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1959 Piper Yearbook

Page 1

Acknowledgeme nts

F or o ur the me , " Li fe goe ~ not backw a rd nor tarries with yesterday." we are inde bted to T H E PRO PH ET by K ahli l Gibra n On pa ge 7 of The Piper th is quota1io n i:. " Reprinted from T H E PRO P H ET by Kah lil G ibran with the pe rmi ss io n of the publisher. Alfred A . Kno p f. Inc. Co pyrigh t 1923 by Kahli l G i bran : renewa l copyri ght 1951 by Admin ist ra tors

C. T A o f Kahlil Gi brnn Ei.1a1e a nd Mar y G Gibr an .''

We wo uld li ke to express o ur thanks 10 Th e Bir mingh am

Eccen t ri c, and T he De troit News for use of pho tographs ta ke n in co nnec tion wi th the Cokes for Clinton Campa ign pages 20-2 1; a nd to T he O c1roi1 T im e:, fo r those illus 1ra ting th e introdu ctio n of th e T u rbo Obc t11 Birmi nglrnm H igh School, pages 18 -1 9 T o General Motor~ Corporation for the photo • graph showing production of rubbc, in .1 pop bolt le. page 133.

To l\il r. Jo hn Kis h . ph o togr a ph y , m, t ruc tor. for co lor pho to • grap hs, pages 2, 6, 10. 1-1

Advertisers ' Dire ctory

Al ber t Hair St ylis t Anderso n Bakery Bany Flowers Ba rbara Seaver Mc C all School of Ballet 2 12-213 223 2 4 0 212-213 208 216 Bell G reenhouses Big T ow n D rive-I n Bill Williams Studio, Inc Bi rm in gham Bow li ng A ll ey Birmingham C amera Shop 2 22 210 242 228 •Birmingham Eccentric Birmingham Fede ral Savings & Loan 198 Birmingham Fruit & Groce ry 205 Bi r mingham Impo rted Cars, Inc ~15 Birmi ngham Lum ber & Suppl y Co. 219 Birmingh am T rave l Service 2 17 Bitterl e's Se rvice 2 12 -213 Bloom field V ill age Beauty Shop 212-213 Bob Frost Linco ln-Mercury I97 Brown Cleaners 212-213 Casa Mia 214 Cha mberl ain Real Esta te 196 C hry sle r Motor Compa ny 245 C oca C ola Bo ttlin g Co. 23 8 Cranbrook Drugs 20 2 D anby's Store for Meo 236 Danish Pastry Shop 2 12-213 Det ro it Ediso n .. 239 •Dickinson's Men's Shop 234 A Aaron, Carol 14 1 Abbott, Anne 26, I 04, 106, 138, 141, 169, 209 Abbott, Betty 169 Abbott, John 126 Ackerman,Pat 52, 69 , 16S Adair, Sue __ ·- ·- 138, 146 Adams, Bob l4S, 242 Adams, Gerry 63, 137, 140 Adams , John 71 Adams, Larry 147 Adrean, Jim 16S A'hearn, Mike 140 Airo, Dan 147 Akerley, D iane 63 , 147 Akerley, Janet 63 , I Si Akerley, John l6S
Dimas Furs 2 37 D ou gl as C leaners 235 F J Mulho ll a nd Com pa ny 244 F red Sand ers C ompa ny 2 3 Ford Mot or C ompan y 23 2-233 General Mo tors Corp. 200-20 1 Gordon's Beau ty S hop 205 H a rold Turne r 2 1 1 Herbert Bu r r Shoes 19 6 Higgins and Frank 2 07 Huston H ardwa re 2 10 H utch inson Lin coln-Merc ur y 2 3 1 J ac k's Ba rber Shop _ 235 Joh n Moss, Floris t 219 Kay Baum 25 6 Ki nsel-Wiggins 227 KLA L abora torie s 2 0 9 Kuh lm a n E lect r ic Company 199 La Belle's 24 1 L ak e J ewele rs _ 203 " Leon, Par isian H a irdresser 2 3 1 " Mc Bride Hardware 230 Mc Sweeney's Fine Footware 2 14 Machus Bakery 2 26 Ma rs Coffee Shop a nd Belai re 24 1 Mask ill H a rdwa re 19 5 Max Broock, Inc. 206 Merl in Salon 2 25 Mills Ph armacy 206 Monahan's Bee f Buffet 243 Morti mer's Me n's We ar 228 Na tional Ba nk o( Detroi t 236 • 25-year Advertiser i11 Th e Pi per Geaeral Index Akerley. Judy 6 1, 62, 104, 135, Akerley. Ross A lain, Ji m . Alcorn Bill Alexander, Bob 144 14 5 64, 67, 145 89, 98, 99, 102, l 3S , 165, 190 14 9 Alic, Jim .......... 144 Alic. John Allen, Art All en, Catherine All en, D oroth y Allen, Jeff All gire, Marty 127, 138, 165 14S 137, 16S 37, 132 149 I 19, 128, 138, 142, 198 A lli k, Ene 14 2 All um, Beve rly 16S Al tman, Helen S8, 128, 140 Altmansburger,Karen 137, l6S 246 Nault's Ba r be r Sh o p 202 No rth C hevrolet 225 P armenter Floris t 227 Pea r l' Garden 198 Peck's Me n's Wear 197 Pontia c Motor Division 210-221 Prince ton P rep 217 Quarto n M ar ke t 2 t 8 Ritte r's Beverages 242 Sealtest D ai r y P roduct ) 226 Sc hu ltz Mo to r , In c . 234 " S fire's Mar ket 2 4 0 " S ha i n 's Drugs 24 3 She r ma n Shoes 22 4 S mi th 's Ma rk e t 2 30 " S nyd er. Ki n ney and Bennett 224 S. S. K resge Co m pan y 2 15 Sumne r Mo to r Sa les 2 18 T ed's Restaurant & Dri ve- In 207 Th ornto n & Groo ms Plum b ing ... .. 2 12 -2 13 Torrence Oil Co m pa n y 2 08 T ractor & I mple me n t D ivisio n F ord Mot o r Company 229 Vi ll a ge C rier 238 Vi ll age Sto re 194 Wa beek Pharm acy 195 Wieland's Int e riors 223 Wesc h Cleaners 244 Wilson D ru g 2 1 I Wilson Po n tia c-Cadill ac 2 0 3 Woody Ac res Nurse ry 2 0 4 Ambrose, Ker mit 54, 5 5, 7 8, •· 80, 89, 99, 102, 108 , t 16, 147 Am weg, Scou .... .. . .... .... ... 149 Anders, Prind le I. 19, 123 , 127, 142 Anderson , G erald 141 An derson, F red 89, 9 I, 92, 9 3, 1 17, 144, 223 Anderson, Jan 109, 128, 130, 16 5 Ande rson, Jim 49, 149 Ande rson, Steve C 148 Anderson, Steve H 14 3 Anderso n, Tobie 150 Andreae, Fr an k 135, 143 Andreae Phil ...... 39, 103 , 117, ................ ............. 132, 16S , '217





Sa ndy 63, 148

Barcy, Mike - 147

Bardsley, Tom 85, 146

Baribeau, C he rie 57, 131, 134, 144


Barnard, Richard . ... .. ........ . ..

