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ON TRACK 3 (editie 2024) - Inkijkexemplaar

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Els De Clercq

Margaux Coenen

Veerle De Graaf

Robert Kupfer

Manuel Lehmann

Birgen Paredis

Leen Temmerman

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© Uitgeverij Van In, Wommelgem, 2021

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Eerste druk 2024

ISBN 978-94-647-0601-7



NUR 110

Cover: Wendy De Haes

Zetwerk: Karin Fonténai

Tekeningen: Lise Vanlerberghe

3 three ON TRACK: CONTENTS CONTENTS 1 Me, my selfie and I 9 Check In 10 Main Track 11 Step 1: What are you like? (describing personality) 11 Step 2: Old habits die hard (talking about routines and (bad) habits) 21 Step 3: What do you like? (talking about hobbies and actions going on now) 33 Summary 43 Grammar 43 – HOW TO talk about facts, routines and actions going on now 43 – HOW TO express likes and dislikes 45 – HOW TO refer to people and things 46 – HOW TO form plural, possessive and contracted verb forms (’s/-s/-s’) 47 Vocabulary 48 – Personality adjectives 48 – Idioms 49 – Bad habits 50 – Hobbies 51 Strategy 53 – HOW TO find information on the internet 53 – HOW TO study vocabulary and grammar 54 – HOW TO deal with difficult words in a text 55 – HOW TO listen/watch more effectively 56 On Different Tracks 57 Check 1: describing personality 57 Check 2: talking about routines and (bad) habits 64 Check 3: talking about hobbies and actions going on now 76 Check Out: recording a dating video 82 2 Adventure is out there 85 Check In 86 Main Track 87 Step 1: The world is your playground (describing holiday activities) 87 Step 2: Trip of a lifetime (talking about past situations) 97 Step 3: Because the internet said so (writing a review) 106 Summary 117 Grammar 117 – HOW TO talk about where things happen 117 – HOW TO tell a story in the past 118 Vocabulary 125 – Holidays 125 – Staying at a hotel 127 Strategy 128 – HOW TO write a good (online) customer review 128 – HOW TO structure vocabulary 130 Useful expressions 131 – HOW TO state your opinion 131 On Different Tracks 132 Check 1: describing holiday activities 132 Check 2: talking about past situations 137 Check 3: writing a review 143 Check Out: reviewing a holiday activity 150 3 Science inspires 153 Check In 154 Main Track 156 Step 1: Get it down to science (expressing conditions and hypotheses) 156 Step 2: What is the trick of the trade? (giving instructions) 170 Step 3: Have you succeeded? (describing experiences and consequences) 174 Summary 182 Grammar 182 – HOW TO talk about possibilities, hypotheses and conditions 182 – HOW TO give instructions 184 – HOW TO talk about unfinished actions, consequences and experiences 185 Vocabulary 187 – Lab equipment 187 – The scientific method 188 – Science words and different parts of speech 188 Strategy 190 – HOW TO give a presentation 190 On Different Tracks 192 Check 1: expressing conditions and hypotheses 192 Check 2: giving instructions 199 Check 3: describing experiences and consequences 203 Check Out: organizing a science fair 209
4 four ON TRACK: CONTENTS 4 Make the grade 211 Check In 212 Main Track 213 Step 1: Hit those books (describing schools and school objects) 213 Step 2: Your class in numbers (reporting data) 220 Step 3: The past and future of education (using the future tense) 230 Summary 239 Grammar 239 – HOW TO talk about the future 239 – HOW TO report data 240 Vocabulary 242 – School supplies 242 – School locations 243 – People at school 243 – School idioms 244 Strategy 245 – HOW TO make an infographic 245 Useful expressions 246 – HOW TO state your opinion 246 On Different Tracks 247 Check 1: describing schools and school objects 247 Check 2: reporting data 252 Check 3: using the future tense 259 Check Out: making an infographic 267 5 Eat in/take out 271 Check In 272 Main Track 273 Step 1: Breakfast at the coffee shop (using countable and uncountable nouns) 273 Step 2: How to order a sandwich (ordering a sandwich) 285 Step 3: Tasty, tastier… tastiest (describing and comparing food) 292 Summary 313 Grammar 313 – HOW TO talk about one or more things 313 – HOW TO indicate quantity 314 – HOW TO describe people, things and actions 316 – HOW TO make comparisons 318 Vocabulary 319 – Drinks 319 – Fruit 319 – Bakery items 320 – Fillings 320 – Vegetables and herbs 321 – Meat 322 – Cheese 322 Useful expressions 323 – HOW TO order in a shop 323 On Different Tracks 324 Check 1: using countable and uncountable nouns 324 Check 2: ordering a sandwich 328 Check 3: describing and comparing food 335 Check Out: placing your order 342 6 Don’t judge a book by its cover 343 Check In 344 Main Track 345 Step 1: Let the games begin (discussing English-speaking countries) 345 Step 2: What’s in a story? (analysing a story) 355 Step 3: Do you read me? (giving your opinion on a literary text) 368 Summary 374 Strategy 374 – HOW TO give your opinion on a literary text 374 Cultural background 376 – Australian English 376 – HOW TO analyse a story 378 On Different Tracks 380 Check 1: discussing English-speaking countries 380 Check 2: analysing a story 385 Check 3: giving your opinion on a literary text 393 Check Out: appreciating (literary) art 397 proefversie©VANIN

Welkom in On Track. We leggen graag even uit hoe je met dit boek aan de slag gaat.

1 / Op weg met On Track

Het leerwerkboek bestaat uit zes units en elke unit is op dezelfde manier opgebouwd.

Op de voorpagina van elke unit vind je terug wat je zult leren om de taak aan het einde van de unit, de Check Out, goed uit te voeren. Deze voorpagina toont je de weg die je zult afleggen.

In de Check In maak je kennis met het thema van de unit.

De Main Track is opgebouwd uit verschillende Steps. In elke Step leer je een afzonderlijke bouwsteen om de taak aan het einde van de unit te kunnen maken.

Aan het einde van elke Step zie je een verwijzing naar een Check

Die Check vind je terug in het onderdeel On Different Tracks. In On Different Tracks ga je na of je de bouwsteen al onder de knie hebt.

Voor je start met On Different Tracks is er een Summary: een overzicht van de grammatica, woordenschat, strategieën, veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen en extra info over culturele achtergrond.

Je leerkracht zal je zeggen wanneer je de Check, die bij een bepaalde Step hoort, kunt maken in On Different Tracks. Afhankelijk van je resultaat kun je – helemaal volgens jouw tempo en niveau – de leerstof nog even herhalen, extra oefenen of meer verdiepende oefeningen maken.

Je kunt je traject in On Different Tracks helemaal zelfstandig doorlopen, met een partner of samen met de klas. Aan de hand van de handige scorewijzers weet je meteen welke oefeningen je moet maken.

UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE Step Step 2 talking about past Step 3 writing review ON DIFFERENT TRACKS CHECK OUT: REVIEWING A HOLIDAY ACTIVITY MAIN TRACK SUMMARY TRACE YOUR STEPS CHECK IN 86 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE CHECK IN LET’S GO ON AN ADVENTURE 1 Discuss these questions with a partner. a What types of holidays do you know? b What do you do when you are on holiday? c What does your dream holiday look like? 2 Watch these 2 videos of people’s summer holidays. a Highlight the holiday activities that you see in the videos. To persuade To inform To entertain e Explain why. SPOKEN INTERACTION WATCHING 150 MAIN TRACK STEP 1 Get it down to science Expressing conditions and hypotheses 1 Words of science 1 Watch the video and answer the questions. a This extract is: an example of a science fair an advertisement for a film an advertisement to attract new competitors a documentary on the Olympics of for the next edition of this science fair Science Fairs b Which typical parts of a science fair do you recognize? 2 What type of word or ‘part of speech’ is ‘fair’ in ‘science fair’? 3 You will get a list with words. Organize them and decide what part of speech they are. Use a dictionary if necessary. A noun (a, an, the …) An adjective A verb (to …) WATCHING SCIENCE FAIR
UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 46 HOW TO refer to people and things (Personal pronouns) PERSONAL PRONOUNS Subject pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun Object pronoun Reflexive pronoun love … … my dog Milo.Milo is mine.Milo misses me when I’m gone. feed Milo myself. You love …… your dog.Milo is yours.Milo misses you when you’re gone. You feed Milo yourself. He loves … She loves … It is showing … his dog. her dog. its teeth. Milo is his Milo is hers Milo misses him when he’s gone. Milo misses her when she’s gone. would never adopt it He feeds Milo himself. She feeds Milo herself. We love …… dog.Milo is .Milo misses when we’re gone. We feed Milo ourselves. You love …… your dog.Milo is yours.Milo misses you when you’re gone. You feed Milo yourselves. They love …… their dog.Milo is theirs.Milo misses them when they’re gone. They feed Milo themselves. Milo is my dog. I love him He’s mine Is that your dog? No, that’s Milo. It’s his verdiepende 128 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE ON DIFFERENT TRACKS CHECK 1 Describing holiday activities 1 Lauren would like to make a collage of her trips to post on Instagram. Can you help her? Write a full sentence describing each picture: write what she is doing and where she is doing it. Look at the example. Lauren kissed a dolphin in the pool. Score 6 6 – 8 8 Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 3 ex. 6 writing e.g. Lauren is kissing a dolphin in the pool. Berlin cGive a characteristic that you associate with these animals. Animal Characteristic 1hamster cute, adorable ... 2donkey stupid, determined, stubborn ... 3bull dangerous ... 4snake scary, sneaky ... Score < 12 12 – 15 > 15 Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 4 ex. 5 2What characteristics do animals have? aFill in the adjectives below next to each description. energetic – funny – irritating – scary – sociable bLink the descriptions to the animals. dog – fly – hamster – monkey – snake Description Adjective Animal 1is dangerous scary snake 2is happy to be around people or other animals sociable dog 3makes you laugh funny monkey 4moves a lot energetichamster 5bugs you or gets on your nerves irritatingfly STARTEN MET ON TRACK CHECK 1, see p. 57 proefversie©VANIN


3 Reflect on your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: describing your holiday

1 Preparation

Als je alle bouwstenen in de Main Track hebt doorlopen en ze voldoende hebt ingeoefend in On Different Tracks, dan ben je zeker klaar voor de Check Out, de taak aan het einde van de unit. Hier kun je alles wat je geleerd hebt, in de unit toepassen.

Elke Check Out gebruikt de OVUR-strategie:

Orientation Action


• I described my friends’ holiday activities.

• I wrote my note or postcard in draft first.

2 Content

• I wrote about 75 words.

• I included all the necessary elements.

Yes I think soNo


We willen graag dat je vorderingen maakt en dat je reflecteert op je taken en leert uit feedback.

• I respected the rules for writing an informal note or postcard.

3 Language use

• I used the correct vocabulary to describe the activities and the weather.

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I paid attention to the structure of my sentences.

• I checked my spelling and punctuation.

Feedback Trace your steps on diddit.

Ten slotte kun je na elke unit je online portfolio op diddit individueel of samen met je leerkracht invullen. Zijn er dingen die nog niet zo goed lopen, dan krijg je meteen ook digitale oefeningen bij je werkpunten.

2 / Nuttig voor onderweg

In de loop van elke unit word je ondersteund door een aantal hulpmiddelen.



Omdat leerstrategieën ontzettend belangrijk zijn, vind je die ook in de Main Track terug wanneer je ze nodig hebt. Elke leerstrategie kun je via een handig schema of overzicht nog eens rustig bekijken in de Summary, ook als je er later nog eens gebruik van wilt maken.

Grammaticale regels staan in de Main Track altijd in een kader, met een duidelijk voorbeeld erbij. Hier vul je zelf een aantal basiskenmerken van de regel in. Hoe je de grammatica gebruikt, vind je vervolgens terug in de Summary. Aan de hand van nog meer voorbeelden en illustraties schetsen we de context waarin je de grammatica kunt gebruiken.

Omdat je Engels wilt gebruiken in een realistische context, reiken we je graag ook veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen aan.

6 six ON TRACK: STARTEN MET ON TRACK UNIT 5: EAT IN/TAKE OUT three hundred and forty-two CHECK OUT PLACING YOUR ORDER ORIENTATION You are going out for some take-out food or drinks. You are not entirely sure what you want. You will have to ask the barista/server to compare 2 drinks or 2 food items, so you get the items you really like. PREPARATION 1 Pair up. Decide who will be the server/barista and who will be the customer. 2 Read the menu you have been given. Make sure you understand everything. If you are the customer, decide which 2 drinks and 2 food items you will be ordering. ACTION 3 Look at the role cards below and have a conversation with your partner. REFLECTION 4 Reflect on your task by filling in the checklist. Checklist: placing your order Yes think soNo 1 Preparation • have read the menu and made sure understood everything. 2 Content and structure • We went through all the steps of ordering. • We started and ended the conversation properly. 3 Language • used ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘much’, ‘many’, and ‘a lot of’ correctly. • used correct grammar (e.g. to compare food). • used the correct words for all the food. • paid attention to my pronunciation. Trace your steps on diddit. SPOKEN INTERACTION CUSTOMER Name: Order 2 drinks and 2 food items. You are unsure about 1 of your items. Ask the barista/server if they can recommend which one is better (and why). Think about taste, size, flavour, etc. BARISTA/SERVER Name: Serve the customer politely. Answer all of their questions.
21 ME, MY SELFIE AND I c Reflection: reflect on your speaking skills by filling in the checklist below. Checklist: describing a classmate Yes I think soNo 1 Content and structure • used at least 5 appropriate/relevant idioms. • explained why I chose those idioms. 2 Language • used the correct words. • explained the idioms correctly. • used correct basic grammar. • paid attention to my pronunciation. Feedback STEP 2 ⁄ Old habits die hard Talking about routines and (bad) habits 1 ⁄ Stuck in a rut 1 Before you start reading, think about how you spend an average day (24 hours). a Colour your personal chart. Look at the legend. sleep eat school study internet hobbies exercise/ sports other 12123456789101112123456789101112 a.m. p.m. a.m. b Find a partner and tell them all about it. 2 Scan the text on p. 23 and answer these questions. a What is the source?
What types of written texts can you find on the website?
What do you know about the author of the text? SPOKEN INTERACTION reading CHECK 1, see p. 57
226 UNIT
172 UNIT 3: SCIENCE INSPIRES one hundred and seventy-two 4 Check the verb form in the instructions on how to make a paper airplane. a What form of the verb is used? the imperative b Complete the grammar box below. HOW TO give instructions To give instructions or to say that someone has to do something, we use the imperative The imperative is the base form of the verb. e.g.Placethepaperonaflatsurfaceinfrontofyou. To say that someone is not allowed to do something, we add don’t e.g.Don’taimatpeoplewithyourpaperplane! We also use linking words to give the order in which we have to do something: e.g. first, second, after, and, next, then, finally 5 Now tell a classmate how to make a paper airplane. 6 When you are doing science experiments, safety rules are crucial. The students in the illustration violate them. Which ones? The words from the box below might be useful. electronic device – first aid kit – glass beaker – gloves – lab coat – loose hair –safety goggles – smell chemicals – taste liquid # rule 1: Wear a lab coat, safety goggles and gloves. # rule 2: Tie back long loose hair. # rule 3: Don’t put electronic devices close to water. # rule 4: Be careful with fire and turn off the burner when you are finished. # rule 5: Ensure you know where to find the first aid kit. # rule 6: Use the appropriate glass beakers to put your chemicals in. Don’t run around the lab with your beaker. # rule 7: Don’t smell chemicals, nor taste liquids. See p. 184 GRAMMAR speaking writing 176 SUMMARY HOW TO talk about possibilities, hypotheses and conditions (Conditional sentences) A condition is something that must be fullfilled before something else happens or will happen. A condition mostly starts with ‘if’. e.g.Ifmyexperimentsucceeds,Iwillbeoverthemoon. FORM USE If-clause Main clause certainty probability If you If you heat water to 100 °C, your health it boils to talk about situations that are always generally true or facts present simple present simple If my experiment If we don’t do anything, the ice caps will melt completely. to talk about real and possible situations (now or in the future) present simple future simple If my geography teacher taught English, If people cared more about the environment, some of us would find it difficult to understand. wouldn’t have all these problems now. Second conditional past simple would/wouldn’t + base form of the verb GRAMMAR If you water to 100 °C, it If we don’t do anything now, the ice caps will melt completely. If my geography teacher taught in English, some of us would find it difficult to
UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND 56 HOW TO listen/watch more effectively Before listening watching Type of text/video Task Focus on what you hear/see Check your understanding Ignore the words you think are less important. Focus on key words and facts. Listen to the intonation and stress of the speakers. Think ahead: what might happen next? Take short notes. Have you understood the main points? Read your notes. Have you completed the task? If possible, listen again to difficult passages. 2 3 1 While listening watching After listening watching Topic What do you know about the topic? What words come to mind? What kind of text/video are you going to listen to/watch? What do you already know about this type of text/video? Do you understand the task? Read through the question and highlight key words. 30 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 2 Bad habits 1 Do you know what a bad habit is? Can you define it? Use words from the list below in your definition. a bad effect – to break – to control – often 2 Read through the strategies in the box below before watching the video. HOW TO listen/watch more effectively 1 Read through the questions before you even start to listen/watch. 2 Make sure you understand all of the questions. If not, ask your teacher to explain what you don’t understand. 3 Highlight the most important part of the question. 4 Do you understand what the goal of this exercise is? – Do you have to listen for main ideas? – Do you have to listen for details? – Do you have to draw a conclusion? 5 Make sure you know how often you will be able to watch/listen to the extract. 6 Take only short notes keywords if necessary and use a pencil See p. 56 3 Watch the video and answer the following questions. a Cross out the keywords on the BINGO! chart below if they are mentioned in the video. Tip 1: read through the list of words before watching the video. Tip 2: there are 15 words to cross out! B N G O unlearnbehaviourdopaminecan't leave your phone alone trigger procrastinationpicking your nose crave fixed pathwayssmoking ’we first make our habits’ slurping your food ’and then our habits make us’ desperateturn off notifications repetitionsnew traces in your brain fingernailssolutionsugar every morningcracking knuckles habit loopenjoy reward STRATEGY WATCHING dopamine a hormone that is made naturally in the body; it is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter a trigger an event or situation, etc. that causes something to start
6 Would you enjoy these holiday activities? a Choose 1 activity that you would enjoy and 1 that you would not. Explain why (not). b Use appropriate expressions to state your preferences. c Plan the conversation in the speaking table below. d Sit in groups and have a conversation with your group members about your activities. Keep the conversation going! Use some of the expressions below. HOW TO keep the conversation going – What do you mean by that? – Could you explain that a little further? – I don’t really understand what you mean. – What is your point? – I agree with you. – I would like to add that … 2 Where you at?! 1 Watch Emily’s vlog about her trip and answer the questions. a List the places that Emily will visit. b Also list the activities they are planning to do. c What do you think the expression ‘ants in his pants’ could mean? To have an itchy feeling, like a rash. To be extremely restless or anxious. To be a very active person, very sportsmanlike. SPOKEN INTERACTION See p. 127 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS WATCHING State your opinion would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe enjoy (-ing form of activity) because (-ing form of activity) is what would like to try/experience because The activity that would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe not enjoy is (-ing form of activity) because


De woordenschat van elke unit geven we je graag mee via illustraties of via een overzichtelijke woordenlijst met ruimte om je eigen woorden en zinnen toe te voegen.

Vaardigheden zijn een belangrijk onderdeel bij het leren van een nieuwe taal. Daarom geven we bij elke oefening aan op welke vaardigheid je het meest aan het oefenen bent: listening, reading, speaking, spoken interaction, watching, writing, written interaction.



3 / Fijn en handig voor onderweg

40 45 50


We spent our last full day there in the country of Luxembourg. Luxembourg is very different from what we saw in Germany. Luxembourg still has a palace with a Duke and Duchess and it has a guard out front.

After a tearful goodbye to Germany we left for Switzerland.

Our time there, while shorter, was also amazing. We took a train ride to Zurich and spent our first day there shopping in all the big city shops. I didn’t get everything wanted! Then we got to drive through the mountains over the Susten pass.

The weather was not that great, but it was still wonderful. In my grandpa’s hometown, we went inside two castles that he used to go in as a child.

5 In the text Stick talks about the meaning of his first name and where it came from. Do you know where your name comes from? If you do, write a few sentences explaining it. If you don’t, ask your parents and then write down where your name comes from. Share it with the class.

My name is

My parents chose this name for me because

I like / don’t like my name because

Lake Lucerne

Our last full day we went to the city of Lucerne and looked out over the lake and river there and spent nearly the whole day buying souvenirs before we had to return for a big family dinner where there were four generations of my family.

Even though the weather was not the best while we were there, we had the best time we could’ve possibly had and I hope one day very soon I can go back to the wonderful sights and people.

If I could choose any other name it would be because

Source: www.teenink.com

3 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

2 ⁄ You have a great personality!

reading to carve: to cut out from wood or stone church’s steeple: pointed tower of the church former: previous, in the past grape vines: plants that grow grapes to produce wine intricately with a lot of detail

Wanneer er moeilijke woorden voorkomen in het authentieke tekstmateriaal, worden die uitgelegd in de glossary
Soms krijg je extra uitleg bij een boek, een auteur of een film.

a Melissa compares Europe to the USA. What are the differences in her opinion?

1 Copy the sentence below. Try to write as naturally as possible. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Did you know?

‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ is an Englishlanguage pangram – a sentence that contains all of the letters of the English alphabet. The phrase is commonly used for touchtyping practice, testing typewriters and computer keyboards, displaying examples of fonts, and other applications involving text where the use of all letters in the alphabet is desired.

Adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org

2 Watch the video about graphology or the study of handwriting and answer the questions below. Watch the video twice, if necessary.

to slant: something that slants is sloping, rather than horizontal or vertical. Right Left to slash: an oblique stroke (/) in print or writing slashing the I

a Complete the table.

How I write, according to the video What it says about my personality, according to the video Size outgoing, people-oriented, want to feel understood and noticed shy, detail-oriented, meticulous well-adjusted, adaptable writing WATCHING


Cath and her twin Wren are huge Simon Snow fans and used to do everything together. But now that they’re off to college, Wren is making new friends and partying, while Cath is struggling to adjust, spending most of her time writing Simon Snow fan fiction in her room. To make matters worse, her roommate Reagan is rude and her roommate’s boyfriend Levi is always around.

2 Read the excerpt and answer the questions.

a How is it said in the text?

In de Did You Know-kaders vind je leuke weetjes en achtergrondinformatie.

1 You have a free hour before you have to do something/be somewhere. an hour to kill

2 I told him he had good reason to be proud of himself. He was justifiably proud of himself.

3 He gave me a drink that he invented himself.

a concoction

b What does the underlined expression mean?

‘Levi stopped to talk to the guy. Because he was Levi, and this was a biological necessity.’

Something you have to do because it’s in your nature/DNA.

Something you have to do because it’s your job.


De volgende iconen helpen je ook nog een eind op weg.

Something you have to do because you read it in a book.

Something you have to do because your biology teacher told you to.

Het luisterfragment dat hierbij hoort, vind je ook online terug.

c What does this sentence tell us about Levi’s personality?

He’s a very friendly and sociable person.

Het beeldfragment dat hierbij hoort, vind je ook online terug.

d ‘You look tarred and sweatered’ is a play on the expression ‘tarred and feathered’. This was a form of public punishment and shaming in the past where people were covered in tar and feathers. What is Levi saying here about Cath’s outfit?

It looks bad, as if someone was punishing her by putting too many sweaters on her.

e What does Cath order?

Als je dit icoon ziet, moet je iets online opzoeken of vind je extra materiaal terug op diddit.


Grande coffee

f Does Levi give Cath her order? Explain your answer. No, he makes her a special drink.

7 seven ON TRACK: STARTEN MET ON TRACK UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND 48 1 PERSONALITY ADJECTIVES Word Translation Mynotes adaptable flexibel, bereid zich aan te passen aggressiveagressief, opvliegend ambitious ambitieus, streverig bossy bazig dapper cautiousvoorzichtig childlike kinderlijk, kinderachtig clever slim, verstandig zelfverzekerd, vol vertrouwen curiousnieuwsgierig detail-orientedmet oog voor detail empatheticempathisch, meelevend enthusiasticenthousiast family-oriented gezinsgericht, veel belang hechtend aan familie generousvrijgevig grumpyslechtgezind, chagrijnig hardworkinghardwerkend honesteerlijk kind vriendelijk, zachtaardig lazy lui logicallogisch meticulous nauwgezet, precies, nieuwsgierig, bemoeiziek organizedgeorganiseerd outgoing sociaal, makkelijk in de omgang patientgeduldig peopleoriented mensgericht, met aandacht voor de medemens practicalpraktisch reliablebetrouwbaar zwijgzaam, weinig spraakzaam, gereserveerd VOCABULARY UNIT 4: MAKE THE GRADE 242 two hundred and forty-two 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES schoolbenodigdheden backpack highlighter pen stapler paperclip pencil case rugzak gom markeerstift nietjesmachine paperclip pennenzak binder geometry set hole punch sticky notes tape pen map materiaal voor meetkunde perforator post-its plakband lat correction tape glue notebook pencil correctietape lijm notitieboek potlood schaar VOCABULARY
Champs Elysees
although Ididn’t understand
word of it! Pariswas also very loud, crazy, and busy.
making jewelry from rocks in the mountainside.
right into
side of the mountain.
andtoured the
Notre Dame. Weattended Sunday Mass there,
On another day wewent to the
Oberstein, a
They are
There is a
there too and a
55 60

Leerstof kun je inoefenen op jouw niveau.

Je krijgt meteen feedback aan de hand van theoriekaders en instructiefilmpjes.

Je kunt vrij oefenen en de leerkracht kan ook voor jou oefeningen klaarzetten.

Hier vind je de opdrachten terug die de leerkracht voor jou heeft klaargezet.

Hier kan de leerkracht toetsen en taken voor jou klaarzetten.

Trace Your Steps: vul hier jouw portfolio in om aan te duiden wat je al beheerst.

Benieuwd hoe ver je al staat met oefenen en opdrachten?

Hier vind je een helder overzicht van je resultaten.

Hier vind je het lesmateriaal per unit (o.a. audio- en videobestanden). Alle instructiefilmpjes en leerbladen uit de Summary zijn hier ook nog eens verzameld.

8 eight ON TRACK: DIDDIT UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I SUMMARY HOW TO talk about facts, routines and actions going on now (Present simple and present continuous) 1 Present simple SubjectPositive (+) Negative (-) Question (?) 1st p. sing. 2nd p. sing. 3rd p. sing. 1st p. plur. 2nd p. plur. 3rd p. plur. live in Belgium. You live in Belgium. in Belgium. in Belgium. You live in Belgium. They live in Belgium. don’t live in Belgium. You don’t live in Belgium. in Belgium. in Belgium. You don’t live in Belgium. They don’t live in Belgium. Do live in Belgium? Do live in Belgium? in Belgium? in Belgium? Do live in Belgium? Do they live in Belgium? Rule: Subject base of verb Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: + -s Subject don’t/doesn’t Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: doesn’t Do/does subject Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: does We use the present simple to talk about – habitsandroutines In this case, we often use words like ‘normally’, ‘usually’, ‘always’, ‘often’, etc. e.g.InScandinavia,itusuallysnowsinwinter. – facts e.g.ItrainsalotinBelgium. No, Gia is really kind and generous. She probably just explaining such a big mouth. She keeps Look! What is she telling Tatiana now? het onlineleerplatform bij On Track
UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 50 3 BAD HABITS always being late being addicted to TV/mobile phone/internet/video games spitting in public cursing, getting angry in traffic gossiping not washing your hands slouching slurping or gobbling your food bolting down procrastinating talking with your mouth full smoking picking your nose biting your fingernails cracking knuckles eating too much junk food/ binging food/ UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE HOW TO state your opinion Short phrases: love … because… I’m fond of … because… have slight preference for … because… prefer … prefer … to … because… like … like … much more than … because… don’t like … because… hate … because… would definitely enjoy hiking because love being outdoors. – I would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe enjoy … -ingformofactivity), because… – … (-ingformofactivity is what would like to try experience, because… – The activity that I would definitely / probably possibly maybe not enjoy is … -ingformofactivity because… … it is boring. … don’t like to get wet. … I’m no daredevil. … it is relaxing. … want to see the world. … I’m an active person. To keep the conversation going use some of the following expressions: – What do you mean by that? – Could you explain that a little more? – I don’t really understand what you mean. – What is your point? – I agree with you. – I would like to add that… UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND 56 HOW TO listen/watch more effectively Before listening watching Type of text/video Task Focus on what you hear/see Check your understanding Ignore the words you think are less important. Listen to the stress of the speakers. might happen Have you understood the main points? Read your Have you completed the If possible, listen again to difficult passages. 2 3 1 While listening watching After listening watching Topic What do you know about the topic? text/video are you going to listen to/watch? What do you already know about this type of text/video? Do you understand the task? Read through the question and highlight key words. WOORDTRAINER VAN IN En waarom de woordenschat niet instuderen met de handige woordtrainerapp van On Track? On Track 3 UNIT 6: DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER Step 1 (LITERARY) ART MAIN TRACK TRACE YOUR STEPS proefversie©VANIN




Step 3 : talking about hobbies and actions going on now






Step 1: describing personality Step 2 : talking about routines and (bad) habits



Introduce yourself to your classmates. Fill in the friendship page. Don’t forget to add a selfportrait: draw a picture of yourself or add a photo.





Date of birth: / / Place of birth:

This or that:

true love or 10 million dollars brains or beauty time machine or magic wand modern or vintage party trip or romantic trip


This I ... do: never always often hardly ever every weekend on Mondays

My family members:

This makes me happy:

This is what I want(ed) to become later:

I absolutely love:

but I hate:

Class: School year: -



STEP 1 ⁄ What are you like?

Describing personality

1 ⁄ What’s in a name?

1 Read the following quotes. Say which quote you like the most. Explain why you say this.

I like quote because reading


What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose

By any other name would smell as sweet.

Nicknames stick to people, and the most ridiculous are the most adhesive.

The point, though, is that there is a guy in shop class named ‘Nothing’. I’m not kidding. His name is ‘Nothing’ and he is hilarious. ‘Nothing’ got his name when kids used to tease him in middle school. I think he’s a senior now. The kids started calling him Patty when his real name is Patrick. And ‘Nothing’ told these kids, ‘Listen, you either call me Patrick, or you call me nothing.’

So, the kids started calling him ‘Nothing.’ And the name just stuck.

– Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

‘Must a name mean something?’ Alice asked doubtfully.

Of course it must,’ Humpty Dumpty said with a short laugh; ‘my name means the shape I am – and a good handsome shape it is, too. With a name like yours, you might be any shape, almost.’

‘Seamus Rafael Goldberg. At the Natick School. Doesn’t sound right, somehow,’ Dad said.

Yes, my name is Seamus – pronounced SHAY-mus – Rafael Goldberg. Try being five with that name. They called me Seamus as a young kid, then Rafael, which is almost worse, until I was like ten. I picked Rafe when I was in fifth grade, and I have insistedon it ever since.

11 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eleven
1 4 5 2 3

2 Does a name say anything about your personality? If so, what does your name say about you?

3 Read the blurb on the novel Stick by Andrew Smith. What kind of book do you expect this to be?


Stick is the story of Stark McClellan who is bullied for being ‘deformed’: he was born with only one ear. His older brother Bosten is always there to defend him. But the boys can’t defend one another from their abusive parents.

Stick was written by Andrew Smith, who is the award-winning author of several Young Adult novels, including the critically acclaimed Grasshopper Jungle and Winger

Adapted from: www.authorandrewsmith.com

4 Read the extract from the novel Stick by Andrew Smith and answer the questions. Indicate in the text where you found the answer.

a Why is Stick called Stick?

b What is his real name? Does he like it? How can you tell?

c Why do people stare at Stick? How does that make him feel?

d Why do you think there are ‘gaps’ in the text?

e What sort of relationship do you think Stick has with his parents? Why do you think this? They call me Stick.

I am six feet tall, an inch taller than my brother, Bosten, who is in eleventh grade. I’m thirteen, and a stick.

My real rst name is Stark, which, in my opinion, is worse than being called Stick. It was my great-grandfather’s name, and I suppose my parents were all into connecting with our roots or something when they decided to put it on me. My great-grandstick lived and died in Ireland and never once set eyes on me in his entire life. But I’m pretty sure he’d call me Stick, too, if he ever had.

12 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twelve
SPOKEN INTERACTION reading reading proefversie©VANIN

A lot of times, after people learn my name, they’ll say things like, ‘Oh. What an unusual name,’ which, to me, sounds the same as, ‘Look at that poor, deformed boy.’

And when they learn that I don’t care to be called Stark, they’ll o er some consolation.

‘I’ll bet you come to like that name when you’re grown up.’

The only things I can think of that people like more after they’re grown up are alcohol and cigarettes.

My parents smoke all the time.

I am as unremarkable as canned green beans.

It bothers me when people stare at me. Most of the time, they can’t help doing it on account of my missing right ear.

Besides that, with rst names like ours, my brother and I may just as well walk around waving signs saying LOOK AT US. At least where we grew up, in Washington State, boys were all pretty much expected to have names like ‘Chip’ or ‘Robert.’

But not Bosten or Stark McClellan.


The world sounds di erent to me than it does to anyone else.

Pretty much all of the time, it sounds like this.

Half my head is quiet.

I was born this way.

Most people don’t notice it right away, but once they do, I see their faces; I watch how they’ll move around toward that side – the one with the missing part – so they can see what’s wrong with me.

So, here. Look at me.

I’m ugly.

When you see me at rst, I look like just another teenage boy, only too tall and too skinny. Square on, staring into my headlights, and you’re probably going to think I look nice, a handsome kid, even – green eyes, brown hair, a relaxed kind of face (from not smiling too much, probably). But then get around to that side, and you see it. I have what looks like the outline of a normal boy’s ear, but it’s pressed down into the esh, squashed like potter’s clay. No hole – a canal, they call it.

Nothing gets into my head that way.

I can’t easily hide it because my dad won’t let me grow my hair long. He yells at me if I wear a hat indoors. He says there’s nothing wrong with me.

But I’m ugly. You see what I’m doing, don’t you? I am making you hear me.

The way I hear the world.

But I won’t do it too much, I promise.

I know what it can do to you.

I know what it can do to you to not have that hole there.

Humans need that hole, so things can get out.

Things get into my head and they bounce around and around until they nd a way out. My mother never talks about my ear. She hardly ever talks to me at all.

I believe she is sad, horri ed. I think she blames herself.

Mostly, I think she wishes I was never born.

Source: Andrew Smith, Stick, p. 5-7

13 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirteen

5 In the text Stick talks about the meaning of his first name and where it came from. Do you know where your name comes from? If you do, write a few sentences explaining it. If you don’t, ask your parents and then write down where your name comes from. Share it with the class.

My name is .

My parents chose this name for me because

I like / don’t like my name because

If I could choose any other name it would be because

2 ⁄ You have a great personality!

1 Copy the sentence below. Try to write as naturally as possible. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Did you know?

‘The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ is an Englishlanguage pangram – a sentence that contains all of the letters of the English alphabet. The phrase is commonly used for touchtyping practice, testing typewriters and computer keyboards, displaying examples of fonts, and other applications involving text where the use of all letters in the alphabet is desired.

Adapted from: https://en.wikipedia.org

2 Watch the video about graphology (the study of handwriting) and answer the questions below. Watch the video twice, if necessary.

to slant: something that slants is sloping, rather than horizontal or vertical.

Right Left

to slash: an oblique stroke (/) in print or writing slashing the I

14 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fourteen
writing WATCHING proefversie©VANIN
a Complete the table. How I write, according to the video What it says about my personality, according to the video Size outgoing, people-oriented, want to feel understood and noticed shy, detail-oriented, meticulous well-adjusted, adaptable

b Choose the correct option.

Spacing between words wide spacing between words

- enjoy freedom / being alone

- like / don’t like being overwhelmed narrow spacing between words

Slanting of words to the right

to the left

no slant

- like / dislike being alone (sociable)

- logical / sentimental

- open / not open to new experiences

- you highly value your privacy / friends and family

- sociable / introspective

- people-oriented / reserved

- prefer to work behind the scenes / with people

- logical, practical, pragmatic / sentimental, outgoing

c Match a number from the left column to a letter from the right column.

1 way above the i

2 right over the i

Dots on i’s


Crosses on t’s

3 slash the i’s

4 circle the i’s

A childlike curiosity, visionary

B self-critical, little patience for inadequacy

C detail-oriented, organized, empathetic

D having a great imagination

1 at the top

2 in the middle

3 long crosses

A lack of determination

B good self-esteem, ambitious, set big goals for yourself

C determined, enthusiastic, stubborn

4 extremely shortD confident, comfortable in your skin

d Choose the correct option.

Type of marginsnarrow left margin- You base most of your actions and views on past experiences / what you feel like doing now.

wide left margin- You keen to move on from your past / look back to the past.

- You embrace the future / are afraid of the future.

- You are open / not open to new experiences.

15 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifteen
2 3 4
2 3 4

Type of marginsnarrow right margin- You tend to look back to the past / embrace the future.

- You are sociable / introspective.

- You are stubborn / adaptable.

wide right margin- You are enthusiastic / cautious about the future.

- You prefer the stability you have now / are visionary.

3 What does your handwriting say about your personality, according to the video?

4 Which words were used in the video to describe personality? Complete the alphabet table with adjectives starting with that letter. Leave the grey boxes empty for now.



(to set big goals)






(to dislike being alone)


16 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixteen

5 Discover more words to describe personality.

a Unscramble the words below. If necessary, use a dictionary to look for a word that has the following meaning. Tip: the first letter is printed in bold and is underlined.

RCELVE smart, intelligent, quick to understand

SYNO being interested in other people’s affairs

KINGDWHAROR always puts a lot of effort and care into their work

SENEGROU gives people more of their time or money than is usual or expected

SSBOY enjoys telling people what to do

AVBRE shows no fear of dangerous or difficult things

NEHOST good and truthful; doesn’t lie, steal, or cheat

ZYLA unwilling to work or use energy

KATITALVE talks a lot, and often too much

NDKI friendly and caring towards others

AIVN very proud of or concerned about how you look, what you are good at etc.

RESSAGGIVE always looks for a fight or a quarrel

LIREALEB able to be trusted

UMGRPY easily irritated, in a bad mood

VESISENTI easily hurt emotionally, aware of other people’s feelings

HOW TO find information on the internet

If you have to find specific information online, there are a few steps that you can follow. For more information, check the tips in the Summary on p. 53.

b Fill in the words you unscrambled in the grey boxes in exercise 4.

6 Find someone who…

a You will get a worksheet. Walk around the classroom and look for a person who likes that kind of activity or who has that kind of personality. Fill in their names in the middle column.

b Interview at least 8 different people.

c Complete the 3rd column with an appropriate word. Choose words from exercises 4 and 5.

d Check diddit for more exercises on this topic.

17 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventeen
STRATEGY See p. 53

3 ⁄ Couch potato or busy beaver?

1 Instead of saying that someone is ‘shy’, you can call them a ‘wallflower’ or ‘quiet as a mouse’. Using idioms such as these boosts and enriches your English. Which other idioms are pictured below? Match words from the first box with words from the second box to find the correct idiom.


to have a heart the salta coucha nosyto have a short a biga smart a busyto wear your heart to wearto be pig-don’t beto reach for the wet behind on your sleeve of goldthe trousers the earsbeavermoonof the earth headedparkeralecchickenfusemouthpotato

18 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighteen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


2 What do the idioms in exercise 1 mean? Match them to the correct meaning. ABCDEFGHIJKLMN

a person who is generally respected because they are so honest, reliable and good

to be stupidly stubborn

to be very kind and generous

to be bossy, in control of the situation and to make the decisions

a person that gets aggressive or angry very easily

a childlike, innocent and naive person

a very lazy person

a person who is curious, nosy and interested in what other people are doing and wanting to discover too much about them

a sentimental person that expresses feelings rather than hiding them

someone who tries to appear clever and therefore annoys other people

to be determined and ambitious

to be brave and not a coward

a person who is very talkative and often reveals personal or confidential information to other people

a hardworking person

19 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I nineteen
a C B F G H J L K M N I D E 10 11 12 13 14

3 Complete the sentences with a fitting idiom or complete the idiom.

1 Why doesn’t Ben mind his own business? He’s such a , always interested in what is going on.

2 I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as lazy as Harper. Such a

3 Oh my, Taylor really does have a ! She got mad for no reason at all!

4 Nisrine is incredibly sweet, honest and good! That girl really is the

5 It’s no use trying to change Fanny’s mind. That girl is extremely A stubborn mule.

6 – Hey, have you met the new guy yet?

– Yeah. He’s definitely , he’ll have to learn quickly or get a new job, I’m afraid.

7 She was wearing when she wrote that song. She exposed her true emotions in the lyrics.

8 Ugh. The kid in the front row is such a , always trying to be funny and clever.

9 Don’t sell yourself short! and follow your ambitions!

10 Don’t tell your secrets to Bob! He’s such a ; he’ll never keep that information to himself.

HOW TO study vocabulary and grammar


If you have to study a lot of vocabulary and grammar in a new language, there are a few tips you can follow. See p. 54

4 You are going to describe a classmate using idioms.

a Preparation: picture 1 person that everyone in your class should know. Write down at least 5 idioms that fit or – quite the opposite – don’t fit that person. Make a few notes below. Be nice.

b Action: describe that person to the rest of the class or a group of classmates. Explain why you chose those idioms to describe that person.

20 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty
speaking proefversie©VANIN

c Reflection: reflect on your speaking skills by filling in the checklist below.

Checklist: describing a classmate Yes I think soNo

1 Content and structure

• I used at least 5 appropriate/relevant idioms.

• I explained why I chose those idioms.

2 Language

• I used the correct words.

• I explained the idioms correctly.

• I used correct basic grammar.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


CHECK 1, see p. 57

STEP 2 ⁄ Old habits die hard Talking about routines and (bad) habits

1 ⁄ Stuck in a rut

1 Before you start reading, think about how you spend an average day (24 hours).

a Colour your personal chart. Look at the legend.

sleep eat school study internet hobbies exercise/ sports other


b Find a partner and tell them all about it.

2 Scan the text on p. 23 and answer these questions.

a What is the source?

b What types of written texts can you find on the website?

c What do you know about the author of the text?


21 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-one
a.m. p.m. a.m.

d What kind of text is it?

e Do you think the text will have a positive or a negative ring to it? Why do you think so?

f Are there any words in the text you don’t understand? Mark them. Can you figure out the meaning of these words by looking at the context?

g What does the perfect boy look like, in her opinion?

HOW TO deal with difficult words in a text

1 Don’t stop reading when there is a word you do not understand.

2 Look for images

3 Look for: synonyms – examples – a definition – a description – a word with the opposite meaning in the same sentence/paragraph.

