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AIETEUR NEWSK Guyana’s largest selling daily & New York’s most popular weekly Online: www.kaieteurnews.com March22,2024-Vol.26No.12 Online readership yesterday, 55,513 53 Friday Edition Price $100 ShadowNatural Resources Ministersays: Patentia boy death by teen gang
army detains two Guyanese soldiers
oil reserves not -VPJagdeo tells reporters
themtoreturnsand forairstripconstruction Dead: Aron Bess stabbed to Mikhail ‘Guyanese Critic’Rodrigues of Jagdeo press conference after he KNews reporters forced to walk out allowed ‘Guyanese Critic’ to decide who asks questions
to return
of sand
airstrip at Eteringbang
Mohamed’s Seven persons get new vehicles from important to the nation’ over Stabroek Block ...sayscompanyhastosafeguardshareholders’interests CNOOC joins Exxon in fight ‘Corruption will of oil from citizens’ redirect benefits
shot dead at Lusignan auto shop, security guard arrested Dead: Jared Jaganand
being forced
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construct an
Kaieteur News PAGE 02 Friday March 22, 2024

Venezuelan army detains two Guyanese soldiers


Two Guyanese soldiers were on Wednesday detained by the Venezuelanarmywhileperforming their duties in the Cuyuni River at Eteringbang,RegionSeven.

Eteringbangislocatedatoneof Guyana's borders with Venezuela. It is unclear why the soldiers were

detained and up to press time KaieteurNewswasstillunawareif theywerereleased.

However, Kaieteur News was toldthatthedetentionmighthaveto dowiththerightstosandandstone foundintheCuyuniRiver

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in collaboration with the

Ministry of Public Works has undertaken a $214.5M project to upgrade the Eteringbang airstrip from laterite to a concrete paved one.

They have been sourcing the sandandstonefortheconstruction from sand banks found in the CuyuniRiver Ataround14:40hrs

on Wednesday the Venezuelan army stopped a boat that the soldiers were using to shuttle sand and stone to the construction site. Reports are that the Venezuelan army forced the Guyanese soldiers toreturnallthesandandstonethey were transporting to construct the airstrip.

Sources said that army made them dump some of the sand and stone back into the Cuyuni River andseizedafewsacks.

Kaieteur News understands that the Venezuelan army has issuedasternwarningthattheywill lock-up anyone found using sand andstonefromtheCuyuniRiver

Kaieteur News PAGE 03 Friday March 22, 2024
Guyanese soldiers being forced to return bags of sand they were using to construct an airstrip at Eteringbang An armed Venezuelan Soldier walking back to his army truck with the sized sand sacks.



Teen crimes and guns

There has been a surge in crimes involving teenagers and guns recently Citizens killed, robbed- some deliberatelytargeted,others randomlyshot, as gunfireand the mayhem that it produces touched the lives and communitiesofGuyanesefromdifferentwalksoflife.

Ayoungwomangunneddownbyhersister’sex-lover,a ChinesenationalkilledinhisshopatEteringbang,amother andhersonchoppedandstabbedtodeathatSaxacalliand manyothers.Deathcancomefromoutofnowhere,withthe innocentanduninvolvedseriouslyinjuredorkilledbythis fearful presence of guns, and without anyone having an accuratepictureoftheextentofthedanger

Amidthemadnesswefrequentlyhearfromhighlevels, announcements from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that ‘serious crime’is down. Guyanese would be interested to find out what the GPF categorizes as ‘serious’, and how it arrived at that conclusion. More interesting could be what the GPF saw fit to leave out of its so-called ‘serious’ categorization, and what benign home was found to park such.ItcouldbealsothattheGPFhasitsownuniqueideas of what constitutes a ‘crime’ these days, which could be anothermystery.Oneaspectoftheworkandnewcultureofthe GPFthatshouldnotberuledoutisthepossiblemassagingof numbersanddefinitionstosuititsobjectives.

Whetherseriouscrimeisonthewaydown,orstanding still,ortravellinginanotherdirection,Guyanesearedying, or getting injured, by gunfire, and through the seemingly unstoppable proliferation of all kinds of firearms locally Ask any Guyanese the proper questions about crime and guns, and most are likely to give responses that speak to dread and an abiding fear Check on the state of any community,andresidentsarefrankintheprecautionsthey havetotake,howtheyareconcernedaboutthepresenceof somanyguns,andtheapparentinabilityoftheGPFtomakea difference in the frightening presence of so many weapons, manyillegal Evenwithingatedcommunities,andthepresence ofarmedsentriesmanningentrancesandexits,thereisahealthy worryaboutcrimeandguns

It is this endless tide of guns that is present in local society, and that are clearly on the streets and primed for action in the commission of crimes, and the settlement of disputes.Thoughitisahitandmissoperation,theGPFcould considerdoingmoresweepandinterceptionoperations The keyistheelementofsurprise,andoncethatholds,thereisasolid probability that a gun or two could be netted, on each such occasion Once properly thought out, and well implemented, there could be results, no matter how miniscule It stands to reasonthatbecausegunsaresoprevalentonthestreetsandin themanycommunitiesofGuyana,thereisthestronglikelihood of guns being found on persons, or in vehicles, and charges beinglaid Attheleast,suchexercisesbytheGPFwouldserve asadeterrentfromthealmostroutinepresenceoffirearmson thegroundinGuyana Theeffectsaremany,andrangefromthe psychologicaltothephysical,amongothers

While the GPF busies itself with polishing soothing statistics about inroads made against crime, and in the categories that count with citizens, we would recommend that there is greater attention to housekeeping, and managing its people better Too often, its ranks are seen openly consorting with those whom the GPF itself would call‘shadycharacters’orthosethatcitizenshavesuspicions about.ThePPPCGovernmentitselfismorefocusedonmoney matters, and scrambling to lockdown deals that are abundant withpossibilitiesforministersandothersintheparty’scabalof croniesandcomrades Thekindofkeenattentionthatshouldbe broughttobearwithlaserlikefocusisjustnotnoticed Themost jarring example, perhaps, of the PPPC Government’s nonchalancewithcrimeinvolvesabrazenmurderthatoccurred neartothePresident’sofficialresidenceonthenightofMarch 21,2021 Ifgunfirecanerupttherewithmurderouseffect,then allGuyaneseareexposed WiththeGPFwishingtobeseenas stumped,Guyanesetakestockandshrinkfromwheretheyfind themselvesinthisworldandcultureofguns

Kaieteur News Complimented for strong, independent, courageous journalism

DEAREDITOR, Icomplimentyourpaper for informative down to earth journalism and its balance in carrying commentaries, letters, editorials,andotheropinions fromallsectionsofsociety–those for and or against the government and the oppositionandthosewhoare unaligned politically I note t h a t y o u c a r r i e d commentaries or epistles of individuals who are your critics and who have had nothinggoodtosayaboutthe paperanditspublisher Ialso read article for and against the oil giants and the contract Your balanced journalism upset many but

someofthosewhoconfessed theirdislikeforthepublisher andKNpraiseyourfairness, the latter missing in several other media houses Allowing all views is proliferateisgood,unbiased, fairjournalism.Thatiswhat I learned in my first English writingclassincollegesome 47yearsago.

I thank you for coverage of important issues, several local interest stories, and so many newsworthy events without which the public would be in the dark or uniformed You provided coverage of events of ordinary folks, and you also have allowed an avenue for the meek, weak, and lower

rungsofsocietytobeseenin the media. Thank you for being such a strong, independent voice for the public. Your newspaper stands out for balanced journalism, publishing comments for andagainstonallissues.You also respect the journalistic principleof“arighttoreply” by the person or entity against which or who was mentionedinamissive.And your newspaper also provides space on all issues andnewsworthymatters.

I know your paper has been harassed and intimidated with a litany of lawsuits and many people would like to have your papershutdownbecauseyou exposedtheirtransgressions. Youweredraggedbeforethe courtinnumerabletimes.But you persevered even when youlostcostlysuits.Mostof those lawsuits would be dismissed in the USAwhere the court allows unfettered freespeech.

Itisalmostimpossibleto win lawsuits relating to free speechevenwhenthemedia erredandwasclearlyatfault. Regrettably, in Guyana, the judiciary does not make judgments supportive of an open press free to criticize public figures and government agencies as in USA.Thejudiciaryhasnot (Continuedonpage06)

How did the Netherlands drug kingpin enter Guyana and stayed so long?

DEAREDITOR, Newsroom on March 18 reported that Vitesh Jamnapersad Guptar, believedtobeaDutchmanof Surinamese descent, a national of the Netherlands, was arrested by Guyana police. He was arrested at Duke Lodge hotel, right opposite the USA Embassy His brazenness of taking shelter right next to the AmericanEmbassy!

Guptar is listed by Interpol as being wanted for drug trafficking. This drug baronhas‘cojenes’,strutting himselfinbravadojustafew feetfromtheEmbassyofthe mostpowerfulcountryinthe globe.

The Dutchman has been on the wanted list for drug trafficking for a long time.

Interpolputoutawarrantfor hisarrest.Hehasbeenonthe run. He hid in Guyana and metandsocializedwithhigh government officials He opened a business. He was traced to Guyana through facial recognition The Guyanapolicewasinformed of his presence and whereabouts including where he was staying and hadnochoicebuttopickhim up. He could no longer be protected by officials once Intelligence Departments in USA and Europe tracked him to Guyana and became f a m i l i a r w i t h h i s whereabouts.

It could not be that our Immigration Department, the government, and the police did not know Guptar was wanted in Holland and

Europe. Interpol wanted list is shared with every government and kept at everyairport.Apparently,he tookupresidenceinGuyana, right after the change in political administration in 2020. He started a business. How is that possible? Is his business involved in money laundering? How come so many wanted criminals, drug traffickers, gun smugglers,andterroristsend upinGuyanaandduringthe tenure of the PPP administration? Any time i n t e r n a t i o n a l l a w enforcement is seeking a criminal, they first turn to Guyana.Whyisourcountry harbouring and sheltering criminals?

Guptar opted for residence at a hotel that is

owned by the national security advisor to the government. This building that became a hotel was previously owned by the government.Howdidheend upthere?

Pictures making the rounds on Facebook show the man dressed in very expensive clothing One pictureshowshiswifebeing entertained by First Lady Arya Ali in a very posh setting befitting a king or queen. How did this drug baron enter Guyana? How did he and his spouse get to meet top officials? Why did the First Lady entertain his wife? Was he being protected and if so, by whom?

Yours truly, Edward Burrowes

When it comes to retirees’benefits, NIS and MOE should emulate best practices from other jurisdictions

DEAREDITOR, Retired workers in Guyana have far too long been shortchanged by entities such as the National InsuranceScheme(NIS)and Ministry of Education, institutions that can do far better when it comes to rewarding senior citizens who contributed throughout their working lives to keep themviable.

NIS requires a worker to make at least 750 contributions in order to receive a pension after

reaching60years.Itdoesnot matter if their records show 749 or 748 contributions since only a one-time grant (many times a pittance) is given in all cases with less than 750 contributions. No flexibility, compassion or adjustmentisconsidered.To make matters worse, many employersdonotsubmitNIS contributions of workers which they consistently deduct from workers’wages and some NIS Inspector are awareofthisanddonothing.

In other jurisdictions,

Belize for example, the Social Security Board (equivalent of NIS) pays a prorated pension to retirees.

If you made 200, 300, 400 etc. contributions, you are given a monthly pension proportional to your contributions Why are numerousretireesinGuyana robbedbecausetherequisite ceiling, 750 contributions cannot be found in NIS records? This procedure needstobeabolishedandlet the retirees choose whether they prefer a grant or monthlypension.Inthefield of education, teachers have to be on the job and retire at 55 before receive a pension. Ifyoutaughtfor15,20or25 yearsandresignedbeforethe retirement age, you do not receiveagratuity,muchless monthly pension. Let the authority check other jurisdictions and emulate best practices in the interest ofthatqualityoflivesofour seniorcitizens.


KaranChand,M.Ed. RegionTwoResident.

NationalMedia& PublishingCompanyLtd. 24SaffonStreet, Charlestown,
KaieteurNews Kaieteur News PAGE 04 Friday March 22, 2024
225-8465,225-8491. Fax:225-8473,226-8210

Is Guyana working to strengthen electoral democracy?


One by the name of Mr Edward Burrowes says that Guyana has been moving since 2018 towards “autocratization”(apolitical situation in which power b e c o m e s h i g h l y concentrated in one person who also moves to suppress dissent). To support his position, he cites a 2023 report prepared by the Gothenburg v-Dem Institute (V-Dem).

The V-Dem report identifies four regime types b a s e d o n c e r t a i n characteristics (such as freedom of expression, fair and free election, consultation, inclusivity, press censorship, etc.). The regimetypesare:(1)Liberal Democracy (e.g., Barbados, UK, USA); (2) Electoral Democracy (e.g., Guyana. Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago); (3) Electoral Autocracy (e.g., Malaysia, Singapore,Philippines);and (4) Closed Autocracy (e.g., Qatar, Syria, Iran) With respect to a central issue, f r e e d o m o f speech/expression, contrary to the views of some critics, the PPP/C government insists that it not averse to criticism but reserves the right to defend Government policies, programs, and actions that have been m i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d Notwithstanding,theV-Dem report suggests that Guyana has lost some ground as an ElectoralDemocracy

a n d D e l i b e r a t i v e Components, were partly attributable to the

APNU+AFC’s refusal to step down from power f o l l o w i n g t h e N o Confidence Motion against themin2018;aswellastheir failure to accept defeat and only after 5 months of imbroglio following the declarationof2020elections results.Itwouldtaketimeto restore the democratic credentials of Guyana from these and other impasse like thefailuretoappointaChief Justice and a Chancellor of theJudiciary

The lower scores and rankings that Guyana was given on the 6 metrics, namely, Liberal Democracy, Electoral Democracy, Liberal Components, Egalitarian Components, Participatory Components,

Both the PPP/C government and the APNU+AFC opposition proclaim that they extol the virtues of democratic values and institutions. While the Guyana constitution is still one of the best in the Caribbean (according to

Bone of corruption raises its head every time Guyana is before international forum


Guyanafacedthreedays of demanding quizzing on nationalissuesandconcerns at the UN Human Rights Committee.

It seemed to be doom and gloom for the governmentandGuyana.

The Minister being questioned aggressively had her plate full. From the claim of being less than truthful about the former head of EPA and the 2016 PSA;failuretosubstantively appoint the two top judicial officers; harassment of journalists; perceived corruption and particularly against a very senior f u n c t i o n a r y ; t h e appointment of the current.

EPA Head, among several other damning matters


Theonebrightspotatthe end of the three days was being commended on measures promoting gender equality

Itseems,ofrecent,each time Guyana goes before an international forum on g o v e r n a n c e a n d accountability, the bone of corruption raises its ugly head. This has left an indelible stain on Guyana’s standingontheinternational stage.

The counter narrative has done little to dispel and correct this image. We say we uphold and practice the tenets of good governance and accountability but somehow this is not the perception at these fora Whyisthis?

The higher echelon of the administration needs to pay keen attention to the subject matters raised and discussed at the forum and take all necessary steps to address them. Guyana’s image and standing are at stake.



Attorney General Anil Nandlall), both parties have nevertheless agreed, after a hiatus, to push forth constitutional reform through a participatory and consultativeprocess.

This process constitutes an important democratic move.

Given this and many other advances (e.g.., 39 % of MPs are Women while 12% are Amerindians) in democracy building in Guyana, I was perplexed however with the award of higherscoresandrankingsto Jamaica,Suriname,Trinidad and Tobago, relative to the lower scores and rankings for Guyana, particularly for the Participatory and DeliberativeMetrics.Forthe Participatory Metric, Jamaica scores 0.59 (R55), Suriname 0 57 (R64), Trinidad and Tobago 0.58 (R62), and Guyana scores 0.51(R101).

