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This research identifies key terms related to the Metaverse. It investigates the pros and cons of using this immersive technology for educational purposes. The findings suggest that the Metaverse provides multi-sensory experiences in... more
This research identifies key terms related to the Metaverse. It investigates the pros and cons of using this immersive technology for educational purposes. The findings suggest that the Metaverse provides multi-sensory experiences in three-dimensional (3D) environments and enables individuals to interact with other users and physical objects in virtual worlds. Yet, they also indicate that there are a number of challenges that have to be dealt with, including the cost of the infrastructure; the degree of freedom of its users; regulatory concerns, privacy and security of the personal data; as well as possible addictions and mental health issues if individuals are exposed to prolonged use, among others. This contribution implies that there is scope for educators to continue developing the Metaverse's virtual spaces as it can create infinite possibilities for the development of the students' knowledge, competences and abilities. At the same time, educators and students ought to be warned and properly informed about its possible dangers.
The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had an impact on the educational programs of students around the globe. At the same time, it also opened a window of opportunity for them and for their educators. It encouraged instructors as... more
The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had an impact on the educational programs of students around the globe. At the same time, it also opened a window of opportunity for them and for their educators. It encouraged instructors as well as course participants to embrace asynchronous as well as synchronous technologies to continue delivering their educational services, in real time. This research sheds light on the findings from a systematic review that evaluated academic publications on remote learning technologies. The authors relied on PRISMA's methodical protocol to capture and analyze high-impact articles through Scopus. This contribution identifies the costs and benefits of using digital media including learning management systems (LMS) and video conferencing software for educational purposes. It implies that the use of remote learning technologies will probably continue in the future as they may be utilized in blended learning approaches, in a post COVID-19 era.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are widely regarded as a powerful political vision that address the social, economic and environmental pillars. In this light, this chapter focuses on the fourth SDG on quality... more
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are widely regarded as a powerful political vision that address the social, economic and environmental pillars. In this light, this chapter focuses on the fourth SDG on quality education and draws comparisons with Europe’s 2020 strategy that is aimed to create the conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth within the European Union (EU) context. A literature review suggests that there is a unifying thread in these action plans for sustainable development. There is an indispensable requirement for an inclusive and equitable quality education that could eradicate poverty in all of its forms and dimensions. Therefore, this research presents a case study on the latest educational policies in Malta. The smallest EU state is pursuing its reforms to reduce early school leaving and promote lifelong learning. At the same time, it is striving to address skills gaps (and mismatches) in its domestic labour market. The findings indicate that with quality education, there may be implications for job creation, competitiveness as well as more social cohesion. Family-friendly measures including better access to childcare, more flexible working schemes and employer incentives can help individuals to return to work. In conclusion, this contribution implies that the pursuit towards continuous improvements in quality education and social inclusion could create a virtuous cycle of productivity outcomes, economic growth and prosperity.
This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications... more
This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications (apps) that are available on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The researchers organized semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions with primary school students who were using mobile technologies at their primary school. The students reported that their engagement with the educational apps has improved their competencies. They acquired relational and communicative skills as they collaborated in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of the educational apps on their mobile device. This study indicates that the research participants had different skillsets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this contribution opens avenues for f...
This research explores the educators' attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from 'the pace of technological innovativeness' and the 'technology acceptance... more
This research explores the educators' attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from 'the pace of technological innovativeness' and the 'technology acceptance model' to understand the rationale for further investment in mobile learning (m-learning). A quantitative study was carried out amongst two hundred forty-one educators in small EU state. It has investigated the costs and benefits of using ubiquitous resources, including tablets for m-learning in schools. A principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using mobile technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has shown that the younger teachers were increasingly engaging in m-learning resources. In conclusion, this contribution puts forward key implications for both academia and practitioners.
This research explores the educators' attitudes and perceptions about their utilization of digital learning technologies. The methodology integrates measures from "the pace of technological innovativeness" and the... more
This research explores the educators' attitudes and perceptions about their utilization of digital learning technologies. The methodology integrates measures from "the pace of technological innovativeness" and the "technology acceptance model" to understand the rationale for further ICT investment in compulsory education. A quantitative study was carried out amongst two hundred forty-one educators in Malta. It has investigated the costs and benefits of using digital learning resources in schools from the educator"s perspective. Principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using digital technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has shown that the younger teachers were increasingly engaging in digital learning resources. Following this study"s empirical findings educational stakeholders are better informed about how innovative technologies can support our students. In conclusion, this paper puts forw...
The performance appraisal (PA) is one of the performance management tools that is widely used to measure the productivity of academic employees in different contexts. Therefore, this paper has two main objectives. Firstly, it critically... more
The performance appraisal (PA) is one of the performance management tools that is widely used to measure the productivity of academic employees in different contexts. Therefore, this paper has two main objectives. Firstly, it critically reviews the extant literature on performance management, including; Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Scorecard Approach, among others. Secondly, it presents a qualitative research that explores the performance appraisal system in a higher education institution. The researcher has conducted semi-structured interview sessions with academic employees to analyse their opinions and perceptions toward their annual PA. The research participants revealed the costs and benefits of their PA exercise. They were aware that their educational leaders could pragmatically employ the PA’s metrics to improve their performance outcomes, in terms of stakeholder engagement, internal processes, organisational capacity and innovation, among other areas. This research implies t...
This research explores the educators’ attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance model’ to understand... more
This research explores the educators’ attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance model’ to understand the rationale for further investment in mobile learning (m-learning). It has investigated the educators’ stance toward ubiquitous learning resources, including mobile applications (apps) in schools. A principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using mobile technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has indicated the sociodemographic variables affected the educators’ perceived ease of use and usefulness of mobile technologies in classroom activities. This study has shown that that the younger female respondents were increasingly engaging in m-learning resources. In conclusion, this contribution puts forward key implications for both academia and practitioners.
This research explores the educators’ attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance model’ to understand... more
This research explores the educators’ attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance model’ to understand the rationale for further investment in mobile learning (m-learning). A quantitative study was carried out amongst two hundred forty-one educators in small EU state. It has investigated the costs and benefits of using ubiquitous resources, including tablets for m-learning in schools. A principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using mobile technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has shown that the younger teachers were increasingly engaging in m-learning resources. In conclusion, this contribution puts forward key implications for both academia and practitioners.
This paper provides a critical analysis on the rationale behind the utilisation of educational technologies, including; digital learning resources. A qualitative research sheds light on the students’ discernment and preconceptions toward... more
This paper provides a critical analysis on the rationale behind the utilisation of educational technologies, including; digital learning resources. A qualitative research sheds light on the students’ discernment and preconceptions toward the use of digital games, stories and simulations, in-class. Semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions among secondary school students suggest that students are increasingly acquiring skills and competences from blended learning. Their engagement with educational applications (apps) is improving their critical thinking as it helps them make evaluative decisions to solve problems. At the same time, the results reveal that most of these students are developing their interpersonal skills as they collaborate in teams and work in tandem with their peers, during their formative activities. However, there are also a few students who are not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of playing digital games at school. This study postulates that s...
Following the unprecedented outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), educators and students have shifted from conventional face-to-face lectures to fully virtual sessions that were delivered via video conferencing software. This... more
Following the unprecedented outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), educators and students have shifted from conventional face-to-face lectures to fully virtual sessions that were delivered via video conferencing software. This research investigates the facilitating conditions and the students' perceptions toward using these interactive resources to continue their learning journey. The data was gathered through a structured questionnaire among 777 students in tertiary education. The survey instrument comprised valid measures that are frequently utilized in academia, to evaluate the individuals' acceptance of interactive educational technologies. A partial least squares (PLS) approach revealed that there were very significant factors that were predicting the students' dispositions to utilize synchronous learning programs. The findings underlined the importance of providing appropriate facilitating conditions to improve perceptions and attitudes toward interactive...
This book suggests that information communication technologies (ICT) can be used to support the required curriculum programmes in primary and secondary level educational settings. A study has explored attitudes and perceptions about the... more
This book suggests that information communication technologies (ICT) can be used to support the required curriculum programmes in primary and secondary level educational settings. A study has explored attitudes and perceptions about the use of digital learning technologies in education. The methodology integrated insights from the pace of technological innovativeness and the technology acceptance models to understand the rationale for further ICT investment in compulsory education. A quantitative analysis indicated that the educators were committed to use digital technologies at school. This study has shown that younger teachers were increasingly engaging in digital learning resources. Similarly, the qualitative research revealed that students were valuing digital resources. They held that they were seeing many benefits if they learn how to use technologies at school. In the main, the interviewees maintained that digital learning resources have enhanced their extant knowledge, skill...
This research explores the rationale behind the utilisation of electronic games in education. A qualitative research sheds light on the students’ opinions and perceptions toward the use of serious games in-class. Semi-structured,... more
This research explores the rationale behind the utilisation of electronic games in education. A qualitative research sheds light on the students’ opinions and perceptions toward the use of serious games in-class. Semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions among secondary school students suggest that they are acquiring relevant academic knowledge and competences, as the reap motivational and emotional benefits from these learning games. The students reported that their engagement with these games has improved their critical thinking and helped them make evaluative decisions to solve problems. Generally, students were capable of developing their interpersonal skills as they have actively collaborated in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of playing serious games at school. This study postulates that the research participants possessed different skill-sets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this paper opens-up some avenues for future research in this field of study.
The proliferation of digital and mobile devices, including; smart phones and tablets has led policy makers and practitioners to include these ubiquitous technologies in the realms of education. A thorough review of the relevant literature... more
The proliferation of digital and mobile devices, including; smart phones and tablets has led policy makers and practitioners to include these ubiquitous technologies in the realms of education. A thorough review of the relevant literature suggests that both students as well as their course instructors are becoming increasingly acquainted with the adoption of education technologies in the higher educational context. Hence, this study explores the university students' readiness to engage with the virtual learning environment (VLE). The methodology has integrated measuring items that were drawn from the educational technology literature, including the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, to better understand the students' perceptions towards VLE. It investigated whether they were influenced by their instructors or by fellow students to use VLE. The results suggest that most of the research participants were using this technology as they believed that it supported...
During the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, higher education institutions (HEIs) have shifted from traditional and blended learning approaches to a fully virtual course delivery. This research investigates the students'... more
During the outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, higher education institutions (HEIs) have shifted from traditional and blended learning approaches to a fully virtual course delivery. This research investigates the students' perceptions on remote learning through asynchronous learning management systems (LMS) and via synchronous video conferencing technologies like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, among others. The data was gathered from a sample of 501 higher education students in a Southern European context. A survey questionnaire included measures that investigated the participants' acceptance of interactive technologies to better understand their utilitarian motivations to use them. The findings suggest that the research participants accessed asynchronous content and interacted with online users, including with their course instructor, in real time. While there are a number of theoretical or opinion papers on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education services, currently, there are still a few empirical papers that shed light on the factors that are having an effect on the students' attitudes and intentions to utilize remote learning technologies. This contribution underlines the importance of maintaining ongoing, interactive engagement with students, and of providing them with appropriate facilitating conditions, to continue improving their learning journey.
Purpose A relevant literature review suggests that today’s children are increasingly immersing themselves in ubiquitous technologies, including interactive media and digital games. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the primary... more
Purpose A relevant literature review suggests that today’s children are increasingly immersing themselves in ubiquitous technologies, including interactive media and digital games. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the primary school students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivations toward learning via gameplay through their mobile devices, at home and at school. Design/methodology/approach This study was carried out among primary school students in a small European state. It used valid and reliable measures that comprised the technology acceptance model’s key constructs. However, the empirical investigation also explored the students’ perceived enjoyment and social influences, as plausible antecedents for their behavioral intention to engage with the educational applications (apps). Findings The findings reported that there were strong correlations between the students’ perceived usefulness of the mobile technologies and their behavioral intention to use them for their learning...
Ongoing reforms in primary and secondary education in Malta underline the crucial role of effective leadership in improving school outcomes. In these last ten years, processes of autonomy and democracy are bringing positive developments... more
Ongoing reforms in primary and secondary education in Malta underline the crucial role of effective leadership in improving school outcomes. In these last ten years, processes of autonomy and democracy are bringing positive developments in school governance. Recent initiatives, including; the introduction of a national minimum curriculum and the devolution of authority in schools are emphasising the importance of having autonomous school leadership as well as the empowerment of members of staff in decision-making. Despite this reform in education has brought mixed reactions, this paper suggests that members of staff are becoming more responsive to their peers and their learning communities. This contribution posits that the decentralisation of school leadership has strengthened and improves the quality of education across Maltese colleges. Moreover, the formation of networks which may be driven by competitive pressures, often translate to fruitful and collaborative opportunities amo...
