologi tersebut dapat dinikmati secara optimal. Perencanaan... more
Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi telekomunikasi yang pada saat ini banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat yaitu Long Term Evolution (LTE), dibutuhkan perencanaan jaringan agar teknologi tersebut dapat dinikmati secara optimal. Perencanaan jaringan LTE meliputi perencanaan secara cakupan, dan perencanaan secara kapasitas. Dalam hal ini perencanaan jaringan LTE menggunakan Base Trasnceiver Station (BTS) existing yang berarti memanfaatkan BTS yang sudah ada untuk dijadikan eNodeB, pada percobaan ini menggunakan data koordinat dari BTS operator x, pemanfaatan BTS existing dalam suatu perencanaan dapat menekan biaya dari segi infrastruktur dan penerapannya lebih mudah sehingga pengguna dapat dengan mudah mengakses teknologi ini dari perangkat. Pada perencanaan jaringan LTE menggunakan alat bantu sotfware Atoll, dari hasil uji coba simulasi menggunakan Atoll untuk perencanaan secara cakupan,yang didapatkan melalui prediksi daya pancar didapatkan nilai rata–rata -86,69dBm dan -89,21 dBm ya...
ABSTRAK Jaringan Long Term Evolution saat ini sudah berkembang dan umumnya dapat diakses diperkotaan namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa jaringan ini dapat segera dinikmati didaerah pedesaan, dengan kapasitas yang tidak sebesar... more
ABSTRAK Jaringan Long Term Evolution saat ini sudah berkembang dan umumnya dapat diakses diperkotaan namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa jaringan ini dapat segera dinikmati didaerah pedesaan, dengan kapasitas yang tidak sebesar perkotaan penyedia layanan memerlukan backhaul yang tidak hanya handal namun juga efisien dari segi kapasitas, transmisi dan implementasi. Supaya jaringan LTE dapat dirasakan didaerah pedesaan. WiFi 802.11n dipilih sebagai alternatif jaringan backhaul untuk daerah rural karena lebih mudah diimplementasikan dari pada microwave maupun fiber optic selain itu WiFi 802.11n mempunyai kapasitas maksimum 74 MBps yang cukup untuk menampung trafik di daerah pedesaan yang tidak begitu besar. Pada penelitian skripsi ini, akan dilakukan simulasi menggunakan Atoll, simulasi pertama adalah menentukan jaringan LTE yang handal dilihat dari nilai Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) sebesar-67,31 dBm, dan nilai Signal To Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) sebesar 8,98 dB Kemudian dari hasil perancangan jaringan backhaul menggunakan Wifi 802.11n didapatkan rata – rata daya sinyal terima adalah-74,07 dBm dan availability 99,99812%. Sehingga jaringan backhaul dapat berfungsi dengan baik karena memenuhi quality objective yang telah ditentukan yaitu daya sinyal yang diterima minimal-79,097 dBm dan availability minimal 99,99%
ABSTRAKSI Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi saat ini memiliki peranan yang sangat penting di dunia telekomunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan selular WCDMA dipastikan membutuhkan kapasitas trafik pelanggan dan cakupan... more
ABSTRAKSI Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi saat ini memiliki peranan yang sangat penting di dunia telekomunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan selular WCDMA dipastikan membutuhkan kapasitas trafik pelanggan dan cakupan jaringan pada suatu area yang baik.Penambahan BTS COMIS akan mengatasi kedua masalah tersebut yaitu disisi kapasitas dan kualitas cakupan sinyalnya. Pembahasan studi kasus ini mengenai analisa cakupan sinyal sistem WCDMA dan penambahan kapasitas trafik pelanggan pada sebuah area. Yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah Effective Isotropic Radiated Power(EIRP), Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) dan Ec/Io. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kondisi awal EIRP sebesar 51 dBm, daya terima sinyal atau RSCP sebesar-107,63 dBm dan Ec/Io-20,7 dB. Selanjutnya, setelah dilakukan perhitungan berdasarkan perencanaan kapasitas dan cakupan didapatkan jumlah BTS COMIS yan diperlukan adalah 1 sel/BTS, sehingga pada simulasi software atoll dilakukan penambahan BTS COMIS sebanyak 1 sel/BTS, berdasarkan hasil simulasi penambahan 1 sel tersebut terjadi peningkatannilai RSCP atau daya terima sinyalyaitu menjadi-83 dBm, sedangkan untuk hasil dari Ec/Io atau kualitas sinyalnyatetap yaitu sebesar-20,7 dB. Kata kunci : 3G, Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) dan Ec/Io ABSTRACT The development of telecommunication technology today has a very important role in the world of telecommunications. With the growing number of cellular subscribers WCDMA certainly require the capacity of customer and network traffic in a good area. Addition of BTS COMIS will overcome both of them is the capacity and signal quality. Discussion of this case study on analysis. The most in this research is Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) and Ec / Io. The results of this study indicate the initial condition of EIRP of 51 dBm, receive signal or RSCP equal to-107.63 dBm and Ec / Io-20.7 dB. Furthermore, after the calculation based on the capacity and the size of the BTS base BTS required is 1 cell / BTS, so at simulation software atol done addition of BTS COMIS as much as 1 cell / BTS, based on simulation result of 1 cell that happened increase of RSCP or signal receiving power ie to-83 dBm, for the results of Ec / Io or the fixed signal quality of-20.7 dB.. Keywords: 3G, Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), Received Signal Code Power (RSCP) and Ec / Io 1
buku ini membahas tentang pengetahuan standar yang terdapat di dunia telekomunikasi. Pada bagian 4G RF Planning buku ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai RF Planning baik di sisi Coverage Planning maupun Capacity Planning. Buku ini juga... more
buku ini membahas tentang pengetahuan standar yang terdapat di dunia telekomunikasi. Pada bagian 4G RF Planning buku ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai RF Planning baik di sisi Coverage Planning maupun Capacity Planning. Buku ini juga membahas secara mendalam mengenai Physical Channel baik di sisi downlink maupun uplink dimana pengetahuan tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui secara riil kapasitas dari sebuah eNodeB. Di bagian akhir bab ada pembahasan mengenai Mobile TV dimana dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini sudah memungkinkan terjadinya konvergensi antara Telepon Seluler, Internet dan juga televisi. PDF File :
Komunikasi radio gelombang mikro digunakan sebagai sarana transmisi antar Base Tranciever Station (BTS) atau Base System Control (BSC). Sementara itu mengingat keadaan di Indonesia juga merupakan negara yang banyak terdapat gunung maupun... more
Komunikasi radio gelombang mikro digunakan sebagai sarana transmisi antar Base Tranciever Station (BTS) atau Base System Control (BSC). Sementara itu mengingat keadaan di Indonesia juga merupakan negara yang banyak terdapat gunung maupun bukit yang dapat menyebabkan komunikasi yang dikirim tidak sampai sepenuhnya kepada penerima. Gangguan komunikasi yang terjadi karena adanya objek antara hop link pengirim dan penerima disebut multipath fading. Keadaan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan passive repeater back to back antenna dan repeater plane reflector. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan perancangan jaringan microwave menggunakan repeater back to back antenna dan repeater plane reflector pada site yang sama. Perencanaan jaringan microwave dilakukan di daerah Bogor yaitu pada site Gedong Panjang Sukabumi dengan koordinat 06 55 52.79 S 106 55 22.67 E dan Teluk Pinang yang terletak pada koordinat 06 40 41.31 S 106 50 55.60 E. Perancangan jaringan microwave menggunakan software Pathloss 5.0. Dari hasil perancangan menggunakan repeater back to back menghasilkan availability sistem sebesar 99,99998% dan unavailability sebesar 6,25 detik per tahun sedangkan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan menggunakan rumus menghasilkan nilai availability sebesar 99,99984% dan unavailability sebesar 5,3 detik pertahun. Dari hasil perencanaan menggunakan plane reflektor, availability yang dihasilkan yaitu 99,99917% dan unavailability sebesar 262,35 detik pertahun dari hasil simulasi menggunakan pathloss 5.0 sedangkan hasil dari perhitungan menggunakan rumus menghasilkan availability sebesar 99,99985% dan unavailability sebesar 5,3 detik pertahun Kata kunci : microwave, repeater back to back antenna, repeater plane reflector, Pathloss 5.0
This research proposes the design of a wideband microstrip antenna with triple notch bands for the fifth generation (5G) communication system. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate with r of 4.3, tanδ of 0.0265 and a thickness of... more
This research proposes the design of a wideband microstrip antenna with triple notch bands for the fifth generation (5G) communication system. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate with r of 4.3, tanδ of 0.0265 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. Triple notch bands are generated using a 22 element array configuration that connects each patch antenna in series and is arranged horizontally. From the simulation results, a triple band notched antenna is obtained with a resonant frequency of 3.15, 3.32 and 3.72 GHz. The fractional bandwidth (FBW) of the proposed antenna is 770 MHz or 22 % and the gain is 9.24 dB with an operating frequency of 3.5 GHz. The proposed antenna succeeded in increasing the bandwidth and gain up to 285 % and 55 %, respectively, compared to a single element antenna. The studied antenna design can be recommended as it is also very useful as a receiving antenna for the 5G communication system.