4 Do you recognize parts of the word?

– Is it a composition (e.g. sweatpants)?

– Does the word have a prefix (un-/in-/il-/ir-/...) or a suffix (-able/-ful/-ion/…)?

5 Ask a peer, a parent or your teacher to explain it.

6 Consult a dictionary See p. 55

3 Now read the text in full.

a Which routine actions did the girl not describe? Cross them out.

A drink a glass of juice

B take a shower

C make up face

G have breakfast

H pack schoolbag

I put on shoes

D brush hair J say bye to mum

E put in contact lenses

F pick out clothes for the day

K go to the bathroom

L pluck eyebrows

b Put the remaining routine actions in the right order. 12345678

c What does the girl hope will break the routine cycle?

reading proefversie©VANIN


Every morning, I start my day with the same routine: I get up and go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and then pick out an outfit for the day. Picking up my contacts, I head back to my mirror, earbuds in and blasting loud, and put the contacts in place, right eye first and followed by the left. I pluck my eyebrows to perfection, and then put on my eyeliner and mascara, and go to my room to pack my bag for the day. Afterward, I head to the kitchen to eat breakfast, put on my shoes, and head out the door, earbuds still in. This is the way it’s always been, and I’m afraid that this is all there’ll ever be. Just once, I want to head to my locker in the morning, reaching for a notebook, and catch someone glancing at me. Just once, I want a guy I’ve never talked to before to approach me, ask me my name, show some interest. Maybe he could walk me to class, if that’s not asking for too much. Does it even matter what ‘type’ of guy he is? No, it doesn’t! I couldn’t care less if he was a tall jock with blue eyes and tanned skin, built and strong, or a quiet, poetic type with deep brown eyes and a crooked smile you only get to see if you get close enough, or catch him reading his favourite book. Maybe he’s a gamer, who wears sweatpants to school every day, and mountain bikes in his spare time, or he could even be a suit-loving, family guy who would rather spend some quiet time at home rather than go out and get drunk on a weekend night. It doesn’t even matter. It doesn’t matter at all. I just want someone to break my cycle – to interrupt this non-stop repetition. I’m tired of hearing the same songs every day –I’m tired of laughing at the same jokes, sitting in the same spot for lunch every afternoon, waking up to the same routine, that same face staring back at me as I put my contacts in in the morning. I just want someone to come into my life and change it – is that too much to ask?

Source: www.teenink.com

4 After reading the text, discuss with a partner.

a Do you recognize yourself in the routine the girl has described?

b What would you do if you were in her shoes?

5 Look at the text and pay attention to the grammar.

a Which tense did the author use to talk about her daily routine? Give a few examples. Highlight them.

23 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-three
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 Search Login Poetry / Fiction / Nonfiction / Reviews Subscribe Submit Forum

b Which auxiliary verb is used in negative sentences and questions? Highlight examples in the text.

c Which verb does not have this auxiliary verb in negative sentences and questions? Give an example from the text.

d Complete the tables below with the rules on how to form the present simple tense.

Form of present simple (e.g. to think)


1st p. sing. 2nd p. sing.

3rd p. sing.

1st p. plur. 2nd p. plur.

3rd p. plur.


Form of ‘to be’ in present simple

1st p. sing. 2nd p. sing. 3rd p. sing.

1st p. plur. 2nd p. plur. 3rd p. plur.

HOW TO talk about states, facts and routines

In the Summary of this unit you can find more information about the present simple tense:

– how to talk about states, facts and routines;

– how to talk about what you own (the verbs ‘to have’ and ‘to have got’).

– how to pronounce the 3rd person singular. See p. 43

(+) Negative (-) Question (?)
SubjectPositive (+) Negative (-) Question (?)
GRAMMAR proefversie©VANIN

6 How do you pronounce the 3rd person singular form?

a Does it end in /s/, /ɪz/ or /z/? Listen to the recording.

b Write down the verb form in the corresponding column.

c Afterwards, compare your answers with a partner.


7 Fill in the correct verb forms in these sentences. Careful: you will need to fill in the 3rd person singular!

1 Every morning, she (to start) her day with the same routine. She (to get up) and (to go) to the bathroom and (to brush) her teeth.

2 After she (to pick) an outfit for the day, she (to pluck) her eyebrows to perfection and (to put) on eyeliner and mascara.

3 The girl just (to want) a boy to approach her and talk to her.

4 It (not to matter) what type of boy it (to be).

5 She (to be) tired of laughing at the same jokes.

8 Read the extract from the young adult novel Every Day by David Levithan and answer the questions.


Every day a different body. Every day a different life. Every day in love with the same girl. There’s never any warning about where it will be or who it will be. A has made peace with that, even established guidelines by which to live: never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. It’s all fine until the morning that A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin’s girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply. Because finally A has found someone A wants to be with – day in, day out, day after day.

Source: www.goodreads.com

25 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-five
/ /z/
s/ /ɪz
listening reading proefversie©VANIN

a Fill in the correct form of the present simple tense.

Day 5994

I (1 to wake up).


Immediately I have to figure out who I (2 to be). It’s not just the body – opening my eyes and discovering whether the skin on my arm is light or dark, whether my hair is long or short, whether I’m fat or thin, boy or girl, scarred or smooth. The body is the easiest thing to adjust to, if you’re used to waking up in a new one each morning. It’s the life, the context of the body, that can be hard to grasp.

Every day I am someone else. I am myself – I know I am myself – but I am also someone else.

It has always been like this.

The information (3 to be) there. I wake up, open my eyes, understand that it is a new morning, a new place. The biography (4 to kick) in, a welcome gift from the not-me part of the mind. Today I am Justin. Somehow, I (5 to know) this – my name is Justin – and at the same time I know that I’m not really Justin, I’m only borrowing his life for a day. I (6 to look) around and know that this is his room. This is his home. The alarm will go off in seven minutes. I’m never the same person twice, but I’ve certainly been this type before. Clothes everywhere. Far more video games than books. Sleeps in his boxers. From the taste of his mouth, a smoker. But not so addicted that he (7 to need) one as soon as he (8 to wake) up.

‘Good morning, Justin,’ I say. Checking out his voice. Low. The voice in my head is always different.

Justin (9 not to take) care of himself. His scalp (10 to itch). His eyes (11 not to want) to open. He hasn’t gotten much sleep.

Already I know I’m not going to like today.

It’s hard being in the body of someone you (12 not to like), because you still have to respect it. I’ve harmed people’s lives in the past, and I’ve found that every time I slip up, it (13 to haunt) me. So I (14 to try) to be careful.

From what I can tell, every person I (15 to inhabit) is the same age as me. I (16 not to hop) from being sixteen to being sixty. Right now, it’s only sixteen. I (17 not to know) how this works. Or why. I stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago. I’m never going to figure it out, any more than a normal person will figure out his or her own existence. After a while, you have to be at peace with the fact that you simply are. There is no way to know why. You can have theories, but there will never be proof.

I can access facts, not feelings. I (18 to know) this is Justin’s room, but I have no idea if he likes it or not. (19 he / to want) to kill his parents in the next room? Or would he be lost without his mother coming in to make sure he’s awake? It’s impossible to tell. It’s as if that part of me (20 to replace) the same part of whatever person I’m in. And while I’m glad to be thinking like myself, a hint every now and then of how the other person

26 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-six
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


(21 to think) would be helpful. We all contain mysteries, especially when seen from the inside.

The alarm (22 to go) off. I reach for a shirt and some jeans, but something lets me see that it’s the same shirt he wore yesterday. I (23 to pick) a different shirt. I take the clothes with me to the bathroom, dress after showering. His parents (24 to be) in the kitchen now. They have no idea that anything is different.

Sixteen years is a lot of time to practise. I (25 not to make / usually) mistakes. Not anymore.

I (26 to read) his parents easily: Justin (27 not to talk) to them much in the morning, so I (28 not to have to) talk to them. I have grown accustomed to sensing expectation in others, or the lack of it. I shovel down some cereal, (29 to leave) the bowl in the sink without washing it, (30 to grab) Justin’s keys and go.

Yesterday I was a girl in a town I’d guess to be two hours away. The day before, I was a boy in a town three hours farther than that. I am already forgetting their details. I have to, or else I will never remember who I really am.

Source: David Levithan, Every day, p. 1-3

b Now answer these questions about the text. Use full sentences.

1 Who does A wake up as?

2 Is A a boy?

3 Can A access feelings when he is inside a body?

4 Who decides which body A wakes up in?

HOW TO ask questions

There are different types of questions you can ask. For more information about how to ask questions in the present simple, check diddit.

9 Make question word questions with the following words.

1 What school / Justin / to go to?

2 When / alarm / to go off?

27 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-seven
45 50 55
GRAMMAR proefversie©VANIN

3 Where / to be / Justin’s parents?

4 Who / A / to meet / when he is in the body of Justin?

5 Why / A / to forget / the details / of all the previous persons’ bodies?

10 Make subject questions with the following words.

1 Who / to decide / which body A wakes up in?

2 What / to kick in / as soon as A wakes up?

3 What / to happen / when A meets Rhiannon?

4 Who / to be / in the next room?

5 Who / not / to have / a clue / about the situation?

11 Play the Jeopardy game.

12 Imagine you get the chance to meet A. What would you ask them? Think of 3 questions. Then share with a partner.



13 Discuss with a partner.

a If A was a real person, would they be a girl or a boy? What makes you think so?

b Imagine you wake up in a new body every single day. Would you like it or not? Why (not)?

c Whose body would you like to wake up in? Why?

Did you know?

In English ‘they’, ‘them’, their’ and ‘theirs’ sometimes refer to the singular. It replaces ‘he’ and ‘she’ when we do not know the gender of the antecedent – the word the pronoun refers to – or when this is not important or non-binary. ‘They’, ‘them’, ‘their’ and ‘theirs’ are often used as gender-neutral words. This is nothing new. In fact, the Oxford English Dictionary mentions that singular ‘they’ already existed in 1375, where it appears in the medieval romance William and the Werewolf. Source: htts://public.oed.com


28 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-eight

14 Imagine you wake up in a new body every single day. Describe your morning routine as if you were that person.

a Preparation: choose a (famous?) person. Think about possible morning routines.

b Action: describe your morning routine in 10 sentences. Describe what you do and don’t do. Write your text using the 1st person singular and the 3rd person singular (like in the extract).

c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist. Share your text with your partner.

Checklist: daily routine

1 Content and structure

• I wrote 10 sentences.

• I described someone’s routine: the things they do every day.

• I also described what they do not do.

2 Language

• I used the present simple in the positive form correctly.

• I used the present simple in the negative form correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Yes I think soNo

29 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I twenty-nine

2 ⁄ Bad habits

1 Do you know what a bad habit is? Can you define it? Use words from the list below in your definition.

a bad effect – to break – to control – often


2 Read through the strategies in the box below before watching the video.

HOW TO listen/watch more effectively

1 Read through the questions before you even start to listen/watch.


2 Make sure you understand all of the questions. If not, ask your teacher to explain what you don’t understand.

3 Highlight the most important part of the question.

4 Do you understand what the goal of this exercise is?

– Do you have to listen for main ideas?

– Do you have to listen for details?

– Do you have to draw a conclusion?

5 Make sure you know how often you will be able to watch/listen to the extract.

6 Take only short notes (keywords) if necessary and use a pencil! See p. 56

3 Watch the video and answer the following questions.

a Cross out the keywords on the BINGO! chart below if they are mentioned in the video.

dopamine: a hormone that is made naturally in the body; it is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter a trigger: an event or situation, etc. that causes something to start

Tip 1: read through the list of words before watching the video.

Tip 2: there are 15 words to cross out!


unlearnbehaviourdopaminecan't leave your phone alone trigger procrastinationpicking your nose crave fixed pathwayssmoking ’we first make our habits’ slurping your food ’and then our habits make us’ desperateturn off notifications repetitionsnew traces in your brain fingernailssolutionsugar every morningcracking knuckles habit loopenjoy reward


30 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty

b Watch the video again. Put the screenshots in the right order of appearance. Number them from 1 to 8. Then match the explanations to the corresponding pictures: write the letters A-H under the correct screenshots.

A A habit is often a response to a certain trigger, which follows a routine and usually ends with a reward. This is also called a habit loop.

B And because rewards release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes our brain first happy and then hooked, we get stuck and can’t let go anymore.

C Some habits are tricky. Procrastination for example. There is no clear trigger, routine or reward. It just happens.

D A habit is a fixed way of thinking that leads to automatic behavior. The benefit is we don’t have to rethink again and again what to do.

E If we can’t leave our phone alone, we can turn off all the notifications.

F A bad habit can also hurt us or hold us back from progressing. Although, like anything, we can learn and unlearn them.

G If a problem gets very serious, remove the trigger. Stop buying movie tickets.

H After a few days of this routine, farmer Joe’s trace becomes more visible on his farm. After a few months, the trace becomes fixed pathways. Not only on his farm, but also inside his brain.

31 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-one
© youtube.com/sproutsvideos

4 What are your bad habits?

a First describe the bad habits you see in the pictures.

b Then tick the boxes of the bad habits you have.

32 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-two
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 13 14 15 proefversie©VANIN

c Share your (bad) habits with a partner. Do you have the same or different (bad) habits?

HOW TO say how often something happens

When talking about habits, you will often use adverbs of frequency or phrases of time. Check the HOW TO (How to say how often something happens) on diddit if you need more information on where to put these adverbs and phrases in a sentence.

e.g. I am often late for school.

Do you sometimes bite your nails?

CHECK 2, see p. 64

STEP 3 ⁄ What do you like?

Talking about hobbies and actions going on now

1 ⁄ #myhobby

1 Discuss with a partner.

a What do you do in your free time?

b Is taking selfies a hobby?

c How many selfies do you take on average (per day, per week)?

d Do you share your selfies with friends?

e Which app do you use most often (to change or share your selfies)?

33 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-three

2 Do you agree with these statements? Tick the right box. Find a partner and discuss your answers. Use the expressions in the Summary on p. 45.


1I am a #selfieaddict.

2Getting as many likes as possible is important to me.

3There is no such thing as ‘too many selfies’.

4Sometimes people could like other people less because of selfies.

5I know my best angle.

6It is OK to screenshot my friends’ snapchats.

7Duck faces are so out.

8Selfies are usually taken by vain people (= always thinking about their own appearance).

9I like taking #uglyselfies.

10I often add a good caption or quote to my selfies when I post them online.

3 Have a look at the (mostly) selfies below.

I agreeI disagreeI don’t know

a Which hobby do you recognize in each picture? Use a verb in the -ing form.

34 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-four
© Holli / Shutterstock.com
1 4 2 5 3 6 proefversie©VANIN
beauty blogging


b Do you do any of the hobbies listed above? Tick the boxes. Report back to the class. SPOKEN INTERACTION

35 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-five
10 7 13 16 19 11 8 14 17 20 12 9 15 18

4 What are these people in the selfie doing? Follow the example, by asking and answering questions about the photos.


Are they eating a burger?

No, they’re not eating a burger. They are eating pizza.

36 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-six
(to eat a burger?) (to take a nap?) (to surf?) (to smile / to hug?) 5 Do you remember? What is the tense in exercise 4 called?
1 3 2 4

6 Use the answers in exercise 4 to fill in the table about the present continuous tense.

Form of present continuous

SubjectPositive (+)

Negative (-) Question (?)

1st p. sing. I am enjoying. I / enjoying.

2nd p. sing. You are enjoying. You / enjoying.

3rd p. sing. He/she/it enjoying. He/she/it is not / isn’t enjoying. enjoying?

1st p. plur. We enjoying.We are not / aren’t enjoying. enjoying?

2nd p. plur.

3rd p. plur.

Are you enjoying?

Are they enjoying?

Rule: Subject + in + Subject + in + in + subject +

7 Complete the grammar box.

HOW TO talk about actions going on now

To talk about actions going on now we use the :

She is taking a nap. + + +

No, they are not surfing – + + +

Are they eating a burger? ? + +

8 Fill in the verb in the correct form of the present continuous.

1 Josue (to text) his best friend to meet up at the skatepark.

2 Idris (not to use) Facetime anymore. He is all over Zoom these days.

3 What (you to do)? Don’t tag the teacher in that Instagram post!

4 I (not to take) down that post about the party yesterday.

5 Ugh! The teacher always notices when we (to cheat) using our phones. We’ll have to find another way...

9 Play the relay game.

37 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-seven
See p. 43 GRAMMAR speaking proefversie©VANIN

2 ⁄ It’s just me, myself and I

1 Look at this short text and then complete the sentences below. Fill in the hobby that is being described too!

This is me taking art classes.

That’s my latest creation in the background. I painted it.

The painting is mine. I painted it myself.

1 Where’s bike? I want to go , but I can’t find it anywhere! My brother probably took

2 Where’s Mona? She’s probably with friends online. Or is taking a again? That girl is always sleepy.

3 For there really isn’t anything better than snuggling up on the couch and a book for hours on end. It’s favourite pastime.

4 Kit and Nandita have been able to make breakfast for ever since were little. is passion.

5 Jax is addicted to phone. He’s been for hours again.

6 Samantha took a nice picture of using smartphone. Maybe her obsession with selfies made take classes.

7 I don’t like being home all by . I’d rather be and having a good laugh together.

8 Nanou’s new hobby is dressing up as Harley Quinn, favourite DC Comics character. She’s really into

9 Did you do make up ? You should start , because ’re so good at !

10 Are Peter and Noah at the gym again? They really do love . They take good care of bodies, don’t ?

11 My best friends’ 6-year-old daughter Liz is super creative. ’s always doing or or something.

38 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-eight

2 Complete the grammar box with the correct pronoun.

Personal pronounsPossessive adjectives and pronouns

Subject Object Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns

I me my

You you your

He his his

She her her

It it its

We You you


Reflexive pronouns


e.g. I have a dog.e.g. My parents gave it to ME. e.g. This is MY dog. e.g. The dog is MINE. e.g. I didn’t buy it MYSELF.

Did you know?

Pronouns are words that replace nouns. Gender pronouns are used in place of a person’s name. Some languages, such as English, do not have a gender neutral or third gender pronoun. They are binary (‘he’/‘she’). But only using ‘he’ and ‘she’ in English does not leave room for other gender identities. To encourage greater equality, people have tried to create gender neutral pronouns in English. Note that the list below is not complete, but a good place to start.


e/ey em eir eirs eirself

he him his his himself

[name] [name] [name]’s[name]’s[name]’s self per per pers pers perself

she her her hers herself

sie sir hir hirs hirself

they them their theirs themselves

ve ver vis vers verself

zie zim zir zirs zirself

Adapted from: https://uwm.edu

3 Find a partner. Play the Pronoun snap! game. SPOKEN INTERACTION

39 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I thirty-nine

4 Read the following sentences from exercise 1. Study the underlined words and complete the rules in the grammar box below.

Nanou’s new hobby is dressing up as Harley Quinn, her favourite DC Comics character. She’s really into cosplaying.

Jax is addicted to his phone. He’s been surfing the web for hours again.

My best friends’ 6-year-old daughter Liz is super creative.

HOW TO form plural, possessive and contracted verb forms

Spelling: ’s, -s or -s’

1/ ’s can express 2 things:

• the genitive or form e.g. Nanou’s new hobby = the new hobby of Nanou

• it can be part of a contracted verb, the short form of or e.g. She’s really into cosplaying. = She is. He’s been surfing the web. = He has.

2/ -s expresses the of nouns: e.g. DC Comics for hours

3/ -s’ is the genitive or form and combined: e.g. my best friends’ 6-year-old daughter

Note: it is possible, especially with older or classical names, to just add the apostrophe ’. e.g. Jesus’ name

See p. 47

40 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty
© PJ_Photography / Shutterstock.com proefversie©VANIN

5 You are going to watch a Line up video in which people match owners and pets.

a First, complete the sentences you will hear in the video. Use correct pronouns and ’s / -s.

– Do people look like pets?

– How about snake people? – ’re a little creepy.

– Enter Nugget, a doe (a female goat)

Maybe you went to a petting zoo and saw a goat and you said: Mom, Dad, that what want. And here are.

This is Nugget owner.

I think ’re mom.

– Enter Teddy, the hedgehog (male)

I don’t like rodents and I think this is one of , right?

Oh, that is definitely . No hesitation. (Talking about a woman holding Teddy.)

Okay, so talk to like he did something really good. won the race.

– Enter Wilbert, the boar (a male pig)

This is definitely not somebody first pet.

Whoa, that’s not ! (Talking about a man holding Wilbert.) That pig.

– Enter the parrot

’m gonna pass the bird off, see how well handle

Oh, that is definitely parrot!

– Enter Hades, the snake (male)

– Maybe he strong. don’t want him on ! Whoa, this thing is trying to kill !

– ’m sorry, but f---ing weirdo own snake

– Snake owner are offbeat; ’re maybe like the weirdo of the world.

– Enter Boomie, the bearded dragon (female)

I think then this is Boomie owner.

This seems like a very edgy pet, and looks very edgy.

The hedgehog is . – Nope. (Talking to one of the owners.)

b Watch the first part of the video and check your answers.

41 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-one
WATCHING proefversie©VANIN

c Guess which pet belongs to which owner. Discuss with a partner.

d Watch the last part of the video where the pets are reunited with their right owners and check your answers for exercise c.

e Report back to the class about your guesses and the outcomes. Were you right or wrong? Which pet actually belonged to whom? speaking

CHECK 3, see p. 76

42 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-two
Nugget, the goat Teddy, the hedgehog Wilbert, the pig the parrot
1 2 3 4 5 6
Hades, the snake Boomy, the bearded dragon
1 2 3 4 5 6 A D B E C F proefversie©VANIN


HOW TO talk about facts, routines and actions going on now

(Present simple and present continuous)

Gia is such a big mouth. She never keeps her mouth shut. Look! What is she telling Tatiana now?