For the Deliberative Metrics,Jamaicascores0.81 (R53),Suriname0.57(R60), Trinidad and Tobago 0.93 (R13), and Guyana 0 37 (R138). (A perfect score is 1.0, R means Rank among 179countries).

My research finds that the scores and rankings do notmatchreality ThePPP/C government visits every village or community every week, listens to citizens’ problems and takes appropriate action to fix these based on rational judgment. Their Manifesto, which is a product of

intensive consultations and interactions with people all overthecountry,alreadyhas an implementation rate of 95%.

They have gone beyond the manifesto promises to execute additional projects such as the construction of 2,887 (1,240 completed) housesforlowandmoderate income and professional families and have built and rehabilitated hundreds of miles of community and ‘farmtomarket’roads.

I reached out to the GothenburgV-DemInstitute to seek clarification, particularly on the methodology that they utilize in compiling the 6 Metrics.

Their response is interesting For every country they identify 5 expertsforeachMetric.This means therefore that they gather information on Guyana from 30 experts. VDem reports that 2/3 (or 20) oftheexpertsareresidents.I asked if they could name these experts and they responded: “We do not reveal the identity of our Country Experts and preserve Country Expert confidentiality according to astrictpolicy.”

I wrote them again and assertedthataninstitutethat reports on democracy and good governance as well as deviations from these, is itself, not necessarily transparent by its refusal to disclose the names of e x p e r t s ! W h y

confidentiality? The data that experts provide are not officialsecretsorofnational security value. They are to measure the strength of democracy and the movement towards autocracy.

Mr. Burrowes has latched onto the findings of this report and accuses the PPP/Cgovernmentoftrying tostifletheemergenceof3rd parties and freedom of expression.

Referring to President Ali and Vice President Jagdeo’s speeches at Babu John, he wrongly claims how they “threatened anyonethinkingofforminga political party ” He continues to make misleading statements such as:“Onlyasmallpercentage of the population has been enjoyingthenewlyfoundoil wealth.Closefriends,family members,andthosewiththe right religious connection arethemainbeneficiariesof contracts in the hundreds of billionsofdollars.”

The PPP/C government has built and rehabilitated thousands of miles of roads, highways,numerousbridges (2024 Budget Speech. 4.994 100); constructed 9 Secondary schools and 13 aretobebuiltin2024plus6 P r i m a r y s c h o o l s ; constructing 6 regional and one specialty hospital and upgrading others; substantially increased old age pensions, disability benefits,andcashgrantsto


Kaieteur News PAGE 05 Friday March 22, 2024

KN Complimented for strong... Marxism – Its Relevance


been very supportive in institutionalizing an absolutefreepressasinUSA.

Your paper deserves recognition, thanks for your commitment to bringing to the public vital information and informed opinions they may not get in other papers



Thepublicisgratefulthatthereissucha strong, courageous voice in our nation, allowing people, regardless of political affiliation, to speak her or his mind and for allowing the lower sections of societytoalsobeinthemedia




Frompage06 school children; allocated 30,355 house lots; awarded 21,442 GOAL scholarships; created over 13,000 parttime jobs to alleviate unemployment and poverty; among other benefits. How could these visible accomplishmentsescapethe

scrutiny of any critic? The trouble is that misleading statements by Mr Burrowes and others could find their wayvia“experts”intotheVDemrepository

Finally, the Guyanese “experts” who provide information to V-Dem must identify themselves in the

interest of transparency and accountability I hope that theydonotviewthemselves as secret agents using carefully scripted information to derail the democratic path that the countryispursuing!



ItappearsthatinGuyana, the month of March has becometheperiodofdebate as to the relevance of Marxism – Leninism in today’s world That is because Cheddi Jagan was born and died in this month, and he was a very creative Marxist.Ihavehadtotalkto many on programmes and other places several times thismonthonthismatter His detractors normally use this month to go after Marxism. Their main argument is that Marxism is no longer relevant.

Inhislifetime,Dr Jagan had to deal with this issue overandoveragain.Hewas never tried to point out that Marxismisnotadogma,itis a science. It is more of a methodology to approach issues.Whatdistinguishesit from other political theories isthatitlooksatissuesfrom the position of the working masses. That is workers, farmers, intellectuals, and otheroppressedpeoples.

The other argument that is used against Marxism –Leninism is the fact that the socialistcountriesinEurope collapsed This occurred because the bureaucracy began to use the state as a means of enrichment. That encouraged corruption and the weakening of the state. That is among one of their strongest arguments to urge political parties and progressive persons to abandonMarxism.

What they failed to realiseisthatwhatcollapsed

in Eastern Europe was a model of socialism, often d e s c r i b e d a s t h e Commandist type of socialism This is not dissimilar from many models of capitalism that failed. Take Germany and Italyforinstance,theirbrand ofcapitalismfaileddismally ItwasknownasFascismand led the world into a cruel war Muchlaterweseemany Latin American brands of capitalismfailingbadly

Recall Chile, and Argentina in the 1970s and Brazil in the 1960s. Those were all variations of capitalism which collapsed. Beforetheyfell,theycreated havoc in their respective countries.

Today, the most successful countries in the world economically are countries that have adopted Marxism–Leninismastheir guide Here reference is made to the People’s Republic of China and Vietnam These two countries are developing very rapidly Moreover, Chinainparticularhasmade greatgainsineveryaspectof life China is the only countryintheworldthathas wiped out absolute poverty and Vietnamisonthesame course.

China was able to achievetheheightsthatithas because it abandoned the Commandist model that the Soviet Union had adopted because when the Soviet State came into existence it faced a hostile capitalist world trying to strangle it in

its cradle, to use Winston Churchill’swords.

China, using Marxism creatively abandoned that model in the late 1970s. It began to take into consideration the world’s balance of forces, its own stage of development and crafted policies to ensure rapid economic growth and improved social conditions. It has now become the second largest economy in the world when we use the nominal GDP measure and the largest when the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)measureisapplied.

The leaders of China haverecognisedthatChina’s tremendous progress was duetothecorrectapplication of Marxism. Here is how it was put by the Chinese Communist Part it-self “At this fundamental level, we owethesuccessofourparty and socialism to the fact thatMarxismworks...”

Cheddi Jagan had tremendous foresight, almost all his predictions on our economy, politics and social developments were spoton.Thiswasbecauseof his scientific Marxist approach to the various issues he had to contend with.

Much of what happened to Marx’s words after his death is taking place with Jagan’s contributions. Like Marx, however, his name and work will endure throughouttheages.


Kaieteur News PAGE 06 Friday March 22, 2024

Renegotiationand sanctityofcontract

If the APNU+AFC was able to renegotiate the PPPC's 1%, royalty of the ExxonMobil contract without any objection about the sanctity of contracts, why cannot Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo renegotiate the Production Sharing Agreement which he had promised to do.

The fact that Guyana has a PSA is indicative that the terms of engagement with the oil companies can and were renegotiated. But do not dare mention this to Jagdeo, before he hastily calls another press conference and finds another excuse why the contract cannot be renegotiated.

Kaieteur News PAGE 07 Friday March 22, 2024

UN flags PPP-dominated GNBA ...raises concerns over media control

In her address to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (CCPR), Guyana's Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira, provided assurances regarding the government's stanceonmediafreedomand independence.

The assurance came amidst concerns raised by Committee member Laurence Helfer regarding media ownership and potential politicization caused by the government's control over most media entities in Guyana. Helfer's inquirytoucheduponreports

suggesting a high degree of media control by either the state or entities aligned with the government, as well as concernsaboutpoliticization withinthemedialandscape.

Helfer said too, “For example, we have received information indicating that the National Broadcasting Authority, whose board members are appointed by the president, lacks full i n d e p e n d e n c e a n d impartiality, a concern that extends to the authorities regulatory and licensing decisionspleasecommenton these reports. And please explain how the state party will ensure that the media in

Guyana is independent, and thatoppositionvoicesarenot censored.”

Minister Teixeira addressed these concerns by presenting statistics regarding media ownership in Guyana. Contrary to what was reported to the Committee, Minister Teixeira highlighted that the vast majority of media outlets in Guyana are privately owned She debunked claims of government control, citing figures indicating that out of 21 television stations and 24 radiostations,onlyafraction are state-owned and operated.

of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira

Additionally, she noted that among the four daily newspapers, only one is state-owned, with the majority being privately owned.

“Itisratherdisingenuous for persons to report to this

Committee member, Laurence Helfer

committee, that although (they are) private media that they are aligned to the government, so having me able to prove that a claim of 90% of radio monopoly is under the control of the government…” the Minister said.

Furthermore, Minister Teixeira addressed concerns about the National Broadcasting Authority, clarifying that its board members are appointed through a transparent process, which includes

representation from the opposition. She underscored the absence of government interference in talk shows and broadcasts across various social media platforms, highlighting the government'scommitmentto mediafreedomandplurality

“We also want to advise thatthereareanumberoftalk shows across multiple broadcast social media platforms with no interference from the government. So that is one issue,”Teixeirastated.

Suriname in talks with Exxon, TotalEnergies for natural gas development


Suriname's state-owned Staatsolie has begun early talks with ExxonMobil and French TotalEnergies for the possible joint development of natural gas fields in the Guyana-Suriname basin, Staatsolie Managing DirectorAnnandJagesartold Reuters on the sidelines of the Houston CERAWEeek conference.

With first oil production still several years in the future following initial discoveries offshore Suriname, the country is hoping to become both a major oil producer and a regionalgashub.

"We've been talking to Total. They don't see an opportunity to make a feasibleprojectasofyetfrom Maka and Kwaskwasi (two discoveries off its coast).

Joining the Guyana and Suriname explorations, our projects, we can make that scale",JagesartoldReuters.

Jagesar described the Equatorial Margin, a belt of offshore oil and gas reserves running from Brazil to Guyana, as the “golden lane”. "The sweet spot is in

Guyana, that's the best reservoir It looks like we have more gas," Jagesar was quotedassaying.

Earlierthismonth,Exxon and Malaysia's state-run Petronas said they would extend exploration for a gas discovery off the coast of Suriname, with reports indicating that a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) project is also under consideration.

Exxon and Petronas madeagasdiscoveryin2020 in Block 52 that was considered commercially unattractive, while discoveries have been made in Block 58 by French TotalEnergies and Apache Corporation TotalEnergies is set to make a final investment decision for the $9-billion development of Block58thisyear,with2028 targeted for first production.

Exploration in Guyana has been more successful, to date, with the Exxon-led consortium there having alreadyconfirmedmorethan 11 billion barrels of recoverable resources and eyeing1.2millionbarrelsper dayofproductionby2027.

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 AGE 8 Friday March 22, 2024

APNU+AFC renegotiated Janet Jagan’s oil contract

Vice President Jagdeo when questioned in the past about Guyana’s National Depletion Policy gave the explanation that the objective was to extract as much oil as possible in the shortest available time. The rationale for this was the assumption that there was only a narrow window for exploiting the country’s petroleumreservessincethe world was moving towards renewables–whatisknown astheenergytransition.

Yesterday, he said that world’s energy transition towards renewables was not on track and as such the phasing out of fossil fuels is notlikelytotakeplacesoon. What this means is that his assumptionsaboutanarrowwindowwerewrong.Thisis what he was being told all along by persons such as GlennLall.Thepublisherof Kaieteur News had said that therewasnoneedtoexhaust our oil reserves rapidly, especially under an unfair contract which limited the returns to Guyana to a 2% royalty and 12.5% profit sharing Vice President Jagdeo’s misjudging of the trajectory of the global energy transition however can be used to Guyana’s advantage. It provides him and the country with the opportunity to realign Guyana’s National Depletion Policy with the realitiesofthepresentglobal energy transition and the principlesofajusttransition which he touts but does not clearlydefine.

Jagdeo’s initial stance, advocating for expedited oil extraction under the assumption of a narrow window for fossil fuel

exploitation, reflected a commonbutnaïvenarrative. Theurgencytomaximizeoil production stemmed from the belief that renewable energy sources would rapidlysupplantfossilfuels, rendering untapped reserves obsolete.However,asevents unfolded, it became evident that this projection was overly optimistic and failed to account for the complexities of global energytransition.

TheVicePresidentmade a misjudgment. Contrary to earlier assumptions, the transition towards renewables has not progressed as swiftly as anticipated While r e n e w a b l e e n e rg y technologies have advanced significantly, fossil fuel dependency, coupled with geopolitical factors, have prolonged the dominance of oil and gas in the global energymix.

Critics, including Glenn Lall, have long cautioned againstthehastydepletionof Guyana’s oil reserves, particularly under contracts withunfavourabletermsthat disproportionately benefit foreign corporations. Lall’s advocacyhasbeenforbetter terms and sustainability so that Guyanese can get a fair deal and provision is made for future generations to benefit from Guyana’s oil wealth. The call for a just energy transition globally must also be mirrored locally A just transition requires not only environmentalsustainability butalsosocialandeconomic justice for all stakeholders, includingfuturegenerations. By rushing to exploit as much oil in the shortest

possible time, the PPPC government was effectively deprivingfuturegenerations of the wealth to which they were entitled, considering Guyana’s share in every barrel of oil. There is no shameinbeingwrong,justin being wrong so often. Vice PresidentJagdeonowhasan opportunitytopivottowards a more balanced and equitable National Depletion Policy Such a policy should prioritize the long-term interests of Guyana and its citizens, rather than short-term gains f o r m u l t i n a t i o n a l corporations.

The development of a realistic National Depletion Policy must also be done in tandem with revisiting contractual agreements to ensure a fair distribution of revenues between the oil companies and Guyana Negotiating for higher royalties and revenuesharing mechanisms, along with ring fencing and caps on interest rates can maximize the economic benefits derived from oil extraction.Inaddition,while acknowledging the continuedrelevanceoffossil fuels in the near term, Guyana should proactively invest in renewable energy infrastructure to lay the groundwork for a sustainable future This includes incentivizing private investment in solar, wind, hydroelectric, and other renewable energy sources, rather than relying on fossil fuels and natural gas for Guyana’s long-tern energyneeds.

Now however that Jagdeohasadmittedthatthe phasing out of fossil fuels


Welcome to de gridlock gala!

If yuh think moving withGeorgetown’strafficis like a leisurely stroll through the park, you must be driving blindfolded! It’s a vehicular stampede out deh, and de cattle ranger seemstohavemisplacedhis map.

globallyisoff-track,hemay now wish to put Guyana’s national Depletion Policy and contract renegotiation on the front burner It is ironic that he says that oil was discovered in 2015 under the PPP and that the APNU+AFC signed the contract for production However, the signing of the Production Sharing Agreement amounted to a renegotiation since the PPPCroyaltieswasfor1%.

If the APNU+AFC was able to renegotiate the

PPPC’s 1%, without any objection about the sanctity of contracts, why cannot Jagdeo renegotiate the Production Sharing Agreement which he had promisedtodo.Thefactthat Guyana has a PSA is indicative that the terms of engagement with the oil companies can and were renegotiated.

Butdonotdaremention this to Jagdeo, before he hastily calls another press conference And finds another excuse why the contract cannot be renegotiated.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this n e w s p a p e r a n d i t s affiliates.)