The Pulogadung industrial area is a widely known developing industrial area that is perfectly ideal for the implementation of 5G technology to help run the Indonesian economy. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that knowing the level of... more
The Pulogadung industrial area is a widely known developing industrial area that is perfectly ideal for the implementation of 5G technology to help run the Indonesian economy. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that knowing the level of economic feasibility of an operator is highly crucial before making an investment in a network performance. This study focuses on an analysis of 5G network design in terms of coverage using the Urban Micro propagation model in the Uplink (UL) and Downlink (DL) Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O) Line of Sight (LOS) scenarios. In addition, it also aims to cover the discussion on the economic level of project feasibility using an optimistic scenario assuming 80% users, which is based on the projected increase in population growth of 5G users using the bass growth model method since its implementation in 2021–2030. The economic analysis used the parameters of Capital Expenditure (CAPEX), Operational Expenditure (OPEX), Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to determine the feasibility of planning a 5G New Radio network in the Pulogadung Industrial Area. The calculation of Cost Benefit in the optimistic techno-economic scenario shows that each UL O2O LOS NPV scenario resulted in Rp. 28.369.498.095.53 with an IRR of 31.18%, while DL O2O LOS NPV resulted in Rp. 24.862.173.071.28 with an IRR of 26.68%. This result indicates that the performance of the 5G NR network in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate assuming the projections for the next 10 years is feasible.
Long Term Evolution (LTE) adalah jaringan akses radio evolusi jangka panjang yang  dikeluarkan oleh 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), LTE merupakan kelanjutan dari teknologi generasi ketiga yakni 3G WCDMA-UMTS. Peneliti melakukan... more
Long Term Evolution (LTE) adalah jaringan akses radio evolusi jangka panjang yang  dikeluarkan oleh 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), LTE merupakan kelanjutan dari teknologi generasi ketiga yakni 3G WCDMA-UMTS. Peneliti melakukan perencanaan coverage sebuah jaringan di kota Jakarta pada sebuah cluster 4G LTE menggunakan frekeunsi 1800 Mhz. Perencanaan coverage menggunakan software planning simulasi UNET. Data-data untuk coverage planning jaringan 4G LTE 1800 Mhz ini akan mengacu pada data Engineer Parameter site-site yang ada pada dalam sebuah cluster. Peneliti telah melakukan perubahan pada sisi nilai parameter logical dan physical tunning.  Hasil dari penelitian adalah luas cakupan sel dari perancangan cakupan area LTE pada cluster XXX di daerah DKI Jakarta adalah 6,65 km 2 dengan menggunakan 3 sektor yang memiliki jari-jari 0,51 km, sehingga menghasilkan sebanyak 10 buah eNodeB yang diperlukan untuk mencakup seluruh area cluster XXX.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused universities to adapt to various changes, especially lecture activities. The purpose of this article is to describe how lecturers carry out the teaching and learning process during a pandemic. The... more
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused universities to adapt to various changes, especially lecture activities. The purpose of this article is to describe how lecturers carry out the teaching and learning process during a pandemic. The indicators are teaching methods, technology, schedules, evaluation techniques, and constraints. The data collection technique used a survey approach with 216 respondents. The analysis and discussion results show that the teaching method uses online discussions, online assignments, and virtual face-to-face meetings. In terms of technology, the majority of lecturers use the WA Group application, and the rest uses other media. For learning schedule indicators, the majority of lecturers deliver online learning according to the schedule. In evaluation techniques, most lecturers use online tests or quizzes to assess student achievement. The implementation of distance learning has obstacles, namely the achievement and competence of skills and technical barriers, s...
Effective and efficient network planning for appropriate area coverage can use the standard propagation model (SPM) calibrating or tuning method. SPM functions to increase the accuracy of predictions from the appropriate coverage planning... more
Effective and efficient network planning for appropriate area coverage can use the standard propagation model (SPM) calibrating or tuning method. SPM functions to increase the accuracy of predictions from the appropriate coverage planning results in field implementation. This study uses a calibration method resulting from field measurements with 4G LTE 1800 MHz technology. The results of the simulation found that the percentage of SPM propagation model for Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) is above-80 dBm, the difference is 4.30%, RSRP values range from-80 dBm to-95 dBm at 21.52%,-95 to-110 dBm at 25.45%, and RSRP is smaller than-110 dBm at 0.37% by measuring field signal distribution. Coverage prediction of Calibrated SPM propagation model has the higher accuracy than COST 231, it represents the accuracy of SPM about 87% and COST 231 about 79%. The improvement of RSRP in the simulation is caused by changes in the correction values K1 to K7 which are in accordance with the criteria of the Purwokerto City area after calibrating. 1. Introduction Telecommunications technology changes the human life trends that make the telecommunication services to be the primary needs. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the fourth generation mobile technology designed to improve information access services to the internet network (mobile broadband) which can fulfill the human needs for telecommunication services. LTE technology has criteria like latency less than 10 ms, the data rate reached 100 Mbps when users were moving and 1 Gbps when users were static. LTE Bandwidth is flexible and has a better efficiency spectrum than 3.5 G technology from release 6. LTE can work in a variety of frequency spectrum and this technology can collaborate with non-3GPP systems that already exist [1][2]. LTE Network Service criteria in Indonesia now is still not optimal. It needs optimal network coverage planning to make this technology can cover all area network. Coverage planning is a method of network planning for predicting and simulating the coverage of each eNodeB in close to real conditions. eNodeB is the transceiver station to connect the user equipment with the LTE network. The first step in the coverage planning process is calculating the link budget. This Link budget calculation estimates the value of the Maximum Allowed Path Loss (MAPL) between a transmitter and a receiver on the downlink and uplink communication. The output of the link budget calculation is the number of eNodeB to cover all area by we know the cell radius. The cell radius can be estimated based on a review of the area and the propagation model used. This process needs the accurate
In Industrial areas, good network services are required. In industrial digitalization, the presence of 5G may affect performance. Prioritizing advanced automation and robotics-based output can increase productivity. This research analyzed... more
In Industrial areas, good network services are required. In industrial digitalization, the presence of 5G may affect performance. Prioritizing advanced automation and robotics-based output can increase productivity. This research analyzed 5G New Radio (NR) planning based on coverage area at frequency 26 GHz in Karawang Industrial Area. In this research the sequence of network planning was done by calculating the link budget of downlink conditions; Outdoor to Outdoor (O2O); Line of Sight (LOS); Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) using Urban Micro (UMi) propagation model. The standardization of the UMi propagation model, referred to 3GPP TR 38901. The results to be obtained after calculating the link budget could be simulated in the Mentum Planet version 7.3.0. The Automatic Site Placement (ASP) feature was used to automatically place the site to observe the SS-RSRP, SS-SINR, data rate parameters. From the results of the simulation O2O LOS downlink scenario, the average value of the observed SS...