Bates, Bonnie 12 7, 137, 165

Batey, Carolyn 123, 166, 203

Batten, Arlene 38, 134, J42

Battenhouse, Ralph , 34, 147

Bauer, Anne .... 45, 104, 142, 198

Bauervic, Peg 106, 142

Bauman, Al 78, 79, 80, 89, 99, 145

Bayliss, Elaine 1'33, 144

Beadle, Marva ......................... 142

Bearss, Sue 166, I 95

Beaudoin, Sharon 132, 147

Beaver, Chuck 148

Beaver, Lucy 167

Beck, Barb 63, 134, 137, 142

Beck, Judy 143

Beck, Larry 35, 89, 103, 138, 139, 140

Becker, Bob 147

Becker, Terry 127,

Wayne 91, 132, 146, 2 28
rews, Jan 37, 143
Don na 63, 149 Andrus, G ary 143
Chuck 143
l, Bob 85, 150
le, Rodger 89, 149
, K ara 130, 165
J erry 165
trong, D or is 147
Marilyn 37
old, Bob 142
o ld, Larry 146
Roberta 36, 11 9, 128 , •.•. 14S
, Rober t 6 I Ashcraft,Cur t . . . .. . 145 Ashcraf t, D a le 145 Ashe, Karen 63, 144 Ash lock, M arilyn 66, 126, 138, Aspbury, George Atkin Gail A t ki nson, J eff Auch, Don Aus tin, Hank Avesian, Betty Ave sia n , P aul 165 151 148 B l65 146 145 , 242 147 165, 2 14
K a th y 54, 55, 151 Baby, Bill 16, 89, 145 Baby, William, Sr. 88 Backus, Barbara J ean 56, 144 Baco n, Charlen e I 66 Bacon, Dav e l 42 Bacon, Ka ren 150 Bacon, Sharon 150 Badenoch, Donna 148 Baginski, Bruce 147 Bagli n, Frank 102, 127, 138, 165 Bailey, Ann 126, 144 Bailey, Barb 148, 196 Bailey, Dave 150 Bailey , Hu g h 143 Bailey, Paulette 149 Ba ker, S ue 151 Baldwin, Marjorie 12 4 Balis, Barb 130, 138, 166 Ba ll, Penny 11 3, 130, 164, 180, 190, 237 Balli, Dia ne 63 Baltzell, Ann l 06, 167 Bambard, Ben 62, 63 , 166 Banes, Betty 137, 142 Banners, Bonnie 149 Banners, Maxine , 124 Bannon, Tim .. ... ... 85, 9 1, 146 Bany, Pat 134, 148 Barbe r, Bill 149 Barbe r, Diane 64, 67, 166 Barbosa,
Beverly 141 Barker, Ken 166
Barnes, Karen 128, 138, 166 Barr, Sandy 96, 97, 141 Bartlett, Dale .• 65, 67
Barton, Bob 147
Basford, Chuck 166
Bateman, Keith ,,. 144
136, 165 Bee, Dave 130, 148 Beec hler, Juli e 138, 166 Beers, Royce 125, 146 Beier, Mary 75 Bekolay, Den nis ....... ......... 62, 166 Bekolay, Mark 151 Bclian, .Rudy , 145 Bell, Cindy 151 Bell, Phil 62, 146 Bender, Carol 131, 149 Bennett, Karen 132, 145, 194 Benso n, Bob 99, 102 Benson, Mary 25, 149 Benway, Howard , 167, 242 Berkol, Bonnie .... 128, 137, 138, •· 143 Berndt, Arnold ..• 65 Bernecker, Mary Lou .... 36, 138, 151 Bernhard, Dick ·::·::: 143 Bernhart, Carol 166 Bemill, Kay 128, 140 Berry, Dave 117, 131 , 166, 202 Berry, Pat 102 Berthiaume, Larry 138, 140 Bene, Yvett e •.. 149 Beuthien, Tom 166 Beyer, Jud y 142 Beyer. Carol 149 Bialk, Zoe 144 Bidiga rc, Dick .,............ 165 Bielby, Dick 145 Bigge, Barbara 128 Billings, Bob 147 Biondo, Jim 145 Bircha rd, Lyn 166 Bird, Eva 142 Bird, J im 91, 138, 143, 243 Bird, Margaret I32, I65, 240 Bird , Mary .. .... 132, 166, 237 Bird, Pat 143 Bird, Sue , 149 Bishop , Carolyn 165 Bishop, Judith 63, 147 Bishop, Ju dy. 137, 150 Bishop, Sue 131, 149 Bitzer, Barry 64, 150 Bitzer, Sue 165 Bixby, Duane 167 Bixby, Joan 145 Bl ack. Becky 57, 119, 150 Black, Hugh 5 l, 166 Black, Margaret I 50 Black, Sondra . . .. ...... ... .... ... 143 Bl ackwood, Amelia 73 Blackwood, Gavin 149 Blair, Jim 140 Blanton, Jerry 166 Bliss, Sue 123, 145 Blow, Barb 148 Blunt, Katherine 37, 134, 149 Blunt, Penny 128, 130, 131, ·····- 134, 138, 143, 209 Bock, Tamara 166 Bodak, Dave _ 144 Bodor, Lisa 128. 137, 166, 180 Bohan, Bonnie ........ 63, 134, 147 Bohls, Barb 147 Boler, Marlene 143 Boley, Frank , 143 Bolier, Barb 138, 167 Bollman, Tom 148 Bonaventura, Gary 14S Bond, Bill 146 Booth, Doug 99, 129, 166 Booth, Mac 102 Borgman, J ulie 128, 167, 180 Borgman, Randy 141 Borisen, Doug 147 Borthwick, Jim 125, 146 Bosak, Dorothy , l4'l Bosak, Greg , 14 I Bostwick, Lee 52, 149 Bostwick, Pat 141 Botsford, Kay 151 Bouchard, Roger 145 Boucher, Jeff I , 21, 39, 46, 831 ,... 86, 88, 89, 132, 166, 214 Boughner. Tom '.3'.3, 148 Bowen, Lucy ............................... 149 Bowers, Mike 148 Boynjian, Karen 146 Boyd, Dick 98, 99, 100, 102 247 Boyd, Pam .................................. 146 Boyer, Judy 128, 167 Boynton, Bud 102 Brady, Carolyn 149 Bragaw, Jim 149 Brain, Jim 143 Bramblen, Bonnie 138, 166 Brandt, Mike 83, 89, 112, 114, 119, 132, 165, 226 Bratton, Marilyn 106, 112, 128, 130, 131, 138, 164, 180 Brda, Ann 62, 16S Brelsford, Quentin 102 Breslin, Chuck 14S Briegel, Jim 126, 146 Briegel, Joan 128, 134, 138, 144 Briley, Pat 144 Brisky, Larry 165 Bristol, George 62, 135, 144 Broaddaus, John 148 Brode, Karen 149 Brodie, Albert 62 Brodie, Sharon _ 134, 165, 191 Bronersky, Rose Marie 150 Brookman, Bob 142, 234 Brooks, Jean 15 I Brophy, John 166 Brosenne, Kathy 166 Bross, Chuck 147 Brown, Art 151 Brown, Bill 149 Brown, Bill R. 81, 128, 129, 138, 166, 180, 208 Brown, Breck 138, 142, 197 Brown, Debbie ISO Brown, Guy 62, 166 Brown Juanita 57, 13 I , 137, - 142 Brown, Mary 64, 134, 150 Brown, Melodie 64, 130, 138, 145, 223 Brown, Phil 64, I 13, 165, 180, 191 Brown, Tom 78, 89, 90, 91, 99, 127. IJ8, 155. 164, 180, 215 Brown, Yvonne 149 Brozie, Belly 145 Brundage, Nancy 131, 138, 165 Brundige, Jan 149 Bruno, Tony 85, I 50 Bryan, Jim 127, 146 Bryant, Bill 99, 14I Buchanan, Ann 21, 47, ll2, 129, 130, 134, 138, 164, 175, 180, 181, '226 Buchanan, Jean 138, 142 Buchanan, Ron ......... ...... 138, 166 Buck, Barb 118, 140 Budd, Jon 165 Buell, Charles 36, 148 Buerge, Jan 145 Buesser, Fred 83, 96, 97, 112, :........... 114, l66, 220 Buick, Bill , 89, 90, 91, 92, _ 93, 132, 166, 220 Buick, Hank 149 Bundy,Dave 148 Burbettla, Ron. ............................ 146 Burge, Barb 147 Burgess, Bonnie 62, 145 Burgum, Tom 13, 96, 97, 126, 138, 141, 207 Burkman, Linda 108, 109, 164, 182, 2 14 Burnham, Ned -. 144 Burnham, Priscilla 150 Burns, Judy 64, 126, 146 Buros1 Tim ·-···· 147 Burroughs, Beth 138, 1"66, 180 Burton. Judy l6S Busch, Barb 128 Busch, Ed 1, 46, 82, 83, 84, .. ······"" 96, 97, 112, 165, 229 Busch, Jeanne , 166 Busch, Tom 143 Buschlen, Gerald 70 Bushman, Jim ~·-· 89, 145 Buszta, Doug - 148 Butler, Betty - 166 Butler, Todd _,............................ 142 Byrne, Beverly ........ 131, 132, 149


Cadwell, Jan 125, 167. 208

Caid, Doris 150

Caldwell, Frances 149

Caldwell, Jean 109, 129, 130, 132, 138, 167. 171, 175, 180

Caldwell, J udy 138, 142

Calhoun, John 144

Calton, Kathy 145

Calver, Dave 91 , 99, 126, 127. 155, 167

Calver, Julie 131 , 150

Cameron, Bruce 150

Cameron, Scott I5 I

Camp, Hilda I SO

Camp, Larry _ 146

Camp, Tom 143

Campbell, Patsy 137, 143

Campion, Dennis 143

Canham, Dave 78, I S I

Canning, Bill 150

Caramanti, Claudia 26, 27, 105, 107, 114, 128, 130, 138, ·•·~ 164, 169, 228

Caress, Dr Mark 75

Carlisle, Dave 62, 167

Carlson. Alan 91 , 140

Carlson, George 44, 143

Carlton, Phil I44

Carpender, Cindy 149

Carr, Judy 137, 144

Carrier, Betty 135, I 67

Carroll, Jenni e 124

Carson, Thomas 83, 85, I 03

Carter, John 149

Carter, Les I 46

Cartwright, Bonnie 140

Casenhiser, Ed 167

Casey, Carol 63, 134, 146

Casselman, Ardath 13 I

Cauley, Mike 150

Cauffiel, James 36. 142

Cavell, Donna 62, 63, 167

Chadwick, Ron 78. 146

Chalmers, Carol 40, 41, 108

Chamberlain, Margaret 64, 67,

Chapin, Carolee

Chapin, Wells

Chapman. Barb

Chappell. Carolyn 13 I.

Chappell, Harold Charbonneau , Terry 137 146 138. 150 138, 145 148, 209 129, 130, 164, 180, 208 99 78, 128. 138, 141

Chase Gilbert 49, 142

Charlier Don 143

Cheer, Bill 167

Cheer, Bob I 50

Chinn , Nancy 132, 147

Chitren, Dennis 143

Choquette, Mik e 167

Christian Mary 126, I 4 l

Christi, Judy 147

Christi, M ike 142

Chope, Tom 99

C lark, Be th 137, 148

Clark, Calmia 128, 138, 167

Clark, Elizabeth 63, 141

Clark, Hugh 85, 91, I.SO

Clark, Mari lyn 39

Clark, Sue 167, 225

Clayton, Howard 40, 41

Cliff, Bert _ 127, 144

Cline, Sue .... 62, 137, 143

Clohest, Kaye 134, 148

Cloonan, Dick 96, 97

Cloonan, Lynne 112, 130, 138, 164, I 8S, 226

Close, Beverly 34, 130, I3 I, 138, 167

Close,Dick 49, 89, 143

Cloutier, Sue 148

Cloutier, Tom .. 83, 89, 142

Clymer,Don 140

Cocks, Fraser . 78, 80, 89, 99, . ...... 102, 108, 116, 138, 164, 180, 236

Codner, Jim 42, 103, 127, 144

Coe, Walt 146

Coffin, Chuck 127 , 128, 138, _ 142

Colburn, Marlene . 63, 137, 14S

Cole, Carol Cole, Marilyn

Cole. Newlon

Collins, Be th Collins, Bill Collins, Clark Collins, Dennis Collins, Florence Collins, M arilyn Collins, Nancy Collins Pat

Colwell, Frances Colwell, Pete Combs, Nancy Conley, Caro le Conlin, Dave Conrad, Donna Conrad, Pam


