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Sanatan Darshan - GHU - May - June - July 2018

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facebook.com/AppleTreeCentre May - June - July 2018

The Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) : Established on1st September 1968 The Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) is a 50 years old established minority ethnic led charitable organisation serving Crawley, a town based in the South East of England, near Gatwick Airport. GHU is a volunteer led charity which has established itself as a well-run, sustainable organisation serving not only 5,000 Indian population but wider public and institutions of Crawley. Through prudent financial management and funds raised from the community GHU constructed a very modern, ornate and purpose built facility with a Temple and a large Community Centre with a capacity 1,000 capacity people. The Centre has 250 parking spaces on a 2.9 acres ground known as Apple Tree Centre. The cost to build the Centre was £3.6 million. The funding was made by the local and wider Hindu Community. Of the original £3.6 million loan from the Bank through good financial planning, fundraising plan and lot of hard by the Committee and volunteers, currently we owe the Bank £1.1million. Please visit www.crawleyhindu.com for more information about GHU. GHU offers range of activities including music, dance, yoga, badminton, football, volleyball, day care centre, drop-in centre, Zumba dancing, wellbeing class and celebration of 30 Hindu festivals per year.

Since 1968 GHU has made tremendous progress in providing a solid foundation for the future of the Hindus and wider community in Crawley and South-East England. The Apple Tree Centre project was a mammoth task and a great achievement by volunteer led organisation. With its successful completion and operation of our Centre over the past seven years, the focus continues to develop further to make Apple Tree a Centre of Excellence for Indian Music, Art, Culture, Education and Heritage. GHU is recognised in the town and it is helped and supported by the MP, High Sheriff of West Sussex, Crawley Borough Council and West Sussex County Council. The objects of our organisation are : The advancement of the Hindu Culture in Crawley and surrounding area with the key moto to drive Education, Culture and Integration. We work hard to reach out to the wider population of Crawley. We aim to advance education and to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving conditions of life for persons in Crawley and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively persons of the Hindu faith and their families. We aim to promote culture, integration and diversity by working towards elimination of racial discrimination and to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups for people in Crawley and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively persons of the Hindu faith and their families. We aim to serve the elderly and women in need, in particular but not exclusively elderly people and women living in Crawley and the surrounding area by the provision of a day care centre

We have thus established Apple Tree Centre as a focal point to maintain and manage activities and programmes to achieve the key aims to promote and advance Culture, Education and Integration.

Please find below list of religious programs for the next 5 months. I am providin best fit in the magazine. You can fit the list in 2 columns if that saves some spac either in a box or different colour/fonts.

Religious programs for the next 5 months ધા મક કાય મો

�ુ�ષો મ અ�ધક માસ: ૧૬ મે - ૧૩ જૂ ન જલારામ બાપા કથા: ૨૧ મે - ૨૭ મે ભીમ અ�ગયારસ: ૨૩ જૂ ન

જગ�ાથ રથયા ા: ૧૪ જુ લાઈ

દે વશયની એકાદશી / ચ�ુમા�સ �ારં ભ: ૨૩ જુ લાઈ ગૌર ત: ૨૩ જુ લાઈ - ૨૭ જુ લાઈ

જયાપાવ�તી ત: ૨૫ જુ લાઈ - ૨૯ જુ લાઈ ુ��ૂ ણમા: ૨૭ જુ લાઈ

�દવાસો: ૧૧ ઓગ ટ

હડોળા �ારં ભ: ૧૨ ઓગ ટ

પ�વ ા એકાદશી: ૨૨ ઓગ ટ ર ાબંધન: ૨૬ ઓગ ટ

નાગપાંચમ: ૩૧ ઓગ ટ રાંધણછઠ: ૧ સ�ટે બર

�શતળાસાતમ: ૨ સ�ટે બર

જ મા

મી: ૩ સ�ટે બર

નંદ મહો સવ: ૪ સ�ટે બર

ગણેશચ�ુથ : ૧૩ સ�ટે બર રાધા ા


મી: ૧૭ સ�ટે બર

પ �ારં ભ: ૨૬ સ�ટે બર

Sanatan Darshan | May - June - July 2018 �ુ�ષો મ માસ દર યાન દરરોજ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦થી ૧૧:૩૦ દર યાન મં�દ