The evolution of mobile broadband technology currently experiencing rapid progress in accordance with the human need for information. Technology High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which is the development of WCDMA technology is an... more
The evolution of mobile broadband technology currently experiencing rapid progress in accordance with the human need for information. Technology High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) which is the development of WCDMA technology is an alternative to high speed internet services up to 7.2 Mbps. With the growing number of customers, the quality of the network should be improved both network outdoors or indoors. To determine the quality of a mobile network can use the test drive methods by looking at the value of signal parameters such as Received Signal Code Power (RSCP), Energy Chips per Noise (Ec / No). To determine the quality of data, it can be seen from the value of the maximum throughput speed of upload and download results. Research and measurement results show the value of the signal obtained for Telkomsel and Axis operators the best value for ≥ RSCP-92 dBm to achieve the target as many as over 80%. and for Ec / No ≥ -9 dBm to not achieve the target of 80%, while the value ...
New Radio (NR) is the fifth generation of wireless access technology that is able to provide extreme mobile broadband, massive connectivity and low-latency communications. This study aimed to compare network planning in mid-band at 2.6... more
New Radio (NR) is the fifth generation of wireless access technology that is able to provide extreme mobile broadband, massive connectivity and low-latency communications. This study aimed to compare network planning in mid-band at 2.6 GHz and in high-band at 26 GHz which enables very large bandwidth for multi-Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) data rate transmission. The network planning used Mentum Planet 7.3 based on coverage area in the form of a case study in Jababeka Industrial Estate with an area of 22.67 $\mathrm{k}\mathrm{m}^{2}$. Link budget was calculated using Downlink Outdoor-to-Outdoor (O2O) with Line of Sight (LOS) and Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) scenarios based on the Urban Micro (UMi) and Urban Macro (UMa) propagation models with 3GPP TR 38.901 standardization. The simulation results showed that scenario 1 (downlink-O2OLOS) produced a better network than scenario 2 (downlink- O2O-NLOS). The NLOS scenario required a higher number of gNodeB than the LOS scenario because in the NLOS scenario, there was a trouble between the gNodeB and the user terminal. The maximum data rate at 2.6 GHz was 436.31 Mbps with an average SS-RSRP value of-96.01 dBm and an average SS-SINR value of 4.21 dB, while the maximum data rate for 26 GHz was 1.83 Gbps with an average SS-RSRP value of -78.14 dBm and an average SSSINR value of 0.46 dB.
This research is expected to be an initial planning for 5G New Radio (NR) technology implementation in Indonesia and discusses 5G NR network planning based on coverage area at frequency 28 GHz in 5 km2 of Pulogadung industrial estate.... more
This research is expected to be an initial planning for 5G New Radio (NR) technology implementation in Indonesia and discusses 5G NR network planning based on coverage area at frequency 28 GHz in 5 km2 of Pulogadung industrial estate. Link budget was calculated based on outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) with Line of Sight (LOS) scenario and Urban Micro (UMi) was used as propagation model standardized by 3GPP TR 38.901. The planning result was simulated using Mentum Planet ver.7.2.1 and resulted in path loss values 110.30 dB for uplink and 109.80 dB for downlink; the cell radius was 214.37 m for uplink and 202.92 m for downlink; it requires 43 sites for uplink scenario and 60 sites for downlink scenario to prepare a good network service. The simulation employed Automatic Site Placement (ASP) to determine site position regardless of the existing data. From the uplink simulation result, SS-RSRP parameter was displayed with minimum value -110.96 dBm; maximum value -68.66 dBm; and average value -99.54 dBm. The downlink simulation result shows SS-RSRP parameter with minimum value -110.96 dBm; maximum value -68.66 dBm; and average value -98.82 dBm.
In this research, the fifth generation 5G NR network planning was conducted at a frequency of 2.6 GHz and simulated using the Software Mentum Planet 7.3.0 with a planning method in terms of coverage with a case study in the Golden... more
In this research, the fifth generation 5G NR network planning was conducted at a frequency of 2.6 GHz and simulated using the Software Mentum Planet 7.3.0 with a planning method in terms of coverage with a case study in the Golden Triangle of Jakarta with a planning area of 7.2km2. The planning in this study used the 5G NR planning method with a propagation model suitable for planning, namely the UMa (Urban Macro - Street canyon) model based on the standards of 3GPP TR 38,901, and used 2 planning scenarios for downlink: outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) line of sight (LOS) and outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) non line of sight (NLOS). The results of the parameter (SS-RSRP) observation showed that Scenario 2 (Downlink-O2O-NLOS) had the highest average SS-RSRP, namely −65.873dBm while the lowest average SS-RSRP was obtained by Scenario 1 (Downlink-O2O-LOS), i.e. −95.94dBm. The results of the parameter (data rate) observation showed that Scenario 2 (Downlink-O2O-NLOS) had the lowest average Data Rate i.e. 126.4Mbps while the highest average Data rate was obtained by Scenario 1 (Downlink-O2O-LOS), namely 179.078Mbps. The results of the parameter (SS-SINR) observation showed that Scenario 2 (Downlink-O2O-NLOS) had the lowest average SS-SINR, namely 2,153dB while the highest average SS-SINR was obtained by scenario 1 (Downlink-O2O-LOS), i.e. 4.71dB
This research used the 5G NR network planning with the frequency of 3.5 GHz simulated using the Mentum Planet 7.2.1 software with the planning method in the coverage side by employing a case study in Pulogadung industrial zone with a... more
This research used the 5G NR network planning with the frequency of 3.5 GHz simulated using the Mentum Planet 7.2.1 software with the planning method in the coverage side by employing a case study in Pulogadung industrial zone with a total area of 5 km2. This planning used the 5G NR planning method with the propagation model in accordance with the plan, that is, UMa (Urban Macro – Street canyon) model based on the standard of 3GPP TR 38.901, using 8 design scenarios for the uplink; and downlink; outdoor-to-outdoor (O2O) and outdoor-to-indoor (O2I); line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) conditions. The simulation result showed that the design with the downlink scenario required more sites to fulfill the area services that the uplink scenario since influenced by the link budget parameter, that is, the value of interference margin downlink which is greater than that of the uplink margin interference; From all scenario parameters of SS-RSRP observed, scenario 1 (downlink-O2O-...
