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Governor Services Event Catalogue 2023-2024

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Welcome to our Governor Services Event Catalogue. This year we have decided to publish our training events for the whole of the 2023-2024 academic year, which we hope will help you plan your training development.

We are constantly reviewing feedback and because of last year’s comments we have modified some of our events into smaller bite size sessions to focus on theory and practical. There may be additional courses added as we move through the year to allow us to respond to the ever-changing educational landscape, but we hope the early release of courses allows you to timetable your training to suit your commitments.

Please note training events in term 5 and 6 will be available to book from the start of term 4.

Running an Effective Meeting

This is a CPD Accredited Course

Effective meetings ensure that Governing Boards are able to evidence the three core functions of school governance, and that compliance elements are being met as stated in the Governance Handbook A board-wide understanding of how governors can contribute to this aim will ensure that the time allocated to governance is efficient and effective.

The ‘Running an Effective Meeting’ course will:

 explore the key features of an effective meeting

 explore the role of a chair within a meeting

 consider key relationships on the board

 consider the importance of succession planning

 look at some meetings scenarios.

This course is suitable for any governor, trustee or governance professional/clerk interested in learning more about effective meetings.

Second Core Function: Holding to Account

This is a CPD Accredited Course

If accountability is to be robust and the vision for the school is to be realised, boards need to know their school.

Those responsible for governance should see for themselves whether (or not) the school is implementing agreed policies and improvement plans, and how they are working in practice and/or, what needs to happen to put things back on track.

This session is divided into two sessions.

Part 1 - Why, Expectations and Things to Consider

 Why monitoring is important

 Monitoring in different governance structures.

 Tools required to perform the accountability role.

 How monitoring visits should be undertaken.

Part 2 - Holding to Account in Practice

The importance of recording evidence and impact.

 Accountability – your role, consider potential barriers.

 Reporting to your board.

Exploring Your First Core Function

This is a CPD Accredited Course

The board’s first core function is about strategic leadership. This involves setting the organisation’s overall strategic framework, including its vision and strategic priorities. It also includes responsibility for setting and modelling its culture, values and ethos.

This course will explore Governing Boards’ role in shaping the vision and strategic priorities for their school/s in collaboration with senior leaders. In this interactive session delegates will be able to:

 reflect on the role of values when developing vision

 consider how the vision is central to the success of our organisation/s

 consider elements of a strategy for achieving a vision.

Be Prepared for Ofsted

This training is divided into two sessions.

Be Prepared for Ofsted Part 1 - Understanding the Framework

In this one-hour session we will explore the Ofsted Inspection Framework including the different types of inspection; The Ofsted inspection process, including inspector preparation, the pre-inspection phone call and the inspection process within school including the role of governance; and the four judgement areas of the framework. There will be no activities within this session, though there will be the opportunity to ask questions.

Be Prepared for Ofsted Part 2 - Preparing

to Meet the Inspector

Having completed the theory, this practical session, with activities, will focus on the governance Ofsted interview. It will include evidence needed to support robust effective governance as well as having the opportunity for governors to discuss how the governing body will evidence, within the interview, their strategic role and responsibilities under the four judgement areas of the Ofsted Inspection framework.

Training courses can be purchased individually as ‘pay as you go’, or our Governor Services Training Package will enable you, your clerk and your governors to attend as many of our online and face-to-face training courses as you like for a fixed cost, no additional charges, and for training courses, no limits on the number of attendees from your board.

Contact us for more information and how to book on any of our training events governorservices@theeducationpeople.org

Fulfilling the Chair’s Role

This is a CPD Accredited Course

The Governance Handbook tells us that the chair, with support from the vice chair, is responsible for ensuring the effective functioning of the board by:

 setting the highest of expectations for professional standards of governance

 giving clear leadership and direction

 keeping the board focused on its core functions

 encouraging working together as an effective team

 having honest conversations with those not committed or ineffective in their role

 building skills, knowledge, and experience of governors ensuring everyone:

 is actively contributing relevant skills and experience

 is participating constructively in meetings

 is actively involved in the work of any committees

 understands what is expected of them

 receives appropriate induction, training and development.

This can be a challenging prospect for those who have not held the role before. We seek to build confidence, support development, and aid you in your role with our Fulfilling the Chair’s Role programme. Experienced chairs will also find Fulfilling the Chair’s Role helpful in supporting them to reflect on practice to invigorate their leadership of the board.

Fulfilling the Chair’s Role is an accredited three-part programme, consisting of two 1:1 sessions (two hours each) and an observation of the chair in action at a board meeting.

For more information contact us governorservices@theeducationpeople.org

Strategic Safeguarding Training for Governors E-learning

This course has been developed by the Education Safeguarding Service and reflects the statutory guidance provided by the Department for Education, Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) which all schools and colleges in England must have regard to. This course has specifically been written to equip all governors with the knowledge required to enable them to provide strategic challenge and so they can test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in their school are effective. This training will help Governing Bodies to support and oversee the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.

For more details visit our website

Governance Professional Programme

This is a CPD Accredited Course

Our Governance Professional Programme aims to equip and enable the governance professional to undertake their roles and responsibilities to enable and influence effective governance.

The course builds over three sessions to equip and enable the governance professional to fully understand their responsibilities and duties as the Governing Board's paid professional.

The programme includes:

Session One - Role of the Governance Professional

Meeting administrative and procedural requirements of Governing Boards of maintained schools and trusts.

Session Two - Agenda Preparation and Professional Minute Taking

To know and understand the requirements of agenda preparation and production of professional minutes (school governance context).

Session Three - Minute Assessment and Evaluation; Records Retention

Feedback from minutes assessment with reflective discussion on best practice supporting the review findings. Understanding roles and responsibilities regarding GDPR, DPO, FoI and SAR. For more information contact us governorservices@theeducationpeople.org

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