રાધા મી: ૧૭ સ�ટે બર

ા પ �ારં ભ: ૨૬ સ�ટે બર

�ુ�ષો મ માસ દર યાન દરરોજ સવારે ૧૧:૦૦થી ૧૧:૩૦ દર યાન મં�દરમાં �વશેષ �ૂજન કરાવવામાં આવશે તેનો અને

૧૧:૩૦થી ૧૨:૦૦ દર યાન �ુ�ષો મ માસની કથા�ું વણ કરવાનો �હાવો લો. જ મા મીને �દવસે દર વષ� �માણે સાંજે ૭:૦૦ વા યાથી ી કૃ ણ જ મો સવની ઉજવણી કરવામાં આવશે. We are planning to start Satsang‑Pravahan in Hindi and English twice a month. Ini ally, we aim to conduct We are planning to start Satsang-Pravahan these Satsang program on 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. If you are

in Hindi and English twice a month. https://outlook.live.com/owa/?path=/mail/inbox/rp Initially, we aim to conduct these Satsang program on 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. If you are interested in joining, please contact Dhaval Vyas on 07525742256.

Bhav Likes Helping You To Capture Candid Memories! Bhavesh Bhojani Mobile: 07914850846

Email : photoswithbhav@gmail.com Facebook : facebook.com/PhotosWithBhav Twitter: twitter.com/PhotosWithBhav


॥ શ્રી જલારામ કથા ॥

કથાનો સમય : રોજ બપોરે ૩.૦૦થી ૬.૦૦ કથા પત્યા પછી સૌને માટે ભોજન-પ્રસાદી સૌ હરિભક્તોને જણાવવાનું કે ક્રૉલિમાું પહેિી વખત આપણે જિાિામ બાપાની કથા સપ્તાહનું આયોજન કયું છે. યજમાનો તિફથી સૌને કથાશ્રવણ તથા પ્રસાદગ્રહણ માટે ભાવભયું આમુંત્રણ છે. ગજિાતના સપ્રલસદ્ધ આરદકલવ, ભક્ત લિ​િોમણી શ્રી જિાિામ બાપાનાું ધાલમિક સેવાનાું કાયો કિવા ભગવાન શ્રી સ્વયું લવધલવધ રૂપે પધાિી ભક્તનું માન વધાયું હતું તે અને એવી અનેક કથા-ચરિત્રની પિમ પૂજ્ય શ્રી િામભક્તના પિમ લિષ્ય શ્રી ભિત ભગત સુંગીતમય િૈિીમાું અનોખી િીતે િજૂઆત કિ​િે. િલનવાિે ૨૬ મેના રદવસે િોહાણા જ્ઞાલતનું સ્નેહલમિન િાખવામાું આવયું છે. તો ક્રૉલિમાું વસતા િોહાણા જ્ઞાલતના સવે પરિવાિોને આ પ્રસુંગે પધાિવા માટે ભાવભીનું આમુંત્રણ છે. આ ઉપિાુંત ક્રૉલિના સૌ હરિભક્તોને પણ આ િભપ્રસુંગે ઉપસ્સ્થત િહેવા લવનુંલત.

કથામાું ઉજવવાના પ્રસુંગોની સૂલચ તારીખ ૨૧/૦૫/૨૦૧૮ ૨૨/૦૫/૨૦૧૮ ૨૩/૦૫/૨૦૧૮ ૨૪/૦૫/૨૦૧૮ ૨૫/૦૫/૨૦૧૮

વાર સોમવાર મંગળવાર બુધવાર ગુરુવાર શુક્રવાર

પ્રસંગ મહાત્મ્ય કથા કથા જલારામ જન્દ્મોત્મસવ કથા જલારામ લગ્નોત્મસવ

૨૬/૦૫/૨૦૧૮ ૨૭/૦૫/૨૦૧૮

શનનવાર રનવવાર

કથા ભગવાને અપેલા ઝોળી-દંડો પ્રસાદી કથા

યજમાન ભુપેન્દ્રભાઈ પટેલ (માસ્તર) (ά ૫૦૧) ઠાકોરભાઈ પટેલ (ά ૫૦૧) સુધાબેન પટેલ (ά ૫૦૧) ગોમતીબેન અને સુમનબેન (ά ૫૦૧) તરૂબેન અને દેવયાનીબેન (ά ૫૦૧) શાંતાબેન અને તારાબેન (ά ૫૦૧) દીનાબેન શાંનતભાઇ પટેલ (ά ૫૦૧) નનલાબેન ચૌધરી (ά ૫૦૧)

છેલ્િા રદવસે ધામધૂમથી ઉજવણી કિવાની હોવાથી, હજ યજમાનોની જરૂિ છે. તો તમારું નામ સત્વિે નોંધાવવા લવનુંલત. કથા દિમ્યાન કોઈપણ પ્રકાિનું અન્નદાન (જેમકે બુંદી, ગાુંરિયા, બાજિીના િોટિા, સખડી, મગની દાળ, વગેિે) આપવાની ઈચ્છા ધિાવતા હોવ તો પણ અમાિો સુંપકિ કિ​િો. સુંપકિ ભિતભાઈ િક્કા - ૦૭૯૬૭ ૩૩૯૭૯૦ | અલમતભાઈ િાસ્ત્રી - ૦૭૪૨૪ ૧૧૧૪૧૩ | ચુંદભાઈ નાયી - ૦૭૪૪૦ ૭૪૪૦૯૮ | ધવિ વયાસ - ૦૭૫૨૫૭૪૨૨૫૬ | હસમખ મિજી - ૦૭૭૬૧ ૯૭૨૬૫૧

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Gurjar Hindu Union, Crawley Organises : Shri Jalaram Katha The famous and reverend saint of Gujarat, Shri Jalaram Bapa, to fulfil whose religious endeavours Bhagavan himself appeared in various forms and occasions. Param pujya shri Rambhaktji’s chief disciple Shri Bharat Bhagat will recite the whole story in his unique and distinct singing style with music. Time: 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Date 21-05-2018 22-05-2018 23-05-2018 24-05-2018 25-05-2018 26-05-2018 27-05-2018

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Topic Mahatmya Katha (Impostance) Katha Jarama Janmotsav (Birth) Katha Jalaram Lagnotsav (Marriage) Katha Zoli-Danda received from Bhagavan

Donor Bhupendrabhai Patel (£ 501) Shanitbhai Patel (£ 501) Sudhaben Patel (£ 501) Gomatiben and Sumanben (£ 501) Nilaben Chaudhari (£ 501) Thakorbhai Patel (£ 501) Taruben and Devyaniben (£ 501) Shantaben and Taraben (£ 501)

Prasad Dinner will be served every day after Katha Contact :

Bharatbhai Lukka- 07967 339790 | Amitbhai Shastriji – 07424 111413 | Chandubhai Nayee – 07440 744098 | Dhaval Vyas – 07525 742256 | Hasmukhbhai Mulji – 07761 992651

II Jai Shree Krishna II


Monday 3rd September 2018

Event Plan Event Evening Aarti Shri Krishna Pooja Vidhi Curtain Opening Flag Raising Bal Bhog Maha Aarti Paraniya Jhulanu

For more information please contact:

Mandir: 01293 530 105 Chandubhai Nayee: 07440 744098 Dhaval Vyas: 07525742256 We request all to wear traditional Indian attire to the Raas - Garba Programme

Time 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:50pm 7:55pm 8:05pm 8:15pm 8:30pm