Microwave communication is still important to use in the backhaul network of telecommunications systems because it can reach remote areas that are difficult to reach by cable technology. One of the implementations is cross-ocean backhaul... more
Microwave communication is still important to use in the backhaul network of telecommunications systems because it can reach remote areas that are difficult to reach by cable technology. One of the implementations is cross-ocean backhaul communication which is widely applied in the archipelago. So, to reach the remote areas, proper backhaul network planning is required. A point-to-point microwave transmission network can be a solution to reach remote areas of islands separated by oceans. The problem that occurs is that the multipath fading on the ocean route is quite large so that to overcome this we need a diversity technique. There are various diversity configurations such as space, frequency, and a combination of both or Hybrid. Based on the simulation and theoretical calculations, concluded that point-to-point configuration producing the quality of communication below the standards set by the ITU-R (ITU-T G.821). The use of space diversity and hybrid diversity provided a signifi...
Today, high data rate is the prior requirement to support services and applications. It is definitely a challenge for the 5G New Radio (NR) in providing high data rates, in order to support use cases, especially enhanced Mobile Broadband... more
Today, high data rate is the prior requirement to support services and applications. It is definitely a challenge for the 5G New Radio (NR) in providing high data rates, in order to support use cases, especially enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB). The objective of this research is to design a 5G network which has greater data rates employing carrier aggregation techniques. Carrier Aggregation (CA) is a way which is able to improve data rates by aggregate component carriers, hence, it can make a wider bandwidth. There are three modes of CA scenario that can be used: intra-band contiguous CA, intra-band non-contiguous CA, and inter-band noncontiguous CA. In this research, the 5G network planning with carrier aggregation on inter-band employing bandwidth 40 MHz at frequency 2300 MHz and bandwidth 100 MHz at frequency 3500 MHz was simulated in Mentum Planet software. The simulation implemented at Marunda Center Industrial Area in Bekasi used downlink outdoor-to-indoor (O2I) with Line of S...
The capabilities of fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems will make possible massive new levels of connectivity; very fast data transfer rates, from 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps; and high reliability of mobile communications.... more
The capabilities of fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems will make possible massive new levels of connectivity; very fast data transfer rates, from 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps; and high reliability of mobile communications. Developments in technology to meet these capabilities will be deployed in the existing frequency bands identified for cellular broadband communication systems, but they will also require new spectrum band resources in low, mid, and high frequencies to specifically provide high bandwidth resources that can efficiently deliver high data rate services. The main goal of the research was to investigate the available spectrum bands and data rates according to the available bandwidth assumptions in Indonesia as a study case.
Extensive implementation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems increases the needs of IoT engineers. However, some available IoT-trainer modules, which needed to equipped engineers with IoT skills, are quite expensive and exclusive for... more
Extensive implementation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) systems increases the needs of IoT engineers. However, some available IoT-trainer modules, which needed to equipped engineers with IoT skills, are quite expensive and exclusive for private institutions. This research proposes an IoT-trainer design that offers seven simple experiments to understand IoT concepts, which classified into three aspects: IoT devices, connectivity, and cloud or application system. All devices are available and purchasable from the market, low-price, and easy to configure: ESP8266 (NodeMCU-12E, and ESP-01), Arduino Uno, and Xbee. Moreover, the platforms that we use to tunnel a network and processing data are also open source: Ngrok, ThingSpeak, and 000webhost. By exploiting this simple, inexpensive IoT-trainer design and experimenting with those seven scenarios, learners can study the basic concept of IoT as infrastructure.
This work addresses the design, fabrication, and implementation of an RF energy harvester 2.45 GHz using a compact rectenna. Our proposed rectenna focuses on development of an antenna array and rectifier circuit. The proposed rectenna is... more
This work addresses the design, fabrication, and implementation of an RF energy harvester 2.45 GHz using a compact rectenna. Our proposed rectenna focuses on development of an antenna array and rectifier circuit. The proposed rectenna is fabricated using FR4 substrate with its overall size of 12.24 cm × 18.17 cm with a thickness of 1.6 mm. The measured results show that a 10 dB bandwidth covering in 2374-2549 MHz (175 MHz) with center frequency 2415 MHz at S 11 of −18.2 dB. There is a bandwidth enhancement of 57.6% compared to the single antenna. Gaining of the antenna array is 6 dB that is double a single antenna gain. Spatial diversity technique in antenna array yields a bigger antenna gain thereby increasing the received power level. Experimental measurements are carried out that the rectenna is placed indoor (LOS) at 5 m and outdoor (NLOS) at 15 m. Furthermore, we also explore the rectifier circuit that to maximize the output voltage. The received RF power that transmitted from ...
Dalam melakukan transmisi gelombang mikro terdapat pengaruh interferensi dan redaman, maka banyak propagasi yang tidak bebas pandang  (Line of  Sigh). Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu perhitungan dan pengecekan suatu jaringan transmisi... more
Dalam melakukan transmisi gelombang mikro terdapat pengaruh interferensi dan redaman, maka banyak propagasi yang tidak bebas pandang  (Line of  Sigh). Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu perhitungan dan pengecekan suatu jaringan transmisi agar nilai interferensi tidak berpengaruh besar terhadap nilai availability yang seharusnya, ada beberapa cara untuk menghindari bahkan menghilangkan kasus interferensi adalah dengan mengganti sub-band dan mengganti sistem polarisasi pada antenna microwae. Pada jaringan transmisi milik PT.XL Axiata Banten terjadi suatu kasus interferensi, yaitu pada Hop link Panimbang-Labuan-Cigeulis dikarenakan menggunakan frekuensi yang sama dan sub-band yang sama. Dari hasil RF Scanning terlihat bahwa pada link tersebut memang terindikasi interference. Oleh karena itu dengan menggunakan software pathloss 5.0 akan dapat dilakukan suatu analisa suatu link atau jaringan yang terinterferensi. Sehingga dapat mengurangi dan mengatasi suatu kasus interferensi yang terjadi...
Di suatu daerah yang memiliki dataran tinggi seperti daerah Selawangi dan Pabuaran mempunyai banyaknya pegunungan dan bukit yang membuat terjadinya kegagalan informasi yang dikirimkan pada antar BTS, kegagalan tersebut diakibatkan... more
Di suatu daerah yang memiliki dataran tinggi seperti daerah Selawangi dan Pabuaran mempunyai banyaknya pegunungan dan bukit yang membuat terjadinya kegagalan informasi yang dikirimkan pada antar BTS, kegagalan tersebut diakibatkan terdapatnya gunung yang menjulang tinggi di antara site Selawangi ke site Pabuaran, gunung tersebut dinamakan penghalang (Obstacle) yang mengakibatkan sinyal informasi yang dikirimkan dari site Selawangi ke site Pabuaran mengalami tidak Line Of Sight (LOS). Untuk itu diperlukan penambahan antena pengulang yaitu (Repeater) untuk mengulang suatu sinyal radio dengan mengubah suatu pancaran radio tanpa sebuah aplikasi peralatan elektronik. Pada penelitian ini Repeater yang digunakan adalah back to back antenna karena jenis antena ini lebih baik untuk mengirimkan informasi yang diterima dan akan mendapatkan penguatan gain. Dari hasil pengujian rancangan dengan mengunakan software Pathloss 5.0, maka didapatkan hasil nilai dari kehandalan sistem yang tidak menggu...