Cooper, John Cooper, Pam

150 ···,01. 128, 145 138, 147 168 126, 147 102 90, 9 1, 92, 141 124 14 6 63, 146 137, 144 138 138, 148 167 63, 146 141 126, 131. 148 104, 130, 134, 144 145 148 126 143
06, 128, 144 138, 14.S
Sara Conway Steve C ooch, George Cook , Janice Cook , Joe
Cook. Mary l05, I
128. 137,
123, Copeland, Pat I.SI 138, 167 148, 218 150, 218 Cork, Mary Cornell, Sandy Corsa ul, Mary Lou Corteggiano Warren Cortella, Tito . Cortrighl, Henrietta Coryell, D ave Costa Ralph 167 130, 167 146 148 27 59 141 Cotton, Kathy Counscll, Bobbie Lou Counsc ll, Frank Counse ll, Joan 147 5 1 73 146 52, 167 I 5 I Coun1s, Mitch Counts, Sharo n Courtney, Bob Courtney, Mr. Cousineau, Ron Covill, Bob Cownn, Kennie Cowhey, Lee 147 147 138 54, 91 , 127. 145 148 128, 134, 138, 145 143 147 130. 167 63, 149 Cowie, Dick Cowman, Judy Cox, Carolyn Cox, D ia nn Coyle, Jan ·· ·iio; Crabb, Ga r y 147 167 147 147 Craft, Pat Craig, Joe Craig. Pauline 167 104, 132, 138, 145, 214 Crawford, Jeff 103 Crawford, Larry 148 C respi, Ginger 135, 142 Croly, Bonnie 130, I 38, 143 Crossett, Ronnie 146 Croteau, Mary Anne 168 Cudini, Helen 113, 167 , 180 Cueny, Bonnie 105, 144 Cumming, Ada .. 167 Cumming, Bob 146 Cunningham, Sally 114, 146, I 5 I, Cu rcuru, Ron C urry, Chase Czarnecki, Ilene 256 81, 126, 141 141 64, 128, 134, 138, 143 D Daanc, E lizabet h D acey, Pat Dahl, Dic k Dalka, Sharon Dallas, Libby Dalson, M ary Ann D anie ls, Don Danielson, Les 149 130, 138, 140 148 131, 148 134, 144 ····· 134, 145 115, 146 83, 89, 99, 102, 168 IQ Darling, Carol 72, 113, 114 Da rling, Chuck 78, 103, 128 134, 138, 141 , 205 Davey, Judy 26, 126, 128, 138, 248 Davies, Debbie .... . . .. Da vies J oan 126, 168, 168 149 197 1.50 168 D av is, Be a1rice 63, D avis Caroly n Davis Fred Davis, Judy D a vi s Pat D avis. Phil Davis, Sue Da wes, M aureen D awso n , Diane D awson, Don DeHart Bill deKubinyi, Marybeth 168 , 172 150 57, 146 141 126, 1.51 150 62, 168 149 150 128 , 131, 142 Deller , M ike 168 DelVero, Arthur 41, 136, 146 Derr, D ea nn a 12 1, 128, 130. 134, 138, 168. 180 Dettlinger, GeofT 168, 207 Detmers, Bill 144 Detz, Jerry 146 Devereaux, Leslie 138, I •I'.? , 220 De Ve n er, Da wn 149 De vine, Pa t 168 Dex ter, Yvonne 62, 69, 139, Di Cicco , Louie Dick Griffirh Dickel, Nancy Dickinson, Bo b D ickinso n , Jud y Dickson, Jim D idie r , George Dierkes , Don Dierolf, Will ard Dion , Leo Dion , Ra y mond D ishman , Sandy Dittrich, Ha l Dittrich, Sharon Dodd, Matt Dol a n , Jan e l Domes, Kar e n Donaldso n , Don Don a ldson, J im Donaldso n , Mary Donnelly, Sue Dono va n , Terry Doud, Pal Dowd , Ca rol Downey, Diane 168 144 Jl. 145 63 99, 144 167 146 6 4 , 65 97 113. 169, 191 144 70 25 2.S 144, 168 89. 90. 91, 92, 167 143 15 0 52, 148 146 102 127 . 142 134 , 138, 147 124 150 149 146 45, 132 , 142, 218 Doyle, Kitty 37, 127, 138, 143 D raper, Lynn 13 4, 138, 143 Draper, Sue 151 Drcmann, June I 37. I 38 , 143 Dr ink a rd, Mary Ann 143, 223 Driver. Bill 91, 92, 93, 142 DuCharme, Larry 85, 151 Duffield, Jim 103 Duh n , Bill 142 D unbar, Dec Ann . . 138, 168 Duncan, Mike 64, 147 Dunham, Duane 64, 67, 145 Dunham, Gail 137, 149 Dunn, D yane 145 Dunn, J im 150 Dunne, H arry 8.S, 125, 146 D u nne, Sandy 168 Duris , Joseph 48 DuYall. Debb ie 145 Dwire, Jim 135, 149 Dykesten, Belly 151 Dykesten, Ron I SO E Eastburn, Judy 128 , 129, 134 , 168 66, 140 66, 145 148 Eck s trom, Lois Edgar, Carol Edwards, Janel Edwards, Ru1h Egan , Bob 33 148 143 145 Egan. Dick Eggleston, Ed Egne r , Ted ...78, ··so. 89, 130, 149 Eichinger, J erry ::: ·:: .- 83, 89, 145 Ek lu nd , M elanie 148 Elliott, Betsy 132, 148, 211 Elliott, Gene 148
Cooper, Sue
Copeland, Ellen