II Jai Shree Krishna II

Nand Mohatsav Tuesday 4th September 2018

Event Plan Event Evening Aarti Bal Bhog Curtain Opening Nand Utsav Maha Aarti Nand Utsav Raas - Garba 8:30pm

Time 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:50pm 7:55pm 8:00pm - 9.30pm

Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Apple Tree Centre, Ifield Avenue, Crawley, RH11 0AF (Opp. Crawley Rugby Club). Tel: 01293 530105 www.crawleyhindu.com www.facebook.com/AppleTreeCentre

Shreemant - Bhajan Bhojan Small Party Package : £700 (Cleaning included I £100 Deposit by Cheque or Credit Card)

Times & Options: 1.00pm - 5.00pm or 4.00pm - 7.00pm Numbers : 200 people Anything over extra charges apply - £3.00 per person per plate.

Standard Menu: * Rice * Puri * Daal or Kadhi * Ringlan - Batata Shaak * Lapsi - Sheero - Mithi Milk - Sev Changes to the menu we can accomodate For any further information simply call Bharat Lukka 07967 339790 or email bharatlukka@hotmail.com Chandubhai Nayee 07440 744098

Gurjar Hindu Union, Apple Tree Centre, Ifield, Crawley RH11 0AF Booking Form : Event Organisation, Planning and cost Shreemant- Bhajan Bhojan

Name of hirer : Event Name : Event Date : Time from/to : Booking requirements : Religious requirements : Catering requirements : Bhajan Group :

Bharat Lukka Chandubhai Nayee Rohitbhai Patel Pankajbhai Nayee

07967 339790 07440 744098 07877 177346 07919 486667

Please bring : Own prashadi, flowers, photographs Please bring : Table papercloth, soft drinks + plus cups Total number of people : Number : 200 = £700 any extra £3 per plate Daal Rice Curry (Sakh) - Potato + Ringan Puri Sweet dish : Siro or Lapsi or Sav Additional requirements and costs : £80 per item Key contact 1: Name : Key contact 2: Name : Programme : 12 noon: Aarti 1.00pm: Start 5/6pm Bhojan refresements

Mobile: Mobile: 12.15pm: 4.00pm: 7pm:

Bhajans Finish Aarti

Help needed from the hirer Setting up & Serving Final payment to be made 2 weeks prior to event Total Cost for thje event : Deposit Paid : Outstanding balance : T& C agreed : Signed Hirer: Date:

Signed GHU: Date:



Company Number



FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER 2017 Income and Expenditure Account Incoming Resources



95227 48207 24304 15335 17 5321 500 188911

85828 46560 53650 14444 118 4511 750 205861

25591 35 1870 1000 833 10399 19278 348 1349 3259 24255 0 4717 0 0 92934

32814 35 852 1301 636 18122 22379 1558 2332 4045 28255 0 4226 0 0 116555

95977 43682 0 0 -3635 -85942 50082

89306 34000 0 0 -4412 -86287 32607

3567549 3138 3570687

3652445 4184 3656629

Less: Creditors amounts falling in one year Less: Creditors amounts falling after one year

15451 326134 341585 -108552 -981063

72602 200770 273372 -114435 -1038747




Represented By: Restricted Funds Designated Funds General Funds

41583 2209690 571384

43304 2319887 413628



Mandir Funds Religious and social funtions Hall Hire etc Education and Training Investment Income Sundry Income Grants TOTAL INCOME Resources Expended Religious and social functions Subscriptions etc Sundry Professional fees Repairs and Security costs Insurance and Utility expenses Other SMCC costs Language Classes General Office costs Printing and Reproduction Loan Interest and Bank Charges Grant Cost Advertising and Promotion Other Expenses Travel Expenses TOTAL EXPENDITURE Net Incoming Resources Add: Gift Aid tax repayment Add: Barclays interest reduction Add: Profit from sale of Spencer Road Less:Lega Architect and Engineering fees Less:Depreciation Net Incoming Resources(after unusual expenses)