4G LTE network planning included coverage planning and capacity planning. This research used existing Transceiver Network Base Station (BTS), the utilization of existing BTS in a plan to reduce the cost in terms of infrastructure and... more
4G LTE network planning included coverage planning and capacity planning. This research used existing Transceiver Network Base Station (BTS), the utilization of existing BTS in a plan to reduce the cost in terms of infrastructure and applications. The results of the research planning coverage using Frequency Reuse 1 were transmit power value −67.28 dBm and −67.53 dBm, the signal strength value 14.6 dB and 13.89. Capacity planning through simulation user in a rural area connected to the user obtained eNode B was 98.2% and not connected to the user obtained eNode B was 95.2%. Researchers used Software Planning Tool to gather the result.
Increasing cell capacity in GSM applied by several methods such as Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA), Channel Sharing, Channel Borrowing and Cell Splitting to solve the massive increasing of cellular users amount in the whole world. It... more
Increasing cell capacity in GSM applied by several methods such as Fixed Channel Allocation (FCA), Channel Sharing, Channel Borrowing and Cell Splitting to solve the massive increasing of cellular users amount in the whole world. It necessary to calculate the number of the subscriber within each cell in a certain busy hour based on available channel capacity in order to serve the traffic capacity in a cell. In this work, we present calculations to compare cell capacity without increasing cell capacity method and cell capacity using increasing capacity methods. As a programming tool,  we used Borland Delphi 7. In addition, this simulation software added with comprehensive explanations, Erlang B Table, and graphics to make it easier and more efficient in analyzing. 
At present the need for higher internet connection along with the age which is growing so fast. Then there is the latest breakthrough in telecomunications that is WiMAX technology is a wireless broadband technology reffered the IEEE... more
At present the need for higher internet connection along with the age which is growing so fast. Then there is the latest breakthrough in telecomunications that is WiMAX technology is a wireless broadband technology reffered the IEEE 802.16 standard. WiMAX technology comes with a network of excellence in aspects of data access speed, wide area coverage and the presence of QoS is can allocate frequencies in accordance with user needs using OFDM technology. WiMAX technology can reach area far as 50 kilometers, also allows user equipment (customer premise equipment or CPE) to get a broadband connection without having a direct path (non line of sight, NLOS) to the base station (BS) and provides a total data rate of up to 75 Mbps. Results of this Final project assumed that the area where will be design is Banyumas district. Then final project results of the PRX -100.31 dB; the Total Margin of 23.56 dB; Path los of 134.5 dB; gamma (?) of 4.375; Frequency correction factor (?PLf) of 0,36; a...
Perkembangan industri wireless saat ini mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Teknologi 3G yang ditetapkan oleh ITU akan berperan sangat penting dan semakin dominan dalam perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan... more
Perkembangan industri wireless saat ini mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Teknologi 3G yang ditetapkan oleh ITU akan berperan sangat penting dan semakin dominan dalam perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan selular WCDMA dipastikan membutuhkan juga cakupan jaringan  di dalam sebuah area, baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan. Pembahasan berupa studi kasus mengenai analisa cakupan sinyal sistem WCDMA pada sebuah area. Yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) dan Received Signal Code Power (RSCP). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil perhitungan EIRP adalah 58 dBm dan RSCP -117,73 dBm. Selanjutnya, hasil drive test menunjukan pada bagian outdor lantai 1 diperoleh hasil sebesar -90 dBm, sedangkan untuk bagian indoornya yaitu -99 dBm. Untuk bagian outdoor lantai 2 nilainya -95 dBm dan bagian indoor-nya yaitu -100 dBm
A high necesarry data service and bigger network capacity becomes a critical issue in the GSM network. One of the good and bad size parameter reference-quality GSM network can be viewed on the performance parameters MLSLOT Allocation... more
A high necesarry data service and bigger network capacity becomes a critical issue in the GSM network. One of the good and bad size parameter reference-quality GSM network can be viewed on the performance parameters MLSLOT Allocation Blocking. The default value for parameter MLSLOT Allocation Blocking are ? 40 % that the network is otherwise well. To overcome these problems it is applied to UMTS technology. The study was conducted to determine how the performance of the 2G PT Indosat Tbk. Before  and after the application of technology and how it compares to the performance of UMTS cellular network PT Indosat Tbk. before and after implementation of a UMTS network. In conducting this study the authors to collect the necessary data and did the interview if the supervisor does not know From the research the average value MLSlot Bocking Allocation has decreased, for the first sector decreased on average uplink 0.70% to 0.17% down 0.53%.The average downlink 26.49% to 14.98% down 11.51%. ...
Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi yang semakin pesat, membuat para operator dan vendor telekomunikasi harus dapat menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi yang aman, cepat, dan multi guna, untuk mendorong terciptanya ekosistem layanan... more
Perkembangan teknologi telekomunikasi yang semakin pesat, membuat para operator dan vendor telekomunikasi harus dapat menyediakan layanan telekomunikasi yang aman, cepat, dan multi guna, untuk mendorong terciptanya ekosistem layanan telekomunikasi yang beragam bagi para penggunanya.…
Eb/No parameter is the measure of signal to noise ratio for a digital communication system, it is measured at the input to the receiver and is used as the basic measure of how strong the signal is, or in other words Eb/No indicates the... more
Eb/No parameter is the measure of signal to noise ratio for a digital communication system, it is measured at the input to the receiver and is used as the basic measure of how strong the signal is, or in other words Eb/No indicates the fluctuation of received signal strength in the receiver. Eb/No is affected by several factors, such as speed of mobile station, propagation environment and bit rate. The variations of Eb/No value will affect to the number of offered channel and coverage in WCDMA. The impact of the variation of Eb/No value could be recognized in the result of the calculations. The purpose of this research is to build simulation models by using Delphi to view and analyze the influence of Eb/No of total channels and WCDMA coverage. The results from simulation analysis showed that the larger of Eb/No and bit rate used, the number of channels on offer will be smaller and the value of BS is low sensitivity, which means loads of traffic will also offer little that would caus...
This research proposes the design of a wideband microstrip antenna with triple notch bands for the fifth generation (5G) communication system. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate with r of 4.3, tanδ of 0.0265 and a thickness of... more
This research proposes the design of a wideband microstrip antenna with triple notch bands for the fifth generation (5G) communication system. The antenna is designed using FR-4 substrate with r of 4.3, tanδ of 0.0265 and a thickness of 1.6 mm. Triple notch bands are generated using a 22 element array configuration that connects each patch antenna in series and is arranged horizontally. From the simulation results, a triple band notched antenna is obtained with a resonant frequency of 3.15, 3.32 and 3.72 GHz. The fractional bandwidth (FBW) of the proposed antenna is 770 MHz or 22 % and the gain is 9.24 dB with an operating frequency of 3.5 GHz. The proposed antenna succeeded in increasing the bandwidth and gain up to 285 % and 55 %, respectively, compared to a single element antenna. The studied antenna design can be recommended as it is also very useful as a receiving antenna for the 5G communication system.
This paper plans a LoRaWAN network for smart meters in Karawang Industrial Estate, Indonesia's largest industrial estate. To measure and recognize electricity use in a place immediately, we use a tool called a smart meter, which is part... more
This paper plans a LoRaWAN network for smart meters in Karawang Industrial Estate, Indonesia's largest industrial estate. To measure and recognize electricity use in a place immediately, we use a tool called a smart meter, which is part of the Internet of Things (IoT), to provide control and optimization of electricity. Smart meters will operate using LoRaWAN network connectivity as a LoRaWAN communication protocol that supports IoT use at a frequency of 920-923 MHz using coverage planning and capacity planning using Forsk Atoll 3.3.2 simulation software. The parameters used in this study are Spreading Factor (SF) 7, Code Rate (CR) 4/5, Bandwidth 125 kHz, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), and Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP). We use them to obtain the number of gateways needed to optimize the scope of gateways for sending electricity monitoring data to Karawang Industrial Estate and knowing the value generated from the parameters above. The simulation of LoRaWAN planning resulted in RSRP with a mean of-77.94 dBm and a standard deviation of 8.27 dBm. The SNR result has a mean of 13.14 dB with a standard deviation of 9.68 dB. The last parameter is that throughput ranges of 4-6 kbps with a mean of 5.47 kbps. The result of this planning produces RSRP, SNR, and Throughput parameter values in good condition to be applied to the application of smart metering in Karawang Industrial Estate.