Elliot, Jim

Elliot, Stew

Elliott, Sue

Ellis, Bill

E llis Dottie

E ll ison, Bill

Embu ry, Bill

Eme rick, Bob

Emerlin g, Don

Emer y Ma r y

Em ery. M ike

E mmett. Bob

E ngard, Gra nt

90, 91, 92, 93 , 150, 235 , 151

138, 168

I, 37, 45, 58, 12 7, 128 , 138, 140, 198

13 .l, 146


62, 149 126, 143 99, 145

137, 146, 168

64, I 19, 146 147

Enge lbrecht, C hu ck

Eng lis h , Priscilla

Epker, Ru ss

Eppl ey. Paris

Erickson, Art Erickson, Bob

E ri ckso n, Erik

Erickson , K en

Ermatinger. F lore nce

Ervin , C huc k

Erwin, D iane

Es tes. Ed

Etter, Bob Ett er, Sh aron

Eustis, Pam Evans, Carol F

128, 138, 145 22, 141 , 143 146 140


127, 13 5, 168 149 168

41, 142 124

62 , 147 168

96. 97 149 168

Bo, 1J8 : 169 134, 144

Falberg, John 141

F a lconer, Barb 130 138 168, 226

F arr. Beck y 39. 137, 138, 143

Far r ell, Kat hie I38, 168

Farynk Judy 149

Farynk, Juliana 146

Faul kner, John 149

F a ulkner , Ter ry 149

F awce tt , Linda 147

Feathers tone, Dr. Ri ch a rd 75

Feinthel, Jerre 64, 85 113 , 148

Felcyn, Gaile 143

F e ll a, Rose m ary 168

Ferguson, Dia na 151

Ferguso n, Sandy 62, 143

Fett Gwe n .. 34, 62, 104, 105, 134 , 16.9, 191

Fetzer, Randy 134, 145

Fick, Jim , 150 Fierz, C hu c k 64, 67, 146

Finfgeld , M a ry 149

Finley, J e ff 149

Finn, G r eg 147

Finn, John 143

Firth, Kerry 138, 141

Fis her, N anc y 128, 134, 140

Fix, Ron 78, 141

Fla he rty, Bob 128, 142

Flowers , Verna • 148

F lyn n, Ali son 147

Foga rty, Roger 131, 15 1

Foley, Ned 22, 86, 145, 202

Folin, Bob I 02

Follis, C huck 150

Fondren, Larry 142

Fontaine, Anne 134, 144

Foreman, Linda 134, 138, I 43

Foresman, Sarajane 150

Forrest , George 38, 83, 84, $9, , 96, 97 , 145

Forshew, Frank . .. 89, 103, 123, "· 168

Forsman, N a ncy 168

Fors ter, Michal 20, 21, 37, 44, 47, 123, 164, 181, 190, 220

Forsythe, Tom ::·· · I 51

Fortune, Nanc y 141

Foulkrod; Dan 145

Fouracre, Doug 142

Fowler, Marc ia 63, 131, 144

Fox, Barb 131, 134, 149

Fox, Gordie 13 I , 169

Fox, Kathy 128, 169

Frank., Sonia 137, 140

Frank, Vicky 131, 138, 150

Fraser, John 147

Freel, Larry 148

Frasure, Dave , 99, 144 Freel, Larry , 148

Freese, Chuck 126, 127, 168

French, Joy 145

French, Bob 37, 99, 138, 144 Frey, Don 138, 143 Friedman, Carol 142

Frohberg, Ann 43, 142

Frost, Judy 168

Fry, Dennis 85 , 135, 146

Fuhrman, Jim 138, 168 Fuller, Dorothy 124

Fuller, Gary , 150

Anne ... ....... ...... 169, 208

Gallop, Merv 68, 86, 88, 141

Dick 91, 13lS, 145


Tracy ... . 96, 97 Garlick, Jim 142 Gartick, Sally 126, 146

Bob I 38, 168

Gary 91, 149

Sally 128, 143

Pat 136, 141, 145

Lesley 127, 143

Amos ,. 75

Gregory, Carole 126, l 46

Greig, Dolores 37 Grennan, Carol . ..... .... 11, 144

Griffin, Jim 119, 169, 220 Griffith, Jane 104, 13 1, 148

Griscom, Elma 13, 128, 134, 1'.l8, 143

Grissom, Sue 169

Groat, Bob 51, 136, 170

Grooms, Barb 63, 147

Grothe, Donald 40, 41

Groty, Nei l ., 144

Groves, Dan .................... 125, 148




Hardwicke, Bob




Pat 149 G
.. .... .... .. ..... 148 Garza, Bob 138, 14 l Gask ins, Larry 138, 140 Ga ult , Raymond 40, 149 Gehm, Jonn 150 Geib Fritz 22, 78, 138, 142 Ge1o neck, Jim 85, 148 Gelmine, Bert ........... .... ..... 148 Gent, Elizabeth ....... 63, 147 George, Gail 56, 14 1, 209 Ge rh ard, Paul 169 Gertcber, Sharon 50, 149 Gertz, Bob 83, 89, 99, 169 Genz, Linda .. .. .. ........ 149 Gibbings, Martin 169 Gibson, Chuck 99, 100, 102 Gibson, Mike 147 Gibson, Sharon , 169 Gierok, Karl 89, 103, 143 Gieryn, Nancy 146 Gilbert, Bill .......... . ...., ... 91 , 145 Gilbert, Carole 39, 134, 144 Gilcrest, Claretta 63, I 50 Giles, Betsy 142 Giles, Gary 62, 149 Gillen, Mary 112, 138, 150, 209 Ginge ll, Natalie .... 107, 126, 13 ! , 138, 145 Ginm an, Marion 128, 138, 144 Gipson , Ju dy 109, 129, 145 Girard, Marty 85, 146 Gish, Barb 131 , 138, 142 Gitsc hlag, Paul I 50 Gitschlag, Sue 145 Gittins, Tom 143 Giuliani, Bob 142 Givens, Brian 13 I, 148 Gl aser, Tom ................ 115, 146 Glassford, Fred 151 Glime, Bill 149 Glossop, Eric 151 Gob es ke, Jane 148 Godau, Bob ... ..... 25, 115, 148 Godau, Tom 142 Goddard, Marty 62, 169 Godsell, Colleen 145 Goctt erman, Judy 126, 149 Gofrank , Diane 123, 169 Goit, Winifred 124 Golliher. Donald 40, 41, 171 Good, Carolyn 140 Goodrich, Larned 72, 73 Gordon, Mari lyn 147 Gore. Dannis ---·······143 Gorman, Dennis 36, 149, 211 Gough, Mary 64, 145 Gould, Karen 64, 67, 150 Goulder, Marilyn 147 Gowing, Delmer 148 Graber, Kay 104, 169, 180 Graber, Lorene ~3, 146 Graham, Anne , 167 Graham, Bonnie 138, 169 Graham, Hugh 43, 150 Gra hn, Margo 45, 69, 134, 142 Granda, Dave 1S l 249 Granger, Dave 91, 147 Granger, Stan 136, 150 Grant, Gail 64, 131, 138, 14.8 Grant, Judy 41, 137, 144 Grant-Watters, Colin 126, 177 Grauer, John 147 Green, Bill 78, 89, 91, 99, , 102, 108, 127, 138, 169 Green, Fran 106, 143 Green. Jerilyn 22, 128, 138, 143 Green, Nancy 131, 146 Green, Pete .... ......... 94, 95 Green, Ron 42, IS I Greenleaf, Sue 131, 149 Greenwood, Chris 149 Greenwood,
Garoner, Leo 48, 49
Terry 169
Kathy 150 Garwood, Ron
Gregory, Joan 145
I 69 Groves, Paul 150 Guarniere, Joan 63, 131 , 147 Guckelberg, Bill 102 Guenth er, Bob 83, 89, 171 Guerber, Janet 149 Guest, Julie 46, 169, 220 Guilford, Chuck _,. 150 Guilmet, Bud 141, 236 Guthrie, Diana 13 I, 149 H Haack, Bob 140 Haack, Elmer , 14S Haack, John LS I Haack, Sandy 127, 136, 149 Habrle, Roger 148 Haddas, Karen 128, 142 Hailey, Jane 63, 149 Haines , Gerald 169 Haines, Polly 170 Haines, Sally 170 Hai t, Dick 150
Don 147 Hall, Eleanor 130, 148 Hall, Jim 126, 127, 143 Hall,
Marie 83, 99, 102, 170 Hall,
99, 129, 170
62, 14
142, 22S
64, 147 Hamilton,
128, 170
Groves, Darbea
Hallowell, Lynne
1 Hamilton, Fred
Judy 138,
Hamilton, Sue
Wayne ..... .... ...........
Hamme r, Tony 97, 116,
Hammond, Fred 138, 14S
146 Hanlon,
Hamner, Ran
..................63, ISO
Jane ,
128, 170
Hansen, Bob 9 1, !SI
Carol ......... 126, l 70,
108 Hansz,
140 Harber, Les
.............................1 16,
21 7
Hanson, Eugene
Jim ,.
....................89, 91, 92, .
Harbut, Donald 70 Harke, Lynn 130, 143 Hardaway, Gerry 148
BS, 12S, 149
r, Karen .137, 143 Harper, Lorrccn
Chuck ISi Harris, Fri tzi 138, 142 Harris, George 83, 141
, George S 81, 127, 140
Harris, Geraldine 170
J an .147, 228 Harris, Mary .106, 146

Harris, Sue 146

Harrison, Curt 138, 145

Harrison, George 148

Harrison, Ginny 138, 170

Harrison, Jrwine ,.... 146

Harrison, Jul iuse 170

Hartung, Chuck 83, 89, 116, 142, 23 4

Hartwick, Mary 37

Harvey, Bob 78

Harvey, Mosby 78, 85. 147

Harvey, Norma 144, 244

Harvey, Ron 145

Harvie, Dave 148, 240

Hasken, Nancy

H asler, J ulian

Hastin gs, Jim 173

Hatey, F red 70

Haugh, Dick 148

Hauk, Judy 128, 131, 144

Hawkins, Bob 146

Hawkins, Juanita ISO

Hawki ns, Nancy 149

H a wley, Dennis 61, 81, 11 9, ··············· .128. 144

Hawley, Mary 128, 170

Hay, Pam 142

Hayner, Helen 73

Hays, Jo Ann

Hays, John 149

Heath, Sue I SO

Heck, Don 81, 140

Heck, Kathy .128, 141

Heft, Earle I .SO

Heideman, J an 138, 169, ······-··· .I 7 s, 231

Heikkinen,Dan 145

Heintz, Karen 66

Hein tz, Mary L u 128, 13 1, 134, 144

Helgeson, Judy .......................... 147

Heller, Sue 33, 146

Heimrich, Ruth Ann 63, 170

Helper, Jeanne 137, 145

Hemmingway, Bob l.SO

Henderson, Barbara 130, 169

Henderson, Bill 85, 147

Henderson, Pele 85, 147

Hendrickson, Bob 61, 147

Hendrickson, Tom 14.S

H engelmann, Jay 148

Henkel, Phil , 151

Henrickson, Gary 91, 149

Herrmann, Barbara 63, 148

Herschelmann,Fred 146

Hershberger, Dick 127, 138, 142

Herter, Tim ..........................81, 148

Hertzberg, Fred 64, 150

Hesselberg, Penny J SO

Hester, Anne 142

Hewitt, Bob 103

Heydon, Bill 146

Heystek, Ann 36, 134

Hibberlin, Fred .129, 170

Hibberlin, Oinny 137, 147

Hic ks, Bill I SO

Hierta, Ebba 138, 146

Hill, Bob 49, I SO

Hill, John 44, 81, 138, 142

Hillier, Bob 170

Hilty, Sue .128, 134, 144

Hines, Diane 143

Hines, Mike 39, 142

Hinken, Nancy SI, 136, 170

Hinman, Kitty 143

Hiotz, Kareo l38, 169

Hitchcock, Diane 123, 127 , ).28, .134, 138, 143

Hite, Gloria ··- 67, 14S

Hobrock, Joo ...39, 127, 131, I 70

Hockert,Dale ·-··- 147

Hodge, Diane ...... 126, 170, 19S

Hodwick, Mike ..........................

Hoffman, Paul 147 Hoffstetter,Larry 169

HoganMike 143

Hohman,Diane ·-··· 143

Holden, Harry 148

Holland, Linda JsJ

Holloway Gladys 52

Holmes, Caren 141

Holmes, Jack ··········-········ 85, 149 63, 149 Holmes, Sandy .................... 138, 170

Holmgren, Carol 45, 66, 128, ·······•· ·· •• · ·· 170

Holmquist, Marilyn 169

Hornberger, Sharon 62, 69, 170 Honhart, Keith 149

Honkan en, Frank ,.64, 148

H oover, Paul 85, 150

Hopkin s, Maureen

Hopkins, Pat 63, 170, 191

Hopwood , Martha 126, 150

Horn , Jackie .42, 140

Hornacek, Ken 36, 144

Horner,John 91, 93, 140 Horner, Mike J SO

Hosken, Nancy 170

Houghton, Carol 47, 138, 164.

.............. ........... 180, 181, 208

Householder, Dave • l 5 l Hovey, Pat 68, 126, 128, ....• 138, 170, 197

Howard, Di ane I, 37 , 44, 4S, 120, 164, 181, 190, 203

Howcll,_Jobn E. . ... ... .. 150

Howell, J ohn W 45, 11 6, 123, 171, 204

Howell, Sue 137, 169

H owick,Mike 151

Hoyt, Holly 138, 142

Hradelzky, Peter 142

Hrli c, Nick ·- 143

Hubbard, Bob - ·

Hubbaro, E. A. 33, 121,

Jansen, D eanna 105, 106, 126, 134, 170

J arosz, Sandy 143

Jensen, Dave 8.S, 149, 244

Jepson, Nancy . 64, 13 7, 148

Jerrett, Rod 142

Jesse, Ed 148

J ewell, J oanne SJ, 171

John s , Diana 148

J ohnson, D a ve 146, 149

Johns on, Di xie .S6

J ohnson. Erick I 08

Johns on, Gary 62, 63, 173

Johnson, George

John so n. Jim

John son , Janet

J ohnson, Kaye

John so n, Lois

Johnso n, Ru ss




1, 144


Kacy, Ken


Kamin, Mary

Kanat, Gil 81, 99, 140, 242

Kanemat s u, Katsuhiko 99

Kannell, Jean 148

Karmin, Louis 138


.. . .