No, Gia is really kind and generous. She is probably just explaining the exercise.

1 Present simple FORM

1st p. sing.

2nd p. sing.

3rd p. sing.

1st p. plur.

2nd p. plur.

3rd p. plur. I live in Belgium. You live in Belgium. He/she lives in Belgium. We live in Belgium. You live in Belgium. They live in Belgium.

Rule: Subject + base of verb

SubjectPositive (+) Negative (-) Question (?)

I don’t live in Belgium.

You don’t live in Belgium.

He/she doesn’t live in Belgium. We don’t live in Belgium.

You don’t live in Belgium. They don’t live in Belgium.

Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: + -s Subject + don’t/doesn’t

+ base of verb

Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: doesn’t


Do I live in Belgium?

Do you live in Belgium?

Does she live in Belgium?

Do we live in Belgium?

Do you live in Belgium?

Do they live in Belgium?

Do/does + subject

+ base of verb

Keep in mind: 3rd pers. sing: does

We use the present simple to talk about – habits androutines. In this case, we often use words like ‘normally’, ‘usually’, ‘always’, ‘often’, etc.

e.g. In Scandinavia, it usually snows in winter.

– facts

e.g. It rains a lot in Belgium.

# 43 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-three
GRAMMAR proefversie©VANIN

Watch out for these 2 verbs:

• ‘To be’ expresses a state, not an action. ‘To be’ is an exception. It does not have an auxiliary in the negative or interrogative form:


Subject Positive (+) Negative (-) Questions (?)

1st p. sing.

2nd p. sing.

3rd p. sing.

1st p. plur.

2nd p. plur.

3rd p. plur.


I am.

You are. He/she/it is.

We are.

You are.

They are.

I am not. (I’m not.)

You are not (aren’t). He is not (isn’t).

We are not (aren’t).

You are not (aren’t).

They are not (aren’t).

Am I?

Are you?

Is he?

Are we?

Are you?

Are they?

• The verb ‘to have’ is irregular in the positive form (3rd person singular): he/she/it has. When we are talking about possession, relationships or characteristics of people or things, we can use the verb ‘to have’, but also ‘have got’. Check diddit for more information.


/s/ /Iz/ /z/

If the last phoneme of the verb is /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/ or /T/, the ending is pronounced /s/

If the last phoneme of the verb is /s/, /z/, /t‘/ (e.g. watches), /d“/ (e.g. charges), /‘/ (e.g. washes), or /“/ (e.g.sabotages), the ending is pronounced / Iz/

If the last phoneme of the verb is a vowel, a diphthong, /b/, /d/, /g/, /v/, /ð/ (e.g. breathes), /m/, /n/, /4/ (e.g. sings) or /l/, the ending is pronounced /z/


• a phoneme = a sound or a group of different sounds (‘een spraakklank’)

• a diphthong = a sound formed by the combination of 2 vowels in a single syllable (‘een tweeklank’)

2 Present continuous FORM

SubjectPositive (+)

1st p. sing. 2nd p. sing. 3rd p. sing. 1st p. plur. 2nd p. plur. 3rd p. plur. I am talking

You are talking

He/she is talking

We are talking

You are talking

They are talking

Rule: Subject + ‘to be’ in present simple + verb in -ing form

Spelling of the -ing form:

Negative (-)

I am not / ’m not talking

You are not / aren’t talking

He/she is not / isn’t talking

We are not / aren’t talking

You are not / aren’t talking

They are not / aren’t talking

Subject + ‘to be’ negative in present simple + verb in -ing form

Question (?)

Am I talking?

Are you talking?

Is he/she talking?

Are we talking?

Are you talking?

Are they talking?

‘to be’ in present simple + subject + verb in -ing form

# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 44 forty-four

Infinitive-ing form

to workworking

to take taking


We add -ing to the base form of the verb.

If a verb ends in -e, we drop the -e and then add -ing. to jogjogging

to diedying

to traveltravelling

If a verb is short and ends in 1 vowel and 1 consonant, we double the consonant.

If a verb ends in -ie, we replace the -ie by -y and then add -ing.

If a verb (even long verbs) ends in 1 vowel + -l, we double the -l and then add -ing.



We use the present continuous to talk about

– actions going on now

e.g. Look, the sun is shining.

– changing situations

e.g. Temperatures are rising, and our Earth is getting warmer. is

shining are rising

HOW TO express likes and dislikes

verb + verb in the -ing form

verb + noun

Positive (+)

I love swimming

I like skiing

I hate getting up early.

I love cupcakes

I like ice cream

I hate the rain

Negative (-)

I don’t mind the snow Past Future Now

I don’t love snowboarding

I don’t like skating

I don’t mind doing the dishes.

I don’t love chips

I don’t like cupcakes

# 45 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-five
(Verbs followed by nouns and gerunds) FORM USE

HOW TO refer to people and things

Is that your dog?

No, that’s Milo. It’s his

(Personal pronouns)

Milo is my dog. I love him He’s mine!



Subject pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun Object pronoun Reflexive pronoun

I love … my dog Milo.Milo is mine.Milo misses me when I’m gone.

You love … your dog.Milo is yours.Milo misses you when you’re gone.

He loves …

She loves …

It is showing … his dog. her dog. its teeth.

Milo is his Milo is hers /

Milo misses him when he’s gone.

Milo misses her when she’s gone.

I would never adopt it

I feed Milo myself.

You feed Milo yourself.

He feeds Milo himself. She feeds Milo herself.

We love … our dog.Milo is ours.Milo misses us when we’re gone. We feed Milo ourselves.

You love … your dog.Milo is yours.Milo misses you when you’re gone.

They love … their dog.Milo is theirs.Milo misses them when they’re gone.

You feed Milo yourselves.

They feed Milo themselves.

# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 46 forty-six

HOW TO form plural, possessive and contracted verb forms (‘s/-s/-s’)

Nanou’s new hobby is dressing up as Harley Quinn, her favourite DC Comics character. She’s really into cosplaying.

This is my best friends’ 12-year-old son Jax. He’s addicted to gaming. He’s been playing for hours now.

1 ’s can express 2 things:

• the genitive or possessive form e.g. Nanou’s new hobby = the new hobby of Nanou

• It can be part of a contracted verb, the short form of ‘is’ or ‘has’ e.g. She’s really into cosplaying. = She is. He’s been surfing the web. = He has.

2 -s expresses the plural of nouns: e.g. DC Comics for hours

3 -s’ is the genitive or possessive form and plural combined: e.g. My best friends’ 6-year-old daughter


It is possible, especially with older or classical names, to just add the apostrophe ’. e.g. Jesus’ name

# 47 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-seven



Word Translation

My notes adaptable flexibel, bereid zich aan te passen

aggressiveagressief, opvliegend ambitious ambitieus, streverig bossy bazig brave dapper cautiousvoorzichtig childlike kinderlijk, kinderachtig clever slim, verstandig confident zelfverzekerd, vol vertrouwen curiousnieuwsgierig detail-orientedmet oog voor detail determined vastberaden empatheticempathisch, meelevend enthusiasticenthousiast

family-oriented gezinsgericht, veel belang hechtend aan familie generousvrijgevig grumpyslechtgezind, chagrijnig hardworkinghardwerkend honesteerlijk kind vriendelijk, zachtaardig lazy lui logicallogisch meticulous nauwgezet, precies, accuraat nosy nieuwsgierig, bemoeiziek organizedgeorganiseerd outgoing sociaal, makkelijk in de omgang patientgeduldig peopleoriented mensgericht, met aandacht voor de medemens practicalpraktisch reliablebetrouwbaar reserved zwijgzaam, weinig spraakzaam, gereserveerd

# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 48 forty-eight

sensitivegevoelig, fijngevoelig sentimentalsentimenteel, gevoelig shy verlegen sociable sociaal stubbornkoppig, eigenwijs talkativespraakzaam, praatziek vain ijdel



Word Translation

a big mouth een grote mond (iemand die dingen soms doorvertelt) a busy beaver / an eager beaver een bezige bij (iemand die steeds druk bezig is)

a couch potatoeen luierik

a heart of gold een hart van goud (iemand die vriendelijk en vrijgevig is )

a nosy parkereen bemoeial a smart aleceen betweter

a wallflower een muurbloempje (iemand die verlegen en gereserveerd is) the salt of the earth iemand die eerlijk en betrouwbaar is to be as quiet as a mouse zo stil als een muis zijn

to be pig-headed koppig, eigenwijs zijn to have a short fuse een kort lontje hebben, opvliegend zijn don’t be chicken Wees niet bang to reach for the moon vastberaden zijn en ambitieuze plannen hebben to wear the trousers de broek dragen (de baas zijn)

to wear your heart on your sleeve het hart op de tong hebben (je emoties tonen)

to be wet behind the ears een onschuldig en naïef persoon zijn

My notes

# 49 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I forty-nine


always being late being addicted to TV/mobile phone/internet/video games

biting your fingernails


cracking knuckles


eating too much junk food/ binging

# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 50 fifty
spitting in public cursing, getting angry in traffic gossiping not washing your hands slouching slurping or gobbling your food / bolting down talking with your mouth full smoking picking your nose


# 51 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-one
© Holli / Shutterstock. com beauty blogging (video)chatting/ surfing online playing sports (basketball) cycling (online) gaming/playing videogames hanging out with friends listening to music painting shopping reading playing an instrument (the ukulele) cooking cosplaying doing arts and crafts/ scrapbooking swimming
# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 52 fifty-two
writing/hand lettering
watching (TV, Netflix)/ bingewatching taking pictures (photography) working out/exercising travelling

HOW TO find information on the internet


Use a search engine


Add search items if you don’t find what you are looking for

1st try: job interview

2nd try: prepare job interview

3rd try: how to prepare for a job interview


Use the tabs

e.g. looking for images, news articles, videos and much more

jobs icon


Refine your search

– Use quotation marks to look for an exact phrase e.g. "jobs in health care"

Enter keywords Keep it simple!

Use the search suggestions.

2 jobs jobs near me jobs indeed jobs Ireland jobs in Australia

Press Enter to search Report offensive query

Start with important words only.


Filter results

e.g. by size, colour, image type …

– Word order matters. Google ranks the first word higher than the second, the second more than the third, etc.

– Use site: to look on specific sites e.g. jobs site: nytimes.com → will only search the site of the New York Times

– Use OR to include multiple keywords e.g. teachers OR doctors → will give you results for one of the 2 jobs

– Use a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-) to include or exclude words in your results. e.g. summer jobs -babysitting → will search all summer jobs except babysitting

# 53 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-three
All Images News Videos Shopping More Settings Tools
Type Time Usage rights More tools Clear jobs icon All Images News Videos Shopping More Settings Tools STRATEGY proefversie©VANIN

HOW TO study vocabulary and grammar


Word fields

Group words together that belong to the same word field: e.g. outdoor hobbies vs indoor hobbies

Make a word list, a word web, an image list ...

Understand the definition


Look for examples: do a simple online search and you will see the word in many different examples or contexts.

Look up unfamiliar words: make sure you understand the definitions of all your new words.

Mind the prefixes and suffixes

e.g.beauty act act → → → beautician actor/actress OR react action


Write individual words down or use the words in your own sentences.

Use flash cards. They are an easy way to review your vocabulary and to separate words into different categories.

Read through your list or look through your word webs. Cover up one half and go through the other half.

Say the word out loud a few times. You can even record yourself or explain the words to other people.

Keep the (difficult) words visible: write them on sticky notes and hang them around your room.


Visual memory?

Draw a picture.

Auditory memory?

Replace the words in a song.

Use mnemonic devices

A mnemonic device is a word/sentence that helps you remember something. e.g. We hear with our ear.

Create associations e.g. assign a word to each of your friends based on their personalities.

# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 54 fifty-four

HOW TO deal with difficult words in a text

Do you really need the word to understand the sentence?


Yes, I do

Look for:

- a definition - a description - an example

- an image

No, I don’t.

I need more information.

Look for a part of the word you know:

- a compound word

e.g. bread + crumbs = breadcrumbs

- a prefix

e.g. im-, il-, un-, pre- ...

- a suffix

e.g. -ion, -ful, -able ...

I get it!

I still don’t understand.

Ask a peer or your teacher.

Look up the word.

Read on!

# 55 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-five

HOW TO listen/watch more effectively

Before listening watching


What do you know about the topic?

What words come to mind?

Type of text/video

What kind of text/video are you going to listen to/watch?

What do you already know about this type of text/video?


Do you understand the task?

Read through the question and highlight key words.

After listening watching

Check your understanding

If possible, listen again to difficult passages.

Have you completed the task?

1 While listening watching


Read your notes.

Have you understood the main points?


Focus on what you hear/see

Think ahead: what might happen next?

Take short notes.

Ignore the words you think are less important.

Listen to the intonation and stress of the speakers.

Focus on key words and facts.


# UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I 56 fifty-six


CHECK 1 ⁄ Describing personality

1 What kind of personality do you think the people in the pictures have?

a Write short sentences in which you use at least 2 different adjectives to describe their personalities.

b Add an appropriate idiom for each person too.

57 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-seven
Score < 8 8 – 10 > 10 Next exercise ex. 3 ex. 2 ex. 6 writing 1 3 2 4 proefversie©VANIN

2 You are going to describe the personality of pen pals.

aPreparation: read the 3 pen pal ads. Pick out 2 that speak to you most. What kind of people do you think they are? For each ad, choose 3 different adjectives that describe the personalities of these people best.

b Action: complete the paragraphs with the adjectives and explain why.

Name: James Jackson Gender: male Age group: 16-18 Country: Scotland (UK)

Email address: idontknowwhattocallmyself94@gmail.com

Hobbies: Mountaineering, singing, swimming, history, having fun in general :) Hey! James isn’t my real name! Just don’t want to say too much till I get to know you better! I am 17 years of age and still attend high school but am planning to go to University next year. Love learning about other people's cultures and talking to people in general. Have done a bit of travelling myself! I love cricket and swimming and have climbed many Scottish mountains with my clubs. I am only looking for snail mail friends, though. So if you want to send me a letter that would be great as long as you tell me a bit about yourself first, like where you are from, your hobbies, interests, your age and sex, where you live etc and I’ll give you my address. I would love it if you were around my age and I don’t care what sex or what race you are or where you come from. Please do not contact me if you want a relationship or anything of a sinister nature. No spam or anything else please other than open minded individuals who want to find out more about each other and friendship! Sorry but I would like it if you could send the first letter because I have wasted a lot in postage by sending letters to someone who has never replied! Anyway, waiting to hear from you soon, thank you!

Source: www.penpalsnow.com

I think James is


because the ad says he

He’s because and he must be since

Name: Billie Stewart Gender: female Age group: 16-18 Country: Birmingham (UK)

Email address: BilliejoCleary@yahoo.co.uk

Hobbies: emailing, laptops, going out friends, chilling out with friends  Penpal message / wishes:

Hi ya, I’m Billie I’m 16 years old still at school. I’m doing my A levels. I have a boyfriend who I have been with over a year. Just looking 2 make new friends. I can’t care where you’re from but age between 16 - 30. I love going out with my family & friends, chilling with my friends, going to the pictures. Love spending time with my family & boyfriend. I love meeting new people and helping out people that are less fortunate than myself.  I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t take drugs. 5ft6, dark hair, blue eyes, slim, tanned only from my holiday 2 Hong Kong. I was there from July till September. I will not send photos of me, so please do not ask me.

Thanks for reading my ad ... Billie

Source: www.penpalsnow.com

58 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-eight
reading writing

Billie is . I would also call her

And she is

Hi I’m Jennah ^ ^

Hey! So, as you can see my name is Jennah. I am 15 years old and an out of the closet lesbian. I live in the USA and am looking for a friend or possibly a long-distance relationship. That sounds pretty nice. Anyway, I am a huge nerd. Love to study. Favorite subject is social studies/history. I, however, have many other hobbies. I love to draw and sing. I sing in public too. Places like restaurants, weddings, parties, etc. I also play piano and guitar. I prefer acoustic btw. I am a huge fan of anime and manga. Mainly Shonen anime, but it’s always some sort of gay/romance manga. I am a pretty light and happy person to be around. I’m a little loud and get excited easily… sorry. I’m better with emails and prefer to keep some information private until I have talked to you over skype, vid call, or cell. I love long stories on how your day was… funny stories. Tell me about yourself! ;) You can email me at: jennahofficial@gmail.com.

Adapted from: https://penpals4lgbt.tumblr.com

In my opinion, Jennah is , because she

I think she is also and , since she

c Reflection: check your writing by filling in the checklist below.

Checklist: describing personality

1 Content and structure

• I described the personalities of 2 pen pals in the ads.

• I explained why I think they are like that.

2 Language

• I used correct and varied adjectives to describe personality.

• I used correct basic grammar.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Score < 7 7 – 10

Next exercise ex. 4 Check 2, p. 64

Yes I think soNo

59 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I fifty-nine

3 Fill in the correct word in the sentences below.

a Give an antonym for these adjectives:

1 people-oriented ↔

2 hardworking ↔

3 talkative ↔

4 sentimental ↔

5 adaptable ↔

b Give an adjective that has more or less the same meaning (synonym):

1 people-oriented =

2 reserved =

3 detail-oriented =

4 curious =

5 ambitious =

c Which is the odd one out? Explain why.

1 meticulous – shy – organized

2 patient – talkative – outgoing

3 lazy – vain – aggressive – friendly

4 nosy – honest – generous

5 curious – cautious – nosy


Score < 10 ≥ 10

Next exercise ex. 4

4 Find a partner. Play the ‘Mime the idiom’ game.

Score DC

Next exercise ex. 5 speaking

60 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty

5 Fill in the gaps with a fitting personality adjective or complete the idiom.

1 You must be very when you’re driving in snowy weather. You cannot drive too fast and must keep your distance!

2 My next-door neighbour, Olive is such a parker! She likes to spy on her neighbours with binoculars.

3 You can always count on Leyla. She is very – if she says she’ll do something, she’ll do it.

4 Kayla is a student! She is so bright and always comes up with original solutions. Pablo, on the other hand tries to appear intelligent when he answers questions, but it really annoys the whole class. He should stop being such a smart !

5 Your plans for the future are very . You really are reaching for the moon, aren’t you?

6 I hadn’t had enough sleep and was feeling kind of . Only after I had had a coffee, I was able to communicate more politely.

7 When Ira is wrong about something, he won’t admit his mistake. The fact that he can be so drives me crazy! I don’t think I have ever met anyone who can be so

8 Tom is very extrovert and confident while Katy’s and quiet.

9 Henry is very about his hair and his clothes. You will never catch him walking around in old trainers and worn-out track suits.

10 Come on, jump, Gideon! Don’t be ! You can do it!

11 He was very about his scar and thought everyone was staring at him.

12 The charity will go bankrupt unless a donor can be found within the next few months.

13 Working two part-time jobs, volunteering on the weekends, and looking after his little brother, Sam’s been a busy this summer.

Score < 10 ≥ 10

Next exercise Check 2, p. 64

61 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-one

6 Take the Big Five Personality test (BFPT), and then write a short conclusion.

a Preparation:

– You will get a worksheet. For each statement mark how much you agree with it on the scale 1-5.

(1 = disagree, 2 = slightly disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = slightly agree and 5 = agree).

– Then calculate your scores. (Watch out: you need to add and subtract!) The scores you calculate should be between 0 and 40. The higher you score, the stronger your personality type.

– Now read the description of each trait:

• Extroversion (E) is the personality trait of seeking fulfillment from sources outside the self or in community. High scorers tend to be very social while low scorers prefer to work on their projects alone.

• Agreeableness (A) reflects how much individuals adjust their behavior to suit others. High scorers are typically polite and like people. Low scorers tend to ‘tell it like it is’.

• Conscientiousness (C) is the personality trait of being honest and hardworking. High scorers tend to follow rules and prefer clean homes. Low scorers may be messy and cheat others.

• Neuroticism (N) is the personality trait of being emotional.

• Openness to experience (O) is the personality trait of seeking new experience and intellectual pursuits. High scorers may daydream a lot. Low scorers may be very down to earth.

Source: https://openpsychometrics.org

– Check the test again and pick out statements that you had a strong opinion about (agree/ disagree).

b Action: write a conclusion about what you have learned about yourself. Write about 50 words. Refer to the statements from the test. Use sentence starters from the list below in your paragraph.

– The test showed that I…

– I did not expect / I expected that…

– Apparently I am…

– I was surprised to find out that…

– In conclusion,…

62 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-two
reading writing proefversie©VANIN

c Reflect on your writing by filling in the checklist below.

Checklist: writing a conclusion

1 Content and structure

• I clearly described what I have learned about myself.

• I referred to the statements from the test.

• I used sentence starters from the list.

• I wrote about 50 words.

2 Language

• I used correct and varied adjectives to describe my personality.

• I used present tenses correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Yes I think soNo


Score < 10

Next exercise ex. 5

≥ 10

Check 2, p. 64

63 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-three

CHECK 2 ⁄ Talking about routines and (bad) habits

1 What are your (bad) habits and routines?

a Combine verbs from the first column to words, phrases or pictures from the second column.

Verbs Words / phrases / pictures

your food

your knuckles

your mobile phone late your nails too much junk food

your nose

64 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-four
to crack to be to pick to eat to be addicted to to bite to gobble to procrastinate to slouch to gossip
/ 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a c d e f g h i j b proefversie©VANIN
12345678910 Total:

b Write 3 positive and 3 negative sentences that are true for you, using the verb and the matching noun or phrase.