Indoor cellular network system is one solution to overcome weak signals transmited by eNodeB. Building with high cellular communication traffic levels , requiring indoor network system to maintain continuity of communication by all users.... more
Indoor cellular network system is one solution to overcome weak signals transmited by eNodeB. Building with high cellular communication traffic levels , requiring indoor network system to maintain continuity of communication by all users. Therefore, it is necessary to plan an indoor network using Femtocell Access Point (FAP). This research is based on network design indoor propagation COST 231-Multiwall Model using the software Radiowave Propagation Simulator (RPS) and conducted at Telkom Office. The collection of data obtained is used to perform calculations on research variables include the calculation of capacity and coverage. The research showed the number of FAP for capacity and coverage is 3 FAP. The Coverage Results for scenario 2 is the best result compared with the other scenarios, with the following results, the frequency of 1800 MHz at Building 1 of -19.86 dBm, Building 2 at -21.34 dBm, and Building 3 at -28, 07 dBm. While the scenario 2 for the 900 MHz frequency in Build...
Cisco Router adalah peralatan utama yang banyak digunakan pada Jaringan Area Luas atau Wide Area Network (WAN). Dengan Cisco Router, informasi dapat diteruskan ke alamat yang berjauhan dan berada di jaringan komputer yang berlainan. Cisco... more
Cisco Router adalah peralatan utama yang banyak digunakan pada Jaringan Area Luas atau Wide Area Network (WAN). Dengan Cisco Router, informasi dapat diteruskan ke alamat yang berjauhan dan berada di jaringan komputer yang berlainan. Cisco router mempunyai salah satu fungsi yang dapat digunakan sebagai traffic filtering yang apabila diimplementasikan lebih lanjut maka akan menjadi sebuah firewall. Untuk membantu meningkatkan pengamanan suatu jaringan yang ada pada suatu perusahaan/instansi dengan cara yang mudah sehingga jaringan pada suatu perusahaan dapat terlindungi dari ancaman-ancaman yang bersifat merusak, menginfeksi data-data komputer penting di perusahaan tersebut dengan memanfaatkan fungsi dari Cisco Router 1721 series yaitu fungsi Access List. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Extended access listyang diterapkan pada Router-router pada jaringan akan membantu menentukan alamat sumber dan tujuan serta protocol dan nomer port yang mengidentifikasikan aplikasi. Dengan menggunak...
LoRa could not directly connect to the server, so it requires a connecting device between the end node and the server, which is a gateway. The purpose of network planning in this study is to estimate the number of LoRa gateways that can... more
LoRa could not directly connect to the server, so it requires a connecting device between the end node and the server, which is a gateway. The purpose of network planning in this study is to estimate the number of LoRa gateways that can be used as a guide to implementing the network in the Industrial Area of Kota Jababeka. This study used an Outdoor communication scenario, Downlink with SF12 and a sensitivity level of Rx -137 dBm. Network capacity planning method with an estimated number of IoT device users in Kota Jababeka amount to 1,776,462 units and coverage analysis with MAPL Downlink score of 164 dB and calculations for radio network planning simulation. The implemented LoRa frequency is 920 MHz obtain the eighth gateways. The parameters used to test the scenario are RSRP, SINR and Throughput. The RSRP value obtained has an average of -69.03 dBm with the standard deviation obtained is 8.22 dBm. The SINR value has a mean of 20.15 dB with a standard deviation of 19.92 dB. Both of these parameters are in the good level category. Lastly, the throughput distribution has an average of 0.02 kbps.
Perkembangan industri wireless saat ini mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Teknologi 3G yang ditetapkan oleh ITU akan berperan sangat penting dan semakin dominan dalam perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan... more
Perkembangan industri wireless saat ini mengalami kemajuan sangat pesat. Teknologi 3G yang ditetapkan oleh ITU akan berperan sangat penting dan semakin dominan dalam perkembangan teknologi komunikasi. Dengan berkembangnya jumlah pelanggan selular WCDMA dipastikan membutuhkan juga cakupan jaringan di dalam sebuah area, baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan. Pembahasan berupa studi kasus mengenai analisa cakupan sinyal sistem WCDMA pada sebuah area. Yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) dan Received Signal Code Power (RSCP). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil perhitungan EIRP adalah 58 dBm dan RSCP -117,73 dBm. Selanjutnya, hasil drive test menunjukan pada bagian outdor lantai 1 diperoleh hasil sebesar -90 dBm, sedangkan untuk bagian indoornya yaitu -99 dBm. Untuk bagian outdoor lantai 2 nilainya -95 dBm dan bagian indoor-nya yaitu -100 dBm
Research Interests:
Keterbatasan kanal trafik merupakan masalah utama dalam komunikasi selular. Beberapa subscriber harus dapat menempati kanal trafik yang terbatas secara bersamaan sehingga berpengaruh pada Speech Quality Indicator (SQI), untuk mengatasinya... more
Keterbatasan kanal trafik merupakan masalah utama dalam komunikasi selular. Beberapa subscriber harus dapat menempati kanal trafik yang terbatas secara bersamaan sehingga berpengaruh pada Speech Quality Indicator (SQI), untuk mengatasinya maka Traffic Channel (TCH) dibagi menjadi dua yaitu half rate dan full rate, half rate mempunyai bit rate sebesar 6,5 Kbps dan full rate mampunyai bit rate sebesar 13 Kbps. Fitur yang digunakan untuk mengatur besarnya nilai half rate dan full rate adalah Dynamic Half Rate Allocation (DHA) dengan mengatur nilai Adaptif Multi Rate (AMR) dan Non Adaptive Multi Rate (NAMR) dalam kondisi full rate, namun ternyata mengalami kelebihan muatan trafik yang berpengaruh terhadap nilai SQI sehingga masih berada dibawah standar KPI yaitu 80%. Setelah dilakukan eksekusi nilai DHA yaitu dengan menurunkan nilai AMR dan NAMR menjadi 50% dan 80 %, nilai SQI good rate pada cell id 22377 menjadi 79,5%, pada cell id 22378 menjadi 96,42% dan pada cell id 22379 menjadi 94...

And 84 more

Berangkat dari keterpurukan bangsa Indonesia di bidang pengembangan teknologi seluler, hati kami tergerak untuk menciptakan karya nyata bagi bangsa Indonesia. Buku ini adalah buku paling komprehensif berbahasa... more
Berangkat  dari  keterpurukan  bangsa  Indonesia  di  bidang pengembangan  teknologi  seluler,  hati  kami  tergerak  untuk menciptakan  karya  nyata  bagi  bangsa  Indonesia.  Buku  ini adalah  buku  paling  komprehensif  berbahasa  Indonesia mengenai  teknologi  seluler  4G,  hasil  kolaborasi  engineer, praktisi,  peneliti  dan  dosen  di  Indonesia. 