Kemp, Nancy 63 17 1

Kemp f, M arc ia 56, 130, 17 I

Ke ndall, Mary Ann 146

Ke nd all, Sally 134, 145

Kenjoski Deanna 128, 130, 134, 17 1, 180

Kennedy, Lynn e 143

K e nt, Dick ,

Kerley, Tom 148

Kern, Elaine 127, 148

Kershner, T o m 128, 13 1, 134, ·· 138, 17 1, 180

Kersjes, Arthur ·-- -· 33, 144

Ketlar, Joyc e 127, 148

Kettl er, Herb 78, 99, 14.S

Keyser, Anne 147

Keysc r , Da ve --·· 129, 138, 172

Kidwell , Joe 102

Kill ing, Gertrude 124

Kimberl y, Kim 171

King , 'Bruce 11 6, 148

King, Carol I, 45 , 123 , 127, 128, 134, 145

King, Cleve 142

Kinney, Bob 99, 140

Kinney, Mike 17 1

Kinnison, Cherry 126, 171

Kinni son, Elizabeth ...•36, 40

174, 17j Hud son, Clark 58, 121S, UIS, 171, l!SU, 20!1
•· 146
138, 169
JJIS, 169
Hudson, Mary 1)0 Huffman, Pam 116,
, 138, ···••·••···· ·· .. ······
Hughes, Anne
Hugnes, Mike
Hughes, Sue 170
Sue 169
Hunt, Yvonne 13 1 H unter, D ave 78, 80, 99, 138, 142 H unler, Ron ..48, 169 Huntoon , Ginny 43, 45, 123, •· 164 Hurd Dennis ....... ...... ... .83, 144 H urld, Judy 144 Hutchings,Deb 109, 126, 132, ········· 138, 170, 23.S Hutchinson, John .1 12, 129, 164, 17 S, 187, 23 I Huuon, Bill 89, 143 Hyde, Jobn 20, 119, 123 , 169 I
Hull, Neil 64, 65, 113, 127, l 21S, 172, USO Hull , Pat 138, 147 Humphrey, Dix 22, 131!, 142 Hunt, Steve .127 , 169
Sand y 130, 131, 14.S Ingraham, Carl 101 I ngraham , Phil ............99, 100, 102 Innes, Bob 172 Innes, Kathleen ........................ 150 Ireland, D r. D wight .8 74, 75 Irwin, Ginny I 06, 170 Isaacson, Jane 145 lsaacson,Judy 69, 171, 204 Isbell, Ph il 83, 86, 88, 96, ·· 97, 141, 238 Issette, Arlen 146 J
ackson, D ave 149 Jack son, Mike 18, 22, 42, 94, 143, 238 Jackson,
Jacobs, Marlene
J acobson,
anis, Mary Ellen
Janisse, Sue
17 l Janke, Barb , 63, I 34,
Janke, Linda S6, S9, 99, 104, 130, 132, 170, 231 Jankie, Wanda ,.... 143 Janovac, Carol S1, 134, 144 250
Patt y 131, 134, 142
131, 142
Steve 83, 83, 85,
89, 149
Sandy SS, 140
Bill 148 J
n, Sue Johns on, Bill
John s ton , Alan
John s ton , G eorge
es, Carolyn
ones, Pa m 131, Joritz,
Joyner, Ba rbara
Jun Uk
Kyung K 64, 171 134, 138, 144 62, 69, 145 127
131, 134
142 138, 142 85. 149 41, 14.S I
126, 128, 138. 145 149 142
Ricky Jokel a , Russ Jones, Beth Jon es, 'Bob Jon
D ave A Jones,
ave L J
Joynt , Bob
138, 147, 207 146 13
126, I
Kaercher, Adele 167, 171 Kaerche r, Phyllis 149
iser, Billie I 05 Kalmbach, Ruth 128, 138, 144 K alocsay. Carl I.SI Kalody, Gary 147 Kamin, Ford 171
143 Kasten , Tena 36, 128, 138, 140 Kaszubowski , John 142
Kayga, Frank
D ave
146 151 91,
78, 80,
Keil, Di anna .• Kel
Don Kclber, Joan
Ke ll ey, Bonnie
Kelley, Dick
138, 143 Kelly, Larry I, 21, 28, 46, 86, 88. 96, 97, 116, 164, ··-- 18 1, 243
Ke ll y,Mike 138, 14S

Kipp , Bill

Kipp , Bob

Kircher, Diane

Kis h, John

143, 205 160 148 I , 33, 135 , 145, ... ..242, 246

Kissa m, Roger 83, 89, 112, 127, 13 1, 164, 175, 183

K ittl e, Barb 145

Klaasse, Ron 37, 144

Kl a ri c h, Bill 8 I , 145

Kl epper, Gary 144

Klimus h yn, H arry 99, 164, 179

Kl ine, Ann 146

Kl ine, Tim 143

K ling, Bob 83, 89, 147

Knott s, Jim 171

K notts , Sharo n 104, 148

Know le s, J im 144

Knowle s, J udy 140, 220

Koc h, Ba r b 16, 58, 128, Kochivar, K ay

Koenig Kathy

K olody, Ga r y

Kooken. Margare t Koren, Joanna

K orwin, Lo uise

Kostere, D a le

Kovats, Victor Kramb, M arie

Kr ics, Sue

Kri ese l, Vi cky

Kr iger, Barry

Kristoffy, Joyce

Krogsrud, Dave Kroll , Jack

K rueger, Barbara Kukar, Kathy

Kul ow, Bob

Kulow, C huck

Kul vandcr, Ed

Kurth Harvey, Kurth Lynn

Kutc he r , Don Ky rc, M arya nn

Leary, Pat ISO

LeClaire, Jack I SI

Lee, Elizabeth 63, ISO Lee, Dick 64, 172 Legene, Stan ISO Lehman, Barlow 64, 146

Lei tch, Laurie 126, 131, 138, 148

LeMessurier, Punch 189

Lemle, Carl 40, 78, 84, 94,

Martin . .................. 149

McClure, Mike 142

McCluskey, Marie 126, ISO McCracken, Joyce ISO

McCulloch, Sue _ ISO McCurry, Karel IOS, 130, 138, , .173, 226

McCurry, Terry 138, 146 McDace, Mike 146

McDonald, Karel McDonald, Mary Ellen 134, 148 McDonald, Mike . . ...... 144

McDonnell, Rod 144

McFarlen, Bill ......................... 102

Doug 151

Dave .......... ._ 149

McGee, Janet _. 146

McGiffin, Vida B. ··- I, 4S McGinnis, Rollie 102

McGovern, Lynn .............. ...... 148

McGrath, Ellen 148

McGraw, Sharon ...... 143

McGu ire, Sue 138, 113, 180

McHugh, George 14S

McI ntosh, Al 146

McIntosh, Gail . ....... 128, 174

14 3 123, 144 9 1, 142 172 126 144

89, 99, 100, 102, 171 146 148 147

58, 147 141

81, 105, 17 1

L 138. 141 ISO 171 147 .. 56, I SO 127, 138, 142 146 131 , 148 8 1 144

Lab a rre, Brenda .52, 1.50

Labbe, M a r y Coll ee n .. 37, 120, 138, 142

Lacey, Sandra 143

Lackner, Caro l 138, 140

Ladd , D ave 142

Ladd, H aze l 43

Laidl aw, Bruce 38, 91, 171

L a Macch io, Dick 171

LaM arre, Ca rol 131, 138, 172

Lamb,Tom 150

Lamet, Jolly 130, 132, 142

LaMotte, Carol 64, IS.I

LaMotte, Pau l 149

Landers, Sandy I 45

Landino, Al 48, 85, ISO

L andis, Bill .. 99, 102

Landis, Steve 172

Lane, Laurie 1SO

La ng, Russ 144

La ng, Tom 150

L angeran, Rolli e IOI

Langley, Pa t 172

L arch, Saody .. ...... . .. . . . 146

L arkins. Greg 15 1

Larson, Belly , 145

La svows ky, Pat 142

Lassiter, Zoni 128, 171

Lather, Curtis 39, 120, 13 5

Latteier, Dick 138, 149

Laula, Otto ...... ..... 139, 140, 144

Lau ri more, An n 134, 149

Laurimore, Martin ..... . I. 46, 135, •· . 171, 242

Lauritsen , Ca lvin 149

Lawrence, Anne I, 13, 4.5, 109, 123, 128, 164, 181, 226

Lawrence, U nve ................ ....... 89

L awrence, E li zabeth 73

Lawrence, J udy ......... 148, 238

Lawson , Bob M 126, 146

Lawton, Cher yl 146

L awton.Nancy .131, 144

Lnyle, Jane 13 1

Leahy, Jim 91, 149

Leahy, Sue 126, 172, 195

McIntyre, Gloria 138, 144

McKa y, Gerry .... .. 147

McKay, Gloria - 147

McKee. John 102

McKee, Mary 63, 137, 173

Mc Keen, Mildred .. ... ........... 141

Mc Kennie, Bill .16, 142

McKen ny, Elaine 137, 140

McKenzie, Bob g3, 89,

Jim 147

McPhee, Jock 78, 80, 149

Mc Ritchie, Jim 143

McSweeney, Kathy 172 McWilliams, Lynne 172

MacCleery,Doug ISi

MacCleery, Gordon 173

MacDonald, Roderick . ........

Maciorowski,Sharon 144

Mack, Candace ...................64, 149

Mack, Mike 149

Mack, Phil 6', 81, 14S

MacKenzie, Clyde 141, 145

MacLean, Sue .126, 149

Madaras, Ken 48, 176

Maddren, Karen 137, 173

Madeline, Mike 62, 175

Madison, Gary •

Madison, Nancy .131, 137, 149, 218

Madison, Stan .34, 83, 138, 173

Madonna, Jay 86, 89, 96, 97, 124, 143,209

Mager, Dave 34, 13S, 141

Magyari, Carole .... .129, 131, 143

Mahoney, Mike _ - 140

Maire, Gloria 137, 149

Maire, Marily .....................138, 143

Maish, Mike 148

Maker, Dave..... ... _ ... 6', 140

Malec, Carol - - 143

Malec, Jerry _ - 141

Males, Peter ........................ -·- 14S

Malesky, Sandra 141

Mallinson, Kathy -·- 113

Mange, Helen _ .......... 104, 173

95, 116, 142 Lender, Janet 142 Leoni, Tony 122, 144 Leonie, Suzanne 63, 147 Lesley, Orsola Lester, Mary 172 LeTo urn eau, Terry 36, 83, 99, 117, 143, 208 Leupen, Gerry .42 , 130, ISO LeVan Carolyn 13 I, 146 Levely, To m 83, 89, 91, 175 Lev y, John 96, 97, 126, 172 Lewandowsky, Hank 143 Lewis, Bob 173 Lewis, Buzz 146 Lewis, Cathy .46, 122, 138, Lewis, Clayton Lewis, Jim Lewis, Pat Lhyle, Kent 144, 238 146 167, 171 148 Libby, Clifford ... 71 Lich t, Barbara 129, 143 Liebertz, Gay 62, 63, 148 Lightbody, Bill 146 Limbocker, Spence 150 Lindensmith, Jim 14S Linder, Laura 104, 129, 131, Linder, Jeanne 138, 143 116, 129, 137, 167, 172 Lindsay, Dave 128, 129, 138, 141 Linstrom , Cathy 172 Lisewski, Carl 128. 138, 145 Lisewski,Dorothy 124 Little, Jim ISi Little, Sue 64, 6.5, 67, 172 Lilllcson, Bob 102 Lock Nigel 78, 147 Logue. Terry 147 Lohca, Jon 64, 81, 128, 145 Lon g, Dennis 142 Loneway, Diane 62, 63, 138, 171 Loomis, Kathryn 1S Lopata, Gail 38, 126, 131, 132, 13}, 134, 147 Loppnow, Ed 144 Lorenzen, Celesta 131, 137, 147 Lorimer.Sue 127, 141 Lotero, Chris ............ 36, 141 Lotero, Ruth 124 Lotteier, Dic k 85 Loui, Laura 137, 147 Louis, Virginia ..43, 126, 142 Louis, Nancy 138, 138,145, 240 Loupe, Mike 11 9, 147 Lou ri m, Brian 173 Love, Barbara 143 Loveland, Gordon 103, 127, 172 Loveland, Joan 147 Loveland, Margo 151 Lovell, Bob .. ..82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 96, 97, 132, 173 Lovell, Malcolm 75 Loweke, Joan 55, 67, 134, ISi Lucas, Judy 149, 138, 256 Lucas, Pat ..... 129, 134, 138, 173 Lucia, Pete 145 Ludwig, Gary 64, ISO Lukianoff, Deanna ...... ........... 172 Luscombe, Barbara 13 1, 149 Lutsch, Randy IS i Lyle, Rod 149 Lyman, Cheryl 146 Lynam, Ann 72 Lyndall, Pat 127, 131, 134, . ........... 138, 143 Lyons, Ray 172 Lyons, Tom 14S M McAllister, Marty 67, 144 2Sl
Chris 131, 148 McCarthy, Carol . ... _.. 149 McCarthy, Mike 90, 91, 147 McCar ty, Carol ....... ...., McClanathan, Sally 131, ISO McClure,
142 McKenzie, Tom 127, 172 McKim, Bonnie 62, 128, 134, 138, 142
Jane 104, 126, 128, 132, 142, 194
Sandy 144 McLaughlin, Dave 174 Mclaughlin, Ed
............. po McLenn an, Grant 83, 89 McLeed, Margaret
ISI McLure,Mike McManus, Dave 142 McM anus, Mike 83, 86, 124, 142, 208
Linda 172, 22S McMillin, Jere 102 McNab, Elaine 25, 62, 115, 170 McNeal Sue 142
. ....
... . ...67,


Manney, Karen 62, 141 Manning, Tom 69 Marantette, Pat 172 Marble, Dave 144 Maree, Jill 146 Marchke, Hugh 146 Marcks, Carol 173 Mardesosian, Howard 149 Margrove, Steve 50, 136, 140 Marin, Jobo 139, 144, 207 Marino, Marilyn 105 Markhoff, Alan 149 Marks, Joan 50, 136 Marsh, Carol 146" Marshall, John 145 Marshke, Hugb 48 Martin, Bob 173 Ma.rlio, Dave 130, 150 Martin, Dorothy l 49 Martin, Mike _ 144 Marucco, J anet 141 Marucco, Judy 172 Masoo, Pal 131, 138, 148. 151 , 219 Mason, Ty 146 Massey, Bill 86, 141 Masters, Bill 143 Mathews, Sandy 145, 24 1 Matich, Karen ................... 146 Matonican, John 143 Matousek, Sharon 173 Matteson, Paul 143 Matthews, Linda 145 Matthias, Heidi ...... ... ...... .. .. 151 Matthias, Jack 78, 99, I 73 Mattson, Lucille 124 Matulaitis, Mary Ano 134, 145 Matusko, Andrew 70 Maurer, Jeanne 131, 132, 133, ·····•••• 150, 206 Maurer, Ken 172, 180, 224 Mavis, Sandy 128, 174, 180 Maxwell, Bob .. J50 Maxwell, Tom 115, 145 Mayes, Dave 143 Mayhew, Boyd 83, 89, 143 Maynard, Brenda ·-·· 146 Meade, Bill 148 Meade, John 173 Meade, Karl 43, 14S Mealey, Dick 85, 147 Meeks, John 167, 172 Meese, Elizabeth 25, 127, 137, , ISO Megyesi, Barbara 37, 138, 145 Meinzinger, Mike 143 Melcher, Dick 86, 146 Mellott, Nancy .137, 172 Meloche, Judy 142 Melocb, Ralph 149 Melusky, Chuck 174 Melusky, Sue 148 Mensing, Margo 1, 20, 44, llS, .................... 129, 132, 164, 180, 18 1, 191, 237 Meriwether, Sara lil0 Mermell, Lance .......................... 148 Mervene, Jim 148 Metz, Sheldon 174 Meyer, Bill 174 Michaels, Larry .142, 234 Middleditch, Dave 146 Middleton, Irene .138, 15 I Middleton, Sharon .............. 128, 173 Mikat, Ron 142 Mikesell, Dave 147 Miles, Mike 99, ISO, 2 43 Miles, Sue .... .......................... .. 36, 151 Mills, Bob ......... ....... ............ .. ... .. . Milks, Jim 148 Miller, Bob ..........................151, 145 Miller, Barb .135, 173 Miller, George .......... ..41, 138, 140 Miller, John .................................. 143 Miller, Judy .... ............ 128, 134, 173 Miller, Julie ........ ....... ......... .... 68, 140 Miller, Lou Ann .......... 62, 106, 172 Miller, Martha ............................ ISi Millington, Ann ............... .138, 173 Miner, Carol 22, 126, 134, 142 Minor, Emily .......... ..108, 109, 114, ........... .134, 138, 140, 144, 243 Mirabito, Terry 173 Mirbach, Gay ........... .126, 137, 142
Robert 85, 143 Mitchell, Bill 150 Mitchell, Jack I, 20, 21, 44, 45, 47, 116, 164, 181, 190, 226 Mitc hell, Ken 78, 99, 144 Mitchell, Linda 67, 150 Mitchell, Pam 150 Modesti, Luigi 27 Moir, Gail 142 Money, Penny 144 Monroe, Barb 38, 138, 142 Monigomery,Bill 112, 114, 128, ··•· 164, 215 Montgomery, Karen 63, 150 Montgomery. Larry 173 Montle, George 35, 127, 144 Moody, Sue 146 Moonen , Tom 36, 83, 89, 145 Moore, Bob 146 Moore, Dick 150 Moore, Les ••. 136, 142 Moore , Peggy 13 6, 145 Moore, Pete 144, 146 Moorton, Karen 146 Moorton, Pete 78, 99 Mordaunt, Bill ....... 126, 127, 144 Mordaunt, Ted I27, 138, 172 Morden , Mike 91, 131, 148, 15 1 Moriart y, Joan 147 Mor ia rt y, Pat 127, 172 Mork, Judy 150 Morris, Brian 142 Morris, Don 91, 93, 149 Morris , John 145 Morris, Ken ISO Morrison, Bob 140 Mo rrison, Cindy 223 Morrison, Doug 223 Morrison , Greg 85 Mor ton, Jill .... 16, 46, 172 Morton, Tom 139, 143 Morze , Craig 147 Moseley, Sue 150 Mosher, Mollie 131, 146 Moss, Marilyn 146 Mou, Jeanne 142 Mott, Maynard .48, 49 Mountford, Dennis 148 Mourning, Tom 173 Mouw, Gary 42, 94, 95, 142, • •·• ·•· · 238 Mudge, Barbara 148 Mueller, Gene 146 Muenchingcr, Bill 89, 96, 97, ........... 113, I i4, 164, 180, 215 Mundis, Mary 131, 147 Munz, J ere 147 Murphy, M ike 62, 138, 17S Muthleb, Mike 54, 83, 96, 97 , · · 142 Myers, Charlotte 34, 134 Myers, Christine ..42, 43 Myers, J. Jay .40, 91, 92 Mye rs, Sandy 127, 131, 172 N Naas, Jerry 144 Nadal, Bob 91, 147 Nagelvoort, Joo .. . ............... 148 Napier, Matt 144 Nash, Bob 49, 147 Nash, Arthur 147 Natzke, Judy 147 Naumann, Judy 147 Nead, Alex 147 Nechman, Jan 144 Needels, Tom 116, 174, 224 Nesbitt, Daniel 75 Neubeck, Delores 56, 173 Newcomb, Harold 72 Newcomb, Barb 126, 142 Newcomer, Cliff - ··· 150 Newcomer, Ded e 142 Newland, Denton 81, 122, 136, ········· 172, 173 Newland, Elaine 151 Nicholls, Dan 135, ISi Nichols, Anne IS I Nichols, DeOwen 149 Nichols, Margaret 69, 144 Nichols, Pam 145 Nichols, Penny 149 Nickel, Ed 121, 136, 175 Nimmo, Harry 135, 150 252 Nimmo, Linda 149 N immo, Sue 145 Nitschke, Eric 12 1 141 Noch, Bill 145 Noch, Barb 138 Noftz, Janet 64, 126, 149 Noonan , Dennis 146 Nordstrom, Lynne 149 Norland, Paul 173 Norris, Bob 142 Norris , Mary Ann 174 Novak. Drew Bl , 121 , 136. 17 4 Novak, Roa 140 Nowak , Nancy 149 Nunn, Rob ert 4 I , 121, 138, 143 Nurenberg, Sherrill 0 Oberschulte, Dan 149 Oberschulte, Marc 99 175 Obey J oe 36, 86, 139, 142 Odle, Rob in 58, 134 14 3 Oetjens, Ga rn e tt J36, 143 Oetjens, Ju dy 63, 149 Ofenstein, Jewell 66, 128 , 173 Oliver, Nancy 149 Oliver, Ron 6 2 Olms ted, Bill 85 , 148 Olsen, Ca rol .. 63, 132, 149 Olsen, Char le ne 126, L3 1, 148 Olsen, N a n cy 143 Olson, Linda 130, 138, 173 O ls on, Pete 149 O'Neill, Bill 148 Opitz, Bob 174 Opitz, Judy ii . 99, 148 O'Rourke, Jim 11 5, l4 3, Orr, Glenn 207 122, 173 Orr, Mi ke 126, 148 Orsa rgos, Sue l4S Orth, Dick 48, 148 O sa n n, Fre d - 91, 146 O s born, V icky , 142 Osborne, Di ane 146 Osterhour, Ron . ss, 146 Ostrow, Maggie 141 O'Toole, Carol 126, 140 Otto, Gretchen 138, 17 3 Overgard, Karen 138, 145 Overton, Terry 85, 146 p Pacult, Ed 176 Paddison, Wendy 131 , 132, 138, . , ·• 149 Pade, Gordon ·-· 102 Page, Janice 57, 149 Paige, Gail 6 2, 63, 17 4 Palatier, Ioho 81 Palmer, Don J49 Palmer, Jack 99 Palmer, Judy 126, 127, 142 Palmer, Pete 83, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 172, 174, 218 Palubin, Midge JQ9, 145, 198 Parish, Anne 174 Park, Deanne ·-- ·· 149 Parker, Bob 174, 197 Parker, Gary 99, 78, 140 Parker, George 145 Parker, Marion 150 Parker, Ruby 52, 17 5 Parkins, Sue ., 64, ISO Parkinson, Pete 99, 138, 174 Parrish, Sonja 1SO Parry, Jim 42, 81. 127, D8, , . 145 Parsons, Connie 132, J50 Paslay, Lucille 35 Passingham, Frank 145 Pasingham, Tom 54, S5, 175 Pasutin, Kitty 135, 145 Patterson, Dick 86, I 5 I Patton, Linda I 38, 174 Paulus, Jackie 140, 142, 214 Paulus, Josie 151 Pavelka, Sharon 63, 143 Payne,JoAnne 63, 137,151 Payton, Ruth Ann 127, 131,137, 146 Pearn, Chris 151, 219 Pearson, Ano 138, 143 Pearson, Orin 42, 127, 138,