BALANCE SHEET Fixed Assets Land and Buildings after depreciation Plant and Machinery after depreciation Current Assets Debtors and Prepayments Cash at Bank and in Hand

The financial information shown above, which is an extract from the full financial statements ,may not contain sufficient information to allow a full understanding of the financial affairs of the Charity.For further details ,please consult the full financial statements,copies of which can be obtained from the Charity's registered office at; Aplle tree Centre Ifield Avenue Crawley West Sussex RH11 7AJ

13-Gujar Hindu Union Crawley.qxp_A4 Temp 13/04/2018 16:08 Page 13

Sanatan Mandir Crawley purpose built with the Appletree Centre BRINGING THE COMMUNITY CLOSER TO GOD Gurjar Hindu Union (GHU) Sanatan Mandir and Community Centre, Crawley, was built to bring the community closer to God, infusing symbolism to express the ideas and beliefs of Hinduism.


he symbolism and structure of Crawley Temple are rooted in Vedic traditions. The temple incorporates all elements of Hindu cosmos – presenting the good, the evil and humankind, as well as the elements of Hindu sense of cyclic time and the essence of life. The spiritual principles symbolically represented in Crawley Temple are referenced in the ancient Sanskrit texts of India (for example, Vedas, Upanishads). The structural rules are taken as described in various ancient Sanskrit treatises on architecture (Brhat Samhita, Vastu Sastras). (GHU) hired Sompura Murti Arts, the leading temple architects and contractors in India to build the temple. Over 400 skilled craftsmen united under the guidance of principal architect, Rajesh Sompura, to retain the Indian traditions for the creation of Crawley Temple. Sompura Arts incorporated traditional designs offering a modern approach in terms of technology to do the work. They have designed, built and installed the exterior and interior of the temple with immense level of passion and intricacy towards art and design. The layout, the motifs, the plan and the building process recite ancient rituals, geometric symbolisms, and reflect beliefs and values innate within various schools of Hinduism. Crawley Temple is a spiritual place for the members to visit. It is also a well-known Crawley landmark around which ancient arts, community celebrations and economy flourishes. Crawley Temple is simple but magnificent and its outer appearance reflect arts, materials and designs as they evolved over several millennia.

SEVEN COMMUNITY STATUES OF GODS AND SAINTS OR GOKHALAS GHU has a unique feature of seven statues called Gokhalas. They occupy the key, prominent and very prestigious place in the temple on the main left wall. They are unique as they were selected by the public of Crawley by a voting process. The Gokhalas are carved out of white marble and occupy 4.47m of

length by 0.38m wide by 2.6m height and weighing 3 tonnes. All the statues are also made from white marble and of the same height. The inauguration of the seven statues (murtis) was staggered. This was done to accord due importance to the individuals and the community

sponsoring, at the same time maximising the fundraising and publicity efforts. The Gokhalas are dedicated to Shree Jalaram Bapa, Shree Mahavir Swami, Shree Viswakarma, Shree Gayatri Mata, Shree Satyanarayan, Shree Limbachmata, and Shrinathaji.

FOUR MAIN TEMPLES The four temples are placed in the main alter and occupy the key, prominent and most prestigious place inside the temple. The structures are carved out of white marble and each is 1.99m by 1.99m, 4.57m high and weighing 7 tonnes. The design of these separate temples is unique and the carvings relate to the story about Gods Ambamata, Ram Parivar, Radha Krishna and Shiv and Parvati. The four temples are dedicated to Ambamata, Lord Rama, Lord Krishna, and Lord Shiva. Coach and religious visits welcome. Only 20 minutes away from Brighton and 5 minutes from Gatwick. Contact Bharat Lukka: 07967 339790 or Bharatlukka@hotmail.com Apple Tree Centre Ifield Ave, Crawley RH11 0AF Phone: 01293 530105 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar 2018 - COMMUNITY ORGANISATIONS