Buku  ini  membahas secara mendalam mengenai teknologi jaringan seluler  4G, dari konsep dasar, desain jaringan menggunakan software Atoll dan pengukuran  melalui  drivetest  untuk  mengetahui  Key Performance Indicator dari jaringan 4G yang sudah digelar.

Buku  ini  tentunya  sangat  bermanfaat  bagi  mereka  mahasiswamahasiswa  atau  freshgraduate  yang  gap  pembelajarannya sangat  jauh  dibandingkan  dengan  dunia  industri telekomunikasi.  Dan  juga  berguna  bagi  para  pelaku  industri untuk  merencanakan  dan  melakukan  implementasi
berdasarkan  knowledge  yang  didapatkan  di  bangku  kuliah.

Buku  ini  adalah  wadah  untuk  menghilangkan  „gap'  diantara keduanya. Buku ini dibagi dalam beberapa bagian. Bagian awal buku akan dipaparkan  bagaimana  perkembangan  industri  telekomunikasi saat ini dan apa yang harus kita persiapkan untuk masa depan industri  telekomunikasi.  Bagaimana  kondisi  industri telekomunikasi  secara  global  dapat  mempengaruhi  orangorang  yang  bekerja  di  dalamnya  secara  individual.  Kedua adalah overview  mengenai kecepatan pada jaringan 2G dan 3G dan kebutuhan jaringan 4G atas permintaan data berkecepatan
tinggi oleh mobile user. Buku ini juga membahas permasalahan spektrum 4G yang akan digunakan  di  Indonesia,  teknologi  akses  jamak  OFDMA  dan SC-FDMA yang digunakan pada jaringan 4G, arsitektur jaringan 4G  juga  konsep  mobility  dan  konsep  jaringan  heterogen  yang juga  perlu  diperhitungkan  karena  pada  saat  implementasi  4G sudah  terdapat  jaringan  2G,  3G  atau  bahkan  jaringan  wifi  dan kesemuanya harus terkoneksi dan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi user mobile phone. Selamat  membaca dan  apabila Anda kurang puas  dengan hasil karya buku ini kami sangat terbuka untuk saran dan kritik yang membangun.
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Research Interests:
Selama dua decade, telah terjadi beberapa standar berbasis teknologi komunikasi mobile, yaitu 3GPP berbasis teknologi (GSM / UMTS) yang mengembangkan Long Term Evolution (LTE) dan 3GPP2 (CDMA) mengembangkan Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) ).... more
Selama dua decade, telah terjadi beberapa standar berbasis teknologi komunikasi mobile, yaitu 3GPP berbasis teknologi (GSM / UMTS) yang mengembangkan Long Term Evolution (LTE) dan 3GPP2 (CDMA) mengembangkan Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB) ). dan WiMAX II oleh WiMAX Forum . Ditunjuk sebagai kandidat 4G, atau mobile generasi keempat, Long Term Evolution (LTE) dirancang untuk menyediakan multi-megabit data harga, lebih efisien penggunaan jaringan radio, dan pengurangan latency ditingkatkan mobilitas. Kombinasi ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan interaksi dengan pengguna jaringan. Selain itu, LTE berevolusi untuk transisi ke flat, all-IP jaringan dengan arsitektur sederhana dan terbuka. Ini adalah persyaratan yang yang ditetapkan oleh System Architecture Evolution (SAE).
Research Interests:
Multiple Access Technique for Wireless Communication
- AMC on LTE
Research Interests:
Building_Cisco_Remote_Access_N CCIE_Network_Design CCNA_640-802__Exam_Prep_2nd_ed CCNA_Sybex_CCNA_Handbook CCNP_vlsm more
Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Sumber :

Dokumen yang lainnya :
Research Interests:
LTE_EPC LTE_Air_Int LTE Radio_Plann LTE Radio_Propa LTE_Link_Budget LTE Cell_range LTE Dimensionining LTE_Performance LTE_Solution LTE_Deployment LTE MIMO Basic LTE Technology Overview... more
LTE Radio_Plann
LTE Radio_Propa
LTE Cell_range
LTE Dimensionining
LTE Technology Overview
Research Interests:
Software Planning for 2G,3G and 4G LTE LA0_appendix LA0_RL30_Overvi General_Par LA0_RL30_Channe UE_State_Ha LA0_Bearer_Mana LA0_Admission_C. LA0_Power_Contr LA0_RL30_AMC_pp LA0_RL30_MIMO_M LA0_Idle_Mode_M... more
Software Planning for 2G,3G and 4G LTE
Research Interests:
1. How To Make Report Generator
2. How To Drive Test Indoor Voice
3. How To Inputting Data Parameter
4. How To Analyst with TEMS
Research Interests:
0 Overview–Installation Flow 1 Engineering Preparation 2 Unpacking for Inspection 3 Precautions in Conveying 4. Installing Cabinet ZTE BTS Installation 5. Installing Internal Cables of Cabinet 6 Installing External Cables of Cabinet 7... more
0 Overview–Installation Flow
1 Engineering Preparation 
2 Unpacking for Inspection
3 Precautions in Conveying
4. Installing Cabinet ZTE BTS Installation
5. Installing Internal Cables of Cabinet
6 Installing External Cables of Cabinet
7 Installing Power Cable and Ground Cable BTS Installation
8 Installing monitoring system
9 Installing the GPS antenna feeder
10 Installing a board
11 Checking installation of antenna pole
12 Installing the antenna
13 Feeder window installation
14 Installing feeder cables
15 Hardware Installation Check
16 Equipment power on and power off
Research Interests:
Seiring dengan perkembangan dan pemanfaatan Teknologi Seluler 2G, 3G dan 4G maka diperlukanlah jaringan yang saling menghubungkan antar pemancar dan penerima atau Base Trasceiver Station (BTS). Jaringan tersebut dapat menggunakan berbagai... more
Seiring dengan perkembangan dan pemanfaatan Teknologi Seluler 2G, 3G dan 4G maka diperlukanlah jaringan yang saling menghubungkan antar pemancar dan penerima atau Base Trasceiver Station (BTS). Jaringan tersebut dapat menggunakan berbagai medium seperti fiber optik dan gelombang mikro. Perancangan jaringan dengan menggunakan medium gelombang mikro memiliki kelebihan selain mudah dalam instalasi juga mampu menjangkau wilayah yang sulit diimplementasikan pada media lain.
Buku ajar yang anda pegang ini memberikan paparan yang sangat lengkap mengenai perancangan jaringan gelombang mikro secara teoritis maupun praktis, karena materi yang tampilkan akan sangat dekat dengan implementasi di lapangan. Sehingga mampu dijadikan pegangan dalam perancangan sistem komunikasi gelombang mikro dilapangan.
Pembahasan buku ajar ini dimulai dari konsep komunikasi gelombang mikro serta implmentasi dan regulasinya. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan teori mengenai propagasi serta interferensi, dan perhitungan link budget. Keunggulan lain dari buku ini adalah terdapat pembahasan langkah demi langkah bagaimana merancang jaringan gelombang mikro dan konfigurasinya dengan simulasi menggunakan perangkat lunak Pathloss 5.