····· ..... 145, 243

P ease, Jay 91, 174

Perry, Steve 83, 89, 115, 142

Pete rs , Jim 172, 174, 206

Peters, Pam , . 143

Peterson, C arl 7 I

Peterson , Sue 100

Pe traki s, John .40, 96, 150

Petroff, D o n ... 86

Pe tti , Jud y . .... . . .. . 1.50

Pe w, D ave 7 8 , 79, 80, 89, 99, 138, 143

Phe lps, Ed 78, 99, 138, 174

Phill ip s , J ea nne 130, 131 , 143

Phillips, Bill 145

Ph ill ips, Willi a ms 71

Phister, J ae 102

Pi e rce , D a n 85 , 150

Pi e r ce, E mily 52, 137, 150

P ier ce. John 150

Pierce, Pa m 62, I 34, 144

Pie tsch, J oa n 12 8, 140

Piggott, Joh n 150

Pilditch, M im i 174, 216

Pinte r , Cuki 8 I, 148

Pio c h, Bill , 91, 140

Pi sa n i, Ly n ne 145

Pitlock, Bob 150

Pivar, M arcia 141

Plasko, Sue 150

Poi r ier, Ca rol . 146

Polasek. S ha ron . . 150

Po lk Ra lph 125, 178

Poo le, Gary 3 5, 7 8 , 99, 141, 143


Purdy, Bill 38, 85 , 13 I, 209

Purdy, Mike 148

Purton, Mike 175,225

Race, Bill ... ........ . ... ...44, I SO Racine, Joe


Radtke, Judy 174

Rakich, Jay I 50

Randau, Linda ....... ....... 63, 142

Randolph, Sharon 54, 130, 131 , ··•·•·•··• · 142

Raney, Ron 146

Ransford, George 81, 127, 136, ········ 175

Ransford, Jim 136, 146

Ransom, Celia .43, 120, 126, 146

Rapp, Bill ............. ...... . . ..... .. 142

Rasmussen, Joan 59, 128, 138, .176

Rasmussen, Julie " 128 , 138, 177

Rathbun, Kent 37, 78, 80, 99, 102, 143

Raymann, Joanne 67, 134, 146

Reading, Warren 141

Rcberger, Joanne 17.S

Rector, Nancie

Rector, Ross .54, 144

Reese, Fred , 146

Reese, Lynn 128, 17 4

Reeve, Sam ...........82, 83, 8 9, 143

Reid, Dan 78, 80, 99, 144, 206

Reid, Sally 107

Reilly, Jim 78, 79, 80, 89, 99, .I 00, I 02, 138, I 76, 235 Reilly, Joan 56, 131, 145, 203

Reilly, Judy ,. 132, 143, 203

Reinbold, Sharon 63, 174 Rcmp, Allan 135

Renshaw, Laird 62, IS I

Renshaw, Shirley 178

Rettray, Karen 104, 129, 131, 140

Reutter.Sue 41, 43, 128, !74 Reynolds, Carl ....... ........ ..... .... I03

Reynold s, Ethel .................... 124 Reynolds, Meta .... 115, 128, 138, 145

Rhe in, John 85, 125, 148

Rhines, Fred 22, 9 1, 138, 142, " ·· 205

Rice, Garet 85, 148

Rice, John

Ruhl, Gretchen

138, 175

Ruhley, Jim 85, 114, ISi Rundle, Roxie .128, 138, 175, 180, 208

Russ, Pete 83, 132, 142, 21 1

Russell, Phil .,82, 83, 86, 88, 96, _ 97, 116, 177

Rutledge, Carole .137, ISi

Rutledge, Tom 96, 97

Ryan, Diane 130, 138, 174, 226 Ryan, Margaret 15 I

Rydell,Jeanne 39, 137, 138, 142

Ryden, Sally .127, 149 s

Sabo, Bill 58, 78, 80, 99, 102, 129, 145

Sage, Jill 149

Sahlin, Ken 177

Salvetti, Elaine 149

Samanen, Dave 64, 149

Sampson, John 126, 149

Sanborn, Dave 149

Sanderson, Bill A. 176

Sanderson, Bill H 139, 142

Sanderson, Ginny ........37, 63, 141

Sankey, Kim 138, 140

Sapala. Noel 144

Sarlund, Corinne 143

Sarlund, Dave 143

Sarten, Larry 178

Satterthwaite, Phil 64, 65, 67, 78, 79, 80, 89, 99, 144

Saunders, Jerry S9, 78,

De lores 63, 148 Pope. Ro y 141
102 Porter. Da le 64, 67, 143 Post he r
J im I 46 Powell ,Ca ryl 3 5, 104, 105, 107
134, 176
rs, John 149
m o, Bill I I 6, 174 Pri ce
Alice 22, 36, 12 0, 12 9, 143 Pricer, Jac k 83, 89, 127, 17 5 Provenzano. Mary Ann 144, 23d Pugh. J ackie
Po pp e rt , Sha ro n
Porteo us, Don
a lman,
147 Quamme, Phyllis I 50 Quick.Deeg 175 Quick, Ken
89, 9 I, 92, 174 Quinn, Bets y 150 R
Purvis , Walter 147 Putz, Trudy 33, 57, 147
. ...
144 Rader, Judy 174
Radom, Karen 15(1
Steve 91, 138, 142
64, 67, 143 Richard s, Freda 36 Richards, Robert.. .4 I, 114, 131, 148 Richardson. Dale ....... 131, 148 Richard son, Diane . ... ...... 70, 17 5 Richard son, Merry 64, 145 Richardson, Nancy I48 Richardson, Sallyann 130, 134, l38, 141 Richardson, Sharon I46 Rich, Mike 81, 127, 176 Ricks, Bill 148 Rieman , Nancy 126, 137, 148 Riley , Rich 99, 102 Riley, Walter 148 Rine, Chris 144 Ringsred, Don 146 Rinscheid, Charlotte 145 Risk , Warren 99 Ris tow, Dawn 62, 146 Rit chie, Dave 99, l 03 Ritter, Don 64, 65, 67, 89, 113, 131, 174, 242 Rittger, Nancy . .. 145 Ritze, Bill 143 Roach , Terry 141 Robb, Gordon 64, 146 Roberson, John 94 Roberts, Jan 141 Robe r ts, Josephine 71 Roberts , Lynne 131, 147 Roberts, Manila .. ..... ........ 174 Roberts, Margaret .. 134, !74, 180 Roberts, Sheridan 147 Robertson, Dennis 89, 147 Robertson , Paul 22, 99, 138, 139, 140, 141 Robertson, Stuart 145 Robinson, Alice .36, 137, 138, , 174 Robinson, Ann 137, 174, 177 Robinson, Diana 36, 57, 142 Robinson, Tom 142 Rock, Georgann 147 Rock, Nancy 175 Rockwell, Judy .134, 140 Rodgers, Carol 17 5 Rodgers, Dan 42, 127, 138, 139, •··· 140, 145 Rogers, Pat .39, 143 Rogosky, John 149 Rohn, Dick 83, 144 Rolph,Judy 175 Rolph, Shirley 147 Romeo, Steve 147 Root, Bennett 75 Rose, Sally 14? Rosemont, Bill 147 Rosenberger, Carolyn [38, 147 Rosier, John 62, 167 , 174 Ros , Bob 147 Ross, Joe 102 Ross, Wally 89, 99, 116 Rossotto, Alberto 27 Rosticil, Linda 144 Roth, Darleen 147 Rouse, Bob 85, 147, 205 Rouse, Carol 1, 18, 37, 44, 45, 115 , 128, 164, 181, 191, 229 Rowe, Dick 147 Roy, Sandra IS I Rubach, Carol 128, 138, 142 Ruddy, Rod ...83, 89, 96, 97, 145 2S3
138, 144 Savino, Joe 59, 177 Sawyer, Rennie 149 Sawyer,Sue 126 , !76, 214 Sawyer, Tom 177 Sawyer, Tom , 176 Sayle, Barbara 126, 118, 138, 171, 176, 180, 190, 208 Sayle, Bob• 35, 85, 149 Saylor, Mildred .33, 149 Scafuri, Janet 148 Scafuri, Joan 130, 176 Schad, Chris ... 104, 106, 109, I 15, 132, 138, 143, 256 Schafer, Tom 178 Schaefer, Sue .126, 134, 144, ········· 202 Schaeffer, Sally .128, 145 Scharf, Cassandra 149 Schaule, Elizabeth 52, 137, 175 Schaule, Elizabeth ......52, 137, 175 Schaule, Bob 128, 142 Schenck, Sharon 149 Scherer, Lyn 126, 177 Schlesinger, Joe 89, 99, 175 Schmalzriedt, Sue .138, 145 Schmidt, Don 144 Schmidt, Donna 145 Schmidt, John 128, 142 Schmidt, Juli e 175, 240 Schmidt, Kathy 148 Schmidt, Bill 62, 148, 2 17 Schmiege!, Walter 127, 175, 180 Schmink, Ellen ,26, 112, 113, 129, 130, 131, 138, 164, 17l, 180, 184, 240 Schnell, Judy 137, 241 Schoenith, Sharolyn 150 Schoenrock, Linda 14S Schrage, Dick ........................... 143 Schubel, Rick 146 Schubert, Bob 89, 143 Schubert, Dick 146 Schult, Bill 88 Schult, Ron 88 Schultz, Linda ........................ .... 140 Schultz, Orion 89 Schulze, Cheryl 146 Schurman, Gerry 122, 143 Schutte, Dan 146 Schwab, Donna ....... 131, 137, 138, 149 Schwarz, Walter I Schwimmer, Carolyn 64, 149 Scilla, Joe 135, 149 Scott, Cindy J38, 149 Scott, Dave 17 S Scott, Glen 148 Scott, Bob llS, 167, 191 Scribner, Dick 150 Scrimgeour, H Ross 34, 3S, 147

