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This paper shows how agent-based modelling technique is a suitable approach for social scientists to model complex adaptive systems, using computer as experimental environment. Unfortunately advanced tools are lacking as well as an... more
This paper shows how agent-based modelling technique is a suitable approach for social scientists to model complex adaptive systems, using computer as experimental environment. Unfortunately advanced tools are lacking as well as an unified language supporting its development. We present JAS, a new agent-based simulation tool, developed with the aim to improve AB models designing. We give a brief methodological introduction to its use and a short description of its architecture.
This paper deals with the problem of patient boarding in Emergency Department (ED) due to the lack of availability of stay beds in inpatient hospital wards. The boarding of emergent patients is a major reason of ED overcrowding, which in... more
This paper deals with the problem of patient boarding in Emergency Department (ED) due to the lack of availability of stay beds in inpatient hospital wards. The boarding of emergent patients is a major reason of ED overcrowding, which in turn creates long waiting times in ED, as well as patient and staff dissatisfaction. In this paper a hybrid simulation framework is proposed to describe how emergent and elective patients flows interact each other inside the hospital. The framework combines System Dynamics (SD) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES). Flows are generated at macro level by the SD model, while in DES model they are disentangled into single entities following a detailed process-oriented pathway. The hybrid model has been then applied and validated to data from a medium-size public hospital located in Genova (Italy). Furthermore, some metrics (such as waiting times to be admitted in hospital, number of trolleys in ED, inpatient bed occupancy rates and elective patients delayed) are proposed as key indicators to assess the system performance.
Traditional (i.e. analytical) modelling practices in the social sciences rely on a very well established, although implicit, methodological protocol, both with respect to the way models are presented and to the kinds of analysis that are... more
Traditional (i.e. analytical) modelling practices in the social sciences rely on a very well established, although implicit, methodological protocol, both with respect to the way models are presented and to the kinds of analysis that are performed. Unfortunately, computer-simulated models often lack such a reference to an accepted methodological standard. This is one of the main reasons for the scepticism among mainstream social scientists that results in low acceptance of papers with agent-based methodology in the top journals. We identify some methodological pitfalls that, according to us, are common in papers employing agent-based simulations, and propose appropriate solutions. We discuss each issue with reference to a general characterization of dynamic micro models, which encompasses both analytical and simulation models. In the way, we also clarify some confusing terminology. We then propose a three-stage process that could lead to the establishment of methodological standards...
Dottorato in " Cultura e Impresa " Modelli matematici/informatici per l'impresa – Simulazione, rappresentazione della conoscenza e impresa Supervisori:
We present JAS 2, a new Java platform which aims at providing a unique simulation tool for discrete-event simulations, including agent-based and dynamic microsimulation models. JAS 2 is not released as a self-contained stand-alone... more
We present JAS 2, a new Java platform which aims at providing a unique simulation tool for discrete-event simulations, including agent-based and dynamic microsimulation models. JAS 2 is not released as a self-contained stand-alone application for model development. With the aim to develop large-scale, computationally resource-intensive models, the main architectural choice of JAS 2 is to use whenever possible standard, open-source tools aready available in the software development community. This decision entails a longer learning curve for the user than a dedicated, language-specific software package, but it allows for a more professional approach to simulation modeling compared to specific proprietary environments. There are two main advantages of using an open architecture where external libraries can be added and utilized: one is the possibility to easily integrate external functions that can be added as plug-ins; the other is the possibility to freely extend and modify the func...
Global Management) is a pilot project which aims to develop and demonstrate an Internet based reference framework to share scientific resources and findings in the treatment of major diseases. PARADIGMA defines and disseminates a common... more
Global Management) is a pilot project which aims to develop and demonstrate an Internet based reference framework to share scientific resources and findings in the treatment of major diseases. PARADIGMA defines and disseminates a common methodology and ...
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we... more
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we follow is twofold: on one hand, we ...
Modelli per la complessità - La simulazione ad ... Pietro Terna, Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini e Michele Sonnessa ... 3.2.1. La simulazione in pratica: un tentativo di classificazione . . . . ... 3.4. La comunicazione all'interno di... more
Modelli per la complessità - La simulazione ad ... Pietro Terna, Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini e Michele Sonnessa ... 3.2.1. La simulazione in pratica: un tentativo di classificazione . . . . ... 3.4. La comunicazione all'interno di una disciplina: la simulazione in econo-mia . . . . . . . . ...
— The aim of a biological model is to understand the integrated structure and behavior of complex biological systems as a function of the underlying molecular networks to achieve simulation and forecast of their operation. Although... more
— The aim of a biological model is to understand the integrated structure and behavior of complex biological systems as a function of the underlying molecular networks to achieve simulation and forecast of their operation. Although several approaches have been ...
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we... more
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we follow is twofold: on one hand, we ...
... characteristics of the three main simulation techniques, the chapter 3 provides an analysis of how the ... is the presence of non-linear phenomena and the second is the number of details ... the computer programming languages as a... more
... characteristics of the three main simulation techniques, the chapter 3 provides an analysis of how the ... is the presence of non-linear phenomena and the second is the number of details ... the computer programming languages as a good formalism to describe this class of systems ...
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we... more
In this paper we discuss strategies concerning the implementation of an agent-based simulation of complex phenomena. The model we consider accounts for population decomposition and interaction in industrial districts. The approach we follow is twofold: on one hand, we ...
In this paper we introduce an extension of the PARADIGMA (PAR- ticipative Approach to DIsease Global Management) approach to take into ac- count the home healthcare assistance service. PARADIGMA defines and dis- seminates a common... more
In this paper we introduce an extension of the PARADIGMA (PAR- ticipative Approach to DIsease Global Management) approach to take into ac- count the home healthcare assistance service. PARADIGMA defines and dis- seminates a common methodology and optimized protocols (Clinical Pathways) to support service functions directed to patients and individuals on matters like prevention, post-hospitalization support and awareness. Specifically, PARADI-
In this paper we propose a general framework for web-enabling economic and financial simulations. Especially suited for agent-based models, the system is fully build upon Open Source software and well-known standards which ensure a very... more
In this paper we propose a general framework for web-enabling economic and financial simulations. Especially suited for agent-based models, the system is fully build upon Open Source software and well-known standards which ensure a very high level of generality. For the sake of completeness, two tools are used to make an instance of this framework: JAS Library as a simulation