Research Interests:
Ongoing reforms in primary and secondary education in Malta underline the crucial role of effective leadership in improving school outcomes. In these last ten years, processes of autonomy and democracy are bringing positive developments... more
Ongoing reforms in primary and secondary education in Malta underline the crucial role of effective leadership in improving school outcomes. In these last ten years, processes of autonomy and democracy are bringing positive developments in school governance. Recent initiatives, including; the introduction of a national minimum curriculum and the devolution of authority in schools are emphasising the importance of having autonomous school leadership as well as the empowerment of members of staff in decision-making. Despite this reform in education has brought mixed reactions, this paper suggests that members of staff are becoming more responsive to their peers and their learning communities. This contribution posits that the decentralisation of school leadership has strengthened and improves the quality of education across Maltese colleges. Moreover, the formation of networks which may be driven by competitive pressures, often translate to fruitful and collaborative opportunities amo...
Research Interests:
This research explores the educators' attitudes and perceptions about their utilisation of digital learning technologies. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance... more
This research explores the educators' attitudes and perceptions about their utilisation of digital learning technologies. The methodology integrates measures from ‘the pace of technological innovativeness’ and the ‘technology acceptance model’ to understand the rationale for further ICT investment in compulsory education. A quantitative study was carried out amongst two hundred forty-one educators in Malta. It has investigated the costs and benefits of using digital learning resources in schools from the educator’s perspective. Principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using digital technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has shown that the younger teachers were increasingly engaging in digital learning resources. Following this study’s empirical findings educational stakeholders are better informed about how innovative technologies can support our students. In conclusion, this paper puts forward key implications and recommendations for regulatory authorities and policy makers for better curricula and educational outcomes.
Relevant theoretical underpinnings suggest that higher education, continuous professional development and training provide numerous opportunities for societal advancement. This contribution posits that interventions in the realms of... more
Relevant theoretical underpinnings suggest that higher education, continuous professional development and training provide numerous opportunities for societal advancement. This contribution posits that interventions in the realms of education can play a significant role in shaping key performance indicators for laudable social outcomes. It suggests that education leadership may contribute to create a fair, just and equitable society for all. Therefore, this article discusses how education fosters social cohesion as it sheds light on Malta’s National Reform Programme and the European Union’s (EU’s) 2020 strategy. It presents an assessment of the economic, social and environmental situation in Malta. Evidently, the smallest EU state is pursuing its policy efforts to reduce early school leaving. At the same time, it is striving to address skills gaps (and mismatches) in its domestic labour market. This case study indicates that with better education leadership, there may be implications for economic growth, job creation and competitiveness. It shows that family-friendly measures including better access to childcare, more flexible working schemes and employer incentives can help individuals to return to work. In conclusion, this contribution maintains that the pursuit towards continuous improvements in education leadership and social progress can create a virtuous cycle of productivity outcomes and economic growth.
In the past few years, educators started using synchronous video conferencing software like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, among others, in addition to traditional teaching methodologies. Therefore, this contribution examines the... more
In the past few years, educators started using synchronous video conferencing software like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams or Zoom, among others, in addition to traditional teaching methodologies. Therefore, this contribution examines the students' perceptions about the functionality and interactivity features of these technologies, as well as the facilitating conditions of a higher education institution (HEI) in a Southern European context. A survey questionnaire integrated valid measures that were drawn from the relevant literature on technology adoption. The analysis was carried out through SmartPLS to shed light on the causal paths affecting the students' intentions to continue using synchronous technologies in higher education. The results suggest that the students feel that the functionality of the conferencing software in terms of their ease-to-use and efficient designs, as well as their HEI's facilitating conditions, including the technical support they are given, and their accessibility to adequate resources, are affecting their intentions to continue using these interactive technologies, to achieve their learning outcomes.
A relevant literature review suggests that today’s children are increasingly immersing themselves in ubiquitous technologies, including interactive media and digital games. Therefore, this research uses valid measures to investigate the... more
A relevant literature review suggests that today’s children are
increasingly immersing themselves in ubiquitous technologies,
including interactive media and digital games. Therefore, this
research uses valid measures to investigate the primary school
students’ motivations toward playing educational games, at home
and at school. The study was carried out amongst year-3 students
in a small European state. The findings reported that there were
strong correlations between the students’ perceived usefulness of
the educational games and their behavioral intention to use them
for their learning. The results also indicated that there was no
significant relationship between the perceived ease of gameplay
and the children’s enjoyment in engaging with the school’s digital
games. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other study in
academia that has explored the children’s technology acceptance,
normative pressures and their intrinsic motivations to use digital
learning games in the context of primary education. Therefore, this
contribution opens future research avenues, as this study can be
replicated in other contexts.
