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This article is a performative personal narrative inspired by the writing of Eve Sedgwick (1998) and Stacy Holman Jones (2011) using a Halibun style of writing (a method of writing employed by the Japanese poet Basho that combines prose... more
Sit-down dinners have been on the decline for decades. In light of this disparaging trend, the Seminole Heights neighborhood of Tampa Bay has made it a priority to eat together as “family” once per week. Affectionately referred to as... more
Oldenburg and Brissett (1982) began their interest in the loss of social interaction in America regarding a decay of community. While Oldenburg (1999) continued his interest on the focus of “third places” as the cornerstone of building... more
Prior to and after my brother’s death, I found myself being torn between two narratives. The first included a family that hid news of my brother's illness from friends and family due to the perceived shame of dying from complications... more
Recognizing the deep-seated need many people share for a sense of home, we employ autoethnography to illustrate how those who are homeless can make homelike places within public spaces. By revisiting and reflexively analyzing various... more
This autoethnographic account details the struggles to accept my identity. In my quest to "find myself," I moved often. With each move, I found the darkness that I needed to survive for it was only in the darkness that I could explore my... more
The Seminole Heights neighborhood of Tampa, Florida has made it a priority to eat together on a weekly basis as ‘family’ for sixteen years—and counting. The dinners are affectionately referred to as ‘Family Dinner Night’. This study... more
The purpose of this research study was to extend the concept of third places, as explained by Oldenburg (2000), as being places designed as meeting places being dynamic rather than static. The primary sites for this paper were conferences... more
This work is a performative piece created through collaborative means as we worked effectively on a project (although separated by three thousand miles) and turned our mutual commiseration (occasional, erratic venting) into a purposeful,... more
We never considered how hard it was for our fathers to go to work every day, toiling away at a job they didn’t like. And even worse, seemingly having no other choices because their families were depending on them for their very existence.... more
An individual life is simultaneously flawed and valuable. All victims and survivors of sexual assault are unique, as are their stories. The culture of shame surrounding sexual assault on men shows victimization as a weakness. This... more
Strengthening the connection between people and places they share, I was primarily concerned with how we shaped urban space to (re)make public spaces. This place making was about collectively (re)inventing public spaces based on the... more
This paper explores masculinity in light of the relationship three men had with their fathers. Three stories are offered as individual poetic inquiries, initiating discussion among the authors. By understanding the relationship with our... more