The East Coast Public Road is giving Mandela Avenue a run for its money in the traffic Olympics. It’s acompetitionofwhocansit in their car the longest withoutlosingtheirsanity

But hey, what do I know? I’m just a humble observer of the chaos. One

Now, let’s talk about this Heroes Highway, shall we?Heroes,myfoot!More like “Zeroes Highway” becauseithasn’tquitelived up to its cape-waving promises. Sure, it’s given the East Bank a breather, butthatdoesn’tmeanwe’re all cruising into town with thewindinourhair Have you seen the traffic on Mandela Avenue lately?It’slikeascenefrom Jumanji!Cars,buses,trucks canters,motorcycles—you name it, they’re all playing a game of devil take the hindmost on that road. I wouldn’t be surprised if someonetriedtohitcharide onapassinggauldingjustto getahead.

thing’s for sure, though: if we don’t figure out a solution soon, Georgetown might just explode like a piñata at a birthday party gone wrong. And nobody wants that sticky mess on theirhands.

So, dear readers, let’s putourthinkingcapsonand brainstorm some out-ofthe-box ideas to untangle this traffic tango Who knows, maybe one day we’ll look back on these gridlock days and laugh... orcry.Probablyboth.Until then, happy motoring, and maythetrafficgodsbeever inyourfavor!


Kaieteur News PAGE 09 Friday March 22, 2024

US$9B by 2027, has truth, has toxins

US$9Bby2027isdoable. According to Vice President Jagdeo,thisisso. Iagreeup to a point, and then with conditions attached Guyanese should look forward to such a state, but theymustalsolookaroundat surrounding circumstances. A start is made with the honourable Guyanese oilman It is not an oxymoron.

“If the price is $100 a barrel, you will get more (than) if its $50, so you can play around with these numbers…but where it gets more difficult is when you look at the payback rate on the projects.” As much as I agree with Dr Jagdeo, he should know that that is CommonEntrancestuff. Itis a regurgitation of standard arithmetic. The big man of big productions, (he should have been LaxmikantPyarelal) labored on: “it will takeanumberofyearstopay back if the oil price is $50 a barrel. If it goes up to $100 a barrel, the pace of repaying is accelerated so it cuts the

(timeline). If you had 10 years to repay the capital cost of the project, it comes down to five years to the extent that you repay faster, more revenue becomes available for distribution andsothatisthemodel.”

There is nothing to disagree with, save for one piece of the Jagdeo puzzle that he left out. Like any slick salesman knowing that he has a defective product, Jagdeo accentuated the positives. To repeat: oil at US$100apop;paybacktime halved; and 9US$ big ones. Whatfollowsiswhatreduces Dr Jagdeo to spluttering all over himself, with cursing following. Perseverance is just what the doctor ordered. Not one like Dr Jagdeo, but theauthenticarticle.

For starters, with oil at US$100 a head, there is an increased probability of the creep of what is called demand destruction. Those blasted Saudis and Russkies knowthis,whichiswhythey do that intricate dance with supply cuts. Why, it was

Vlad(imir) the Impaler himself of oil supplies who spokeofthepotentiallossof marketsharetotheUS. Iam sure I hear supplier remorse, supplier fear Go on cutting stocks,brotherPutin,andsee where that leads. As a courtesy, I withdraw that horrid description of Saudis and Russkies; memory reminded that they are friendsofDr AliandthePPP respectively

Second, I expand on demand destruction. With oil at a hundred American a barrel, nonproducing oil c o u n t r i e s a r e i n deep(er)waters. They can only buy so much oil, most likely less at US$100 for every42gallons. Withoilat US$100 a barrel,Americans couldbestaringatUS$5fora gallon gasoline Those macho Dodge Ram chargers thenrequireUS$100torefill.

Ihearthesoundoftrainsand buses,withpersonalchariots parked,betheyfromNagoya or Kentucky, or Detroit or Seoul I recall that transportation fuels cover

overhalf(70%)ofoilusage. IamdueasafaritotheStates, but airline tickets hang overhead.

Is this picture registering fellow Guyanese? More importantly, does Dr Jagdeo have the time of day for inconvenient talk of this type?

Next, I hate to do this to bhai Jagdeo's model, but it lists too heavily to one side. With oil at US$100 a cask (good) and European demand (good), there still looms the specter, however small, of Guyana having moreoilthatitcansell(bad). Meaning, that 1.2 million barrels by 2027 may not be 1.2millionbarrelsdemanded and sold, but a little less (badder).

This has been an age-old weakness of models, sometimes troublesome eventualities are deliberately left out. I refrain from dismissing the good doctor's model, as garbage in, garbageout. Butitdoeshave its biases, its assumptions that ignore a pile of reality

The volatility of oil prices isone. Thesickeningofthe global economy is another The advances of new technologystillanother Itis not my way to pour liquids (pickone)onaman'sparade. But silence and pretended ignorance are poor alternatives.

Then, what about the Saudis and Russkies? Well, what about them, Guyanese mayask. Itisinconceivable from a commercial perspective,andaleadership one, for those seasoned oil powers to sit back like contented cows (think how most Guyanese are) and allow themselves to lose in therevenuecollectiongame. At US$100 a barrel, the carefully calibrated supply playofOPEC+comesunder heavy pressure. National budget squeezed, the population screams, and someprojectsslashed.

Thechoiceistheirs:keep production cuts or flood the market Not necessarily flood, but release some of that spare capacity lingering

about. Thinkseveralmillion barrels more daily supplied intotheoilpool.

Suddenly, prices head southofUS$100. Suddenly, the best models are due for tweaking.

Perhaps, I should have said radical overhauling, but due to domestic sensitivities thoughtbetterofit. Nowthe pulseisspiking. CallingDr Jagdeo. Calling Dr Jagdeo. Is Dr Jagdeo still in the hospital complex? I think thatsoundslikeasummonto report to the oil ICU. Fifth andfinal,IamallforUS$100 a barrel, 1.2 million barrels daily,andshortenedpayback periods. But there must be maturity and honesty to face every side of the full story Mayallbewell.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the a u t h o r a n d d o n o t necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of this newspaperanditsaffiliates.)

Kaieteur News PAGE 10 Monday May 02, 2022 Friday March 22, 2024 HARDTRUTHS BYGHKLALL BY GHK LALL H@RD

KNews reporters forced to walk out of Jagdeo press conference after he allowed

'Guyanese Critic' to decide who asks questions

Despite concerns raised by reporters,Socialmediapersonality and Government Contractor, MikhailRodriguesbetterknownas the“GuyaneseCritic”isstillbeing allowed to moderate who asks and when they ask questions at Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo's weekly pressconferences.

Thursday's press-conference was the third consecutive one where the question segment began with the microphone in Critic's hands despite reporters indicating by raise of their hands that they have questions. Rodrigues began by asking leading inflammatory questions, which Jagdeo often allows Even after asking his questions instead of allowing the VP'sstafftomoderatethesegment, he takes it on his own to choose whoshouldaskthenextquestion.

Thesocialmediapersonalityis also being granted the privilege to openlyexpresshisdispleasurewith certain media houses attending Jagdeo'spressconference,whichis also allowed. On Thursday, March 14, 2024, Rodrigues while on the flooraskedtheVice-Presidentwhy he is not banning Kaieteur News from coming to his press conferences.

He said, “Dr Jagdeo the facts of the matter as it relates to the development of this country is clear,itissoclearthatwithinthree years, the PPP (government) administrationisoutdoingaformer PPP administration which you led for 12 years literally outdoing in three years” before adding “Given yourpastwiththemedia,youhave blocked media operatives from yourpressconferencesforlessthan what Kaieteur (a media entity) is doingpresently Giventhefactthat youdonotreallybenefitnomatter whether what yuh say, it is twisted by Kaieteur given the fact that the citizenry in what the spat between yourselfandKaieteuris.Whydon't you block Kaieteur News reporters?Areyougettingsoft?Isit timeforretirementforyou?Whatis goingon?”

Later on during the press conference,whenitwasaKaieteur News' reporters' turn to ask questions,Rodriguesexpressedhis displeasure even further by hecklingandevenstompinghisfeet on the floor, purportedly signaling that the time for questions is over Thereporterwasforcedtorespond by saying “You (Critic) asked for more time just now”. The VP and the Minister within Office of the Prime Minister with responsibility for Public Information, Kwame McCoyintervenedandallowedthe reporter to go ahead with his question. Yesterday Rodrigues did not change his approach and took control of moderating the VP's

press conference by passing the microphone to who wanted to ask thenextquestion.Reportershavein the past confronted Rodrigues abouthisunprofessionalbehaviour and also raised their concerns with theVicePresident.

On one occasion last year, a reportermadeitcleartoRodrigues thatitwasnothispressconference and it is Jagdeo or his moderator who has the right to decide who shouldaskquestions.

On another occasion, the reportertoldtheVicePresidentthat it appears as if Rodrigues wants to behismoderatorandthatheshould hire him for the job and make it official. The VPlaughed it off and to date has not taken any steps to address the issue. Only this week during the Government of Guyana's appearance before the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Committee (CCPR) concernsoverharassmentofmedia workers by the government were raised.“Thestatepartyindicatesin its report that its officials do not harassmediaworkerscriticalofthe government. However, the committee is aware of credible reports of such harassment,” said Committee member Laurence Helfer Helfermadereferencetoan April 2023 incident involving two of Kaieteur News journalists, which occurred during President Irfaan Ali press conference at the LeonoraTrack and Field Centre in West Coast Demerara. Helfer said, “This includes incidents involving senior government officials. For example,journalistsaffiliatedwith KaieteurNews…thatwereheckled by government supporters at an April 2023 presidential press conference.”KN'sjournalistsfaced criticism from the People's Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) party supporters when posing challenging questions to President Ali.

The Committee member cited reports which indicate that government officials are often intolerant of journalists who

question the government's policies, especially inrelationtotheextractivesector

The Committee expressed further concern over reports of surveillance of journalists and media workers, including the government's use of spyware to monitorthem.

“Will the state party, please comment on these reports In addition, please indicate what measuresthegovernmentistaking to prevent harassment against media workers and human rights defenders,”Helfersaid.

Inadditiontothecasescitedby Helfer back in April 2023, the Guyana Press Association (GPA) had cause to issue a strong statementofcondemnationagainst attacks on Kaieteur News's Senior Journalist,DavinaBagot.

Handlers for the Facebook page, “Live in Guyana,” which is associated with officials including a minister had attacked Bagot's

professional integrity with wicked insinuations not worth repeating, all while demeaning her for the critical reportage she has done on theoilindustryandothermatters.

GPA said then it was not the first time the Facebook medium hadattackedjournalistsandplaced their safety in jeopardy It said, “This page is believed to be operated by political operatives associated with the governing People's Progressive Party and its contentfollowscloselyontheheels of questions that senior leaders of the incumbent administration find objectionable.”The GPA said it remains in contact with several regional and international organisations and has placed its concerns for the safety of journalists in Guyana as a major concern. The association further urgedforinternationalassistanceto “fight this harassment of media operatives in Guyana ” The association also stated that it will

endorse any effort by media operatives to have the Guyana Police Force investigate the violation of the Cyber Crime Act, aswellastheviolationoftherights of women by the Women and GenderEqualityCommission.

The GPA also publicly sought the solidarity of women's organizations in condemning this mostrecentdastardlyattackagainst a female member of the media corps. The GPA said too that it regards such acts as not only an attempt to harass the media from asking searching questions, but also a form of intimidation that ultimately endangers the lives of mediaoperativesbythosewhomay feelemboldenedbysuchposts.

With a significant majority of media workers being women, the GPA urged all media workers to ensure that the leadershi of their bodies is always in a position to defend their collective rights locally, regionally and internationally

Meanwhile, in her response to the committee, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance,GailTeixeira,leading the Guyanese delegation stated government's inability and unwillingnesstorespondtomatters concerning private businesses, suchasmediahouses.

Shesaidtheissuesbeingraised here about matters that relate to private business such as the media houses, the government is unable and unwilling just to respond on issues that relate to private companies and the business of those private companies at this forum.”

VenezuelaParliamentapproves Essequiboasnewstate

CARACAS, March 21 (Reuters) - Lawmakers in Venezuela allied with the government of President Nicolas MaduroonThursdayapprovedthe creationofanewstateinaterritory that is the subject of a long controversy with neighboring Guyana, despite an ongoing internationalcourtcase.

The approval is in line with recentrhetoricfromMaduroabout his country's supposed right to govern the 160,000-square-km (62,000-square-mile) Esequibo region,butwillhavenoimmediate practicaleffect.

The two countries agreed last Decembertoavoidanyuseofforce and not to escalate tensions in the controversy after a meeting betweenMaduroandhisGuyanese

counterpart The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is to decide on which country the territory belongs to but the Venezuelan government has said it does not recognize the ICJ and that a Decemberreferendumbackingthe creation of a new state, among other things, gives it a right to control Essequibo and allow oil exploration there Venezuela's electoralauthoritiessaidmorethan 10 million Venezuelans voted in December's referendum, but have so far not released the results. There were few or no lines at polling stations on the day of the vote, according to Reuters witnesses. Guyana has said its borders are not up for discussion and that it will defend its sovereignty.Thelawapprovingthe

new state, called Guayana Esequiba, will come into force as soon as it is published in the officialgazette.Thestate'sborders wouldbetheAtlanticOceantothe north, Brazil to the south, Guyana to the east and the Venezuelan states of Delta Amacuro and Bolivar to the west, according to the law.The city of Tumeremo, in Bolivar, will serve as a capital "until a practical and mutually acceptable solution to the territorial controversy is reached with the Cooperative Republic of Guyana," the law said. Venezuela has in recent years revived its claim to the territory and to offshore areas after major oil and gas discoveries and amid internal political upheaval ahead of electionsexpectedthisyear

Kaieteur News PAGE 11 Friday March 22, 2024
Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo Mikhail ‘Guyanese Critic’Rodrigues
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Kaieteur News PAGE 15 Friday March 22, 2024

‘Knowing oil reserves not important to the nation’ - VP Jagdeo tells reporters

Vice President Bharrat

Jagdeo on Thursday r e v e a l e d t h a t t h e Government of Guyana (GoG) has been updated on theStabroekBlockreserves, however this information is notimportantifExxonMobil doesnotmovetoproduction.

He made those remarks in response to an article publishedbyKaieteurNews, during his weekly press conference, hosted at Freedom House, Robb Street, Georgetown. In its Sunday March 17, 2024 edition, this publication reported that the Opposition saiditwasdisrespectfulthat thenationisbeingkeptinthe darkonitsoilreserves.Since April 2022, Exxon has not providedthecountrywithan update on the estimated resources discovered in the prolificStabroekBlock.Last week Friday, Exxon announced another successful discovery, Bluefin,butwastight-lipped on how this increased the

country's total recoverable resources from its last estimate of 11 billion barrels- some eight discoveriesago.

F o l l o w i n g t h e announcementoftheBluefin discover, the Opposition said, “Regardless whether it is the company that is keeping the government in the dark or whether it is the government keeping the peopleinthedark,thelackof transparency is totally d i s r e s p e c t f u l a n d unacceptable. The natural resources of Guyana belong to the people of Guyana. In the Preamble of our Constitution, we have declared our commitment “to protect our natural e n v i r o n m e n t a n d endowment.” Citizens are impeded in performing this duty if vital information on their oil resources is denied them.”

In response, Jagdeo pointed out that the country has been receiving quarterly

While maintaining that discussions and negotiations for teacherssalaryincreasetookplace, ChiefEducationOfficer(CEO) of theMinistryofEducation,Saddam Hussain told the Court on Thursdaythathehadnorecordsto supportthisclaim.

Under further cross examination by Attorney for the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) Darren Wade the CEO failed to point the court to documents that would confirm that negotiations between the two sides took place on the Union's multi-year agreement for the period 20192023.

In its application before the High Court, the GTU has challengedGovernment'sdecision to deduct pay from the salaries of striking teachers, is seeking an order to block the administration frommovingaheadwithadecision to discontinue the deduction of union dues from the salaries of teachersonbehalfoftheUnionand another order for the government to engage in collective bargaining forteacherspayincrease.

During the hearing before Justice Sandil Kissoon, Hussain told the court “I do not agree that there were no negotiations, it was justnotrecorded.”TheCEOinan attempt to support his position, pointed the court to at least 10

reports from the operator of the block on the reserves.

“We know about all the reserveswehavenowbutthe only way this country can make money (from) is if we actually convert the resources into reserves and then into production

Knowing reserves without convertingitintoproduction is nonsense because we already know we have 11 billion barrels of reserves anditwillkeepgrowingbut what's the point about knowing any, about reserves,”theVPsaid.

He continued, “and we dogeteveryquarter,areport on reserves. Every quarter, we get a report so we got a quarterly report, the Ministryinthelastquarterof 2023 on it, so the information has to come to us.”

Jagdeo pointed out that while the information is presentedtogovernment,its focus is not on pushing Exxon to do more appraisal

documents– all agendas for meetings – dating back to November 2020 to as recent as June 2023, when specific aspects of the proposal such as debunching, the housing revolving fund and scholarships, were listed fordiscussion.

However,itwaspointedoutby the attorney that the issues listed only served a certain category of teachers “For instance debunching only some teachers would benefit from this…the scholarships only 50 teachers would benefit from scholarship to attendtheUniversityofGuyanaas per your discussion… This has nothingtodowithsalaries,”Wade enquired.

“Not necessarily,” Hussain replied.

Meanwhile, Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde who appeared on behalfoftheGuyanaTradeUnion Congress (GTUC) had similar questions for the CEO. Forde mainly focused on the time when the negotiations would have occurred. In response, Hussain again maintained that negotiation happenedbuthecouldsaywhenit commenced since “it was not recorded.” Yesterday was second day cross examination for the EducationChief.

Hussain was cross-examined onWednesdayafterVicePresident

activities to understand the resourcesdiscovered,buton moving to production, since “you only make money on production for the country, not knowing how much reservesyougot.”

In the realm of oil and gas, companies undertake a process known to the industry as appraisal to help the developer determine whether or not a project is viable.Thisprocesshelpsto reduce the range of uncertaintyinthevolumesof hydrocarbons in place; define the size and configuration of the reservoirandcollectdatafor the prediction of the performanceofthereservoir during the forecasted productionlife.

Jagdeo was asked to provide an estimate of the country's reserves but instead said he would check to see whether the report submitted by ExxonMobil contains proprietary information so they can be


JulianCambridge testified that financial matters were discussed during the meetings between the Union and the Education Ministry but maintained that it was not in the contextofcollectivebargaining.

In response to questions as it relates to the salary matters, the CEOtoldthecourtthatminutesof the meetings between the Union andtheMinistrywouldpointtothe discussionsonsalaryincreases.

shared on the Ministry of Natural Resources' website. “I have asked the Ministry on that to see if there is anything proprietary in the reportsandtoseeifwecan't extract the basics, so if the report in its fullness has elements that are only the Ministry and the staff of the ministry then we can't extractpartsofthereportand make it public on the Ministry'swebsite,”theVice Presidentexplained.

Jagdeo said that while theOilandGasGovernance Network(OGGN)hadcalled for updates to be provided within two months, this is not possible. According to him, “When you discover oil, it doesn't mean you immediately know the quantum etcetera. You have tocomebackoftenanddoan appraisalwellorestimatethe resourcesonthebasisofthe geology, a whole range of complex issues, so they somehow, they are conflating discovery with

However, when he was called upon to indicate where in the minutes that discussion was done, the CEO could only point to talks aboutsalaryincreasesforteachers whowerepromotedinthesystem.

“You said there were discussions and subsequent increase of teachers salaries…these increases that you speak of is not the ones that were universally done for all public servants in Guyana?,” queried attorney for GTU, Darren Wade.

“No,” Hussain replied even as Wade tried to ascertain exactly when the discussions and subsequent increase of teachers' salaries took place Hussain maintained that the salary increases he spoke of were not in relationacross-the-boardincreases forpublicservants.

“These increases were never discussed by the Union and the Ministry of Education before it happened?” Wade enquired further “No they were not,” the CEOresponded.

Alluding to the minutes of the statutory meetings between the GTU and the Education Ministry, WadeaskedtheCEOtopointtothe recordthatshowthatsalary/wages wereontheagendaofthemeetings and were discussed Hussain maintainedthattheminutesspoke to the discussions of salary


He added that Exxon reported its focus was movingtoproductionandhe agreed with that position. Jagdeonoted,“It'simportant wegetthedatabutit'snotan obsessionofthegovernment (to know the reserves) because even if you know more about the reserves, the only way we will benefit fromthatisiftheprojectsare done and our focus is on gettingtheprojectsapproved because it's out of the projectsthatthiscountrywill makemoney.”

increasesbutheonlyreferencedan instance where talks surrounded increaseforteacherswhoqualified forpromotionswithinthesystem.

“Mr Hussain sir, but these increases are not across-the-board increases you would agree with me,” clarified the lawyer “I am surewhatyoumeanthatisnotmy or …the Ministry's understanding of salary increase talks,” Hussain stated.

Justice Kissoon then interjected. He explained to the CEOthatsuchadiscussionwould take place between the employer andemployeestowardsauniversal hike for all workers. The judge explained further that these increaseswouldnotnecessarilybe based on a particular condition such as a person's qualification.

“It's across-the-board which means everyone can benefit,” Kissoonasserted.

As a result of the clarification provided by the Court, Hussain admitted that he was not in possession of the minutes which spoke to discussions for salary increases.

“I don't have the minutes here where across-the-board increases for teachers were discussed,” Hussainsaid.

The CEO's cross-examination is expected to continue tomorrow at10beforeJusticeKissoon.

Kaieteur News PAGE 16 Friday March 22, 2024
GTU Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo
EducationChieftellscourtsalarynegotiationswithGTU happenedbutprovidesnorecordstosupportclaim
CEO of the Ministry of Education: Saddam Hussain
Kaieteur News PAGE 17 Friday March 22, 2024

WHOchiefwarnsthe‘futureofa generationinperil’asGazafaminelooms

...WHO chief Tedros says children in Gaza are dying of malnutrition and has urged Israel to facilitate entry of more aid

(ALJAZEERA) The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said that only the expansion of land crossings for aid deliveries into Gaza could help prevent famine in the densely populated Palestinianenclave.

“Recenteffortstodeliver food by air and sea are welcome, but only the expansion of land crossings will enable large scale deliveries to prevent famine,” WHO DirectorGeneral Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Thursday. Children are dying from the effects of malnutrition and disease, and from a lack of adequate water and sanitation, Tedros said.“Thefutureofanentire generation is in serious peril,” he said. “Once again, we ask Israel to open more crossings and accelerate the entry and delivery of water, food, medical supplies and other humanitarian aid into


Countries including JordanandtheUnitedStates have been air-dropping aid along the coastline of the besieged Gaza Strip, but the methodhasprovedtobeboth costly and ineffective. Several people were killed after a parachute of supplies failed to open, bringing a pallet crashing down into a crowd of people waiting for food north of Gaza City's Shatirefugeecamp.

Meanwhile, Israel has continuedblockingmostaid trucksfromenteringGazaby land Since its offensive began on October 7, Israel hasbarredtheentryoffood, water, medicine and other basic supplies, except for a tiny trickle of aid entering the south from Egypt at the Rafah crossing and Israel's Karem Abu Salem (called Kerem Shalom by Israel) crossing.

Aid agencies and health officials in Gaza have

warnedthatthisisnotnearly enoughtocovertheneedsof nearly 2.3 million people in theenclave,especiallythose in northern Gaza, where famine is “imminent”, according to Philippe Lazzarini,headoftheUnited Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Famine is likely to occur by May in northern Gaza and could spread across the enclave by July, the world's hunger watchdog, known as theIntegratedFood-Security Phase Classification (IPC), saidearlierthisweek.Tedros said WHO requests to deliver supplies to the enclave were often blocked orrefused.


The IPC said 70 percent ofpeopleinpartsofnorthern Gazaweresufferingthemost severe level of food shortage,morethantriplethe 20 percent threshold to be consideredfamine.Inall,1.1

millionPalestiniansinGaza, about half the population, were experiencing “catastrophic” shortages of food.

Tedrosearlierthismonth voiced concern over the situation, and said children are dying of starvation in Gaza's north, citing a WHO team that visited two hospitals.

Dr Margaret Harris, a spokeswomanfortheWHO, said on Tuesday that increasing numbers of children in Gaza are on the “brink of death” from acute hunger The comments have come as indirect ceasefire talks continue, and while Israel is preparing for a ground offensive on the southern city of Rafah, wheremorethanonemillion displaced Palestinians are sheltering in overcrowded camps.

US Secretary of State

Antony Blinken was meeting with Arab foreign ministers in Cairo on Thursday,hopingtosecurea truce between Israel and Hamas.TheHealthMinistry in Gaza said the Israeli air and ground campaign had killed at least 31,988 people and injured 74,188 others, many of them women and children.

According to UNRWA, as of March 16 up to 1.7 millionpeople,ormorethan 75percentofthepopulation, had been displaced since October 7, some of them several times. More than 60 percentofhousingunitshave been destroyed, along with 392 education facilities, 123 ambulances and 184 mosques, it said The healthcare system in Gaza hasessentiallycollapseddue to a lack of fuel to operate generators, as well as a severe lack of medical

supplies amid the Israeli restrictions Israel has targeted multiple healthcare facilities, including al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest medical facility, throughout itsassault.

Israeliforceshaveraided al-ShifaHospitalatleastfour times, arresting, killing, and besieging medical staff, patients, and displaced families sheltering there UNRWA said last month only 12 hospitals were still partiallyfunctioninginGaza and that there were more than 300,000 reported cases of acute respiratory infections and more than 200,000 reported cases of waterydiarrhoea.

Satelliteimagesanalysed by the UN Satellite Centre show that 35 percent of the Gaza Strip's buildings have been destroyed or damaged in the Israeli offensive, the centresaidonThursday

Palestinian children suffering from malnutrition receive treatment at a healthcare centre, amid widespread hunger, as Israel's assault on Gaza continues [Mohammed Salem/Reuters] receive

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Palestinians wait to receive food cooked by a charity kitchen in Gaza's Rafah amid shortages of food supplies [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
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Seven persons get new vehicles from Team Mohamed’s

Inkeepingwiththespiritof Ramadan, Mohamed's Enterprise recently handed over new vehicles to seven persons at its Lombard Street, Georgetownheadquarters.

The beneficiaries are:

Taijprakash Narine of Montrose East Coast Demerara (ECD); Darnell Belle of Sparendaam Housing Scheme, ECD; Muaaz Karim of Bush Lot Village, West Coast Berbice (WCB); R a y m o n d A z e e z o f Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD); Mujaahid Razac of Cumberland, East CanjeBerbice;QuincyGomes of Golden Grove, EBD; and Shamar Jones of Ruby, East BankEssequibo(EBE).

According to a press release from the company, Narine, who is employed by

theMohamed'sasadriver,was gifted the new car to take care of the transportation needs of hisfamily,whileBelle,Karim, Jones and Gomes will operate their new vehicles as taxis to providefortheirfamilies.

Inaddition,Azeez,whoisa known radio broadcaster and humanitarian, will use his gift to extend his reach to the less fortunatealongtheLowerEast BankofDemerara.

Further,Razacwillusethe new car to aid in the mobility ofhisillfatherandtoattendto their business in Canje Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection, and prayerforMuslims.

It is a month that brings harmony, peace, and goodwill among families and friends and encourages charity in all itsforms.

Kaieteur News PAGE 23 Friday March 22, 2024
Azruddin Mohamed hands over the keys to recipients of the vehicles The seven cars that were donated by Mohamed's Enterprise

CIA director holds talks with Pres. Ali

President Dr Irfaan Ali on Thursday receivedacourtesy visit from the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)oftheUnitedStatesof America (USA), William J. Burns,atStateHouse.

Mr Burns was led by the US Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot, the Office of the President said in a statement. Prime Minister,

Brigadier (Ret'd) Mark Phillips; Attorney General andMinisterofLegalAffairs, Anil Nandlall; Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn; Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, BrigadierOmarKhan;Police Commissioner (ag), Clifton Hicken; and Head of the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU), James Singh were allpartofthemeeting.

Patentia boy stabbed

to death by teen gang

A17-year-old resident of Patentia, West Bank Demerara (WBD) on Wednesdaynightlosthislife afterhecameunderattackby a group of teenagers who reportedly lashed and stabbed him several times abouthisbody

DeadisAronBess,ofLot 234 Patentia. According to police, around 21:30hrs on Wednesday, Bess was walking from Two Field in Patentiaandwasheadingtoa nearby shop to make a purchase. While on his way, Bess came under attack by the suspects who began pelting him with bottles and bricks. The attack, police stated stemmed from an old misunderstanding. “As Bess continued his journey, the suspects approached him, andoneoftheteensdealthim two lashes with a piece of steelwhiletheotherteentook outaknifefromhiswaistand dealthimseveralstabsabout his body,” the police reported. After committing the attack, the suspects fled thescene.

Kaieteur News was told that before tragedy struck, Bess had just left a relative's birthday to purchase a drink at a shop. On Thursday, one of Bess' aunts, Natasha relatedto Kaieteur News that she received a call around 22:00hrs from a relative informing her that Bess was killed. “I got a phone call after 10 because I was sleeping and I heard Aron dead.Sowhenmycousintell meArondead,Isaywhat,she sayyea,comenow.SowhenI getthereatthescene,Iseethe crowd of people,” she recalled.

She said when she saw her nephew, it was a gruesome scene, as he was lying in a pool of blood. Natasha said she is unclear what transpired on the night

of the incident but what was relatedtoherwasthattwoto three weeks ago, Bess was reportedly robbed by the suspects. “Theyrobbedhim like two to three weeks back andherunthemdownwitha next cousin of mine, and so theysawhimlastnightwhen he go to buy the drink he alone, they decide to attack him,”sherelated.

It was reported by the police that Bess after he was attacked was picked up by residents in the area and rushedtotheWestDemerara Regional Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival Police said upon examination of his body, wounds were discovered to hisleftupperchest,leftlower stomach area and right-side neck(jugularvein).Hisbody is at the Ezekiel Funeral Home where a post mortem willbeconducted.

This publication was informed that a 17-year-old school dropout and another teen have since been apprehended and is assisting police with the ongoing investigations Another suspect, a 16-year-old student from Skull City Patentia is still in hiding. Kaieteur News wasinformed that Bess was residing with hisgrandfatherbeforehemet his demise and leaves to mourn a sibling and other relatives.

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Dead: Aron Bess President Dr Irfaan Ali and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States of America (USA), William J. Burns and other officials
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Corruption will redirect benefits of oil from citizens


T h e f a i l u r e o f government to commission an international independent investigation into the serious allegations of corruption, leveled against Chief Policymaker for the Oil and Gas Sector and Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo canresultinsevereeconomic impactsforthecountry

Shadow Minister of Natural Resources, Shurwayne Holder put this into perspective yesterday, during a press conference

held by the opposition Holder explained that oil producing nations are prone to corruption and this can hinder the growth of the country and more i m p o r t a n t l y, t h e development of its people through the redirecting of public funds. He explained:

“It is well established that countries that are producers of oil and gas are prone to muchmorecorruptionandso it therefore means that the benefits that we would expect or our people here in Guyana are expecting from oil,ifcorruptionisprevalent, or if it continues to increase then it will affect our ability or our resources would be directed in a different direction other than meeting the ordinary people of this country.”

conducted, since he believes the Guyana Police Force (GPF) was under the control ofgovernment.

Meanwhile,henotedthat Guyanadoesnotfinditselfin a unique position, as developing states are often gripped by corruption. In Guyana'scase,theLeaderof the Opposition believes that 41% of the infrastructure budgetislikelytolandinthe hands of “private corrupt persons who are associated withthePPP.”

increased corruption so the trajectory that we are seeing here is one that will move in the direction of poverty, one that will move in the direction of corruption and one that will result in increasedlawlessness.”

EconomicAdvisor to the Leader, Elson Low highlighted that a number of damning allegations were leveledagainstJagdeointhe documentary, released by Vice News, each of which mustbeinvestigated.

Holder was at the time responding to a question fromthisnewspaper,initially posed to the Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton. KaieteurNewshadaskedthe Leader to share his views on howthefailuretoconductan impartial investigation into the allegations of corruption against the VP could impact the economic trajectory of the country For his part, Norton pointed to the i m p o r t a n c e o f a n independent probe being

“What that means is millions of Guyana dollars that should be going into providinggoodsandservices forthepeopleofGuyanawill notgothere.Whatthatmeans is that there will be the continuation of poverty,” Nortonstressed.

The Opposition Leader reasoned that while corruptionisdangerousfora country, it becomes even moreconcerningwhenthose accusedcanrestassuredthat the police and other institutions established to keep corruption on their radar are prevented from performingitsfunctions.

He said, “Immediately theconditionsarecreatedfor

He pointed out for instance that it was mentionedthatoilcompanies too were involved in alleged corruptactsinGuyana,while allegations of money laundering were also exposed,amongothers.

Additionally, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amanza Walton-Desir told reporters that high levels of corruption can impact the level of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) as well as thelackoftransparency.She therefore pointed out, “We can't talk as a country about attracting Foreign Direct Investment and do little to addresstheendemicproblem ofcorruption.”

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Shadow Minister of Natural Resources, Shurwayne Holder providing comments during an Opposition press conference on Thursday.

Regionalsecuritybody discussrangeofissues

The Regional Security System's JointCoordinating and Planning Committee (RSS JCPC) comprising of theMilitaryandPoliceChiefs from the Regional Security System's Member States met in Guyana on Thursday to discuss various matters impacting the RSS subregion.

Thismeetingimmediately precedes the RSS Council of Ministers Meeting carded for Friday, March 22, the RSS saidinapressrelease.During the morning session of the RSS JCPC meeting, the RSS Security Chiefs deliberated on the advancement of security arrangements, inclusiveofpublichealthand disaster response by RSS Member States for major upcomingregionalevents.

These included ICC CricketWorldCup24andthe SIDS4Conference,aswellas a plan of action to plug any remaining gaps in national security plans, including the needforadditionalresources.

Discussions were enhanced by special presentationsmadebycritical regional partners such as CARICOM IMPACS, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) and the Trinidad and Tobago Police andMilitaryForces.

Meanwhile, the Antigua and Barbuda Police and Military Forces, the Guyana Defence Force, the Barbados Defence Force, the Barbados

Police Service, and the RSS Headquarters also made special presentations Additionally, the Barbadosbased Anti-Corruption and Anti-Terrorism Agency significantly contributed to thedeliberations.

The afternoon session focused on progress made with RSS and wider regional exercises to practice national and regional security responsestocriticalincidents that may arise during the hosting of the major events, thereleasestated.

There was also a discussion on the impact of current and emerging threats totheRSScrimeandsecurity landscape such as artificial intelligence, climate change, andfoodandhealthsecurity

On Friday, the RSS Council of Ministers will convene under the Chairmanship of Minister of HomeAffairs,RobesonBenn. During the opening ceremony, there will be an address by President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, and remarks by in-coming Chairman of the Council, Dr Terrance Drew, Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis. Representatives from major international partners will also deliver remarks The MemberStatesoftheRSSare Antigua and Barbuda; B a r b a d o s ; t h e CommonwealthofDominica; Grenada; the Cooperative Republic of Guyana; St Christopher and Nevis; St. LuciaandSt.Vincentandthe Grenadines.

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Representatives of the Regional Security System's Joint Coordinating and Planning Committee and senior staff of the RSS Headquarters following a meeting of the Security Chiefs on Thursday

$458M water treatment plant for Bartica

The new water treatment plant to be built in Bartica, Region Seven will cost taxpayers$458,141,575.

Information obtained from the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) website revealed thatthe$458millioncontract was awarded to contractor Toshiba Water Solutions America Inc. It was reported in the media that during a recent visit to Bartica, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal told residentsthatthegovernment intends to construct a new water treatment plant which would supply persons from Five Miles to Seven Miles with advanced access to treatedwater.

The project, the Guyana Water Inc. had stated in its tenderisfortheProcurement of Plant Design, Supply and

Installation of Water Treatment Plant at Five Miles, Bartica It was

reported by the Department ofPublicInformationthatthe minister during his visit told residents that some $21 millionwasspenttoupgrade the in-line filters, upgrading the in-take capacity from the river to the treatment plant. “Butwhatyouhaveherenow

is not sufficient. It does not cover the coverage for every residentthatgoesalltheway to 7 miles, ” he had mentioned.

“The tenders are open. The award will be made sometime in March. So, the commencement date will be

in April for a new treatment plant to suffice with the current system that we have that will see areas such as Five Miles and Seven Miles will be getting full supply from that when we finished with that investment.” MinisterCroalrelated.

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The $635M water treatment plant the Ministry of Housing and Water is constructing at Caledonia, East Bank Demerara.

CNOOC joins Exxon in fight

over Stabroek Block

...says company has to safeguard shareholders’ interests

ExxonMobil Guyana partner in the Stabroek Block, China's CNOOC has joined the oil major by moving to arbitration to assertitsrightoverGuyana's goldenoilfield,theStabroek Block.

Last October, it was announced thatAmerican oil giant Chevron will be acquiring Hess Corporation (the third-partner in the Stabroek Block) for some US$53 billion. The takeover would give Chevron access to Hess' most valuable asset in Guyana. However, earlier this month, Exxon the operatoroftheblockfiledfor a r b i t r a t i o n a t t h e International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, arguing that it has a right of first refusal over Hess' stake ExxonMobil Guyana holds a 45% interest, while Hess Guyana holds 30% interest and CNOOC Petroleum

Guyana Limited with 25% interest According to a Bloomberg report, commenting on the dispute with Chevron, CNOOC Board Secretary Xu Yugao, revealed that the company had filed for arbitration on March 15. CNOOC will do whatever it takes to protect the interests of the firm and its shareholders by legal means,hesaidatabriefingin HongKong.“Wewilluphold the terms of the partners' agreement to safeguard our shareholders' interests,” Upstream Online quotes Yugao.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e company's Chief Financial Officer Wang Xin told the eventthatGuyana'sStabroek block is expected to yield as much as 1.2 million barrels perdayby2027.

Moreover, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Chevron, Michael Wirth,

recently revealed that discussion with Exxon China's CNOOC abruptly ended over the prolific oil field.

Reuters reported on Tuesday that Wirth was surprised as the two companies, were in discussion regarding the deal.

Exxon says it has preemptive rights, which means the company should havethefirstoptionoverany saleofsharesintheStabroek Block. Chevron had been in talks with Exxon over the matter,Wirthsaid.

“Weweresurprisedwhen they, a couple of weeks ago, abruptly ended those discussions and publicly announced… they had filed forarbitration,”Wirthsaidat the CERAWeek energy conference, currently being heldinHouston.


ERC to launch multi-faceted harmony campaign this year

With a focus on promoting greater understanding and appreciation of Guyana's rich cultural tapestry, the E t h n i c R e l a t i o n s Commission (ERC) has planned a multi-faceted initiative designed to bridge divides.

Building on the momentum gained from its fruitful 2023 programme, this year the commission plans to launch a robust Harmony Campaign to advanceitsagendaofethnic cohesion.

Commissioner, Neaz Subhan emphasised the importance of this plan duringapressconferenceon Wednesday, at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Georgetown. He said the campaign is intendedtoserveasaneverpresent reminder to the public of the need for more unity in Guyana's multiculturalsociety Aspart of this harmony campaign, theERCisengagingprivate schools and the Ministry of

Education to establish harmony clubs within the system This move is expected to create an environmentwherestudents can celebrate and better understand each other's traditions.

To ensure that ethnic unity and inclusivity permeateeveryaspectofthe Guyanese social landscape, theERCisalsoengagingthe relevant stakeholders to facilitate the launching of a harmony league football tournament.

“This is expected to be launched across the ten regions. Football is not the only sport, but it is the one we are starting with. In addition to that, we are looking at T20 and table tennisaspartoftheharmony leagues,”he told media operatives.

Additionally, the ERC intends to create a national document that accurately chronicles the history and traditions of each ethnic group,whichwillbeusedat

Darren Woods told Reuters the company filed for arbitration because discussions were not happeningwithChevronand Hessaroundtherightoffirst refusalprovision.

“Those discussions needed to happen and hadn't been happening,” Woods saidinaReutersarticle.

HesaidExxonwantedto have its right of first refusal recognized before it could decide on its strategy for the Stabroekblock.

An Exxon executive has saidthearbitrationcouldtake fivetosixmonths.

Meanwhile, Wirth said Chevron had done extensive due diligence on the operating agreement between Exxon and Hess in Guyana and has extensive

experience in those types of agreement around the world.

Chevron is looking forward t o a f f i r m i n g i t s understandingofthecontract inthearbitration,headded.

The fight over Guyana's Stabroek Block resources finds its genesis in the lopsided oil deal signed by the APNU+AFC Coalition administration back in 2016. Thisdealextendsfavourable terms to the oil companies, providing unlimited tax waivers, uncapped interest rates and perhaps the lowest royalty rates known to the industry, at a meager two

percent. Production from the S t a b r o e k B l o c k developments sits above 600,000 bdp – with Exxon havingtheLiza1,Liza2and the Payara projects online. The oil companies have embarked on an aggressive drilling campaign in the Stabroek Block targeting three other developments: Yellowtail, Uaru and Whiptailprojects.

It should be noted that Yellowtail and Uaru have alreadybeenapproved,while Whiptail is under review awaiting government approvalanydaynow

Teen shot dead at Lusignan

auto shop, security guard arrested

various schools across the country “We believe that if that is in the school system, as a targeted subject, it will be able to remove ambiguities It will enlighten people. Education brings understanding, and understanding can lead to tolerance, and of course, tolerance leads to unity,” he stated.

Through this campaign as well, the commission hopes to successfully host a unity concert and cultural exposition.

“We are hoping to take advantage of the very talented Guyanese that we have here and abroad, and havethisculturalexposition that will showcase not just our artistes, but also our traditions, culture, food, f a s h i o n , a n d literature, ”Subhan explained Other plans include the launch of an ERC film competition, a seriesofsymbolicstructures and safe spaces, and a HeroesAvenue.(DPI)

A man was shot dead allegedly by a security guard at an auto sales shop in Lusignan, East Coast Demerara Thursday morning.DeadisJaredJaganand,a19-yearold Handyman of Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. Police in a press statement said they are investigating an alleged shooting incidentwhichoccuredatabout11:10hrsat ShafAutoSaleslocatedatLot157Lusignan West,EastCoastDemerara.

The incident involved a 20-year-old Security Officer attached to Cerberus Security Service, who was armed with one 12-guage shotgun, which is owned by the security company and which resulted in the death of Jaganand. Enquiries disclosed that Shaf Auto Sales is owned by a 27-year-old who resides in Canada. The business is howeveroperatedbyhisbrotherofLusignan West. Jaganand is employed as a handyman while the suspect is employed as a Security Officeratthesaidbusinesslocation.

According to the businessman, at about 11:08hrs.yesterdayheandhiswifereturned tothestoreaftertransactingbusiness.

At the time they met the suspect on duty andthenow-deceasedteenseatedinachair,a short distance away from the Security Officer'sdesk.

The businessman said he and his wife proceeded to his office.Afew minutes later theyheardaloudexplosioninthestore.The businessman said he immediately exited his officewherehesawtheteenlyingmotionless on the ground with blood about the lower sectionofhisbody TheSecurityOfficertold

Dead: Jared Jaganand

himJaredwasshot.Jaredwaspickedupinan unconsciousstateandplacedintoamotorcar, whichisownedbyCerberusSecurityService and taken to Woodlands Hospital where he wasseenandexaminedbyaDoctorandlater succummed. The matter was reported to VigilancePoliceStationonatabout14:10hrs today Actingoninformationreceived,Police wenttoWoodlandsHospitalwherethebody wasexaminedandagunshotwoundwasseen ontheupperleftleg.

Several persons were questioned in the area and certain information was received. The area was canvassed for CCTV cameras andseveralwereseenaffixedatthebuilding.

Thesuspectwasarrestedandispresently incustodyatVigilancePoliceStation

Theshotgunwaslodgedalongwith5live cartridges and one spent shell. Investigation continue.

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CNOOC Limited Chairman, Wang Dongjin

Israel’s war on Gaza will continue, Netanyahu tells US Republican senators

(ALJAZEERA) Israel’s

war on Gaza will continue, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has toldUSRepublicansenators, despite mounting criticism from Democratic leaders about the growing humanitarian catastrophe in the besieged Palestinian territory

Speaking to Republican senators via videolink on Wednesday, Netanyahu said his government would continue its efforts to defeat Hamas in the Gaza Strip, according to the lawmakers headdressed.

“He’s going to do what hesaidhe’sgoingtodo.He’s going to finish it,” Senator Jim Risch said. Netanyahu’s speech came after Senator ChuckSchumer,theSenate’s Democratic majority leader and a Jewish American, in last week’s Senate address branded the prime minister an“obstacletopeace”inthe region Schumer said

Netanyahu was no longer fit to govern Israel because of h i s g o v e r n m e n t ’s “ d a n g e r o u s a n d inflammatory policies” particularly around getting aid into Gaza, as pressure mounts within the Democratic Party for the United States to discontinue its unconditional political and military support for Israel Netanyahu has, however,retainedbackingin Republican circles Republican Senator John Barrasso criticised Schumer’s comments and said: “We told [Netanyahu] Israel has every right to defend themselves and he said that’s exactly what they continuetodo.”

A spokesperson for Schumer said Netanyahu had offered to speak to the Democrats as well, but Schumer declined, saying the conversation should not be partisan. “I care deeply aboutIsraelanditslong-term

future. When you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping Israel,” Schumertoldreporters.


US President Joe Biden warned Netanyahu in a call this week that Israel’s stated goal to invade Rafah in southern Gaza – the last r e f u g e i n w h i c h approximately 1.5 million displaced Palestinians have sheltered – without a clear humanitarian plan would be a “mistake” Biden also asked Netanyahu to send a team of intelligence and military officials to Washington, DC to hear concerns about a potential invasionofthecity “Gaza’s other major cities have largely been destroyed,andIsraelhasnot presented us or the world withaplanforhoworwhere they would safely move those civilians – let alone feed and house them and ensureaccesstobasicthings

likesanitation,”USNational Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday “I made it clear to President Biden in our conversation, in the clearest way, that we are determined to complete the elimination of Hamas in Rafah as well,” Netanyahusaidofthecallin a statement on X. Rafah, on t h e G a z a S t r i p ’s southernmosttip,hasseenits population balloon from 300,000toabout1.5million people, as Israel has forcefully pushed hundreds of thousands of displaced r e s i d e n t s f l e e i n g bombardments in north and centralGazasincethestartof the war in October Western countries, including Israel’s European allies, have cautioned against a ground attack on Rafah, which serves as a key hub for humanitarian aid coming throughtheEgyptianborder Looming famine This week, United Nations

expertswarnedofalooming famine between now and MayinpartsofGazabecause of an acute shortage of food andwater About1.1million people – half the population –werefacing“catastrophic” levels of hunger as people resort to skipping meals for days on end, and as some starve to death, according to the researchers. Oxfam, a globalcharity,accusedIsrael of “deliberately” blocking theentryofcriticalfoodand medical supplies into the Stripbyusingbureaucracyto slow down the inflow of truckscarryinghumanitarian

supplies via the two Israelcontrolled border crossings currently open to aid. Josep Borell, the European Union’sforeignpolicychief, reiterated previous calls for Israeltolifttheblockadeand again accused it of using starvation as a “weapon of war” More than 100 Palestinianshavebeenkilled by Israeli attacks across Gaza in the last 24 hours. Gaza’s Ministry of Health saidonThursdaythatatleast 31,988 Palestinians have been killed and 74,188 woundedinIsraeliattackson GazasinceOctober7.

Congress unveils $1.2 trillion plan to avert federal shutdown and bring budget fight to a close


—Lawmakersintroduceda US$1 2 trillion spending package Thursday that sets the stage for avoiding a partial government shutdown for several key federal agencies this weekend and allows Congress,nearlysixmonths into the budget year, to complete its work in funding the government throughSeptember.

Democrats were largely able to swat back scores of policy mandates and some of the steeper budget cuts that House Republicans were seeking to impose on nondefense programs, though House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La , highlighted some policy wins, including a nearly 24% increase in detention beds for migrants awaiting their immigration proceedings or removal fromthecountry

This year’s spending bills were divided into two packages The first one clearedCongresstwoweeks ago, just hours before a shutdown deadline for the agenciesfundedthroughthe

bills. Now Congress is focused on the second, larger package, which includes about $886 billion fortheDefenseDepartment, a more than 3% increase fromlastyear’slevels.

The1,012-pagebillalso funds the departments of Homeland Security, Health andHumanServices,Labor, andothers.

“Congress must now race to pass this package before government funding runs out this Friday,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Nondefense spending will be relatively flat compared with the prior year, though some, such as the Environmental Protection Agency,aretakingahit,and many agencies will not see their budgets keep up with inflation.

When combining the twopackages,discretionary spendingforthebudgetyear will come to about $1.66 trillion.

That does not include programs such as Social Security and Medicare, and financing the country’s rising debt. The House is

expected to take the measureupfirst,onFriday

Then it would move to the Senate where senators would have to agree on taking it up expeditiously toavoidapartialshutdown Usually, such agreements include votes on proposed amendmentstothebill

Johnson described the bill as a serious c o m m i t m e n t t o strengthening national defense by moving the Pentagontowardafocuson its core mission while expanding support for those serving in the military

The bill provides for a 5 2% pay increase for service members In promoting the bill, Republicans cited several ways it would help Israel.

Most notably, they highlightedaprohibitionon funding through March 2025fortheU.N.Reliefand WorksAgency,whichisthe mainsupplieroffood,water and shelter to civilians in Gaza.

Republicans are insisting on cutting off funding to the agency after

Israel alleged that a dozen employees of the agency were involved in the attack that Hamas conducted in IsraelonOct.7.

Buttheprohibitiondoes concern some lawmakers because many relief agenciessaythereisnoway to replace its ability to deliver the humanitarian assistance that the United States and others are trying tosendtoGaza,whereonequarter of the 2.3 million residentsarestarving.

Democrats emphasized thathumanitarianassistance will increase overall, though.Sen.

Patty Murray, the chair o f t h e S e n a t e Appropriations Committee, alsohighlighteda$1billion increase for Head Start programs and new child care centers for military families.

Democrats also played up a $120 million increase in funding for cancer researchanda$100million increase for Alzheimer’s research “We defeated outlandish cuts that would have been a gut punch for American families and our

economy,” said Murray, DWash.

ShealsosaidDemocrats successfully fought off numerous policy measures, knownasriders,thatHouse Republicans were seeking toadd.

“From Day 1 of this process, I said there would be no extreme, far-right riders to restrict women’s reproductive freedoms — andtherearen’t,shesaid.

Among the few policy provisions that House Republicansdidsecurewas a requirement that only allowsfortheAmericanflag and “other official flags” to fly over U.S. diplomatic facilities.

Under the Biden administration, U S embassieshavebeeninvited to fly the pride flag or light up with rainbow colors in support of the LGBTQ community

Thereisalsoaprovision that prevents the Consumer ProductSafetyCommission from banning gas stoves. But the White House has said President Joe Biden wouldnotsupportaban,and the commission, an

independentagency,saysno such ban was in the works.

The spending in the bill largely tracks with an agreement that former Speaker Kevin McCarthy worked out with the White House in May 2023, which restricted spending for two years and suspended the debt ceiling into January

2025 so the federal government could continue payingitsbills.

Shalanda Young, directoroftheWhiteHouse Office of Management and Budget, told lawmakers

Thursday that last year’s agreement, which became the Fiscal Responsibility Act, will save taxpayers about $1 trillion over the comingdecade.

McCarthy,R-Calif.,was ousted from the speaker’s role a few months after securing the debt ceiling deal.

Eight Republicans ended up joining with Democrats in removing McCarthyasspeaker

And some of those unhappy with that deal also expressed misgivings about thelatestpackage.

PAGE 32 Friday March 22, 2024 Kaieteur News
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


(BBC NEWS) Sarah Molin’s life reflects the depthofHaiti’sproblems.

Ayear ago, the 20-yearold was a computer science student living in a suburb of the capital, Port-au-Prince. ButthefailedstatethatHaiti is rapidly becoming has faileditsyoungpeoplemost ofall.Monthsofturmoiland political instability following the murder of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 have culminated in the current spate of extremegangviolence.

The fighting has already claimed many thousands of victims, from those whose bodies lie strewn in the streets, to others like Sarah and her family who were forced from their home last August and now live inside an abandoned cinema Around 100 families have set up a makeshift camp inside the condemned building which, under normal circumstances, would not be deemed fit for human habitation. There is no sewerage or running water, and Sarah says their daily struggles to find food arebecomingcritical.

“Sometimes we find food, sometimes we don’t,” she explains in a weary voice. Juggling her baby godson on her knee - her extended family is all in the camp at the disused Rex Cinema - she gives the appearance of a much older woman.“Igotoschoolwith no food, spend the day hungry and then go to bed still with nothing in my stomach,”sheexplains.

Many in the camp are suffering from illnesses Sarah says disease is now spreading through their squatter community Drugs and medicines are often prohibitively expensive given their food budget rarelystretchestothebasics. “With six dollars we can provideforthefamilyoffour

people(alladults)foraday,” she says. On the days they can’t raise those funds, they’re dependent on scarce donationsandaid.Eventhat cancompoundSarah’ssense of loss instead of bringing her some much-needed compassion.

“Sometimes the staff act like they’re doing us a favour when they give out the aid, and we feel humiliated,” she says, “as though we were taking their food instead of donations ” Sarah is just one of more than 360,000 internally displaced p e o p l e i n H a i t i Helicopter flights bringing aid in from the DominicanRepublichave begun to arrive But with the airport in Port-auPrince and the port both still closed, far more is needed each week The political impasse which followed the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel H e n r y c o n t i n u e s Haitians are constantly told that a US-backed transitional council comprised of seven members is close to becoming a reality But t h e i n t e r i m administration has still not taken power or brought about any kind of stability on the ground in Haiti

The longer the power vacuum continues, the more the security situation descends into anarchy It leaves millions caught in a perfect storm of politics, violence, homelessness and hunger Insearchofaportin that storm, many to head to Cap-Haitien, a northern coastalcitythathasreceived thousands of people fleeing the capital. Cap-Haitien is comparatively calm in security terms Whenever gangs tried to take root in a neighbourhood, they were forced out by swift police

Sarah Molin’s family are dependent on scarce donations and aid on the days they cannot raise $6

operations with the backing of the people, a senior city o f f i c i a l t o l d m e Nevertheless, the port city was already struggling to cope with the infrastructure needs of its own population, particularly in water and power, before it became the country’s main safe haven. Children seemingly have more of a chance in CapHaitien, though. Six-monthold Jeselin Joseph was dangerously malnourished a few weeks ago. Fortunately, when I met him, he was happily draining a bottle of baby formula, his weight beginning to return. He still had the slightly distended bellyandsaggingskinwhich indicate malnutrition in c h i l d r e n B u t h i s grandmother Elvire Desir chuckled as he hungrily gulpeddownhismeal.

Jeselin was lucky He was being cared for in the residential malnutrition centre of Second Mile, a local Haitian-run NGO. His mother has been ill and unabletocareforhim.Once his need was identified as critical based on a series of indicators including arm circumference,theteamwas able to transfer him to a hospitalwherehewasputon a drip. “We have space to support 22 families,” cofounder Jenn Schenk told me as we walked around their peaceful facility just outside Cap-Haitien “Typically, mothers stay with us for around four weeks But we also do follow-up visits in their communities to keep reinforcing the programme and help make sure the children don’t fall back into severehunger.”

It seems to be working. Only 1% of the kids who leaveSecondMileneedtobe readmitted for malnutrition inthefuture.

As we walked, a nutrition class was being

held outdoors under a corrugated iron roof In Creole, the instructor spoke aboutwaystoprovidefoods withahighnutritionalvalue onalowincome,tipsonhow to identify malnutrition in children and how to treat diarrhoeainbabies-simple, potentially life-saving lessons that could be applicabletofamiliesacross Haiti.

With next to no aid getting in and the gangs controlling the main arterial roads in and out of Port-auPrince, the team at Second Mile have stocked up on emergency supplies while they’restillavailable.

With the international community pledging millionsofdollarsinaid,cofounder Jenn Schenk has concerns that the lessons of Haiti’s past haven’t been learned - particularly the chequered history of aid agencies and international organisations during the disasterresponsetothe2010 earthquake, which killed an estimated200,000.

“A lot of these larger NGOsflyinandflyout,”she says. “They’re handed all of these supplies and aid and suddenly all these funds to hire all these people to distribute it.” There is a real danger, Jenn Schenk suggests, that offers of lucrative but short-term contracts could undo years of hard work and teambuilding in smaller, locallyrunorganisationslike hers “They’re actually hiring from all these local NGOs when they could just help, you know, by paying their staff members and giving them the aid to distributethemselves.”

At this stage, neither donations nor human resources are getting into Haitiinanymeaningfulway The response is still agonisingly slow for people like Sarah Molin, stuck

livingunderatarpaulininthe capital Haiti’s gang violencehasalreadytakenso muchfromSarah.

Ithasdeniedherahome, a steady source of income andfood:allthebasictenets ofherpreviouslife.

Now the chaos threatens

to take her prospects too. Sarahsaysshehastogiveup her studies in computing to help the family find enough toeat,hereducationjustone more casualty in a nation sinkingintotheabyss.

Biker dies after crashing into concrete bridge at Bartica

The damaged motorcycle.

Police in a press release stated that inves

motorcycle(JSP3)isowned by Rondell Junior Da Silva Lopes and was driven at the time by Daniel Lopes Lopes was proceeding West along the southern side of Caribese Hill access road, ascending a hill, and while negotiatinga right bend at a fast rate, he lost control of

the motorcycle and collided with a concrete drain on the sideoftheroadandtheninto aconcretebridge.

As a result, he received injuriestohisheadandbody Hewaspickedupandtaken to the Bartica Regional Hospital,wherehewasseen and examined by a doctor who pronounced him dead on arrival. The body was identified by his mother, SenitaLopes.

Kaieteur News PAGE 33 Friday March 22, 2024
The instructor at a nutrition class offered simple, potentially life-savinglessons that could be applicable to families across Haiti
dicated that the
tigations in


Wanted one Nanny/ Housekeeper, 8am-4:30pm at Republic Park, EBD. Call: 626-4884.

Wanted one Nanny/ Housekeeper, 3pm-8pm at Republic Park, EBD. Call: 626-4884.

One live-in Caretaker to take care of plants and keep surroundings clean. Call: 2332053,705-6937, 233-2923.

Handyboy needed. Must be willing to work and be a team player. Call: 661-1000.

Lorry driver needed. Must be experience and have a valid lorry licence. Call: 661-1000. Porter needed for truck. Call: 661-1000.

Workers to work on cash crop farm. Salary $ 6500 per day. Call: 679-7552.

1 Truck Driver and 2 Porters needed. 5 day, Mon- Fri. Call: 223-9677.

Sales Representative, canter Drivers & Porters to work in warehouse. Call: 673-7373.

Urgently want to purchase at least half acres land, commercial plot. Call: +1(868) 620-5742.

One excavator Operator and Handy boy needed. Living accommodation and meals provided. Call: 627-5043/ 639-1315.


Place to rent at Vreed-enhoop junction, for lessons, church, office, storage bond, other. Call: 603-6400.

One Luxurious furnished, 4 bedroom apartment fully AC, hot and cold water etc in Campbellville, G/town. Price US$2000. Call: 6167351/624-7436.


House lots & commercial plot for sale available at blankenburg W.C.D. Call: 652-0251/ 650-0402.

One Rav4, 4 wheel drive, fully Ac etc ideal for interior (Bush) work. Price$2.2M. Call: 621-5140.


Driver must be able to assist in workshop at Eccles, Car/ Van licence. Call: 615-9132, 645-8443.

Male & female needed to work in the Interior, ages 18 years and older. Call: 6998486.

Experienced able-bodied Canter Driver needed, flexible hours. Call: 699-8486.

Vacancy for Carpenter & Masons, $7,000 - $8,000 per day. Call: 650-1394.

Experienced Hair Colorist, Receptionist/ Massuese, Nail Techs, Barber and Domestic needed. Call/ WhatsApp: 649-5005/ 226-6705.

One Painter needed. Call: 615-9132/ 645-8443.

One Plumber needed for Eccles. Call: 645-8443/ 6159132.

Plumber needed, knowledge of installation for heat exchanger & pool equipment will be an asset. Call MEP Consulting: 625-8764.

Waitress/ Room Attendant to work shift in bar at Soesdyke, EBD. Call: 644-6551/ 661-3608.


20 Acres of vacant land in La grange, West Bank Demerara. Call: 622-7446 /416-9513-995.

Prestige realty, 1Land 50x100 for sale in gated community in Republic Gardens. Call: 655-7405 / 694-7817.


Business/ residential PFSGYD$58M, Visa Application, advertisements, graphics design, passport application forms & i130 application. Call: 626-7040.

Elevate your brand with our professional Graphic design services. Call: 619-0007, 6295526.

We repair & install fridge, freezer, washer & dryer, AC units, stove, etc. Whatsapp/ Call Omar: 683-8734/ 6549711.

Single window for trade will be going live shortly – Min. Walrond

Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce, Oneidge Walrond announced that the single window for trade will soon go live, promising investors increased certainty and transparency.

The minister made the announcement on Tuesday while addressing the Business 2 Business Meeting held at Herdmanston Lodge, Georgetown. The single window system allows parties involved in trade and transport


1 Honda CRV, includes TV, music system, alarm, reverse camera, sproiler, crashbar, low mileage PTT Series (first owner). Contact: 649-0956.

1 Toyota Allion, Pioneer DVD, CD & USB deck, reverse camera, alarm, low milage. Call: 649-0956.

Leyland DAF single Axle, model m with winch, Nissan 4 door Pathfinder. Call: 6446551/ 661-3608.

Nissan X-Trail 2008 $2.3 Neg and Mitsubishi 3 stage Crone canter 4m51 Engine Manual $3.5 Neg. Call 6718845 or 638-4755.



Call: 650-0402/6520251.

1 Lexus SUV, forklifts 3.5 tons diesel truck weigh scales (60 tons,40 ft) . (new installed at your site) Low bed trailers-


Prestige realty , One three bedroom for sale in Republic Gardens gated community. Call: 655-7405 / 694-7817.

to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements.

With an investment of $600 million by the government, this innovative system aims to foster entrepreneurship in Guyana, catering particularly to the needs of local and foreign businesses, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

SMEs will be able to benefit from increased processing efficiency, streamlined workflows and significant savings. In addition, the system focuses on enhancing a business’s ability to supply competitive goods and services produced locally.

Both local and foreign enterprises will be also able

to connect and network with other traders including exporters and importer.

Semi-autonomous agencies such as the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) will reap the benefits of improved staff productivity, structure and controlled working environment.

The system will apply UNCTAD Automated System for Customs Data (ASYCUDA), an integrated customs management system for international trade and transport operations currently being implemented at GRA. Similarly, the government will be able to more accurately tax fiscal returns, distribute resources more effectively and efficiently and advance risk management techniques to establish accountability

amongst participating agencies and the private sector.

Moreover, Minister Walrond revealed that a single window initiative will be implemented to diversify the ministry’s permit system as she underscored the important role digitalisation plays in transforming and modernising the tourism sector. She indicated that the permit system will significantly reduce processing time from two to three years to about six to eight weeks.

The ministry in collaboration with the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) will be undertaking the modernisation of institutional and legislative infrastructure to facilitate the single window system for building and construction permits. (DPI)

PAGE 34 Kaieteur News Friday March 22, 2024
sizes loaders, excavators & rollers, concrete pump & mixer trucks, mobile crane and Howo 30 ton dump trucks.
60 tons,triple axle. Call: 6653880.
Friday March 22, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 35
PAGE 36 Kaieteur News Friday March 22, 2024

MVP Sports and Icon on board with Easter ‘Cash & Gold’ Cup

In an unprecedented move, MVP Sports and Icon Sales and Spares have joined forces with Cool Crew Promotion yesterday to host the highly anticipated second Annual Easter Floodlight Knockout Football Championship, set to kick off today, March 22, at the renowned Golden Grove ground.

Sixteen formidable teams will compete for the coveted title. The tournament is dubbed Skills Cash and Gold will see teams vying for a chance to win up to $2,000,000 in Cash and Prizes. The tournament will run through to April 14, promising weeks of exhilarating football action.

Among the participating teams are Air Hall Football

Club (FC), Cougar FC, Mahaicony Lions, New Amsterdam FC, Rosignol United FC, Hopetown FC, Paradise FC, Ithaca FC, Mahaica FC, Victoria FC, Ann’s Grove All Stars, Golden Grove SC, Haslington FC, Buxton FC, Beterverwagting (BV) FC, and Melanie FC.

The Easter Cup, a collaborative effort between Cool Crew Promotion and Paradise Sports Club, has witnessed remarkable growth over the past two years. This year, the competition reaches new heights with an impressive prize structure. Winners of the first, second, third, and fourth places will receive $500,000, $300,000, $150,000, and $50,000 respectively at the conclusion of the tournament.

During the recent Launch-

Friday March 22, 2024

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Today your brain is supercharged, Aries. If you've been thinking about doing some writing or have put off analyzing a particularly tricky problem, this would be the perfect day to get started.


With today's planetary energy, you'll find yourself a little more extraverted than usual, Taurus. You'll finally be able to say what you really think about things.

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Today you're unstoppable! You're a very hard worker by nature, and with the current planetary alignment you'll be able to accomplish even more than usual.

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

Discard those items from the past for which you really no longer have use. As much as you like to surround yourself with objects of sentimental value.

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

Intimacy will be in the air over the next few days. Loved ones suddenly want to spend more time with you, and you'll want to invite friends over every night! By all means, do.

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Se pt. 22)

Feeling unusually adventurous, Virgo? You're often motivated by your idealistic expectations, and the planetary configurations today .

ing event held on Monday, promoters unveiled additional rewards to acknowledge outstanding performances. President of Cool Crew Promotion, Lynton Luke, revealed that the tour-

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

The celestial energy signals a pleasant change for you today, Libra. Finally, the overpowering emotions that have been surging from your relationships will subside. You are now beginning a more contemplative phase.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

This is a good day to devote time and thought to spiritual pursuits, Scorpio. Do something inspirational that instills a sense of wonder deep in your soul.


A new phase in your life is beginning, Sagittarius. The previous phase could be interpreted as having taught you to be serious and devoted to professional responsibilities.

CAPRI (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Today's aspects might clear up some rather sketchy ideas about your professional future, Capricorn. If you long for a change, such as daring to undertake a more artistic pursuit.


You have acquired some sound confidence in yourself, Aquarius. Now it is time for you to show everyone else by actually putting it to use in your life.

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

Today's planetary energy should compel you to commit certain acts of self-affirmation that are needed to define your territory and protect your rights.

nament winner will be bestowed with 20 pieces of Gold rings in addition to the championship prize, medals, and trophy.

Meanwhile, the runner-up will receive 20 pieces of Silver rings along with medals and a trophy.

Individual accolades such

as the MVP award, Most Goals Award, and Best Goalkeeper award will also be up for grabs.

Aside from MVP Sports and Icon (IBIS Construction Sales and Rental), key contributors to the event include the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, the Prime

Minister’s Office, Anchor Cement, Central Housing and Planning, ECS Construction and General Supply, Moore and Son Construction, Singh and Son Construction, the Urban Shoe Company, Republic Bank, JS Engineering and Supply, Lucozade Energy, and Magnum Brand.

Cabo Verde tame Golden...

From page 39 from seizing a greater advantage. Guyana had a few halfchances, particularly with a promising combination play between Glasgow and DukeMcKenna, but it was Bonds who came closest to finding the net.

During a corner kick, Garrett delivered a precise header to Bonds, who, left unmarked, attempted a gentle volley towards the goal. However, the Cabo Verde keeper easily gathered the ball, denying Guyana a scoring opportunity.

Roberts continued his outstanding performance in goal, thwarting Cabo Verde’s scoring opportunities.

As the first half concluded, both teams returned to the dressing room with Cabo Verde maintaining a 1-0 lead.

The second half witnessed a more purposeful attacking display from Guyana. However, Mendes once again threatened to score, only to be denied by Roberts’ deft touch on a perfectly-timed free-kick by the former AlNasr SC (Dubai) forward.

Throughout the second half, Roberts made several crucial saves to deny Semedo, while on the other end of the pitch, Glasgow narrowly missed connecting with a ball delivered by substitute Kadel Daniel.

Moore would be culpable for wasting what could have been Guyana’s best opportunity to score, as he intercepted a pass and found himself oneon-one with the keeper, but the Sutton United F.C. player hesitated, giving the Cabo Verde defence time to re-

group. Following the game, Kellman remarked that despite Guyana’s loss, the outcome should be viewed positively, considering the quality of the opponent they faced. He stressed on the importance of maintaining confidence heading into the next match against Cambodia.

Meanwhile, DukeMcKenna expressed his be-

lief that Guyana had a poor start, conceding a cheap goal that proved costly, noting the need for improved concentration and self-belief moving forward.

Guyana is scheduled to face Cambodia on Tuesday, while Cambodia will make their debut in the FIFA Series today against Equatorial Guinea.

Friday March 22, 2024 Kaieteur News PAGE 37
Sales Director of Icon Sales and Spares, Nigel Narcis (left) handing over sponsorship to Cool Crew Promotion, President Lynton Luke on Wednesday. Lynton Luke, President of Cool Crew Promotion receiving sponsorship cheque from MVP Sports representative Selvin Apple.

G/town Zone Guinness ‘Greatest of the Street’ Sparta, Gold is Money, Back Circle headline tonight’s action

After three nights of pulsating action where half of the thirty-two teams that started the competition have been eliminated, the sixteen survivors will now settleintothegroupphaseof thisyear’sGeorgetownZone of the Guinness ‘Greatest of theStreets’Competition.

Tonight’s action which continues at the National Park, will witness the commencementoftheround robin stage as teams battle over the next three days for placesinthequarterfinals.

Headlining the list of teams advancing to the current phase are current zone champions Gold is Money, national champions Sparta Boss, while former champions Back Circle and North Ruimveldt have all madeittothisstage.

They will have as company the likes of Stabroek Ballers, one of the hottest teams in the format right now, while Sophia, Albouystown, Tucville

Rangers, Rising Stars, Lodge All Stars, Make It Happen and North East La Penitencewillnodoubtwant to have a say as to who progress to the business end ofthisyear’stournament.

Intheabsenceofsomeof thehouseholdnames,young upcoming players have emerged and according to the Organisers they are pleased that the competition has returned to its original intent which was to unearth hidden talent that reside within the various communities. Asource close to the Organisers in brief comments reminded all that

the real purpose of the tournament was to showcase talent that usually would not getanopportunityto play in front of large crowds, but the void left by players engaged in national and club duties have created that path for the young upcoming stars Jamal Cozier of Stabroek Ballers, Calvin Moore of North East La Penitence, Andrew Murray and Devon Dooker of Albouystown, Joshua BrowneofNorthRuimveldt, Carl Griffith of Lodge, Kevin Baptiste of Make It Happen and Sophia’s Osric Barrow, are all players with

president meets with Guyana U15 team ahead of departure for CWI Rising Stars championships in Antigua


President of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Bissoondyal Singh paid a courtesy visittothenationalUnder-15teamaheadof their departure for the Cricket West Indies (CWI) Rising Stars U15 50-over championships, which bowls off inAntigua overthenextfewdays.Theteamconcluded two days of match simulations as they wrappedupweeksofencampmentwithtwo games,thelastofwhichendedWednesday

Among the top performers, Rovaldo Pareira had 4 wickets following Tuesday’s gamewhileBrandonHenry,DarvirSeegobin who grabbed 5-15 in the opening game, all continued their inter-county form, coupled withthatoftherecentcamp.

Batsmen like Justin Dowlin who had 37 in the first match, U15 vice-captain Emmanuel Lewis, who led one of the two teams, also got into some last minute form, cracking 70 in Wednesday’s win while scoring30inthepriorgame.

OtherplayerslikeShamarApplewhohad scores of 25 and 44, opener Parmeshwar Ram, wicket-keeper Sohail Mohammed

showed good form over the two games betweentheLewisXIandHetmyerXI.

DuringhismeetingwiththeU15players, Singh presented some cricket gear to the youngsters while urging them to remain confident ahead of the tournament, adding that he himself has immense belief in the team itself. The GCB head explained to the youngsters that he’s extremely confident in thisgroupofplayers,givingthemtheutmost support as he pointed out that he firmly believes that they can win the regional tournamentandreturnhomewiththetitle;as they prepare to wing out for Antigua on Saturday Guyana U15 squad: Parmeshwar Ram, Justin Dowlin, Darvir Seegobin, Emmanuel Lewis (V/C),Adrian Hetmyer (C), Rovaldo Pareira, Richard Ramdeholl, KhushSeegobin,Sohail Mohammed(W/k), Shamar Apple, Brandon Henry, Gilbert Griffith,JathnielNurseandArifKhan.

Standbys Players: Trilok Nanan, Reyaz Latif, Bomesh Lall, Feeaz Baksh, Kumulchan Ramnarace,EronBenjaminand MickleSharma.

the calibre to decide the outcome of matches. However, the tournament is not replete of household names, the likes of Gregory ‘Jackie Chan’ Richardson, Travis ‘Zorro’ Grant, Eusi Phillips, Hubert ‘Bertie’ Pedro, Randolph Wagner and Steffon Daniels, are all still holding their own againsttherampagingyoung brigade.Over$1.5millionin prize monies and trophies are up for grabs, while an automatic berth to the national finals is also guaranteed to the winner of thecompetition. The winning team will

takehome$800,000andthe champion’s trophy, while second, third and fourth place finishers will receive $400,000, $200,000 and $100,000respectively

The winner of the Plate finalwillcartoff$$100,000.

Colours Boutiques on Robb Street and Regent Street respectively are also onboardassponsors.

There will also be a SkillsChallengesegmenton the final night of the competition. Below are the fixturesfortonight’saction:

Lodge All Stars versus Albouystown Warriors @19:00hrs; North

Ruimveldt vs Make It Happen; North East La Penitence vs. Rising Stars; Stabroek Ballers vs. Tucville; Albouystown vs. Middle Road; Sparta Boss vs.SophiaB;GoldIsMoney vs. Laing Avenue and Back Circlevs.Unstoppable.

Tomorrow’sFixtures: Laing Avenue vs Stabroek Ballers; Sophia B vs. Albouystown Warriors; North East La Penitence vs. Make It Happen; Nortn Ruimveldt vs. Rising Stars; A l b o u y s t o w n v s Unstoppable; Tucville vs. GoldIsMoney;BackCircle vs. Middle Road and Lodge AllStarsvs.SpartaBoss.

Sunday’sfixtures: Rising Stars vs. Make It Happen, Unstoppable vs Middle Road; Tucville vs. Laing Avenue; Lodge vs. Sophia B; North East La Penitence vs North Ruimveldt; Gold Is Money vs. Stabroek Ballers; Sparta Boss vs Albouystown WarriorsandBackCirclevs. Albouystown.

MVP Sports renews sponsorship for 2024 Petra/Milo U18 Schools tournament

The longstanding partnership between MVP Sports and the Petra Organisation for the hosting of the 2024 Milo Secondary S c h o o l s F o o t b a l l tournament was reaffirmed in a ceremony held yesterday at MVP Sports’ GiftlandMalllocation.

The eagerly awaited 10th edition of the tournament is scheduled to commence this Saturday, March23,attheMinistryof Education ground on Carifesta Avenue, with additional matches to be held at the Queen’s College groundonThomasLands.

Ian Ramdeo, CEO of MVP Sports, reiterated his commitment to supporting Petra in organizing yet another successful tournament Recognizing Petra’s pivotal role in fostering youth football and its significant contributions tothenationalprogramover the past decade, Ramdeo expressed sincere appreciation for Petra’s dedication. “I must extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Petra Organisation for their outstanding work over the past10years,”saidRamdeo.

“It is a privilege for MVP Sports to continue supporting such a commendableinitiative.The professionalism and effectiveness displayed by Petra in organising youth football are unparalleled Partnering with them has been an excellent experience, and we are proud to stand by them in nurturing the talents of tomorrow.” Ramdeo also called upon other corporate entities to join forces with Petra in their endeavor to nurture the nation’s future footballstars.

Troy Mendonca, Co-

Director of Petra, echoed Ramdeo’s sentiments, expressing appreciation for MVP Sports’ continued support throughout the years “MVP Sports has been a steadfast partner in ourtournaments,andweare grateful for their ongoing commitment. We eagerly anticipate many more years of fruitful collaboration,” saidMendonca.

As anticipation mounts for the tournament’s kickoff tomorrow, the fixtures for thematcheswillbepromptly published as soon as they become available to the public.

PAGE 38 Friday March 22, 2024 Kaieteur News
GCB GCB president Bissoondyal Singh and the Guyana Under-15 team pose for a photo following their final chat prior to their departure for Antigua this weekend. Petra’s Co-Director Troy Mendonca (left) share photo-op with CEO of MVP Sports, Ian Ramdeo on Thursday during its recent sponsorship presentation. Gregory Richardson Travis Grant Eusi Phillips Andrew Murray

Cabo Verde tame Golden Jaguars in Jeddah


In a match that showcased action at both ends of the pitch, Cabo Verde triumphed over a determined Golden Jaguars with a lone goal from Ryan Mendes at the Prince Abdullah Al-Faisal Sports City in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,lastevening.

Itwasthefirstencounter between Guyana and Cabo Verde, also known as the ‘Blue Sharks’, with the Golden Jaguars facing a teamfromtheConfederation of African Football (CAF) forthesecondtime.