Total: / 6

c Finally, write 4 interrogative sentences (questions) with the remaining verbs and nouns/ phrases in d.

d Find a partner. Ask them the questions and write down the short answers. e.g. your question: Do you like school? your partner’s answer: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Total: / 6

Score < 12 12 – 16 > 16

Next exercise ex. 4 ex. 3 ex. 2

2 Look at the following pages from the graphic novel This one summer. Describe Rose’s summer routine.


Every summer, Rose goes with her mom and dad to a lake house in Awago Beach. It’s their getaway, their refuge. Rosie’s friend Windy is always there, too, like the little sister she never had. But this summer is different. Rose’s mom and dad won’t stop fighting, and when Rose and Windy seek a distraction from the drama, they find themselves with a whole new set of problems.

Source: www.goodreads.com

65 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-five
1 (+) 2
Answer: 2
Answer: 3
Answer: 4
? Answer:

a Preparation: choose 8 picture boxes. Think of verbs that best describe the activities in the pictures.

b Action: write 8 sentences describing Rose’s activities. Use the present simple correctly. Write positive and negative sentences.


66 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-six

Source: Mariko & Jillian Tamaki, This one summer

c Reflection: reflect on your writing by filling in the checklist. Ask your teacher for some feedback.

Checklist: describing routines in a graphic novel

1 Content and structure

• I described 8 different pictures.

• I wrote about 50 words.

• My text is logical and well-structured.

2 Language

• I used correct verbs.

• I used the present simple correctly in positive sentences.

• I used the present simple correctly in negative sentences.

• I used correct basic grammar.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



Score < 7 7 – 10

Next exercise ex. 3 ex. 8

Yes I think soNo

67 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-seven

3 Read these short texts about famous people’s routines. Fill in the missing verb forms in the present simple.

1 Stephen King

‘There (1 to be) certain things I do if I sit down to write,’ he said. ‘I (2 to have) a glass of water or a cup of tea. There (3 to be) a certain time I (4 to sit) down, from 8:00 to 8:30, somewhere within that half hour every morning,’ he explained.

‘I (5 to have) my vitamin pill and my music, (6 to sit) in the same seat, and the papers (7 to be) all arranged in the same places. The purpose of doing these things the same way every day (8 to seem) to be a way of saying to the mind, you’re going to be dreaming soon.

‘It (9 to be) not any different than a bedtime routine,’ he continued. ‘ (10 you to go) to bed a different way every night? (11 to be) there a certain side you sleep on? I mean I (12 to brush) my teeth, I (13 to wash) my hands. Why would anybody wash their hands before they go to bed? I (14 not to know). And the pillows (15 to be) supposed to be pointed a certain way. The open side of the pillowcase is supposed to be pointed in toward the other side of the bed.

I (16 not to know) why.’

2 Miranda Kerr

Contrary to popular belief, working supermodels (17 not to laze) around all day in lingerie, drinking champagne. These girls (18 to work) hard particularly at this time of the year. It (19 not to be) uncommon for a successful model to wear several outfits, in two or three shows a day, throughout Fashion Weeks the world over.

Though Miranda Kerr has been successful enough to dial back her work hours, she still (20 to keep) a pretty hectic schedule. For this supermodel, power meditation (21 to keep) her calm and grounded in a fashion madhouse.

To make sure she (22 to stay) on top and sane, Kerr (23 to fit in) tiny bouts of meditation, whenever she (24 to have) a spare moment. A few minutes in a makeup chair, in a taxi on the way to the airport, or waiting for a fitting to begin; for Miranda these (25 to be) all golden opportunities to tune in and tune out the hectic world around her.

Source: www.therichest.com and www.dailyroutines.typepad.com

Score < 20 ≥ 20

Next exercise ex. 4 ex. 8 a bout of meditation: a meditation session; a moment to relax hectic: busy, chaotic sane: balanced, able to function normally

68 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-eight

4 Complete the sentences below: fill in the correct form of the present simple (positive, negative and question forms).

1 My grandmother (1 not to like) travelling. She (2 to prefer) staying at home.


2 – ‘ (3 you to detest also) gym class?’

– ‘Yes, I (4 to do)’.

3 I (5 not to like) people who (6 to talk) with their mouth full.

4 Most kids (7 to want) to become an astronaut or a police officer when they (8 to grow up).

5 My sister (9 to work) as a traffic warden and my brother (10 to be) a chef.

6 – How many siblings (11 you to have)?

– I (12 to have) two sisters, one brother and one stepbrother.

7 – What (13 your father to do) for a living?

(14 he still to work) at the post office?

– No, he (15 not to do). He (16 to work) at the library.

8 My best friend (17 often to be) late for school. She (18 regularly to forget) to set her alarm clock.

9 My mum (19 to hate) it when I text during dinner and then she (20 to take) away my mobile.

Score < 14 ≥ 14

Next exercise ex. 5 ex. 6

69 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I sixty-nine

5 Fill in the correct form of the present simple in the sentences below (positive, negative and question forms).

a Use the present simple in these positive sentences.

1 Chaima (to love) the combination of chocolate and chips.

2 Stephen King always (to have) a glass of water or a cup of tea before he (to start) writing.

3 Professional supermodels (to work) hard, contrary to what many people (to believe).

4 A beautician (to do) nails and make-up at the beauty salon.

5 Pilots (to fly) planes all across the world.

6 Paolo always (to wash) his hands before dinner.

b Use the present simple in these negative sentences.

1 My little brother (not to wash) his hands before dinner.

2 My sister (not to mind) doing the dishes, but she (not to be) keen on cleaning her room.

3 My mum (not to understand) my fondness for fried pickles.

4 I (not to like) people that smoke.

5 Teachers (not to appreciate) you being late all the time.

c Use the present simple in these questions.

1 (what to be) your hobbies?

2 (you to love) taking long walks or (you to prefer) reading a good book?

3 (you to want) to break your bad habit?

4 (your parents to know) you have been late 3 times this week?

5 (what to be) so great about The Hunger Games anyway?

Score < 12 ≥ 12

70 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy
© (c)
PS / Shutterstock.com
Next exercise ex. 7

6 Look at the pictures on the next page. Describe Tyrone’s daily routines.

– Write positive sentences if the description is correct. Use the verbs from the list below.

– Write negative sentences if the description is not correct. Then write the correct positive sentence.

– Follow the examples.

1 to get up at 7 a.m.

2 to go to the kitchen

3 to take a shower

4 to go downstairs

5 to have breakfast alone

6 to eat toast

7 to go out the door at 8 a.m.

8 to ride his bike to school

9 to arrive at school at 8.30 a.m.

10 to have classes from 9 a.m. until 3.30 p.m.

1 Tyrone gets up at 7 a.m. every Monday.

11 to have sandwiches for lunch

12 to go to the cinema

13 to play football

14 to return home

15 to do chores

16 to eat dinner

17 to play a boardgame

18 to spend time online

19 to read a book

20 to go to bed at about 11 p.m.

2 Then Tyrone doesn’t go to the kitchen. He goes to the bathroom.

71 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-one
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 writing proefversie©VANIN


72 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-two Score < 14 ≥ 14 Next exercise ex. 5 ex. 7

7 Find a partner and do the tasks below.

a Play the ‘Mime the bad habit’ game.

b Read the 3 poems below. List the bad habits the person in the poems should try to break.

I’ll do it later

I’ll do it soon

I’ll do it tomorrow

Sometime around noon

You’ll find yourself stopped, when the time comes Not doing the job Suddenly numb

Source: http://j-butler.com

The smoke burned my throat and stung my lungs. I became more numb with every puff. All my problems faded away, replaced with the dark cloud of a bad habit.

Source: Spade Poetry (Twitter)

Score DC

Next exercise

Just take the first steps and break it down The time will fly by Smiles from your frown It wasn’t that bad Realize that really Just get it done Wow that was silly


to a video game –Mary Bauer

I really should Be doing work, But there you lurk And so I would Sit down a bit. I must admit An hour passed Much too fast. Just one more level. You are a devil!

Source: http://artistryofeducation.blogspot.com

Check 3, p. 76

73 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-three

8 Watch the 2 clips from the film Every Day and answer the questions. First read what happened right before these scenes.

What happened earlier…

A is a travelling spirit who experiences every day in the body of a different teenager. One day, A wakes up in the body of Justin, the neglectful boyfriend of Rhiannon. At school, Rhiannon approaches A as Justin, convincing A to skip school with her. As the day goes on, A falls in love with Rhiannon and Rhiannon feels a rekindled love for Justin, seemingly a more thoughtful and caring person. The next day, however, Rhiannon finds Justin has reverted to his old, careless self and does not remember the previous day. Rhiannon is left confused and hurt.

A few days later, when Rhiannon and Justin are attending a party at a friend’s house, Rhiannon meets A again, this time in the body of Nathan.

After meeting Nathan, A feels the need to explain to Rhiannon who or what he is. This time A goes to talk to Rhiannon in the body of Megan.

Adapted from: www.wikipedia.com

a True or false? Correct the false statements.


1 Nathan attends the same school as Rhiannon.

2 Rhiannon doesn’t like her own name because she doesn’t like how it sounds.


3 Nathan is Steve’s gay cousin.

4 A wakes up in a different body every day, but always that of a 16-year-old.

5 A travels hundreds of miles day after day to wake up in a new body.

Justin Rhiannon Nathan Megan
WATCHING proefversie©VANIN

b Why does Nathan not want to give Rhiannon his phone number?

c Does A choose which body he wakes up in?


Total: / 7

d A tells Rhiannon ‘I’m not doing a very good job’ when trying to explain who or what A is. Try to do better. Record a voice memo or write Rhiannon a note explaining who or what A is.

– Preparation: think about what you would say if you were A: explain why Nathan had to leave so suddenly, what/who you are, how you feel about meeting Rhiannon etc. Write down your note below or use the notepad to make brief notes before recording.

– Action: record a 1-minute voice memo or write a 75-word note.

– Reflection: fill in the checklist to reflect on your writing/speaking. Ask your teacher for feedback.

Checklist: recording a voice memo

1 Content and structure

• I talked for about 1 minute.

• I explained who or what A is.

• I explained why Nathan had to leave so soon.

• I explained how I (A) feel (feels) about Rhiannon.

2 Language

• I used correct words.

• I used tenses correctly (focus on present simple).

• I spoke fluently.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.

Feedback writing

Yes I think soNo

75 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-five

Checklist: writing a note

1 Content and structure

• I wrote about 75 words.

• I explained who or what A is.

• I explained why Nathan had to leave so soon.

• I explained how I (A) feel (feels) about Rhiannon.

2 Language

• I used correct words.

• I used tenses correctly (focus on present simple).

• I used correct grammar.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

Feedback Total: / 10

Score < 14

Next exercise ex. 7


Yes I think soNo



≥ 14

Check 3

⁄ Talking about hobbies and actions going on now

1 Describe what the people in these pictures are doing. Use the verb in brackets in a positive or negative sentence (if this is not what they are doing). Write full sentences.

This is Rheka. She is 68. (to paint?)
This is Kai and Hani. (to play the piano?)


Score < 4 4 – 6 > 6

Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 3 ex. 7

2 Jarvis Johnson tried 100 new hobbies in one day.

a Watch the video (with the sound off) and tick the boxes of the activities he is doing. writing a letter writing a blog learning a new magic trick learning how to play an instrument giving himself a facial watching a TV series solving a Rubik’s cube drawing a self-portrait taking a nap cooking a new dish shuffling cards learning a new language doing fitness exercises starting a beauty blog playing chess

b Write 3 sentences describing what he is not doing. Use the present continuous correctly.


Score < 10 ≥ 10

Next exercise + ex. 4 ex. 4

77 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-seven
This is Timothy, Layla, Hero and Dani. (to work out?) This is a group of friends. (to cosplay?)
3 4

3 Complete the text. Use the present continuous. Pay attention to the use of pronouns and the use of ’s/-s/-s’.

Who knew that two little word could instil so much fear in average teenager?

Oral. Presentation.


When those word are formed by a teacher mouth, the whole class shudders; knee start to knock and hand shake in preparation. Forehead go clammy and stomach all across the room knot and tighten. Breathing becomes shallow and quick and heart beat

1,000 times a second.

An oral presentation. What sort of name is that? It sounds like some dental exhibition, but that is exactly what we had today. Speech . Specifically, speech on journey . Find a self selected text, somehow show the protagonist journey; yadayadayada. You know the type. Typical school assignment.

Anyway, today was turn to speak. was the last person before the bell went. Lucky last. Hmmmm. was already packed up, ready to go to lunch, and sure had finished for the day. I thought had dodged the educational bullet once again... like a Ninja Student. Oh yeah! Another night to practise, hoorah!


That was all said. Just one word and nerves came crumbling down around . I grabbed palm card , took a deep breath and walked up to the front of the class. ‘I’ve spoken in front of the entire year for elections. Why am I afraid of talking in front of only 20 girls?’ I try to give myself a pep talk. Just relax, breathe and everything will be fine. And knees...stop shaking... you’re freaking out the nerves.’

Destination: Front of the class.

Reason: To give a speech which was hurriedly written the night before. Not best. Time till impact: About 3 seconds.

I stand at the front of the class. I feel naked, exposed. I breathe deeply through nose and try to still trembling hands. Right, let’s do this! Three minutes and 51 seconds later I am finished. Sure I rushed a bit and sure knee were trembling so much I thought I’d fall down, but it’s done. IT’S DONE!!! IT IS DOOOOOONEEEEE!!!

Thankfully for , this is the last speech I will ever have to do at school. But I would like for all to bow heads in a minute of silence for all the poor, frightened, quaking kid out there being forced to present speech and presentation all over the world. Our thoughts go out to

Source: www.teenink.com

Score < 28 ≥ 28

Next exercise ex. 6 ex. 5

78 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-eight

4 Have a look at the pictures below. Which hobbies do you recognize?

79 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I seventy-nine
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Score < 10 ≥ 10 Next exercise + ex. 6 ex. 6 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 4 3 5 7 8 10 9 6 proefversie©VANIN

5 Pair up! You will get some cards. Play the pronoun game.

e.g. him / comic books Have you seen him? I think he’s reading comic books in his room.



Next exercise All done!

6 Practise your pronouns.

a Fill in the correct personal pronoun, subject or object.

1 I haven’t talked to yet. (my dad)

2 I bought yesterday. (shoes)

3 often yells at them. (Our teacher)

4 It is car. (We bought a new car.)

5 Can you give some advice? (to Hanno and me)

6 Glenn and Wiam often forget homework. (They did the homework.)

b Rewrite the sentences using the correct possessive pronoun. Follow the example.

e.g. This is S arah’s mobile phone. The mobile phone is hers.

7 This is Pablo’s notebook.

8 These are Mark and Fiona’s belongings.

9 These pencils belong to Helin and me.

10 Are these sneakers yours? Yes,

Score < 7 ≥ 7

Next exercise ex. 5

7 Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined words with the correct pronouns.

1 My sister and I decided to visit my aunt this weekend.

2 Gia told her son not to make this mistake again.

3 Don’t tell Fernando and Chayenne that Leki and I have forgotten to call Gaelle.

4 Dani and her roommate are not going to rent the apartment. Dani and her roommate say that the apartment is too shabby.

5 The cat was trying to catch the rats when the cat knocked the bottle of milk over.

80 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighty

6 You and your friends are going to get into trouble if you and your friends keep gossiping about the girl in class.

7 My friends and I did not enjoy the show. Did you and Janet enjoy the show?

8 Please show your new car to Tom and me.

9 Frank and Danielle are waiting for my mother and me.

10 My mom bought a new pair of shoes for my mom.

11 The car that belongs to my husband and me broke down. The car won’t start.

Score < 8 ≥ 8

Next exercise ex. 5

8 Watch the video about strange hobbies and answer the questions.

a Which of the following hobbies were mentioned? Tick the boxes! conducting alien experiments on people filing lawsuits extreme ironing toy voyaging collecting navel fluff playing dead news bombing mooing

b What do you think the other hobbies are? Pick one and write what you think in 1 or 2 sentences.

Score < 7 ≥ 7

Next exercise ex. 5 All done!

81 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighty-one
ex. 8
WATCHING writing proefversie©VANIN





You are going to record your own fictional dating video in which you introduce yourself or your alter ego.


1 Watch this woman’s dating video. How does she describe herself and her ideal partner? What kind of person do you think she is? Write down the information in the fact file below.







Bad habits:

Ideal partner:

82 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighty-two

2 Make up your own fictional character. Fill in the table below to prepare your speaking exercise.

– Use at least 5 different personality adjectives.

– Describe at least 2 bad habits.

– Describe at least 3 different (unusual) hobbies.

– Describe your ideal partner by adding the same information (personality – bad habits they can’t have – hobbies).






Bad habits:

Ideal partner:


Bad habits they can’t have:


3 Practise your dating video before you start recording.

83 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighty-three


4 Record your dating video (on your phone or laptop). Talk for at least 90 seconds. Try to be creative (use props, such as a wig or glasses)! Pay attention to the use of pronouns and the use of present tenses.

5 Afterwards, share your video with 3 classmates.


6 Check your video by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: recording a dating video

1 Content and structure

• I talked for 90 seconds to 2 minutes.

• I discussed all categories.

• I talked in a logical order.

• The video was creative (e.g. I used props).

2 Language

• I used correct pronouns.

• I used the present tenses correctly.

• I used correct words to talk about personality.

• I used correct words to talk about hobbies.

• I used correct words to talk about bad habits.

3 Preparation and fluency

• I was well prepared.

• I spoke fluently.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


Yes I think soNo

7 Watch your classmates’ videos and give them some feedback by filling in the checklist you will get.

8 Write a summary of the feedback your classmates gave you.

My strong points:

What I can still improve on: –

9 Send your dating video to your teacher who will give you some feedback too.

Trace your steps on diddit.

84 UNIT 1: ME, MY SELFIE AND I eighty-four
speaking WATCHING writing proefversie©VANIN





Step 3 : writing a review

Step 1: describing holiday activities


Step 2 : talking about past situations






1 Discuss these questions with a partner.

a What types of holidays do you know?

b What do you do when you are on holiday?

c What does your dream holiday look like?

2 Watch these 2 videos of people’s summer holidays.

a Highlight the holiday activities that you see in the videos. sailing paragliding dogsleddingstargazing hiking dining swimming karting rock climbingkayaking triking sunbathing helicopter ridedolphin spottingsubmariningscuba diving golfing jetskiing wellness dancing sightseeing reading skateboardingphotographing sitting around the campfire snorkeling

b Which activities are in both videos?

c Which type of holiday do you like most? Why?

d Both videos look professional, but there is a difference in purpose. What is the purpose of both videos?

Video 1

To persuade

To inform

To entertain

e Explain why.

Video 2



STEP 1 ⁄ The world is your playground

Describing holiday activities

1 ⁄ What do you prefer?

1 Take a look at the types of holidays below. Link them to 1 or more of the holidays on pages 88-90.

Type of holidayPicture

aa skiing holiday

ba kayaking holiday

ca swimming holiday

da beach holiday

ea nature holiday

2 Discuss your holiday experiences.

a Pick 1 holiday (from exercise 1) that you would like and 1 that you would dislike.

b Tell your partner why you would (dis)like that type of activity.

c Use some of the following phrases to express your preferences.

d Finally tell the class about your partner’s preferences.

HOW TO express likes and dislikes

I love … because …

I’m fond of … because …

I have a slight preference for … because …

I prefer …

I prefer … to … because …

I like … / I like … much more than … because …

I don’t like … because …

I hate … because …


… it is relaxing.

… I want to see the world.

… I’m an active person.

… it is boring.

… I don’t like to get wet.

… I’m no daredevil.

See p. 131

87 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE eighty-seven

Feedback rating: 96% from 5 reviews


Brac Island, Trilj

Family - Summer

Teenage friendly


Feedback rating: 96%

14 nights, 15 days

Prog Code - TRILJ-BRAC

Prices from £1398 per person

Add to wishlist ›

If you are looking for the ultimate 14-night adventure holiday in Croatia, then look no further! Our Big Adventure program provides the perfect balance of land-, river- and sea-based activities combined with idyllic scenery and relaxation.

The first week is based inland with superb access to the gorgeous Cetina River and rolling Dalmatian countryside, making it a perfect base for your first week of adventure fun.

For the second week you will be staying on the stunning island of Brac where you will have the perfect opportunity to relax in private coves & on pristine beaches. This part of the 2-week activity holiday includes sea kayaking, cycling, hiking,climbing, dinghy sailing and wind surfing.

The second week is more flexible and relaxed so if anyone just wants to chill by the pool or sunbathe on the beach then that’s really no problem. This is your holiday and we want everyone to have the perfect Croatian experience.

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

1 2 The Big Adventure

Lapland Multi Snow Fun

Feedback rating: 89% from 2 reviews



Family - Winter

Teenage friendly

Feedback rating: 89%

6 nights, 7 days

Prog Code - HAR-08-FAM

Prices from £1299 per person

Add to wishlist ›

Deep within the Muonio region, you’ll be staying in the heart of Lapland, a true winter escape. Far away from daily routine, in this idyllic location, the Lappish landscape extends its wintery hand, and invites the whole family to play. Here, you’ll re- discover the harmony between man and nature, find the stillness of the frozen forest and breathe the world’s cleanest air. Either nestled in our wooden cabins or snug in our wilderness hotels, this promises to be the trip of a lifetime. Family Lapland holidays really do deliver the magic! Days are filled with meeting locals, expert guides, grazing reindeer and happy husky dogs. Oursnowmobile treks offer epic thrill rides, growling power and bring the eyes to sensory overload, whilst our husky dog safaris are true wilderness tours, touching the remote snow drenched scenery in a more natural and gentle way. Evenings will be spent enjoying the lovely local foods, relaxing next to log fires or indeed in a soothing Finnish sauna. As the hours creep towards midnight, there will be much anticipation about the magical Northern Lights. Staying 200km above the Arctic circle also means your family will be sleeping within the Aurora zone. It’s possible to simply step outside your accommodation and find the elusive lights, dazzling above your sleepy heads.