Kami berharap dengan adanya buku ini, dapat memberikan inspirasi , wawasan serta menjadi referensi bagi kalangan akademisi di Perguruan Tinggi maupun praktisi di Dunia Industri pada bidang telekomunikasi khususnya jaringan gelombang mikro.
buku ini membahas tentang pengetahuan standar yang terdapat di dunia telekomunikasi. Pada bagian 4G RF Planning buku ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai RF Planning baik di sisi Coverage Planning maupun Capacity Planning. Buku ini juga... more
buku ini membahas tentang pengetahuan standar yang terdapat di dunia telekomunikasi. Pada bagian 4G RF Planning buku ini membahas secara mendalam mengenai RF Planning baik di sisi Coverage Planning maupun Capacity Planning. Buku ini juga membahas secara mendalam mengenai Physical Channel baik di sisi downlink maupun uplink dimana pengetahuan tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui secara riil kapasitas dari sebuah eNodeB. Di bagian akhir bab ada pembahasan mengenai Mobile TV dimana dengan kemajuan teknologi saat ini sudah memungkinkan terjadinya konvergensi antara Telepon Seluler, Internet dan juga televisi.
PDF File :
Research Interests:
Overload traffic is a load condition traffic that exceed certain threshold limit is caused by use quantity traffic (information traffic) in certain channel. Because of that, a telecommunication service operator is said to give service... more
Overload traffic is a load condition traffic that exceed certain threshold limit is caused by use quantity traffic (information traffic) in certain channel. Because of that, a telecommunication service operator is said to give service level when every customer success in hold calling in every moment, belong at the time of busy hours. Occupancy is comparison traffic moment busy hour (BH) towards network capacity that appropriate target designs GoS certain. Value ever greater occupancy, so needed channel capacity last for get customer more increase so that doesn't cause block call ever greater or increase calling probability value that aversed (GoS). That because it, needed technology increasing DCS 1800 to subsidize performance of GSM 900 technology that exist. To observe the differences before and after the addition of DCS 1800 was observed by the method of data collection in PT. XXXX Purwokerto branch for analysis. However, the addition of DCS 1800 technology by using a higher frequency is 1800 MHz can not ensure the absence of a high block call on BTS Purwosari. After the addition of DCS 1800 BTS values Bobosan blocking probability in sector 1 still reached 39.35%. Whereas the standard value of GoS in PT. XXXX is only 2%. In addition to the use of higher frequencies of GSM 900 frequency range is 1800, resulting in the shorter radius of the coverage area of the cell to the sector Bobosan DCS 1 DCS Purwosari 2.87 km and 1,423 km. ABSTRAK Overload traffic merupakan suatu kondisi beban trafik yang melebihi batas ambang tertentu yang disebabkan oleh banyaknya pemakaian trafik (lalu-lintas informasi) pada kanal tertentu. Itu sebabnya, suatu operator layanan telekomunikasi dikatakan memberikan tingkat pelayanan yang cukup baik apabila setiap pelanggan berhasil dalam mengadakan panggilan pada setiap saat, termasuk pada saat jam sibuk. Occupancy merupakan perbandingan trafik saat Busy Hour (BH) terhadap kapasitas jaringan yang disediakan sesuai target disain GoS tertentu. Semakin besar nilai occupancy-nya, maka dibutuhkan kapasitas kanal yang cukup untuk menerima pelanggan yang semakin bertambah sehingga tidak mengakibatkan block call yang semakin besar atau meningkatkan nilai probabilitas panggilan yang ditolak (GoS). Itu sebabnya dibutuhkan penambahan teknologi DCS 1800 untuk menunjang kinerja GSM 900 yang sudah ada. Untuk mengamati adanya perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah penambahan DCS 1800 dilakukan metode observasi dengan melakukan pengumpulan data di PT. XXXX cabang Purwokerto untuk dilakukan analisis. Akan tetapi penambahan teknologi DCS 1800 dengan menggunakan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi yaitu 1800 MHz belum bisa menjamin tidak terjadinya block call yang tinggi di BTS Purwosari. Setelah penambahan DCS 1800 nilai probabilitas blocking di BTS Bobosan sektor 1 masih mencapai 39,35%. Sedangkan standar nilai GoS di PT. XXXX hanya sebesar 2 %. Selain itu dengan penggunaan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dari GSM 900 yaitu range frekuensi 1800, mengakibatkan semakin pendek jari-jari sel untuk daerah cakupannya yaitu pada DCS Bobosan sektor 1 2,87 km dan DCS Purwosari 1,423 km.
Research Interests:
Overload traffic is a load condition traffic that exceed certain threshold limit is caused by use quantity traffic (information traffic) in certain channel. Because of that, a telecommunication service operator is said to give service... more
Overload traffic is a load condition traffic that exceed certain threshold limit is caused by use quantity traffic (information traffic) in certain channel. Because of that, a telecommunication service operator is said to give service level when every customer success in hold calling in every moment, belong at the time of busy hours. Occupancy is comparison traffic moment busy hour (BH) towards network capacity that appropriate target designs GoS certain. Value ever greater occupancy, so needed channel capacity last for get customer more increase so that doesn't cause block call ever greater or increase calling probability value that aversed (GoS). That because it, needed technology increasing DCS 1800 to subsidize performance of GSM 900 technology that exist. To observe the differences before and after the addition of DCS 1800 was observed by the method of data collection in PT. XXXX Purwokerto branch for analysis. However, the addition of DCS 1800 technology by using a higher frequency is 1800 MHz can not ensure the absence of a high block call on BTS Purwosari. After the addition of DCS 1800 BTS values Bobosan blocking probability in sector 1 still reached 39.35%. Whereas the standard value of GoS in PT. XXXX is only 2%. In addition to the use of higher frequencies of GSM 900 frequency range is 1800, resulting in the shorter radius of the coverage area of the cell to the sector Bobosan DCS 1 DCS Purwosari 2.87 km and 1,423 km. ABSTRAK Overload traffic merupakan suatu kondisi beban trafik yang melebihi batas ambang tertentu yang disebabkan oleh banyaknya pemakaian trafik (lalu-lintas informasi) pada kanal tertentu. Itu sebabnya, suatu operator layanan telekomunikasi dikatakan memberikan tingkat pelayanan yang cukup baik apabila setiap pelanggan berhasil dalam mengadakan panggilan pada setiap saat, termasuk pada saat jam sibuk. Occupancy merupakan perbandingan trafik saat Busy Hour (BH) terhadap kapasitas jaringan yang disediakan sesuai target disain GoS tertentu. Semakin besar nilai occupancy-nya, maka dibutuhkan kapasitas kanal yang cukup untuk menerima pelanggan yang semakin bertambah sehingga tidak mengakibatkan block call yang semakin besar atau meningkatkan nilai probabilitas panggilan yang ditolak (GoS). Itu sebabnya dibutuhkan penambahan teknologi DCS 1800 untuk menunjang kinerja GSM 900 yang sudah ada. Untuk mengamati adanya perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah penambahan DCS 1800 dilakukan metode observasi dengan melakukan pengumpulan data di PT. XXXX cabang Purwokerto untuk dilakukan analisis. Akan tetapi penambahan teknologi DCS 1800 dengan menggunakan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi yaitu 1800 MHz belum bisa menjamin tidak terjadinya block call yang tinggi di BTS Purwosari. Setelah penambahan DCS 1800 nilai probabilitas blocking di BTS Bobosan sektor 1 masih mencapai 39,35%. Sedangkan standar nilai GoS di PT. XXXX hanya sebesar 2 %. Selain itu dengan penggunaan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi dari GSM 900 yaitu range frekuensi 1800, mengakibatkan semakin pendek jari-jari sel untuk daerah cakupannya yaitu pada DCS Bobosan sektor 1 2,87 km dan DCS Purwosari 1,423 km.
Research Interests: