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Scenic Group CTP Touring Inclusions

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Touring Inclusions

Cherish the Planet

Guiding Principles

This document outlines the guiding principles for Scenic Groups Cherish the Planet Touring Inclusion.

These are touring inclusions created with sustainability in mind and aligned to the below guiding principles.


1. Carbon Conscious

• Utilising carbon friendly options or alternatives (ie hiking, walking, cycling, kayaking etc).

• Maximise the use of existing public transportation options where relevant and appropriate.

• Need to be careful and compensate (if necessary) on the use of vehicles within these option - ie using a passenger vehicle and transport vehicle to/ from an start/finish tour to execute a cycling itinerary.

2. Cultural Interaction

• Ensure meaningful and respectful cultural interactions between local inhabitants and our guests.

• Create learning/immersion experiences with local experts/inhabitants (non guide) in which there could be a direct monetary exchange between families/ community leader/individual.

• Teaching/sharing of a forgotten skill or cultural trait to be shared/ experienced with our guests.


3. Social Impacts

• Ensuring a portion of the tour price is allocated to a local business such as a vocational training centre, local club or associations whose initiatives are focused on contributing directly to address one or more important social needs of that’s that community.

• Local purchasing from local farmers to align with paddock to plate dining.

4. Making a difference & accredited partners

• A monetary donation to an accredited notfor-profit or charity is included in the cost of the tour.

• This could be for wildlife or biodiversity conservation; Arts or cultural protection; disadvantaged people; equal rights organisations etc.

• It can be that through a DMC or third party

• There is some overlap with our Social Impacts stream but there are important key differences.

5. Engagement & Consultation

• Ensuring that key community leaders and representatives have been engaged and consulted for the detail of a program.

• This not only ensure that cultural boundaries are respected but also to ensure there are clear net economic and social net benefits to the whole community, not just an individual or select company or sub section of that community.


6. Future Sustainability

• This is a trickier one to define and one where we are working with third parties so we can pool our resource, knowledge and ideas to come up with some more tangible criteria.

• In essence, it’s about ensuring that any tour inclusion is beneficial on multiple fronts to the destination and community. We do not want a community flooded with guests for limited period of the year which may have unintended social and environmental impacts. The impacts of our visit/s must be viewed holistically.

7. Circularity

• Incorporating reduce, reuse, recycle and circular economy principles and practices within touring options.

• Circular economy comprises of 3 main principles in its design:

1. Eliminate or designing out waste & pollution. (we can do this through product design and choice)

2. Circulate products and materials. (Or keeping them in use – moving away from a “take, make, dispose mentality”).

3. Regenerate nature and natural systems.

• The definitions are broad and a lot can fit within them but it’s not without challenges.


Other Key Considerations

In addition to the guiding principles outlined here there are also other key considerations in product development relating to our Cherish the Planet ethos.

• Utilise available resources – It doesn’t all have to be Product and Contracting to come up with inclusions. Brief key parties (DMC’s, partners, suppliers, Internal staff etc) on what we’re looking for to make the task more streamlined.

• Don’t reinvent the wheel – Simple tweaks to existing products may be all that’s required to improve an included experience.

• Trust the process – Any improvement is still just that, an improvement, regardless of whether it becomes internally certified.

• Quality over quantity – It’s not about aligning to the more principle.

• Dare to be different – unique experience can add value.

N.b. Please ensure you have considered and addressed all other key ethical, societal and environmental questions in your proposal and it is compliant with our Cherish the Planet ethos. Below are a few examples of what these initial questions may be which requires deeper analysis and should be considered for ALL touring inclusions.

• Is there a visit to a school or similar institution?

• Are children involved? (music, arts performances etc)

• Are animals involved? (Touching, feeding etc)

• Plants/Flora/Biodiversity sites involved in the inclusion?

• Are there gifts or commission proposed?

• Is there shopping included in the inclusion?

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