Soham Acharya Hindu Priest

M: 07896566319 T: 01293 521142 E: acharya141@gmail.com www.sohamacharya.co.uk www.hindupriestcrawley.co.uk Silent Marriage - Mandvo Vidhi - Grah Shanti - Engagement Katha - Havan - Randal Puja - Grah Pravesh Puja

All ceremonies are explained in English, Gujarati & also in Hindi if required at various stages. I conduct various Hindu ceremonies, in particular I specialise in Hindu Weddings. In my experience, the modern day couples view Hindu weddings as a mixture of old practices, intricate rituals and unfathomable customs. My role as a Hindu priest here is to make relevant this most ancient of traditions and present it in contemporary manner suitable to the modern day couple. My Promise: x Tailor your wedding and other ceremonies to suit your needs, at the same time observing the essence of Hindu traditions x Honour the traditional rituals of the ceremony and provide a contemporary explanation of the underlying sentiments in English, Gujarati or Hindi x Engage and interact with your guests during the ceremony and involve them during all major parts of the ceremony (for example, antarpatta, kanya-daan, Mangal-fera, Saptapadi) x Create an enjoyable, pleasant environment and try to make the day memorable for you and everyone present


020 8902 3007

info@skylinkworld.co.uk AIR HOLIDAYS 2018  Australia, New Zealand & Fiji - 25 Days 12/11  South Africa & Mauri�us (with Victoria Falls) - 17 Days 16/04, 17/09, 12/11  Japan & South Korea - 18 Days 03/05, 03/09  USA Golden East & West Coast - 18 Days 04/05, 03/09  East Africa - 18 Days 03/09  Java, Sumatra & Bali - 17 days 05/03, 10/09  China with River Cruise & Hong Kong - 18 Days 16/05, 12/09  South America (5 Countries) - 18 Days 12/11  Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos - 17 Days 17/04, 17/09, 12/11

CRUISE HOLIDAYS 2018  Rocky Mountain & Alaska Cruise - 14 Days  Western Mediterranean (Rome) - 08 Days  Canary Island & Morocco - 11 Days  Scandanavia, Russia & Bal�c - 10 Days  Panama Canal - 18 Days

05/06, 14/08, 11/09 02/05, 16/05 22/11 11/05, 14/09 29/11

Purshottam Maas Chardham Yatra - 15 Days

Depart: 04/06

 Bhajan / Satsang by Shri Piyushbhai Shastri  Chardham Yatra during Holy Purshottam Maas  Purshottam Darshan in Purshottam Maas (Badrinath)


 Kailash Yatra by Helicopter - 16 Days 21/5, 2/6 ;WƵƌƵƐŚŽƩĂŵ DĂĂƐͿ, 8/9  Kailash Yatra by Helicopter with Muk�nath, Valmiki Ashram & Janakpur - 20 Days 17/05, 29/05, 04/09  Kailash Yatra via Lhasa with Muk�nath, Valmiki Ashram & Janakpur - 25 Days 15/05, 05/06, 04/09, 11/09  Luxury Chardham Yatra - 15 Days 16/05, 28/06, 07/09  Luxury Chardham with Vaishnodevi - 19 Days 16/05, 28/06, 07/09  Luxury Chardham with Vaishnodevi & Amarnath - 24 Days 28/06  Eleven Jyo�rling Yatra - 29 Days 18/11  Barah Jyo�rling Yatra - 25 days 01/05, 09/08 GROUP TOURS WITH INDIAN MEALS & EXPERIENCED TOUR MANAGER CALL FOR ITINERARY, DVD & OTHER DETAILS. GROUP DISCOUNT AVAILABLE.