If tradition, authenticity, magic and fun is at the core of your holiday wishlist, then our Finland family activity holidays are designed with you in mind. We hope to hear from you soon.

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

88 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE eighty-eight
‹ ‹ › ›

Feedback rating: 96% from 3 reviews




Family - Summer

Teenage friendly

Feedback rating: 96%

7 nights, 8 days

Prog Code - OMIS-02-FAM

Prices from £599 per person

Add to wishlist ›

Omis is a relatively undiscovered coastal city and one of the hottest destinations to try before mass tourism finds its way there. From our 20 years of experience, of designing family activity holidays in Omis, we believe that this tour delivers the 5-star experience.

The design of this 8-day trip will give your family immense pleasure, as we combine the best of land- and water-based activities and day tours. You’ll be gliding on sea kayaks, tracing an epic coastal route, learning about aquatic life and swimming in our own secluded coves. With our friendly guides, you’ll be discovering the nearby canyons, jumping into warm pools of water and standing at the foot of some of the region's best waterfalls.

One minute you could be paddling across the sea, the next, sitting in a beautiful old town, dining on fresh food and fine wine. So, if you’re serious about our active Croatia holidays, then do talk to our travel managers. There are not many holidays, where you can say you’ve experienced blue flag beaches, national parks, canyons, river rapids and local culture all in one holiday.

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

3 4 Islands, Rivers, Waterfalls

Nature, Sports and Tranquility

Feedback rating: 94% from 5 reviews


Brac Island

Family - Summer

Teenage friendly

Feedback rating: 94%

7 nights, 8 days

Prog Code - BRAC-03-FAM

Prices from £449 per person

Add to wishlist ›

This amazing Croatia adventure holiday on Brac Island offers the perfect balance of land- and water-based sports. During your 8-day stay you’ll discover the calm and pure waters of the Adriatic Sea and experience true Dalmatian hospitality. Brac enjoys a year round pleasant climate, and has many cultural and historical heritage sites to explore. Whether exploring the coast or the olive fields, you’ll feel the tranquillity in this ecologically preserved environment.

Brac is nicknamed the ‘island of nature & beauty’! The highest peak of the island is Vidova Gora residing 778m above sea level and offers the most spectacular panoramic views. The mountain can be discovered by car, foot or bike. Many water sports are on offer, from windsurfing tosailing – and extremely flexible for non-experienced families. So don’t be nervous when trying these new sports, as our instructors will give you the skills you need. Just bring your smiles!

For families wishing to enjoy harmony in nature, secluded swim spots and active sports, then look no further than family activity holidays in Brac. Our modern apartments are the perfect base for your summer stay – tried, tested and loved. Walking distance to the sea front and within a 15-minute drive to the island’s port. Our apartments reside in picturesque villages offering the Mediterranean charm.

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

‹ ‹ › ›


Feedback rating: 96% from 6 reviews


Brac Island

Family - Summer

Teenage friendly


Feedback rating: 96%

7 nights, 8 days

Prog Code - BRAC-01-FAM

Prices from £799 per person

Add to wishlist ›

Our Croatia family activity holidays offer an unbeatable location, with blue skies and epic coastlines. Being one of the largest of the Adriatic islands, Brac is the ideal active holiday destination for water and land activities. You will have the opportunity to take to the calm waters by sea kayaking, windsurfing or dinghy sailing, which are undeniably the best ways to enjoy Croatia’s magnificent waters.

Brac is a magical island with stunning scenery. Your dedicated tour leader and experienced guides will help you find the hidden gems. The island experience is designed predominantly for families with teenagers, but younger families are welcome; the minimum age is 10! Ask our team about the teenage activity holidays we create!

Green World Holidays is particularly known for pulling together like-minded families with kids of similar ages. We understand the importance of age-matching. Aftera day of sun and fun on the beach, each evening you can look forward to dinner together at a lovely local restaurant (only a short walk from your accommodation).

During your week’s stay with us, we will introduce your family to the charms of Brac Island. On bike & foot we’ll gaze deeper into the interiors of this sparsely inhabited island, enjoy panoramic hilltop views and find secluded swim spots. We’ll paddle on warm aquatic waters and learn to master the wind in our sails. This is a magical program that will captivate and enthrall even the most restless teenager or parent! We hope to see you here this coming summer.

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

6 The Island Experience

Magic Morocco

Feedback rating: 91% from 3 reviews


Multiple Locations

Family - Year round

Teenage friendly

Feedback rating: 91%

8 nights, 9 days

Prog Code - MOR-04-FAM

Prices from £649 per person

Add to wishlist ›

Are you looking for an unforgettable nine days of fun, that can truly combine excitement and relaxation? We hope you’ve answered YES, as we would love you to join our family adventure holiday in Morocco.  Escape into the Sahara desert, solve the maze of streets of Marrakesh and step onto some of Hollywood’s greatest movie landscapes. This incredible family trip has been cleverly designed for both parents and kids. It’s become especially popular amongst teenage activity holidays, keeping the restless teens active and entertained.

Throughout your stay you’ll be enjoying full board in many comfortable 3-star hotels, many of which have swimming pools to relax in. But of course, it wouldn’t be the nomadic adventure if there wasn’tone night under the stars amongst the sand dunes.

These ancient and mystical lands offer the ultimate Morocco activity holiday experience. To travel on this family tour your party must include a minimum of 1 adult and 1 child (aged 5-16).

Source: www.greenworldholidays.com

‹ ‹ › ›

3 Which 5 pieces of information are in every description?

4 How is it said in the texts?

1 The Big Adventure is the perfect combination of land-based and sea-based activities.

2 The Big Adventure takes place in a really beautiful environment.

3 You don’t have to sleep at a hotel in Lapland.

4 The animals pulling the sleigh eat grass.

5 The Dalmatian countryside is hilly.

6 There is a lot of culture in Brac.

7 Morocco has some very old and magical places.

5 Look for the following holiday activities and highlight them in the texts. Which holiday offers these activities?

1 sleeping under the stars:

2 climbing:

3 sunbathing on the beach:

4 sailing:

5 snowmobile treks: reading reading reading


6 Would you enjoy these holiday activities?

a Choose 1 activity that you would enjoy and 1 that you would not. Explain why (not).

b Use appropriate expressions to state your preferences.

c Plan the conversation using the speaking frame below.

State your opinion

I would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe enjoy (-ing form of activity) because

(-ing form of activity) is what I would like to try/experience because

The activity that I would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe not enjoy is (-ing form of activity) because

d Sit in groups and have a conversation with your group members about your activities. Keep the conversation going! Use some of the expressions below.

HOW TO keep the conversation going

– What do you mean by that?

– Could you explain that a little further?

– I don’t really understand what you mean.

– What is your point?

– I agree with you.

– I would like to add that …

2 ⁄ Where you at?!

1 Watch Emily’s vlog about her trip and answer the questions.

a List the places that Emily will visit.

b Also list the activities they are planning to do.


c What do you think the expression ‘ants in his pants’ could mean?

To have an itchy feeling, like a rash.

To be extremely restless or anxious.

To be a very active person, very sportsmanlike.


See p. 131

2 Watch Caitie’s adventures when she visits Ireland for the first time.

a Which country is she from? How can you tell?

b Which country is she in? Which country does she compare it to?


c What does she think of the weather there?

d Where does the road trip lead her? List the cities.

e List all the places she visits in the table below. AccommodationMonumentsFood

f Of all places she is visiting in the video, which one would you prefer? Why? Use this structure: I’d prefer … because …

3 Do you know how to use prepositions of place?

a Try to put the locations mentioned in questions 2 a, b, d and e in the right column.

Preposition of place in on at

General: More specific: Very specific:

93 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE ninety-three
and drinks ShoppingOther

b Complete the rule in the table in exercise a. Add the prepositions ‘at’, ‘in’, ‘on’ to the reversed pyramid below.


General Chicago New York


Oxford Street

More specific 5th Avenue


Very specific Etihad Stadium

4 Fill in the correct preposition of place. Choose between ‘in’, ‘at’ or ‘on’.

You can’t go to London and not see these must-see London attractions

London has many iconic buildings, landmarks and sights to be seen. The city is constantly evolving and is rich in historic culture. To help you along your way if you haven’t been London before, we’ve created a list of the 7 must-see London attractions.

1 Big Ben is located Westminster and is the nickname for the ‘Great Bell’ of the clock.

2 The Natural History Museum is located South Kensington Cromwell Road.

3 Hyde Park is right the heart of the city and one of London’s biggest parks. You can see the grounds surrounding Kensington Palace which are located one end of the park.

4 This is one for all the Harry Potter fans out there! If you want to find Platform 9 ¾ they have it all set up, permanently, King’s Cross Station.

5 Tate Modern is located the banks of the River Thames in a former power station.

6 Piccadilly Circus is London’s measly attempt at Time’s Square. It’s always ridiculously busy with bright billboards lining the edges of the buildings; and you’ll probably find yourself here if you’re planning an evening the West End or Soho!

7 The British Prime Minister lives number 10 Downing Street during his or her time as PM.

Adapted from: https://worldofwanderlust.com


5 Which must-see attractions have you already seen? Where were they? Were they really worth seeing?

a Preparation: think of the must-sees that you have seen and write them down on a sheet of paper. Make some notes: add where they were located and if/why they were worth seeing.

b Action: talk to your partner about your must-sees. Use the prepositions of place correctly and be careful when using the past tense.

c Reflection: check your writing by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: my must-see attractions

1 Content and structure

• I talked about the must-sees that I have seen.

• I described my experience.

2 Language

• I used good expressions to talk about my preferences.

• I used correct words to describe the must-sees.

• I used the correct prepositions.

• I used correct verb forms.


Yes I think soNo

6 Look at the given words. Link them to the images below. First write the type of holiday, then add 2 possible activities and finally add where you would typically stay when you go on that type of holiday.

backpacking – beach – camp site – city trip – hiking – luxury hotel – museum –sightseeing – sunbathing – surfing – youth hostel


7 Which strategy did you use to complete this task? Complete the strategy box.

HOW TO structure vocabulary





and/or look at the pictures.

Try to of every word. If you don’t know the meaning, use a dictionary.


Try to words together by

8 Find your way around vocabulary.

See p. 130

a Structure the vocabulary below in a logical way. Use a mind map. building a sandcastle – buying clothes – collecting souvenirs – diving off a cliff –dog sledding – floating on your inflatable beach mattress – going to a museum –lying in a hammock – picnicking in the park – putting up/pitching a tent for the night –reading a book – renting a mountain bike – scuba diving – sightseeing –sipping a virgin mojito – skiing – snowboarding – taking a nap on the beach –taking public transport – trying a new language

b Show your mind map to a partner. Explain why you grouped the words in this particular way.

c Close your book and take a sheet of paper. Write down as many words as you remember in 2 minutes.

9 Now add your own vocabulary to your mindmap. Use an online dictionary if necessary.

10 How about you? What do you like to do when you are on holiday?

a Preparation: write down at least 3 of your favourite activities first.


b Action: write a paragraph of 50 words in which you describe the activities, where you can do them and why you like them so much. Use appropriate vocabulary and expressions to describe your preferences.

c Reflection: check your writing by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: my favourite holiday activities

1 Content and structure

• I wrote about 50 words.

• I described my favourite holiday activities.

2 Language

• I used good expressions to talk about my preferences.

• I used correct words to describe the activities.

• I used the correct prepositions.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


STEP 2 ⁄ Trip of a lifetime

Talking about past situations

1 You will get a role card. Interview your partner.

2 Read the text and answer the following questions.

a Where does Melissa come from?

b Which means of transport did she use during her holiday?

Yes I think soNo


97 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE ninety-seven
CHECK 1, see p. 132

c Which city did not make the best impression?

d Was Melissa satisfied with her holiday? How can you tell?

The trip of a lifetime

This summer I went on the vacation of a lifetime. My family and I spent the first three weeks of the summer in Europe. We were there to visit family on my dad’s side but got the chance to do a lot of sightseeing while we were there. What I didn’t enjoy was the ten-hour flight, but I’d say it was definitely worth every minute. We went to Germany and Switzerland and while there made side trips to Paris, France and Luxembourg.

The countries we went to were amazing and the countryside was beautiful. Did you know that the countries of Europe are a lot different than America? The buildings for the most part are all very old, made of stone, and intricately designed. The towns were small with the buildings close together. Between towns there was rolling green countryside. Towns are not as spread out as America and streets are much narrower. You could tell a town was coming from a mile away by the church’s steeple found in almost every town.

Our first day trip was to the two-thousand-year-old town of Trier, Germany. Trier was a remarkably beautiful city. Every building in the town square had some kind of history. Every windowsill had beautiful bright red baskets of flowers hanging from them. Some of the buildings had marvelous carvings on the sides. The cathedrals were amazing too. It seemed as if every inch had some kind of intricate carving, including the ceilings. While there we also saw the Porta Nigra (Black Port), a small section of a former gateway to the city. The city was founded around 16 B.C. by the Romans. The food there was excellent and was always more than enough.

They have their dinner at noon and if you want to eat between two and five you are out of luck, except for a few places that serve cake. Anything you need from a store must be gotten before nine o’clock because there are no twenty-four hour stores and nearly all stores are closed on Sunday.

Our next day trip was to the towns of Bernkastel and Cochem. Bernkastel was a cool town with lots of interesting looking buildings and these too were very historic. Just a few kilometers away was the town of Cochem which has a castle that we got to go inside of. The castle was amazing and the views were breathtaking. For miles you could see small villages surrounded by grape vines. Afterwards we had an amazing meal at a restaurant in a town called Morshels.

That first weekend we got to go on an overnight trip to Paris. Paris was amazing but it didn’t look like I imagined. We saw the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triumph, Louvre museum, and the famous Ritz hotel. We also got to take a boat ride on the river there. Did you know you can have dinner on the boat? We didn’t have time for that, so we didn’t do it. We took a walk on

98 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE ninety-eight
1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

the Champs Elysees andtoured the amazing Notre Dame. Weattended Sunday Mass there, although Ididn’t understand a word of it! Pariswas also very loud, crazy, and busy.

On another day wewent to the town of Idar Oberstein, a jewelry making town. They are famous for making jewelry from rocks in the mountainside. There is a castle there too and a church built right into the side of the mountain.

We spent our last full day there in the country of Luxembourg. Luxembourg is very different from what we saw in Germany. Luxembourg still has a palace with a Duke and Duchess and it has a guard out front.

After a tearful goodbye to Germany we left for Switzerland. Our time there, while shorter, was also amazing. We took a train ride to Zurich and spent our first day there shopping in all the big city shops. I didn’t get everything I wanted! Then we got to drive through the mountains over the Susten pass. The weather was not that great, but it was still wonderful. In my grandpa’s hometown, we went inside two castles that he used to go in as a child.

Source: www.teenink.com

to carve: to cut out from wood or stone church’s steeple: pointed tower of the church former: previous, in the past grape vines: plants that grow grapes to produce wine intricately: with a lot of detail

Our last full day we went to the city of Lucerne and looked out over the lake and river there and spent nearly the whole day buying souvenirs before we had to return for a big family dinner where there were four generations of my family.

Even though the weather was not the best while we were there, we had the best time we could’ve possibly had and I hope one day very soon I can go back to the wonderful sights and people.

3 Read the text again and answer the following questions.

a Melissa compares Europe to the USA. What are the differences in her opinion?

b What did Melissa visit

40 45 50 55 60 reading
in Paris?
Lake Lucerne

c Give Melissa’s itinerary (plan of travel).

STRATEGY proefversie©VANIN

4 Check the text on p. 98-99 and answer these questions.

a What time period does Melissa refer to?

past present future

b Melissa used a specific tense to describe her trip around Europe.

– In yellow highlight 5 examples in the 1st paragraph (l. 1-5) and 5 examples in the 6th paragraph (l. 33-38).

– In green highlight 3 examples in the text of how Melissa said something in a negative form.

– In blue highlight 2 questions Melissa asks.

5 Have a closer look at the examples in the positive sentences you highlighted in question 1b above. Put them in the correct column. Highlight the subject. Complete the rule.

Past simple

Regular verbs

Irregular verbs

Regular verbs

Form of past simple: positive sentences

HOW TO study

vocabulary and grammar

Knowing the irregular verbs by heart is an absolute must! You will find a list of irregular verbs in this unit on p. 121-123.

– Divide the list into smaller parts (e.g. 7 verbs) and study one part every day.

– There are a lot of (online) tools that can help you study. Try using an app like Quizlet to study irregular verbs and word lists, etc.

– Try to actively learn the irregular verb forms, e.g. by playing a game, making flashcards, or making an irregular verbs rap.

See p. 121-123

100 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred
Irregular verbs = learn by heart

6 Look at the following verbs. Write down the past simple form, and then complete the rule.

VerbPast simpleRule

stop verb ends in a stressed vowel and a consonant: grab prefer

VerbPast simpleRule

love verb ends in -e: change

VerbPast simpleRule

carry verb ends in a consonant + -y: try

VerbPast simpleRule

travel verb ends in a vowel + -l: distil

VerbPast simpleRule

mimic verb ends in a vowel + -c: picnic

Did you know?

In British English travelled is the past simple tense of to travel In American English it is spelled traveled

7 Listen to the words (all ending in -ed) and write them in the appropriate column, and then try to complete the rule. Tip: check the final sound of the regular verb.

/ɪd/ /t/ /d/ wanted helped called listening

Pronounced as:


one hundred and one


If the final sound of a regular verb is pronounced like the letters or then ‘-ed’ is pronounced as If the final sound of a regular verb is a consonant (= /p/, /k/, /‘/, /s/, /T/, /t ‘/, /‘/) then the ‘-ed’ is pronounced as

8 Play the -ed pronunciation game.


one hundred and two

If the final sound of a regular verb is a consonant, or diphthong, then the ‘-ed’ is pronounced as

9 Explain to your friends what you did on holiday. Look at the pictures and write 1 sentence for every picture. writing

1 2 3 4 5 6




Did you know?

In English the days of the week are written with a capital letter: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Also the months of the year get a capital letter in English: January, February, March... Seasons are not written with a capital letter: summer, fall/autumn, winter, spring.

10 Think about what you did yesterday. Write a short paragraph (about 40-50 words) describing what you did, when you did it and where you did it.

a Preparation: list the activities you did yesterday and write down when and where you did them.

b Action: write your text. Use appropriate vocabulary and focus on the past simple tense.

c Reflection: check your writing by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: yesterday’s activities

1 Content and structure

• I wrote about 50 words.

• I described the activities I did yesterday.

2 Language

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I used correct words to describe the activities.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.

Feedback writing

Yes I think soNo

hundred and three
On Monday I
4 5 6
On Tuesday 3 On


d Now talk about what you did yesterday with your partner. Is there anything you have in common? If so, what? Pay attention to the pronunciation of the verb forms.

11 Put the negative examples from question 4b (p. 100) in the table. Follow the example and complete the rule.

Past simple

Subject Auxiliary verbMain verbRest of the sentence What I didn’t enjoy was the ten-hour flight.

Form of past simple: negative sentences

12 Write full sentences using the past simple tense in the negative form.

1 You / travel / not / to India / last year.

2 Amina / move / not / to Italy.

3 Kajal and Peter / get lost / not / in Oxford.

4 We / panic / not / when we / miss / the plane.

5 I / arrive / not / at the hotel / on time.

13 Put the 2 questions from question 4b (p. 100) in the table below. Follow the example and complete the rule.

Past simple

(Question word)

Auxiliary verb

SubjectMain verbRest of the sentence

What did you do last summer?

Form of past simple: questions

hundred and four

14 Make questions using the information. Then give a short answer.

1 you / visit / a museum / in France / two weeks ago? (+)

2 Ibrahim / go surfing / last summer? (-)

3 Carol and Diego / write / a postcard / from Brazil? (+)

4 Omar / bring / souvenirs / from Beijing? (-)


5 Matteo / go scuba diving / in Egypt? (+)

15 Asking and answering questions about a set of cards.

a Preparation: look at your 5 cards and try to find the correct vocabulary to describe each activity. Ask your teacher if you need help.

b Action: ask a correct question to find out whether your partner did that activity. Your partner will answer in a full sentence using the information on their card.

c Reflection: check your exercise by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: asking and answering questions

1 Content

• I asked at least 5 questions.

• I answered every question in a full sentence.

2 Language

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I used correct words to describe the activities.

• I formulated my questions correctly.

• I formulated my answers correctly.

• I paid attention to my pronunciation.


Yes I think soNo


16 Form groups. Your teacher will give you a board game and the rules on how to play it.

CHECK 2, see p. 137


one hundred and five

STEP 3 ⁄ Because the internet said so Writing a review

1 ⁄ Where can I stay?

1 Discuss these questions.

a What types of accommodation have you already stayed in?

b Give 1 positive and 1 negative aspect of each type of accommodation.

2 Match the hotel vocabulary with the corresponding picture.

106 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and six
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 proefversie©VANIN

balcony – bathtub – dining room – double bed – entrance hall – lift – lobby – reception desk –revolving door – shower – single room – twin beds – wardrobe – washbasin

2 ⁄ What kind of traveller are you?

1 Watch the customer review video and answer these questions.

a Why do you think the staff stepped in?