The contrast in rankings between the teams highlighted Guyana’s status as the underdogs, ranked 157th compared to Cabo Verde, sitting at the 65th position,accordingtoFIFA.

Ahead of the match, HeadCoachJamaalShabazz acknowledgedCaboVerde’s superiority but expressed confidence in the organizationandenthusiasm oftheGoldenJaguars.

Shabazz fielded Quillan Roberts in goal, supported by Omari Glasgow, Stephen Duke-McKenna, Jeremy Garrett,ElliotBonds,Curtez

Kellman, Leo Lovell, Captain Daniel Wilson, Liam Gordon, Deon Moore, andColinNelson.

The Golden Jaguars appeared unsettled, leading to a defensive error that Mendes capitalized on with the Fatih Karagümrük S.K. player punished Guyana’s defensive lapse, putting the CAF side ahead just 90 secondsintothegame.

Lisandro Semedo then pressured Roberts into producing one of his many decisive saves of the day to preventtheAfricanside


Easter ‘Skill Cash and Gold’ Cup kicks off tonight

A c t i o n - p a c k e d excitementisonthehorizon astheGoldenGroveground prepares to witness the commencement of the second Annual Easter Knockout Football competition

Kicking off with a captivating triple-header tonight, fans can expect a d i s p l a y o f s k i l l , determination, and fierce competition.

The evening will begin withMahaicaFCfacingoff againstMelanieFCinwhat promises to be an intense showdown at 6:00 pm Following this clash, Mahaicony Lions will lock hornswithAirHallFootball Club at 7:00 pm, adding to the anticipation building amongstsupporters.

A s t h e n i g h t progresses, spectators can l o o k f o r w a r d t o witnessing Victoria Kings take on Golden Grove at 9:00 pm, ensuring an electrifying conclusion to theday’sevents

H o w e v e r , t h e excitement doesn’t end there

The real quest begins tonightasteamsvieforthe

prestigious Cash and Gold prizes

With a whopping

$500,000 up for grabs, alongside 20 pieces of Gold rings, medals, and the coveted Trophy, the stakes haveneverbeenhigher

As the teams gear up to showcase their talent and determination, the stage is set for an unforgettable eveningoffootballaction

This tournament is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Cool Crew Promotion and Paradise Sports Club, along with the generous s u p p o r t o f k e y contributors such as MVP Sports, Icon (IBIS Construction Sales and

Rental), the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, and the Prime Minister’sOffice

Additional sponsors include Anchor Cement, Central Housing and P l a n n i n g , E C S Construction and General Supply, Moore and Son Construction, Singh and Son Construction, the Urban Shoe Company, Republic Bank, JS Engineering and Supply, L u c o z a d e E n e rg y, Magnum Brand, Professor Emanuel Cummings, Curtis Andries, Park S q u a r e , L e g a l

Entertainment, Chicken King, and Grill King Enterprise.

Robust halfcenturies from Guyana Harpy EaglesCaptainTevinImlach and opener Tagenarine Chanderpaul,coupledwitha venomous spell from their pacers, put the champs firmly in the driver’s seat with action on the third day settobeintense.

With a 296 run lead, Guyana wasted no time stifling the Volcanoes who were blown away for 113 in 31. 5 overs, blowing their firstshotatthetarget.

Majority of the season belonged to the Guyana spinners but the Eagles quick-men made a strong statementthisround.

The 3-pronged pace attack led by Windies U19 speedster Isai Thorne, Ronaldo Alimohamed and Nial Smith, accounted for 8 wickets. Thornewasreallya

thorn in the sides of the opposition batsmen on Day 2, helping himself to 1st inningsreturnsof4-28. Hispartner,Alimohamed foundhisrhythmagainafter starting off the tournament hot, picking up 3-30 while match-winnerfromround 4, Smith (1-27), easily provided backup. Left-arm spinner Gudakesh Motie continued to climb the wicket-taking charts, grabbing 2-12, leaving the Volcanoes pair of Theo Walcott 41* and Darrel Cyrus 23, the primary scorers.

The champs continued their run-fest in the second inningsastheystretchedthe lead to 363 runs by stumps, endingon168-1afterlosing Matthew Nandu for duck.

Imlach looked set for his second1stclasston,playing a skipper’s knock of 88*

with8foursandwillresume his second wicket stand of 168alongwithChanderpaul. TheWest IndiesTest opener looked a completely different batsman compared tothepreviousgameswhere hescratchedaround.

His shots on day 2 were onpoint,hitting8foursanda pair of sixes, as he will resumetodayon78;looking for a hundred alongside his captain.

It was a dismal batting performance from Windwards who resumed on 13-0 but misfired completely on the second day, courtesy of some hostile pace bowling from theGuyanese.

ApartfromWalcottwho wasleftunbeatenandCyrus who tried to put up a fight downtheorder,onlyopener and overnight batsman Kimani Mileus (14) got

anywhere close to double figures. Thorne and Alimohamed did the lion’s share of the damage, cripplingtheVolcanoeslineup,leavingMotietocleanup thetail-enders.

Guyana’ssecondinnings was highlighted by the welcomed return to form from opener Chanderpaul, who got the necessary supportfromhisCaptain.

Theduowereaggressive yet watchful during their time in the middle, oozing confidence as they matched shot for shot to take Guyana and their partnership past 150, a few overs before stumps.

Afteroversoftoilingand grueling, the umpires called time on the second day, granting an under-pressure Windwards time to regroup aheadofwhatislikelytobea toughDay3today

Kaieteur News PAGE 39 Friday March 22, 2024
2024 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 5 Day 2…GHE vs WIV Imlach 88*, Chanderpaul 78* stretch Harpy Eagles lead to 363, with intense 3rd Day looming - Thorne 4-28, Alimohamed 3-30, Motie 2-21 (WIV 1st innings 113 all out) Fast-bowler Ronaldo Alimohamed grabbed 3-30 and was a part of a lethal spell alongside Isai Thorne, whom he shared 7 wickets with.
Organisers of the event President of the Cool Crew Promotion, Lynton Luke (right) and President of Paradise Sports Club, Glenford Fordyce urge fans to come out and support the ‘ Skills, Cash and Gold’football action, starting this evening.

Republic Bank CPL creates record economic impact in Guyana

The Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) created a record total economic impact of US$101,683,135forGuyana duringthe2023tournament.

There were six regular season matches and four playoff matches in Guyana between the 13th and 24th

the tournament was responsible for filling a record 23,217 hotel room nights in Guyana, made up by CPL’s significant cohort which included players, coaches, administrators, TV and media crews, team owner groups, league and franchiseeventmanagement teams, alongside overseas visitorswhoarrivedtowatch thegames.

September and the tournament concluded in front of a sell-out home crowd at the Providence Stadium with the Guyana Amazon Warriors claiming theirfirstCPLtitle. The Economic impact study was compiled by World renowned research organisation, YouGov Sport who reported on the impact CPL had on the local economy Alotoffactorsare taken into account, though thekeyeconomicdriversare organiser spend, visitor spend and media value for Guyana.


A large part of the total economic impact figure came from the money spent by these overseas visitors who spent a considerable amount of time in Guyana during the CPL matches, enjoying the many activities put on as part of the Cricket C a r n i v a l Guyana also benefited from the tournament being broadcast around the world with CPL’s total audience reaching 853 5million viewers As always, the tournament worked closely with the local tourism authorities to create world class content which

highlighted the fantastic ecotourism opportunities that exist in this stunning country These exclusive features and vignettes were shown during the CPL matches,furtherpromotingthe tourism message to a global a u d i e n c e Pete Russell, Republic Bank CPL’s CEO, said: “The conclusion of the 2023 tournament was certainly dramatic,asalleyeswereon Guyana to see the Amazon Warriors claim their first CPLtitle.Thiswasafantastic momentforthecountryandit isextremelyrewardingtohave seen both the social and economic impact the tournament had in Guyana, withthefiguresreleasedtoday confirming what we all felt during those memorable 11 dayslastSeptember

“Having the showpiece finale the Biggest Party in SportinGuyanawascertainly a huge success and these numbers show how sports tourismcanleaveasignificant andlastinglegacy”

KamrulBaksh,Directorof the Guyana Tourism Authority, said: “The Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has been a gamechangerforGuyana’stourism industry

More specifically, since becoming the host nation of the CPL finals in 2022, Guyana’svisitorarrivalshave significantly increased by 131%from2022to2023 This is the highest number of visitors for September on record.Injusttwoyears,the rush of cricket fans and travellers from around the world has filled our hotels andrestaurantsandprovided opportunities for local businessestothrive.

The CPL has not only broughtexcitingmatchesbut has also displayed Guyana’s rich culture and natural beauty worldwide, reinforcing our status as a leading tourism destination. We aim to capitalise on this success, leveraging sports tourism to drive steady economicdevelopment.”


Jason Campbell ton propels Eccles to 3-wicket win over Uprising SC

The first round of the East Bank Cricket Association (EBCA) 2nd Division 40-Over cricket tournament concluded on Sunday with impressive victories from Eccles, Ruimveldt, and Laluni Sports Clubs, setting the stage for an exciting second round.

Eccles faced off against Uprising Sports Club at the Farm ground on Saturday, clinching victory by three wickets Eccles, batting first, put up a formidable total of 184-8in35overs,poweredby a brilliant knock of 102 runs from Jason Campbell, supported by Nehemiah Henenkirk’s contribution of 17runs Despitetheeffortsof Laurel Parks (3-40) and TameshwarnauthSankar(2-8) from Uprising’s bowling attack, Eccles managed to reachtheirtarget Inresponse, Uprising SC fell just short, posting181-10,withRonald Hercules (41) and Michael Sabadar (33) leading the charge. Mark Cummerbatch starred for Eccles with the ball,claimingfiguresof3-26 On Sunday, Ruimveldt SC delivered a dominant performanceagainstPatrewta Sawmills, securing a ninewicket victory at the Farm

Jason Campbell stroked an unbeaten 102 runs for Eccles Sports Club.

ground Patrewta Sawmills wererestrictedto115-8in204 overs, and Ruimveldt chased down the target with ease, reaching 118-1 in just 113 overs, with Omesh Daniram top-scoringwith60runs

Meanwhile, at Laluni ground,thehometeamLaluni SC defeated Silver Bullet by 30 runs Laluni posted a total of124-10in204overs,thanks to contributions from Josiah Lim (38) and Nolan Hodge (22) Inresponse,SilverBullet SCcouldonlymanage94runs alloutin214overs,withSunil Sarjooclaiminganimpressive 5-15 to seal the victory for Laluni SC, supported by WayneLaRose’s2-18 Providence secured a victoryviawalkoveragainst Timehri.Thefixturesforthe second round will be announcedshortly

PAGE 40 Friday March 22, 2024 Kaieteur News
Guyana’s Amazon Warrior are the defending CPL champions.

CWI CG United Women’s T20 Blaze Round 3…Guyana vs. Leeward Islands

Claxton hat-trick, Hector 2 wickets help Leewards pull off a dramatic 4-run win over Guyana

Jahzara Claxton bowled the spell of the tournament thusfar,asherlastoverhattrick heroics, helped Leewardspulledoffthemost daringwinofthetournament yet, stunning a bewildered Guyanaby4-runs.

Opener Shabika Gajnabi led with the bat while the Guyanesespinnersproduced another cohesive spell to help subdue Leeward Islands by wickets during last evening’s match under lights at Warner Park, St. Kitts Batting first, Leewardscouldonlymuster 104-9fromtheirallotted120

ballsafterthewizardryfrom the Guyanese spinners continued.

AshminiMunisar(2-23), Sheneta Grimmond (2-19)

and leggy Niya Latchman (2-10), cleaned up the opposition.

Cherry-Ann Fraser (120) and star bowler this season, Plaffiana Millington (1-12)weretheotherwickettakersasDavenaSaxenaled theLeewardsbattingwith42 off39(5x4).

Guyana then shot themselves in the foot, imploding for 100 after Claxton’s magical spell, or 3-13.Along with Shawnista Hector (2-16), the duo helped stage a daring comefrom-behindwin.

Gajnabi had scored a classy 44 from 52 with 3 fours and one maximum, after Grimmond (10) and MandyMangru,whoscored 17 off 14 (2x4) managed to wipe some of the deficit before their respective dismissals. Gajnabi and CaptainShemaineCampbell (17), did most of the work required to get Guyana inches from victory, leaving very little for the remaining batterstodo.

But Hector and Claxton’s 5 late wickets helpedsealthemostexciting winofthetournamentforthe Leewards, rattling out the Guyana middle and lowerorderastheydefendingtheir lowscore.

Guyana advance to Pan Am Hockey Indoor Cup semis - To play Argentina today

Guyana is set to face Argentina in today’s semifinalsofthePanAmHockey Cup in Alberta, Canada, followingatop-fourfinishin thefive-teamgroup.

Under the guidance of coach Shane Samuels, the teamsuffereda5-9defeatto Argentina,followedbya3-5 loss to the USA and a 3-3 drawagainstCanada.

In their latest match againstTrinidadandTobago, Guyana aimed to salvage at leastapointtoeasetheirpath to the semi-finals, but were defeated 3-5 in an exciting andintensecontest.

The outcome meant that Guyana had to rely on the USA to defeat the Canadians, as a draw would have resulted in the Guyanese men being eliminated from the tournament.

Against Trinidad and Tobago, Jamarj Assanah scored twice, while Aroydy Branford accounted for the thirdgoal.

However, Branford missed two penalty opportunitiesthatcouldhave secured a crucial point for Guyana.

ForTrinidadandTobago, Akim Toussaint and Jordan Reynos each netted two times, while Tariq Marcano contributedtheothergoal.

As luck would have it, theUSAmanagedtoholdoff

Guyana’s Jamarj Assanah and T&T’s Tariq Marcano for the ball during the Pan Am Indoor Hockey Cup.

a determined Canadian side to win a 3-1 victory in a match that remained undecided until the final minutes.

The USA took an early lead, going up 1-0; a lead theymaintaineduntilthelast three minutes when Canada scoredagoaltoequalize.

However, in the dying

Meshach Sergeant and Captain Robert France surrounded by T&T defenders during their Pan Am Indoor Hockey Cup clash.

moments of the game, the USA struck twice in quick succession, much to the jubilation of the Guyanese supportersinthestands.

Theresultpavedtheway for Guyana’s advancement to the semi-finals today, based on their superior goal difference over Canada (RawleToney)

Kaieteur News PAGE 41 Friday March 22, 2024
Jahzara Claxton’s last over hat-trick stunned Guyana. Shabika Gajnabi top-scored for Guyana in a losing effort.
PrintedandpublishedbyNationalMedia&PublishingCompanyLtd.,24SaffonStreet,Charlestown,Georgetown.Tel:225-8458,225-8465,225-8491orFax:225-8473/226-8210. - Thorne 4-28, Alimohamed 3-30, Motie 2-21(WIV1stinnings113allout) Cabo Verde tame Golden Jaguars in Jeddah Sports G/town Zone Guinness ‘Greatest of the Street’ Sparta, Gold is Money, Back Circle headline tonight’s action 2024 CWI Regional 4-Day Championships Round 5 Day 2…GHE vs WIV Imlach 88*, Chanderpaul 78* stretch Harpy Eagles lead to 363, with intense 3rd Day looming
Guyana’s Omari Glasgow battles for the ball during Guyana’s clash with Cabo Verde in SaudiArabia. Cabo Verde’s Ryan Mendes in celebration mode after scoring against Guyana.
Avenomous spell from West Indies U19 pacer Isai Thorne
Guyana’s Harpy Eagles Captain Tevin Imlach will be eying a century today. ripped through the Windwards with 4-28. Tagenarine Chanderpaul looked in prime touch as he looks for another 1st class century today.
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