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All the activities that take place weekly at Apple Tree Centre: Monday

Bharatnatyam Zumba for ladies

6.30 - 7.30pm 7.30 - 9.30pm TBC



6.30pm - 8.30pm

Wednesday Badminton

6.30pm - 8.30pm



7.00pm - 8.00pm


Divas Dance group 6.00pm - 7.00pm Volleyball 6.30pm - 8.30pm


GujaratI Classes

10.00am - 12noon

Sunday Yoga 10am - 11am HYG 11am - 12noon

Shashtriji’s living accommodation ready for use now. Thank you all for your generous support

Shri Sanatan Mandir (Various Seva Information For Devotees)

FOR ALL SEVEN MANDIRS: Whole Day Seva • Mangal bhog • Raj bhog Shayan bhog • Pushpa seva Dhwaja Ropan (lifetime) LAXMI NARAYANA, RAM DARBAR, RADHA KRISHNA: • Ram navmi Utsav • Janmastami Utsav • Dipawali Annakut • Mota Annakut • Satya Narayan Katha AMBAJI MANDIR: • Chandipath • Mataji yagna


- £501


£1001 £1001 £1001 £1001 - £501

- £101 - £501

SHIVALAYA: • Ruddrabhishek - £15 • Laghurudra - £101 • Shravan mas Monday pooja - £51 • Maha shivratri chaturyam £1001 (entire day) pooja

- £651

GANPATI MANDIR: • Durva Pooja - £1001 • Ganesh Atharvashirsh Abhishek - £1001 • Chaturthi Pooja - £101 • Angaraki Pooja - £101 • Ganesh Utsav (bhardrapad mas) - £1001 HANUMANJI MANDIR: • Hanuman Chalisa 108 path • Saturday puja • Hanumant yagna

- £1001 - £51 - £101

For more information or to book please call Chandubhai Nayee on 01293 530 105 or email : bharatlukka@hotmail.com Apple Tree Cente, Sanatan Mandir Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 OAF

Gurjar Hindu Union Community Information Privacy Policy 30th April 2018 v1 Purpose: This document provides outline information on the data being collected by Gurjar Hindu Union UK, and the controls and procedures required to manage the data. It is in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which becomes a legal requirement from 25th May 2018. This document will need to be tailored to fit the individual circumstances of an organisation. Background & Scope: Personal information is collected by various means about members, guests invited to attend events, quaterly magazine subscriber, eNewsletter subscribers, sponsors, donors, suppliers and other community organisations. GDPR requires certain policies and procedures to be in place and for these to be regularly reviewed to ensure community organisations are being transparent and fair in their data retention and processing. Being transparent by providing an Information Privacy Policy is an important part of fair processing. You can’t be fair if you are not being honest and open about what you are going to do with the personal data you collect. However, this is only one element of fairness. Providing a privacy notice does not by itself mean that your processing is necessarily fair. You also need to consider the effect of your processing on the individuals concerned. Therefore the main elements of fairness include: u Using information in a way that people would reasonably expect. u Thinking about the impact of your processing. u Being transparent and ensuring that people know how their information may be used. This means providing privacy notices or making them available, using the most appropriate mechanisms. In a digital context this can include all the online platforms used to deliver services like websites, newsletters, social media platforms, etc. To cover all these elements the following matters are considered in the Information Privacy Policy:

u u u u u u u

What information is being collected? How is it collected and recorded? Why is it being collected? How will it be used? Who else is the data shared with? How long is the data retained? Is the intended use likely to cause individuals to object or complain?

Data collection, recording and use summary: Personal data is mainly collected for communication purposes, donation requests and for purposes of getting Gift Aid claims for donors/ sponsors. The first name and surname, full address, telephone numbers and email address are collected, with consent from each person, and is collated in a spreadsheet and/ or retained on subscription databases like Mail Chimp which is used to send out the Community eNewsletter and Bereavement news. Company and/ or Organisation names are also collected, again with consent, and mainly for the purpose of communication. The data is collected from online subscription forms, email requests to join various subscription lists, hardcopy receipts issued for donations, and from business cards provided