This research explains the rationale behind the utilisation of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications... more
This research explains the rationale behind the utilisation of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications (apps) that are available on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The researchers organised semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions with primary school students who were using mobile technologies at their institution. The students reported that their engagement with the educational apps has improved their competencies. They acquired relational and communicative skills as they collaborated together in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of the educational apps on their mobile device. This study indicates that the research participants had different skill-sets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this contribution opens-up avenues for future research in this promising field of study.
Relevant literature suggests that today’s children possess digital skills and competences that set them apart from the previous generations. This may be due to their continuous exposure to ubiquitous media and digital games. Therefore,... more
Relevant literature suggests that today’s children possess digital skills and competences that set them apart from the previous generations. This may be due to their continuous exposure to ubiquitous media and digital games. Therefore, this research uses valid measures from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior, and from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to investigate the primary school students’ attitudes and normative pressures toward playing educational games, at home and at school. The study was carried out amongst year-3 students in a small European state. The findings reported that there were strong correlations between the students’ attitudes and their intention to play the school's games. The respondents indicated that they considered the educational games as useful and relevant for their learning. However, the results have shown that there was no significant relationship between the perceived ease of gameplay and the children’s enjoyment in engaging with the school’s digital games. These findings are consistent with the extant academic literature on the digital natives. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other study in academia that has explored the technology acceptance of digital games in primary education. Therefore, this contribution opens future research avenues as this study can be replicated in other contexts.
This research explores the educators' attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from 'the pace of technological innovativeness' and the 'technology acceptance model' to understand... more
This research explores the educators' attitudes and behavioural intention toward mobile applications. The methodology integrates measures from 'the pace of technological innovativeness' and the 'technology acceptance model' to understand the rationale for further investment in mobile learning (m-learning). A quantitative study was carried out amongst two hundred forty-one educators in small EU state. It has investigated the costs and benefits of using ubiquitous resources, including tablets for m-learning in schools. A principal component analysis has indicated that the educators were committed to using mobile technologies. In addition, a stepwise regression analysis has shown that the younger teachers were increasingly engaging in m-learning resources. In conclusion, this contribution puts forward key implications for both academia and practitioners.
This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications... more
This research explains the rationale behind the utilization of mobile learning technologies. It involves a qualitative study among children to better understand their opinions and perceptions toward the use of educational applications (apps) that are available on their mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The researchers organized semi-structured, face-to-face interview sessions with primary school students who were using mobile technologies at their primary school. The students reported that their engagement with the educational apps has improved their competencies. They acquired relational and communicative skills as they collaborated in teams. On the other hand, there were a few students who were not perceiving the usefulness and the ease of use of the educational apps on their mobile device. This study indicates that the research participants had different skillsets as they exhibited different learning abilities. In conclusion, this contribution opens-up avenues for future research in this promising field of study.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are widely regarded as a powerful political vision that address the social, economic and environmental pillars. In this light, this chapter focuses on the fourth SDG on quality... more
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are widely regarded as a powerful political vision that address the social, economic and environmental pillars. In this light, this chapter focuses on the fourth SDG on quality education and draws comparisons with Europe’s 2020 strategy that is aimed to create the conditions for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth within the European Union (EU) context. A literature review suggests that there is a unifying thread in these action plans for sustainable development. There is an indispensable requirement for an inclusive and equitable quality education that could eradicate poverty in all of its forms and dimensions. Therefore, this research presents a case study on the latest educational policies in Malta. The smallest EU state is pursuing its reforms to reduce early school leaving and promote lifelong learning. At the same time, it is striving to address skills gaps (and mismatches) in its domestic labour market. The findings indicate that with quality education, there may be implications for job creation, competitiveness as well as more social cohesion. Family-friendly measures including better access to childcare, more flexible working schemes and employer incentives can help individuals to return to work. In conclusion, this contribution implies that the pursuit towards continuous improvements in quality education and social inclusion could create a virtuous cycle of productivity outcomes, economic growth and prosperity.