2 Do the online quiz and find out what kind of traveller you are. WATCHING reading

b Do you think the video is realistic? Why (not)?

c Do you often read online reviews before doing or buying something? Why (not)?


You love the thrill of exploring new places and you seek out exciting adventures. Not one to sit idly on the beach and read, you think of vacation as a time to rediscover your playful side – wind surfing, skiing, kayaking or even trying out that zip line are all up your alley. The world awaits… and you’re eager to jump in headfirst!


It really doesn’t matter where you vacation, as long as everyone is together and enjoying each other’s company. From dragging mom or dad to theme parks or gathering the entire clan for a fun-filled family reunion, your vacations are centered on what’s important to you – family.


Ahhhh, there’s nothing better than sitting by the beautiful pool with a virgin mojito and a good book. Vacation takes you away from the hectic lifestyle of the everyday and gives you that special time just to unwind. Unhurried dinners, sleeping in late, and strolling on the beach are your idea of a perfect week away.


You love museums, shows, great restaurants, and all the trappings of city life. Whether you are exploring Paris, New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles your vacation is a chance to uncover a city’s arts and culture scene with each step you take.

one hundred and seven
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

3 Form groups according to what type of traveller you are. Do the following tasks together.

a Take a close look at the text you will get and answer the questions.

– What is the source?

– What kind of text is this?

– Who is the author?

– Do you think you can trust this text? Why (not)?

b Read the holiday activities your group gets. What ratings would you give? Why?

Terrible Poor

Average Very Good


4 There are hotels in all kinds of types and price ranges. Some are very luxurious, while others only cover the bare necessities. And some… cover nothing at all!

a Read the newspaper article about the Grosvenor in Blackpool and say whether the following statements are true or false.


1The Grosvenor is far away from Blackpool Tower.

2 Two out of the ten worst hotels in Europe are located in the United Kingdom.

3The Grosvenor takes pride in its cleanliness.

4Dudley Osborn thinks it is not a good idea to trust TripAdvisor reviews.

5It costs £25 per night to stay at the Grosvenor.

b Indicate in the text where you found the answer.


108 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and eight

Faulty Towers: Grotty Grosvenor in Blackpool voted filthiest hotel in Europe

The beauty of the Grosvenor Hotel is that it’s within spitting distance of Blackpool Tower. The bad news for guests is that the windows are so lthy you can hardly see through them. Visitors used TripAdvisor to complain of pokey, smelly rooms, stained bedding, mouldy walls, and beds ‘like park benches’. The comments were backed up with shocking pictures of lthy ceilings, broken toilets and smashed power sockets.

But the Grosvenor – which charges £25 per person per night – is not the only British hotel held up for its lack of cleanliness. Astonishingly, all but two of Europe’s worst ten are in the UK. Of the 33 customers who reviewed the twostar Grosvenor in Albert Road, only three had anything good to say about their stay, with 28 indicating they had a ‘terrible’ time.

Several visitors said it was the worst hotel they had ever stayed in. Despite the hotel claiming that ‘cleanliness is our priority’, several disgruntled guests wrote that it was ‘ lthy’ and ‘disgusting’. One wrote: ‘As I opened the door I was greeted by a damp wall and ceiling, tiles falling from the bathroom ceiling, holes in power sockets which were clearly visible (in a family room), the TV cable was hanging down loose, with no remote control. ‘As for the Tower view – the windows were so lthy that we could not even see the road!’ Another said the hotel lift was ‘more frightening’ than rides at the Pleasure Beach.

Second on the TripAdvisor roll of shame is a hotel in Budoni, Italy, but this is quickly followed by the Park Hotel, in Victoria, London, where guests complained of an ‘overwhelming’ smell and being bitten by bed bugs. Dudley Osborn, of the British Hospitality Association, which represents UK hoteliers, admitted there were some ‘grotty establishments’ in Britain,

but warned that TripAdvisor was a subjective website which was open to abuse. ‘Its reviews are based on anecdotal evidence, they are not an exact science,’ he said.

Sunny Khajuria, who bought the Grosvenor six months ago, admitted it was a ‘mess’ but that they were in the process of renovating. ‘There are 47 rooms and we can’t do it overnight,’ he said. ‘We are now putting things right and are in contact with the guests who posted negative views to ask them how they’d like us to improve.’

TripAdvisor sifted through more than 30 million evaluations worldwide. It also compiled dirty lists for America, Canada and Asia.

anecdotal evidence: people adding personal stories rather than keeping to the facts

bed bugs: small animals that live in a mattress

damp: moist, wet disgruntled: unhappy, unsatisfied mouldy walls: walls with mould on them (‘schimmel’)

Source: www.dailymail.co.uk

pokey: very small

5 Read the article again and answer the following questions.

a Is the Grosvenor the only hotel in the UK that made the top 10 list of worst hotels in Europe?

109 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and nine
45 50 55

b Highlight in the text what the rooms in the hotel look like.

c Is there any hope for the Grosvenor?

d Have you ever stayed at a hotel, youth hostel or camping that wasn’t clean? What was your reaction?

e Would you warn other people not to go there? Why (not)?

6 How is it said in the text?

1 The hotel is really close to Blackpool Tower.

2 The beds are really uncomfortable.

3 The hotel lift is not safe.

4 It will take a long time to renovate all the hotel rooms.

7 Read these reviews of the Grosvenor Hotel.

a Compare the 3 reviews and complete the table.

A warm welcome awaits you at the Grosvenor Hotel, whether as old friends or new. Nestled in the heart of Blackpool, close to the Tower, Winter Gardens, Beach and is within easy reach of the bus and train stations. For those who wish to explore the vibrant nightlife we have a night porter on duty so there is no need for late keys. Your comfort is our priority, as is the cleanliness and standard of service.

Don’t listen to the reviews on here! How can you complain about the free blood stains on the pillows, the out of this world sick stain in the hall on the first floor by the stairs, and you get free mozzie bites as well! Loved the couch throw as a duvet! Great design of wallpaper with the sick stains, and the splatted fly stains! How could I forget? The dining room had a hole in the ceiling where it looked like a fireman’s pole was being fitted!

Stayed for 2 nights for Easter. The hotel was clean and tidy. The room was basic but clean. The entertainment was a bonus so we didn’t have to go out. All the staff were amazingly friendly and couldn’t do enough for us. The mushroom risotto for starter was cooked to perfection along with the rhubarb crumble. The negative points were really bad porridge which tasted like wallpaper paste made with barley and water, I think, and the cheap sausages for breakfast.

Source: https://www.tripadvisor.com

110 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and ten
1 2 3
SPOKEN INTERACTION reading proefversie©VANIN

1This customer stayed at the Grosvenor.

2The writer of the review was quite satisfied.

3This review contains humor.

4This text is probably not a real review.

5This review has both positive and negative sides.

b Explain why 1 of the 3 is not a real review.

c Which elements do you recognize in the other 2 reviews?

Statement Review 2Review 3

1The writer clearly explained how he feels.

2The writer described the situation in detail.

3The writer wrote a personal story.

4The writer used full sentences.

5The writer used correct spelling and punctuation.

8 Highlight the parts of a review in the example below. Then write the correct number next to the part you highlighted.

1 Conclusion of the review

2 General score

3 Title

4 Name of the accommodation

5 Moment of review


Faridabad, India 23 54

6 Introduction to the review

7 Name of the reviewer

8 Detailed score

9 Review

Positive feedback for wonderful stay

Review of Hotel Marina

Reviewed November 14, 2021

It was a pleasure staying at this brand new property, which is 5 minutes walking from the Mall. Marina is a nice hotel with excellent food and service. They offer complementary fruit, chocolates and coffee in the room. Breakfast is good and you can choose: Indian, continental, etc. Also the restaurant is very good and reasonably priced. Overall the experience was brilliant and enjoyed our weekend getaway a lot. I will definitely stay there again.

Date of stay: July 2021

Room tip: Always go for the top floor room.

Trip type: Traveled as a couple Value

Ask himanshu0505 about Hotel Marina

Source: https://www.tripadvisor.com

Cleanliness Service

111 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and eleven
Review 1Review 2Review

HOW TO write a customer review

For more information on how to write a good customer review, check the Summary of this unit.

3 ⁄ What were you doing?

1 Read the reviews of the Tower of London below and do the tasks.

a Highlight the forms of the past simple tense.


See p. 128


b Are there other past tenses in the text?Highlight them in a different colour.

A must see while in London!

June • Family


The price is definitely worth it! There is so much to see, the historywas great and all the staff whowere dressed historicallywere so friendly and approachable, andhad brilliant knowledge! The Crown Jewelswere a great sight. The guardswere standing in the heat for a long time, while theywere alsokeeping up their stances. They definitelyknew what they were doing. However Imanaged to get a picture with them when theychanged over, whichwas great! They alsohad the actual execution block whichwas amazing to see!

A must see

December • Family

Don’t be discouraged by the long line, it moves very quickly. Get a guidebook when you buy your tickets, because itwas the perfect time to read the history while wewere waiting. Wegot in a single line thatwent back to the elephant and ittook about an hour from there until weentered the building but itwas worth the wait. The chapelwas another one of our favourite areas - such amazing history!

Source: https://www.tripadvisor.com

112 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and twelve

c Write the new forms in the grid below. Make sure to add the subject and the rest of the sentence. Look at the example. Then derive the rule from the examples.

TensePast continuous

Example 1e.g. The guards were standing in the heat.

Example 2

Example 3 RULE

2 Complete the table below with the correct forms. Use the same verb for each row. Mind: some are positive, some negative and some are question forms!

Positive forms

We were waiting.

They were keeping.

Negative forms Questions

I wasn’t standing in line.

Were you laughing?

Was she taking?

You weren’t going.

3 Look at the sentences below and highlight the two forms of the past tenses in different colours.

a Draw a timeline and indicate both the past tenses.

We saw ravens flying off and on all the time while wewere waiting in the queue. Amazing sight!


During the Second World War the soldiers were getting ready to carry out the Ceremony when a bombfell next to the White Tower.

Now Past Past

b Finally, can you derive the difference in meaning between the two types of past tense?

hundred and thirteen

4 Fill in the correct form of the past tense in the sentences below. Choose between the past simple and the past continuous.


(1 to drive) our car in Folkestone when we suddenly (2 to realise) we (3 to have) to drive on the left. A bird (4 to hit) the window of the classroom when we (5 to take) our English test.

While Sue (6 to board) the London Eye she (7 to hear) a loud noise. As the thunderstorm (8 to come) closer, she

(9 to decide) not to take the risk and do something else. She (10 to look) for a dry place to have a nice cup of tea when the rain (11 to come) pouring down. After a while she (12 to find) herself a cosy place and (13 to order) some tea. All of a sudden a man (14 to walk) up to her and (15 to say) hi when she (16 to sit) by the fireplace.

They (17 to visit, both) London on their own and (18 to decide) to spend the rest of the afternoon together. They (19 to have) an amazing time when suddenly the news (20 to break) that lightning had actually struck the London Eye!

5 Fill in the correct form of the past tense below.

Don’t miss the Beefeater tour!

We (1 to take) a Beefeater tour, although we (2 to plan) to do the Battlements walk. Our guide, Bob (3 to have) many good, humorous and enlightening historical stories and a strong gravely voice that (4 to be) easy to understand. After the tour you can visit the grounds and explore more in detail, which will take another hour or two after the 45-minute Beefeater tour. Many of the prisoners (5 to carve) inscriptions on the walls while they (6 to await) their executions and you can read some and partly understand their plight. You can see the crown jewels and other gold artefacts. We (7 not to expect) to see the Imperial State Crown, but we (8 to be) surprised to see it on display. Definitely worth a visit!

Adapted from: www.tripadvisor.co.uk

114 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and fourteen

6 Use these pictures to write a short review about your holiday activities.

a Preparation: look at the pictures. Write 1 or 2 words under each photo to describe the activity you see. Look up the words that you don’t know.


one hundred and fifteen

© Sergii Iarmoliuk / Shutterstock.com © MarinaMonroe / Shutterstock.com
1 3 5 2 4 6
© Felix Lipov / Shutterstock.com

b Action: write a review of 50-75 words. Use the information from a. Use the past simple and the past continuous correctly and write full sentences.


c Reflection: check your review by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: reviewing my visit to the Statue of Liberty

1 Content and structure

• I wrote 50-75 words.

• I described the activities in every picture (where, when, with whom?).

2 Language

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I used the past continuous tense correctly.

• I used correct words to describe the activities.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


CHECK 3, see p. 143

Yes I think soNo

116 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and sixteen


HOW TO talk about where things happen



Keep in mind

• IN + space


– countries – cities

– neighbourhoods – enclosed spaces

– streets

– avenues

– parts of a street

– address

– specific location

• ON + surfaces: e.g. on the table, on the floor

• No preposition: downtown, e.g. I live downtown.

(Prepositions of place)



Football was invented in England. He lives in Tokyo. He always goes out in the city centre. The party is in my backyard but I will keep the drinks in the kitchen.

There are many shops on Arlon Street. She lives on Tate Avenue.* There’s a block of flats on the corner.

The party is at 25 Box Street. I will wait for you at the bus stop.

*In British English you live in a street or avenue (vs. on a street in American English).

# 117 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and seventeen

HOW TO tell a story in the past

(Past simple and past continuous)

I was waiting for the bus when the pigeon dropped something on me.

1 Past simple FORM


SubjectPositive (+)* Negative (-) Question (?)

1st p. sing. I laughed I didn’t laugh Did I laugh?

2nd p. sing. You laughed You didn’t laugh Did you laugh?

3rd p. sing. He/She laughed He/She didn’t laugh Did he/she laugh?

1st p. plur. We laughed. We didn’t laugh. Did we laugh?

2nd p. plur. You laughed You didn’t laugh Did you laugh?

3rd p. plur. They laughed They didn’t laugh Did they laugh?

Rule: Subject + base form of the verb + -(e)d

*Irregular verbs:

Subject + didn’t/did not + base form of the verb Did + subject + base form of the verb

Mind the irregular verbs in the positive form. You have to learn them by heart. USE

– Consecutive actions in the past e.g. We first visited London Tower, then we had a picnic in Hyde Park and eventually we went to The British Museum.

– The events in a story that is told in the past e.g. It was difficult to see as though an ice cube had enclosed his body. Frostbite worked its way down his fingertips, turning bluer by the second.

# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 118 one hundred and eighteen


/Id/ /t/ /d/ wanted helped called visited looked loved ended missed played attended watched washed sniffed

If the final sound of a regular verb is pronounced like the letters /t/ or /d/ then ‘-ed’ is pronounced as /Id/.

Spelling exceptions!


If the final sound of a regular verb is a voiceless consonant (= /p/, /k/, /f/, /s/, /T/, /t‘/, /‘/) then ‘-ed’ is pronounced as /t/.

Base form of verbPast simpleRule

enjoy enjoyed

If the final sound of a regular verb is a voiced consonant, vowel or diphthong, then ‘-ed’ is pronounced as /d/.

vowel + -y: regular verb + -ed stay stayed hurry hurried

consonant + -y: -y g -ied try tried

stop stopped stressed vowel + consonant: double the consonant + -ed plan planned arrive arrived

verb ends in -e: verb + -d use used travel travelled

vowel + -l: double l + -ed cancel cancelled


Many verbs are irregular! You have to learn them by heart. See Summary, p. 121.

2 Past simple of ‘to be’


Subject Positive (+)Negative (-)

1st p. sing. 2nd p. sing. 3rd p. sing. 1st p. plur. 2nd p. plur. 3rd p. plur. I was. You were.

He/She/It was. We were. You were. They were.

I wasn’t / was not. You weren’t / were not.

He/she/it wasn’t / was not. We weren’t / were not. You weren’t / were not. They weren’t / were not.

Questions (?)

Was I?

Were you?

Was he/she/it?

Were we?

Were you? Were they?

# 119 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and nineteen

‘To be’ is a special verb.

– It has an irregular form in the past simple.

– There is inversion to ask questions. e.g. He was happy. g Was he happy?

–To talk about past factsand states e.g.The weather was absolutely gorgeous!

–To talk about actions and events that happened in the past and that are completely over e.g.When I was 5, my dad taught me how to swim.

–There is often a specific timeindication: yesterday, 2 years ago, last week, in 2015, etc. e.g. It all started in November 2014 I went to the beach yesterday When I was 5 Yesterday in November 2014 Now

# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 120 one hundred and twenty

3 Irregular verbs

Base formPast simplePast participleMy notes arise arose arisen be (auxiliary)was/werebeen bear bore born/borne beat beat beaten becomebecamebecome begin began begun bend bent bent bet bet bet bid bid/badebid/bidden bite bit bitten blow blew blown break broke broken bring broughtbrought build built built burst burst burst buy boughtbought cast cast cast catch caughtcaught choose chose chosen come came come cost cost cost cut cut cut deal dealt dealt dig dug dug do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove driven eat ate eaten fall fell fallen feed fed fed feel felt felt fight foughtfought find found found fly flew flown forget forgot forgotten forgive forgaveforgiven


# 121 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and twenty-one

Base formPast simplePast participleMy notes

freeze froze frozen get got got/gotten give gave given go went gone grow grew grown hang hanged/hunghanged/hung have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid lead led led leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lit/lightedlit/lighted lose lost lost make made made mean meantmeant meet met met pay paid paid prove proved proved/proven put put put quit quit quit read read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run say said said see saw seen seek soughtsought sell sold sold


# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 122 one hundred and twenty-two

Base formPast simplePast participleMy notes

send sent sent set set set shake shook shaken shine shone/shinedshone/shined shoot shot shot show showed shown shut shut shut sing sang sung sink sank sunk sit sat sat sleep slept slept slide slid slid speak spoke spoken spend spent spent split split split spread spreadspread stand stood stood steal stole stolen stick stuck stuck strike struckstruck swear swore sworn swim swam swum take took taken teach taughttaught tear tore torn tell told told think thoughtthought throw threw thrown understandunderstoodunderstood undertakeundertookundertaken upset upset upset wake woke woken wear wore worn win won won wind woundwound write wrote written


one hundred and twenty-three

4 Past continuous FORM

SubjectPositive (+)

Negative (-)

Question (?)

1st p. sing. I was talking I wasn’t talking Was I talking?

2nd p. sing. You were talking You weren’t talking Were you talking?

3rd p. sing. He/She was talking He/She wasn’t talking Was he/she talking?

1st p. plur. We were talking We weren’t talking Were we talking?

2nd p. plur. You were talking. You weren’t talking. Were you talking?

3rd p. plur. They were talking They weren’t talking Were they talking?

Rule: Subject + was/were + -ing form of the verb Subject + wasn’t (was not)/weren’t (were not) + -ing form of the verb

– Longer actions going on in the past e.g. Her husband was working on a paper.

Was/Were + subject + -ing form of the verb USE

– (Background) descriptions e.g. The tourist was wearing a raincoat and gloves.


– ’while’ and ’as’ + past continuous e.g. As he was frying eggs, he found a piece of egg shell.

– ’when’ and ’suddenly’ + past simple e.g. We were walking down Oxford Street when we suddenly heard a drum band.

5 Past simple and past continuous USE

Combine the 2 tenses if you want to make clear something happened while you were in the middle of a longer action going on.

e.g. We were enjoying a nice cup of tea when a man walked over to us. were enjoying past continuous walked past simple Future Now Past

# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 124 one hundred and twenty-four




one hundred and twenty-five

ADVENTUROUS dog sledding going on a city trip backpacking rock climbing skiing hiking snowboarding rafting sightseeing visiting a museum © Oleg GawriloFF / Shutterstock.com taking a guided tour
© bodumsurf / Shutterstock.com
# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 126 one hundred and twenty-six
caravan tent snorkeling riding a banana boat lying in a hammock glamping youth hostel surfing building a sandcastle parasailing scuba diving swimming floating on your air mattress luxury hotel
/ Shutterstock.com proefversie©VANIN
B&B (bed and breakfast)
© Radiokafka



one hundred and twenty-seven


revolving door spa centre and swimming pool lift / elevator hotel dining room hotel lobby gym reception room service a hotel suite with a double bed (1) and ensuite bathroom (2): shower (1) and bath (2) toilet (3), towels (4) washbasin (5) single bed twin beds
1 1 2 4 3 5 2
double bed

HOW TO write a good (online) customer review

Before writing

STRATEGY proefversie©VANIN

Why & what? 1

Why are you writing?

e.g. Are you very happy or unhappy about the service you got/the trip you went on?

What are you writing about?

e.g. a family trip, a sightseeing tour, a guided tour, etc.

Be prepared

Do you know how to send in your review?

e.g. email or customer form

2 While writing

Be descriptive

Describe the product (e.g. the trip) that you are reviewing in 1 to 2 sentences.

Give details

Don’t just say: ‘The room was dirty’ but give examples and details to back up your argument.

Use complete sentences

Don’t write things like, ‘okay food, terrible service’. People will believe your review more if you write in complete sentences, rather than fragments that leave the reader wanting more.

Personalize your review

Write about your experience, so people can determine if they would like to use that service as well.

Be honest

Don’t make up things or exaggerate to make your point.

# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 128 one hundred and twenty-eight

Write a well-organized and structured piece

Title of your review

Name what you are reviewing.

Give a fair rating

Terrible Poor Average

Very Good


Your review

Share your experiences to help travellers make better choices and plan their dream trips.

himanshu0505 Faridabad, India

23 54

Positive feedback for wonderful stay

Review of Hotel Marina

Write a short title that gives an idea of the tone of your review.

