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Terms and Conditions - Aub 10% Discount @ Sharaf DG

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Terms and Conditions: Sharaf DG Promotion for AUB Credit Card Holders

1. This addiƟŽnal 10% discŽunt Žīer is applicable tŽ Ahli United Bank’s Mastercard Premier and Rewards Credit Card hŽlders Žnly. 2. The Žīer is valid frŽm 23rd February tŽ 2nd March 2024. 3. The minimum transacƟŽn amŽunt is BHD 50. 4. The max discŽƵŶƚ per card is BHD 25. 5. The mŽde Žf transacƟŽn is thrŽugh POS at Sharaf DG stŽres. 6. The Žīer is applicable acrŽss all categŽries including Apple prŽducts, PS5 & X-bŽdž. 7. CustŽmer credit card will be recŽŐnized autŽmaƟcally at POS machines and discŽƵŶƚ will be limited tŽ Žne transacƟŽŶ per card. 8. Apple Pay Žr any Žther wallet payments are nŽƚ eligible fŽr this Žīer. 9. Purchase reversals, refunds and transacƟŽns disputed by the custŽmer are excluded frŽm this Žīer. 10. The Bank reserves the right, at its ƐŽle discreƟŽn, tŽ enhance the terms Žf the Oīer prŽvided tŽ the CustŽmer at any Ɵme during the term ŽĨ this Agreement. 11. Sharaf DG and AUB shall nŽƚ be liable fŽr any lŽss whatƐŽever and Žf any kind tŽ the custŽmer that cŽuld be related tŽ this Žīer. 12. By availing the Žīer, the cardhŽlder indicates agreement tŽ be bŽund by these special terms and cŽndiƟŽns ŐŽǀĞrning this Žīer Žnly. The Žther generic Terms and CŽndiƟŽns ŽĨ hB and Sharaf DG will cŽnƟnue tŽ apply unless it cŽntradicts with these special terms. 13. These special Terms and CŽndiƟŽns and its amendments frŽm Ɵŵe tŽ Ɵme shall be ŐŽǀĞƌned by the laws Žf KingdŽm ŽĨ Ăhrain and subject exclusively jurisdicƟŽn ŽĨ ŝts CŽurts.

ΪΤΘϤϟ΍ ϲϠϫϷ΍ ϚϨΒϟ΍ ΔϗΎτΑ ˯ϼϤϋ ϰϠϋ νήόϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϖΒτϨϳ .1 ΔϗΎτΒϟ΍ ϲϠϣΎΣ) ϞϣΎΣ 2024 αέΎϣ 2 ϰϟ· ήϳ΍ήΒϓ 23 Ϧϣ νήόϟ΍ ϱήδϳ .2 Ώ Ω 50 Ϯϫ ΔϠϣΎόϤϟ΍ ώϠΒϤϟ ϰϧΩϷ΍ ΪΤϟ΍ .3 Ώ Ω 25 Ϯϫ ΔϗΎτΑ ϞϜϟ ϢμΨϠϟ ϰμϗϷ΍ ΪΤϟ΍ .4 ϱΩ ϑήη ήΟΎΘϣ ϲϓ ϊϴΒϟ΍ ρΎϘϧ ϲϓ ϥϮϜΗ ΔϠϣΎόϤϟ΍ ΔϘϳήρ .5 ϲΟ ϲϓ ΎϤΑ ΕΎΌϔϟ΍ ϊϴϤΟ ϰϠϋ νήόϟ΍ ϱήδϳ .6 X-bŽdžϭ PS5ϭ Apple ΕΎΠΘϨϣ ϚϟΫ ϊϴΒϟ΍ ΔτϘϧ ίΎϬΟ ϲϓ Ύ˱ϴ΋ΎϘϠΗ ϞϴϤόϟ΍ ΔϗΎτΑ ϰϠϋ ϑήόΘϟ΍ ϢΘϴγ .7 ΔϗΎτΑ ϞϜϟ ΓΪΣ΍ϭ ΓήϤϟ ϡ΍ΪΨΘγϻ΍ ϰϠϋ ϢμΨϟ΍ ήμΘϘϴγϭ ΓΰϴϤΑ ϯήΧ΃ ϊϓΩ ΕΎϴϠϤϋ ϱ΃ ϭ΃ Apple Pay Δτγ΍ϮΑ ϊϓΪϟ΍ .8 νήόϟ΍ ΍άϬϟ ϦϴϠϫΆϣ ήϴϏ ΔϴϧϭήΘϜϟϹ΍ Pay ΕϼϣΎόϤϟ΍ ωΎΟήΘγ΍ ΕΎϴϠϤϋ νήόϟ΍ ΍άϫ Ϧϣ ϰϨΜΘδ˵ϳ .9 Ϧϣ ΎϬϴϠϋ ωίΎϨΘϤϟ΍ ΕϼϣΎόϤϟ΍ϭ ϝ΍ϮϣϷ΍ Ω΍ΩήΘγ΍ϭ Δϴ΋΍ήθϟ΍ ϞϴϤόϟ΍ ϞΒϗ 10. Ϧϋ ϦϴϟϭΆδϣ ΪΤΘϤϟ΍ ϲϠϫϷ΍ ϚϨΒϟ΍ϭ ϲΟ ϱΩ ϑήη ϥϮϜϳ Ϧϟ ϥϮϜΗ Ϊϗ ϲΘϟ΍ϭ ϞϴϤόϠϟ ωϮϧ ϱ΃ Ϧϣϭ ΖϧΎϛ ΎϤϬϣ ΓέΎδΧ ϱ΃ νήόϟ΍ ΍άϬΑ ΔτΒΗήϣ 11. ϰϟ· ΔϗΎτΒϟ΍ ϞϣΎΣ ήϴθϳ ˬνήόϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΓΩΎϔΘγϻ΍ ϝϼΧ Ϧϣ ϲΘϟ΍ ΔλΎΨϟ΍ ϡΎϜΣϷ΍ϭ ρϭήθϟ΍ ϩάϬΑ ϡ΍ΰΘϟϻ΍ ϰϠϋ ϪΘϘϓ΍Ϯϣ ρϭήθϟ΍ ϖϴΒτΗ ήϤΘδϳ ϑϮγ ςϘϓ νήόϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϢϜΤΗ ΪΤΘϤϟ΍ ϲϠϫϷ΍ ϚϨΒϟΎΑ ΔλΎΨϟ΍ ϯήΧϷ΍ ΔϣΎόϟ΍ ϡΎϜΣϷ΍ϭ .ΔλΎΨϟ΍ ρϭήθϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϊϣ νέΎόΘΗ Ϣϟ Ύϣ ϲΟ ϱΩ ϑήηϭ ϡΎϜΣϷ΍ϭ ρϭήθϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϊπΨΗ 12. ϦϳήΤΒϟ΍ ΔϜϠϤϣ Ϧϴϧ΍ϮϘϟ ήΧϵ Ζϗϭ Ϧϣ ΎϬΗϼϳΪόΗϭ ΔλΎΨϟ΍ .ΎϬϤϛΎΤϤϟ ϲ΋ΎπϘϟ΍ ιΎμΘΧϼϟ Ύ˱ϳήμΣ ϊπΨΗϭ

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