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Contributed Paper Session Proposals

Submit a Proposal

The submission deadline for Contributed Paper Session proposals is October 15 in the year preceding MAA MathFest. 
Please note: This is for session proposals only; the portal for individual paper and poster abstract submissions will open in early 2024. The deadline for contributed papers and posters will be April 15, and the deadline for all other poster abstract submissions will be June 8.


An MAA Contributed Paper Session (TCPS) may focus on any aspect of mathematics. Examples include expository mathematics, connections within mathematics or between mathematics and other disciplines, the undergraduate mathematics curriculum, or mathematical pedagogy. The TCPS committee seeks and encourages proposals that will contribute toward a well-balanced and scholarly program that represents the MAA’s mission.

CPS organizers will be responsible for reviewing abstracts submitted for consideration, deciding which abstracts to accept, communicating with speakers, scheduling and chairing the session program. Organizers must be available to review abstracts and schedule talks during the two weeks immediately following the abstract submission deadline: April 30 for MathFest and the third Tuesday in September for the Joint Math Meetings. CPS session presentations are 15 minutes in length (versus 10 minutes for Contributed Poster Session presentations) with 5 minutes for questions and transition to the next presentation.  A single session is generally 3 to 4 hours (9 to 12 talks).

The title and abstract/session description are the only information seen in the public call for papers.  The abstract should:

  • Define and describe the topic of the session clearly in the first three to five sentences. This introduction is meant to succinctly describe what the session is about in order to attract potential audience members and speakers.  You may also briefly mention why this topic is timely, recent changes in this field, or other reasons this session would be of interest to meeting participants.
  • Specifically describe the types of presentations sought for the session (e.g., original research, expositions, innovative ideas, demonstrations, problems, applications, projects, curricular materials, single class descriptions, whole course outlines, assessment methods, accessible to certain groups of people).
  • Emphasize (either explicitly or implicitly) that presentations are expected to be scholarly in nature.
  • Include sponsoring organizations if any (e.g., MAA committees, SIGMAAs).

In Additional Notes, please include any additional information that may be relevant to session selection. This can include justification for why the session should be run and any other information you wish the committee to consider (e.g., rationale, intended audience, reasons why the topic is timely, dissemination plans).  You can also list any anticipated time/scheduling conflicts at the meeting (if applicable).

Late proposals will be considered only if (i) the committee has time after reviewing all on-time proposals, (ii) the program has availability, and (iii) the proposal would significantly contribute towards a better-balanced program.