Reviewed November 14, 2021

It was a pleasure staying at this brand new property, which is 5 minutes walking from the Mall. Marina is a nice hotel with excellent food and service. They offer complementary fruit, chocolates and coffee in the room. Breakfast is good and you can choose: Indian, continental, etc. Also the restaurant is very good and reasonably priced. Overall the experience was brilliant and enjoyed our weekend getaway a lot. I will definitely stay there again.

Date of stay: July 2021

Room tip: Always go for the top floor room.

Trip type: Traveled as a couple


Ask himanshu0505 about Hotel Marina


Proofread! A review full of grammatical errors takes away your credibility as a reviewer.

Submit or send in your review.

Cleanliness Service

# 129 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and twenty-nine Edit
Submit 3 After writing Avoid mistakes

HOW TO structure vocabulary

Structuring vocabulary is a personal process. No 2 people will structure the words in exactly the same way. Choose the way that works best for you. Here are some tips.

1 Preparation

Read through the word list and/or look at the pictures.

2 Meaning

Try to understand the meaning of every word.


Which words belong to the same category in terms of content?

Find a keyword or category for the words that belong together. e.g. means of transportation: bus, car, boat, airplane

Use dictionary or thesaurus if necessary.

– Try to establish links:

• Which words are synonyms?

• Which words are antonyms?

Write the words schematically in a mind map, a tree structure or any other form that works for you. Do this on a sheet of paper or use a computer.

Add pictures, drawings or descriptions if necessary.

beach types • city trip



hiking holidays • activities • sunbathing

going to a museum


youth hostel


• camp site

luxury hotel

# UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE 130 one hundred and thirty

HOW TO state your opinion USEFUL EXPRESSIONS

Short phrases:

I love … because…

I’m fond of … because…

I have a slight preference for … because…

I prefer …

I prefer … to … because…

I like … / I like … much more than … because…

I don’t like … because…

I hate … because…

… it is relaxing.

… I want to see the world.

… I’m an active person.

… it is boring.

… I don’t like to get wet.

… I’m no daredevil.


In conversation:

I would definitely enjoy hiking because I love being outdoors.

– I would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe enjoy … (-ing form of activity), because…

– … (-ing form of activity) is what I would like to try / experience, because…

– The activity that I would definitely / probably / possibly / maybe not enjoy is … (-ing form of activity), because…

To keep the conversation going use some of the following expressions:

– What do you mean by that?

– Could you explain that a little more?

– I don’t really understand what you mean.

– What is your point?

– I agree with you.

– I would like to add that…

# 131 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and thirty-one


CHECK 1 ⁄ Describing holiday activities

1 Lauren would like to make a collage of her trips to post on Instagram. Can you help her? Write a full sentence describing each picture: write what she is doing and where she is doing it. Look at the example.

132 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and thirty-two
Score < 6 6 – 8 > 8 Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 3 ex. 6 writing
Lauren kissed a dolphin in the pool.
Berlin 1 3 5 2 4 6
e.g. Lauren is kissing a dolphin in the pool. /

2 Use the correct preposition of place. Choose between ‘in’, ‘on’ or ‘at’.

a I’ve been looking all over for the new John Green book. Where did you find it? I found it the library.

b My favourite scary movie is A Nightmare Elm Street. What is yours?

c Prince George was born London, St Mary’s Hospital.

d I love your new shoes. Where did you buy them? I bought them this thrift shop the corner of JFK Boulevard and 19th Street.

e I would love to spend my holiday a sunny beach somewhere the Bahamas.

f One of the most exciting locations to celebrate New Year’s Eve New York is Times Square.

Score < 6 6 – 7 > 7

Next exercise ex. 6 ex. 3 ex. 4

3 Read the text about holidays in Slovenia and answer the questions.

a What is the source of this text?

b What is the goal of the text?

c What is the text type?

d What is Slovenia’s capital and how is it described in the text?

e The writer of this text stresses the harmony of this trip. List 4 examples.

f What does ‘bonding’ mean in line 10?

g What is meant by ‘Even the most restless teenagers will be thrilled and unstuck from their screens.’ in line 6?

one hundred and thirty-three

reading © Luciano MortulaLGM / Shutterstock.com

5 10

Slovenia Ljubljana

Family - Summer

Teenage friendly


Feedback rating: 86%

4 nights, 5 days

Prog Code - HAR-09-FAM

Prices from £1099 per person

Add to wishlist ›

Family activity holidays in Slovenia are perfect for families who love the outdoors. Great for active teenagers who enjoy multiple activities.

Staying in the fairy-tale capital Ljubljana, you will be able to discover the best of this picture postcard country. Our Slovenia family activity holidays have been especially designed to showcase Slovenia’s outstanding natural beauty, but also offer the most action-packed itinerary possible. Even the most restless teenagers will be thrilled and unstuck from their screens.

Get ready for many days of fun, thrills, spills & laughter, as well as the opportunity to visit many stunning locations such as the iconic ‘Lake Bled’. There are too many activities to mention, but some of the highlights include white water rafting, kayaking and SUP boarding.

Our dedicated tour leaders look after our families from start to finish, creating fun and bonding the groups together. They always find the balance between adventure and relaxation. Although the week is packed with action, there is also ample family time and space for your own explorations.

If you want to buddy up with similar families who appreciate exploring a country in an authentic way, then you must join our Slovenia family adventure holiday this summer.

Adapted from: https://www.greenworldholidays.com

Score < 6

hundred and thirty-four
ex. 4 ex. 6 1
– 8
8 Next exercise

4 San Francisco (West Coast, USA) is a very popular tourist destination. Match these ‘must-see’ attractions with their descriptions.

A This area is the most visited section of San Francisco. Here you can enjoy street performers, fresh seafood, unique shops and visit the sea lion colony on the west side of Pier 39.

B This bridge is known all over the world. It was built in 1937 and it is more than 2.7 km long.

C This area is located in the heart of the city and is known for its fantastic shopping.

D This means of transportation is a national historic landmark. It is the world’s last permanently manually operated means of transportation.

E This very small island used to be the home for criminals like Al Capone. The prison that was built on the island was said to be inescapable.


one hundred and thirty-five

1 2 3 4 5 Score < 3 3 – 4 5 Next exercise ex. 5 ex. 6 reading


5 Watch the introductory clip on San Francisco. Are the following statements true or false? Correct if they are wrong.


1 San Francisco is located in California about 350 kilometres from L.A.

2 The most interesting activity in Union Square is watching people.

3 Chinatown is located south of Union Square.

4 Pier 39 is quite far from the Embarcadero.

5 Alcatraz was used as a prison until 1863.

6 The Palace of Fine Arts was built in the beaux-arts style of architecture.

7 From the Golden Gate Bridge, there is a view over the Pacific Ocean.

8 Some trees at the park are a century old.


6 Next exercise

6 Watch Sam Whitney’s summer video.

2, p. 137

a List 10 things he did during the summer. Use an online dictionary if you don’t know all the words.

b Structure these words in such a way that they make sense to you. Use a separate sheet of paper.

c Explain the logic you used to your teacher.

Score < 7

Next exercise ex. 5



hundred and thirty-six
Score < 6

CHECK 2 ⁄ Talking about past situations

1 What did you do last weekend?

a Preparation: think of all the things you did last weekend and select the 5 most noteworthy activities.

b Action: write 5 positive and 2 negative sentences about your activities.


c Reflection: check your task by filling in the checklist below.

Checklist: what I did last weekend

1 Content and structure

• I wrote 5 positive sentences.

• I wrote 2 negative sentences.

• I described the activities I did last weekend.

2 Language

• I used the past simple tense correctly.

• I used the correct words to describe the activities.

• I used ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘at’ correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Score < 6 6 – 10

Yes I think soNo

> 10

Next exercise ex. 2 ex. 3 ex. 4

one hundred and thirty-seven


2 Read the reviews and fill in the missing verb forms in the past simple tense.


Review of Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard, London


Received fantastic service at the Gong Bar, particularly from the staff Madalina and Fabio. Those two (1 to be) brilliant, they (2 to make) our experience amazing and (3 to go out) of their way to ensure we (4 to have) the best seating. Definitely recommend!

Source: www.tripadvisor.com

Wonderful 18th birthday treat

Review of Ting Restaurant

I (1 to book) Ting Restaurant as a special treat for my daughter’s 18th birthday, and it (2 not to disappoint)!! The food and service (3 to be) excellent.

I would like to also thank our waiter on the night, Berk, who really (4 to look) after us. My daughter (5 to feel) extra special. Thank you, will defo be back.

Source: www.tripadvisor.com

Score < 8 ≥ 8

Next exercise ex. 3 ex. 4

3 Fill in the correct form of the verb in the past simple form.

My worst vacation ever!!!

It (1 to be) a day to remember. It was a rainy Friday. My best friend, my mom and I (2 to be) on a flight to North Carolina. Originally we (3 to plan) for Myrtle Beach South Carolina. Mom (4 to book) the flight not knowing it (5 to be) a three-hour ride from Raleigh Airport.

Our disaster (6 to start) when my best friend, who had never been on a plane, (7 to get) scared upon our boarding the plane. She (8 to run) to the ladies’ room. Mom (9 to try) to comfort her, however, by the

hundred and thirty-eight

time she (10 to get) back on the line every one already (11 to board) the plane. We (12 to miss) our 7 p.m. flight. We (13 to have) to be on standby for the next flight. We (14 to stand) in the airport until 11 p.m. before we were able to get on a flight to North Carolina.


Upon our arrival at Raleigh Airport it was already 1 a.m. in the morning. Now our destination was supposed to be Myrtle Beach South Carolina. We (15 to try) getting a taxi, but no one (16 to want) to take a three-hour trip. We (17 to stay) until daybreak. Mom (18 to recall) she had a friend living there. Mom (19 to explain) the situation we were faced with. Finally after sitting in the airport for four hours, her friend (20 to pick) us up.

Source: www.teenink.com

Score < 15 ≥ 15

Next exercise ex. 5

4 Read the extract from Love and other trainwrecks by Leah Konen and fill in the missing verb forms. Careful: choose past or present tense!

I CAN HEAR HER FOOTSTEPS BEHIND ME, THE CHUG-CHUG of the suitcase dragging over exposed tree roots. We (1 to be) almost out of the woods. Literally, at least. But guratively, I don’t know. This is why I (2 to think) before jumping, Rina. This is why I (3 can) never just go like you always could. Ammy (4 to take) a deep breath behind me. ‘There better be a bus station on the other side of these woods,’ she says. I’m praying that there is one. That I (5 not to lead) us on a wild-goose chase to prove a point. And that I haven’t ruined both of our nights with one stupid decision. It’s strange how quickly things (6 to move) from good to bad. We were going along, chatting about our lives. I (7 not to tell) her my parents almost (8 to split up) last year. Or that I’m pretty sure they (9 to cash) in the last of their savings to take this damn ‘love renewal cruise.’ Even so, it (10 to be) nice to talk to someone. Someone who (11 to have) the patience to listen, who (12 not to rush) me to just get on with it, say what I (13 to have) to say, make a damn decision already. And then, the moment (14 to be) over. We (15 to be) back under the falling snow. Hoping against hope we (16 not to be) completely lost.

Adapted from: Leah Konen, Love and other train wrecks, 2015, p. 65

Score < 12 > 12

Next exercise ex. 5 ex. 6

one hundred and thirty-nine



5 Look at the pictures of Aida’s trip through some Asian countries. Make the given sentence affirmative, negative and/or a question.

Score < 7

Next exercise


Negative Question Aida walked quite a while to the airport terminal.


Negative Question Aida didn’t get a window seat.


Negative Question Did Aida like the Singapore skyline?


Negative Question Aida didn’t visit this marvellous temple in South Korea.


Negative Question Aida brought her umbrella.

≥ 7

hundred and forty
1 2 3 4 5
Check 3, p. 143

6 Link these travelling idioms with their meaning. a Match the beginning and the ending of the idioms.

1To go Alight.

2To be in Bhas sailed.

3To be Cthe boat.

4That ship Doff the beaten track.

5To rock Ethe cart before the horse.

6To travel Fout of your suitcase.

7To take Ghas left the station.

8To live Hin the same boat.

9Don’t put Isomeone for a ride.

10The train Jthe driver’s seat.


one hundred and forty-one

1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10

b Use the idioms in the correct context. Look at the pictures to help you out!

1 Jason loves to go hiking without a map. He is fond of

2 Has your class decided to organize the event together? No, in fact Helen made all the decisions; she is

3 Don’t judge me, we’re all

4 We’re good friends but I don’t think we’ll ever be anything more to each other –

5 Jack truly

. I just washed some clothes and he was ready to go.

6 I don’t think we’ll get more money for our project. I’m afraid .

7 Booking a hotel without knowing how you will get there is

8 I like to carry my bags onto the plane, so I try

9 You borrowed €20 from me last week and you want more? , aren’t you?

10 I don’t want , but I can’t come to your party tomorrow.

Score < 15

Next exercise ex. 5

≥ 15

Check 3, p. 139

hundred and forty-two

CHECK 3 ⁄ Writing a review

1 Reviewing a tourist evening tour.

a Watch the video and answer these questions.

1 Which city does the evening tour take place in?


2 What does ‘to call it a day’ mean?

3 Highlight the monuments that are mentioned in the video.

9/11 Memorial Capitol

Dr Martin Luther King Jr Memorial George Washington Birthplace Monument

Golden Gate Bridge

Liberty Bell

Statue of Liberty

Jefferson Memorial

Lincoln Memorial

White House

b Fill in the missing words in this review. You can choose from the words in the box below. Not all words are used.

balance – bathrooms – e-ticket – explore – history – minivan – money – monuments –night – phone – tour – welcome

c Fill in the correct form of the past tenses.


Best night tour for small group or family

In a nutshell:

The 14-year-old and 60-year-old (and me, the 42-year-old) all (1 to love) it. Eddie (2 to drive) a and (3 not to take) more than 6 people total – and he (4 to be) an incredibly safe driver –more than anybody else around us on the road that .

The small group and car (5 to get) you closer to the , and (6 to be) faster to load than any bus – the bus tour people (7 to look) at us while we quickly (8 to jump) in and (9 to take off).

Eddie (10 to know) his in and out – and (11 to grow up) in DC, so he has a breadth and depth of knowledge. In fact, he (12 to talk) so eagerly

one hundred and forty-three

Virginia 6 7

that he almost (13 to forget) to stop at the traffic lights (only once though). His knowledge (14 to bring) everything to life!

Eddie (15 to give) clear, excellent directions for walking around the monuments. Essentially, he (16 to give) history during the driving parts, and (17 to give) you 15-30 minutes at each monument to on your own. It is a perfect

I was so surprised at how striking the monuments are at night – because the background buildings fade out of view, it seems to cast a focused reverence on each monument, which is fitting – and even my took great pictures when we (18 to explore) each monument!

PS – Since I (19 to have) problems with my bladder, I was surprised to learn that most of the monuments have that are open at night (till midnight I think) – so that’s good to know since it’s about a 3-hour tour, depending on how quick your group goes – on cold nights people tend to walk faster.

Just book it – we all (20 to feel) the was well spent, the van was always warm on our cold night and I (21 to learn) more than a whole year of American History in high school... plus Eddie is a truly caring person who loves history – he is great at making all ages feel

Source: www.tripadvisor.com

Score < 27 ≥ 27

Next exercise Ex. 3 Ex. 2



hundred and forty-four

2 You booked a room in a hotel. Unfortunately, your stay didn’t go as planned.

a Preparation: watch the video and complete this description.


What they promise…

Rating: «««««

What you get…


• Excellent value

– Fan full of gunk and

• in décor –

• ––

– Grubby around the

• Price: BED


Total: / 15

b Action: write your review based on your notes. Write 50-75 words.



one hundred and forty-five


c Reflection: check your review by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: my review of the Brittania Gatwick Lodge Yes I think soNo

1 Content and structure

• I used the information from the video.

• I clearly stated my opinion.

• My text is 50-75 words.

2 Language

• I used the past simple and past continuous tense correctly.

• I used the correct words to describe the hotel.

• I used ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘at’ correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.



Total: / 10

Score < 17 ≥ 17

Next exercise ex. 3

3 Fill in the correct past tense. Choose between the past simple or the past continuous.

1 Sue (to read) the newspaper when all of a sudden the doorbell (to ring).

2 I (to step) on a broken seashell while I (to walk) along the beach.

3 Meryame (to watch) a Netflix series when the teacher (to tap) on her shoulder.

4 My alarm clock (to go off) when we (still to sleep).

5 Dhani and Khaled (to print) the preparation of their presentation when they (to run out) of ink.

6 No sir, I (not to dream) when you (to call out) my name.

7 Manon (to run) to catch the bus when she (to step) in dog poop.

8 We (to play) basketball on the playground while the others (just to chat).

9 Ibrahim (to do) his homework when his nose (to start) bleeding.

10 While Derek (to speed), he (to keep) looking at his smartphone and caused this terrible accident.

146 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and forty-six

Score < 14 ≥ 14

Next exercise ex. 4

4 Summarize reviews of the ‘Old Black Horse’, a hotel located in Oxford.

a Preparation: read all the reviews of the ‘Old Black Horse’ and highlight the positive and negative points in the reviews.

bAction: write a summary of the positive and negative points. Write about 50 words. Use some of the adjectives below and work on a separate piece of paper.

busy – cheap – comfortable – cosy – elegant – expensive – hospitable – luxurious – neat –new – noisy – old – old-fashioned – quiet – romantic – shabby – tasteful – terrible –traditional – warm – welcoming

50 people have reviewed this hotel

one hundred and forty-seven

‹ ›
Write a review Traveler rating Excellent 2 Very good 13 Average 9 Poor 12 Terrible 14 See reviews for  Families 12 ❤ Couples 19  Solo 1 Business 12 Rating summary Location Sleep quality Rooms Service Value Cleanliness reading writing proefversie©VANIN

‘Good old-fashioned value…’

Reviewed March 6, 2021 via mobile

17th century coaching inn, which now finds itself on top of a busy main route into Oxford. Very welcoming once you are inside though, which includes the friendly and helpful staff… the landlord had most kindly even planned a route map for me to use the next day in order to travel to an interview!

I stayed in room 5, which is really nicely refurbished in style to complement the character of the inn. However, the wifi is very unreliable in this room… keeps dropping the signal constantly. I would suggest that if you are visiting on business that you ask for a lower floor, where maybe the wifi would have a better signal. (As an emergency, 'Subway' across the road has perfect wifi signal). Apart from the wifi issue, you really can’t fault this inn. It’s very conveniently situated for Oxford City Centre, and the fact that it has its own car park is a bonus. Substantial breakfast too.

‘Old Black Horse – Oxford’

Reviewed June 23, 2021

Stayed 2 nights at this pub June 20th. Very well located – approx 10 minutes from the centre and a stone's throw away from our favourite Moroccon restaurant ‘Kasbah’! Very friendly staff/landlord and the room was clean and comfortable. Breakfast was included in the price but we missed it both mornings due to prior commitments. The pub had its own car parking for residents which was a real bonus. Due to the warm weather we slept with the window open which proved a little noisy due to the room overlooking the main road – it didn’t bother me but some people may find it difficult. All in all I would recommend the Black Horse for price, location and friendliness. We will definitely stay there again.

‘No lights working’

Reviewed September 5, 2021

The lights of the room were not working. We asked the service to repair it, but they put off the reparation. Finally they did not repair it in 5 days!!! The hotel was clean, but a little noisy. It’s well connected to the city centre.

148 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and forty-eight
Value Sleep Quality Cleanliness Location Rooms Service
Value Sleep Quality Cleanliness Location Rooms Service proefversie©VANIN

‘Good location but noisy’

Reviewed September 9, 2021

Almost centre of Oxford, lovely and very clean room however the rest of the hotel could do with a make over. Had booked 2 nights. This has got 4 stars from the tourist board how I don’t know, I would give it a good 2 stars.

Pros: Good location – Very nice and clean room – Free car park

Cons: Rest of hotel needs make over – dirty old carpets in hall especially Is a pub with rooms above it – so no reception, reception is the bar and the barman.


Source: www.tripadvisor.com

c Reflection: check your text by filling in the checklist. Then swap texts with a classmate. Do you have the same information in your summary?

Checklist: writing a summary

1 Content and structure

• I used my preparation to write my summary.

• I wrote a summary of all the reviews.

• I referred to the positive and negative points.

• I used some of the adjectives given.

2 Language

• I wrote a fluent paragraph of about 50 words.

• I used the correct words to describe the hotel.

• I used ‘in’, ‘on’ and ‘at’ correctly.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation. Feedback

Score < 7

≥ 7

Next exercise All done!

Yes I think soNo

one hundred and forty-nine

Value Sleep Quality Cleanliness Location Rooms Service




You will write about a holiday activity and review it.


1 Prepare your review.

– Take 3 cards: 1 activity, 1 location and 1 price. Write down what you see on each of the cards.


– Make a mind map first and write down all the elements that you want to talk about. Think about the location, the price, the service, the experience, etc.

– Write your review as if you were really there.


2 Write your review (about 75 words).

– Check the language and the sentence structure.

– Use the correct vocabulary.

– Use the past verb forms.

– Follow the rules of review writing. Add details!

150 UNIT 2: ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE one hundred and fifty
writing written INTERACTION


3 Reflect on your task by filling in the checklist.

Checklist: reviewing a holiday activity

1 Content and structure

• I wrote about 75 words.

• I clearly reviewed the activity.

• I added details to make the review personal.

• My review has a good structure.

2 Language

• I used correct vocabulary to describe activities.

• I used the past tenses correctly.

• I used correct prepositions.

• I used correct spelling and punctuation.


Trace your steps on diddit.

Yes I think soNo


one hundred and fifty-one

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