by the individual with a request for regular communication with them. Social media sites like Face Book and WhatsApp groups are also used by Gurjar Hindu Union organisations to inform group subscribers of events and latest news. Future Mobile Apps are used which also allow registration of contact details. Data Security: Data held electronically is password protected both for access to the PC / Laptop host and also for the EXCEL files which are used to hold the data. Data files are never forwarded with password details in the same communication, e.g. Email, if required to be sent out for our own use like printing labels or group mail shots. Staff training and awareness: The new GDPR requirements will be explained to ensure they are fully understood. A culture of data privacy and security will be actively encouraged. Data Sharing: Data may be shared securely with other Hindu organisations, like Lohana Community United Kingdom (LCUK), for the purpose of providing a service to a member e.g. Bereavement news or eNewsletter about special Community Events or projects. Data will only be shared after vetting the Information Privacy Policy for the organisation, and with a clear stipulation that any communication sent out must provide the option to easily unsubscribe from a mailing list. A list will be maintained of all such sharing requests, vetting conducted and approvals given, etc. Sensitive Data: Any “sensitive” data, like Donation Details, is held specially coded as requested by the subject. Anonymity is provided by coding data to allow certain details not to be easily identified. Employee data, like rates of pay, disciplinary actions, etc is held separately and securely, so that only persons requiring access to perform their duties are able to access the data. Data Retention: All personal data is held on files until we have a formal request to delete the data and/or until we have no legal audit requirement to hold the information. For example 6 years data retention is required for Gift Aid Declarations made for donations received. All deletion requests for “Right to be forgotten” will be upheld as best possible given the above. Subject Access Requests: Each individual has a right to know what personal information is being held. If a copy is required then please email to bharatlukka@hotmail.com, clearly identifying yourself and the information you require. We may charge you £5 to cover the cost of processing your request and supplying your information to you. We will ask you to provide identification to ensure we do not disclose your information to the wrong people. Consent & Opting Out: If you would prefer not to receive direct communications from us, simply let us know at any time by contacting us, or follow the opt-out instructions in the relevant communication.You can also get in touch with our Data Protection Officer by email at bharatlukka@hotmail.com, or write to the address below and mark it for the attention of DPO. If you’d like any more details, or you have comments or questions about our privacy policy, write to us at: Data Access Request, Apple Tree Cente, Sanatan Mandir, Ifield Avenue, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 OAF. If you want to make a complaint on how we have handled your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) as above. We will investigate the matter and report back to you within 14 days.

URGENT ACTION REQUIRED We need your permission to stay in touch New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means we need your permission to stay in touch, even if you’re a long-term supporter or you’ve given us permission before.

So if you don’t opt in to hear from us, you may get left out. Some of the things we send out to our members. This includes : Our Sanatan Darshan magazine, emails, facebook notifications, GHU events and religious leaflets.

Here at Gurjar Hindu Union we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the product and services you have requested from us. Please fill all the details printed on the last page. Please tear the page. and send back this form using either of the following method: A) Please handover the form to our temple shastriji B) Please drop your form in the GDPR box located in the GHU office. C) Please post back this form ASAP to: Gurjar Hindu Union GDPR Form Apple Tree Centre, Ifield Avenue, CRAWLEY, RH11 0AF Please fill the form on the last page

Please fill the form and send back to us ASAP. Please fill all sections with tick as appropriated.

Your privacy is important to us, so we’ll always keep your details secure. Your support matters, so we’d like to use your details to keep in touch with things that may matter to you. To ensure the details we hold on you, are accurate and up-to-date, please complete the following field in the boxed provided. First Name: Surname : Address : Postcode : Mobile Phone Email: Are you GHU member : Yes


If you need to change your current opt in preferences please fill in the enclosed form and return this to the GHU office. Please note by not replying, your current opt in preferences will stay in place. Kindly validate the above . Yes please, I’m happy to hear from you. I am happy to be contacted via: Post Email Telephone Signature :

GHU : Record updated

Gurjar Hindu Union, Apple Tree Centre, Ifield Avenue, CRAWLEY, RH11 0AF

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