Scrip ter, Lance I SO

Seager, Judy 11 , 144

Seanor, J ane t J76

Searls, Pam 119, 150

Sears. Lee 141

Seavoy,Mary Lynn 176

Sechrist, Jim 99

Seelye, Nancy 128, 178, 2 34

Seestadt, Judy 138, 14.S

Segal , T o m 98, 102

Seldon, Mary 6 3, 150

Sestok, C huck 15 1

Setter, Nancy 151, 205

Severy, Larry 91 , 92, 126, J.S I

Sexton, D ave 144

Seyfried, Sandy 13 1, 138, I.S I

Seyferth, Mary 145

Shafer, Bo nnie 150

Shafe r , Came ron 176

Shafer, Lorraine 67, 126, I.SO

S haffer, Bill.. .. 64, J3 I , 138, 176

Shanahan, Dan 140

Shannon, Gary 9 4

Sharpe, C ha rles 145

Sha w, Carolyn 138, 142

Shea, Be tty Jean 128, 130, 145, 209

Sheeham, Mary Lou 150

Sh eets, Barb I .SO

Sheldon, F red I .S O

Shelley, John 78, 99, 138, 17.S

Shertzer, Jeff 143

Shilts, C a thy _ 145

Shippe y, BilJ 13.S, 142

Shovan, Norman 176

Shovan, Tim 128, 14.S

Shuler , Carol 108 , 1091 140, 236

Shuler, Holl y 126, 13 1, 138, 150

Shull, Ray 17.S

Siddall, J ane 150

Sidorski, D e nn is 14 8

Simmons, Paul 78 , 80, 99, 145

Simonson, S ue 144

Simpson, Kathy 146

S impson, Bob 146

S ims, Eleanor 13 1, 143

S inger, Linda 43, 62, 175

S intz, Bob 9 0, 9 1, 92, 9 3 , 138, 140

Sirpill a, J im 144

Sittart, Diane I 05

S isson, Joh n 8 3, 8 9, 103, 148 235

Skarain, Lana 33, 178, 180





J ean C. ......... ... . ... 138, 140

S m ith, J ea n ie I 3 1, 148

Smith, J oan C 127, 138, 140

Sm ith, Joan 134, 143

Smith, J u lie 128, 138, 144

Smi th, Karen .... 147

Smith, K athy 134, 144, 244

S mith , L ynn 13 1, 137, 138, 148

Smith, M arvin 177

Smith, Mike 142

Smith , Pat 6 2, 147

Smith, Stepha n ie 142, 238

Smith, Steve 103, 140, 14 3, 236

Smith, Sue 63, 11 4, 148, ISi

Snavely, Gordon 70

Sneed, Bo b 129, 144

Snelham,Julie I SO

Snell , Robert 7 1 Snellings,Herb 176

Snyder, Joy . ... .. . ...... ...... . I SO

Soltis, Ann 175

Sommer, Barb 64, 66, 67 , 104, 129, 138, 142

Sonkaya, Ercan 26, 27, 81, 11 9, h-•••-•• .,., 128, 13 8, 164, 172

Southwerth, T racy 15 0

S peicher, Ann 150

Spencer. Ba rb 126, 146 S pence r , Sha ro n 128, 137, 144

Spe ngle r, Ca ro l 143

Spe rling, D ick 6 2 142

Spezzano,K im 126, 146

Spie rl in g, Tom 64, 65, 67, 9 1, 146

Spla wn , Barb 176

S poels tr a, J on 78, 86, 140

Sprung, Tom 17S

Squiers, Bo b 44, 17 6

Stacheli, J a ne 14 1

Stanesa, E li 144

Stanley, Lin da 126, 146

Sta nto n.Sp ike 143, 2 16

Sta r k, Bill 64 , 89, 9 9, 13 I , 135,

S ta rke y, Shirley .:·

Sta rre ll, Ci ndy

Starr, Bob 177 134, 14 3 148 128, 138, 143

St. Aub in, Jane 3S, 126, 127, 175, 180

Steding, Ma rt ha 63, 14 8

Steelma n, Jac k I02

Stein, Ke n 143

S teine r , Li nda 137, 138, 148

Steinha rt , Earl 52, 146

S te phe nson, Barbara I 07

Stephe nson, Bob 99, I 00 IOI , 10 2, 18 9

Stephenson, Jim 85, 12 5, 148 Ste rn, John ............. 48, 148 Ste rn , Ronn a 148

Stettbacher, M arse 64, 67, 13 I , 141

Stevens, Ed 64, 148

Stevenson. Gen e vieve I07

Stewart, T om 14 3

Stickel, Andrea 13 1, 147 S tic k ne y, Dana 148

S tierna. John 148

S tiglem a n, Kaye 177


Skowron, Pat 144
lade, Harvey I
Slater, Jane 108, 109, 114, 129, 140, 142, 2 35
142 S loat, Willi a m 48 Smith, Ann 134, 138, 176 Smith , Arnold 176 S mith, Bruce 148
mi th, Dave 89, 9 1, 92, 93, 127, 176
later , Mary ......................... 99, I
mith, Don
m ith, Freder
Janet 147
ick 4 1, 143 Smith,
m itli,
Beverly 147 S ti nso n, Jea n 56, 130, 176 S t in son, K a ren 137, 17 5 S toc k, Ju dy 6 2, 63, 137, 175 S tokes, S haron 146, 15 I , 195 Stone, E ugene 7 1 Stone, Tom 64, 65, 78, 146 Sto rch , Gerry 138, 14 3 S tou t, Sue 138 , 144 Stowell , Leigh 83, 89, 140 St rader, Pat 146 S traith , Bob 130, 176 St rai th , Pau l 130, 147 Stra usser, Sand y 13 4, 138, 141 Stroko, Edward 41 St rong . G o rdon 62, 135, 138 St rong, Jan e t __ 62, 147 Struck, Barb 176 Stru ther s, Jane 147 St ub be rt , E la ine 63 , 147 S turgeon, Sh arly nn 126, 147 S ulliv an , Sandy 10 4, 130, I 34, 140 Sulli van, S id 147 S umn e r , W arre n 9 4 , 95 Sutton,Sue I0 6, 177 Sutton, Tom 147 Suyda m , C a rol -..... 134 Swaney, Arl e ne 14 5 Swartz, Marle ne 178 S wee ney, Tom 85 , 147 Sweet , Ma ry J o 145 Sweet, S a nd y 104, 145 Swift, Pa m 61 Swoik, Dick 148 Sylveste r , Pat 142 Symo ns, Gail 16, 178 Szymke, Laura 126, 127, 134, T Taisey, Ja net 106, Talbot, Li nda Ta lbot, Neal Tandrup, Alan Tanner, Margot Tappero, Jody Taras, Edward Tarrant, Sher man 254 138 , 180 128, 13 1, 14 1 39, 144 177 61 , 15 1 6 2, 130, 13 1, 138, 142 142 40, 41 , 134 l, 36, 12 1 177 146 15 I 15 I Tarsney, Caro l Tarsney, J e ff Tashney, M a r gie T asse n , J ca n ic Tassio, Sa m 55 , 8 S 177 148 33 9 4 , 11 7 , 13 1, 177, 203 58, 11 5 , 128, 176 94, 95 137, 14 4 139, 142 15 I Ta te M an ley T a to mir, Fra nk T ay lor, Bob T ay lo r , Dave Tay lor, Di c k Tay lor, G a il T a ylor, J ohn Taylor M a r il y n T a ylor . Steve 26 , 5 8 , 11 4, 127 134, 138 , 16 4. 190 Te ic hm an , Bob 8 5, 14 9 T enn is , L e n vi l 70 Terry, J ane 138, 178 Tha lac ke r, N a ncy 13 1, 13 8 , 149, 196 T hom Chuck 55 , 140 Th om ps on, D ave 6 4, 149 T ho mps on, Oo n n a 143 T hom pson, Jay 9 I , 145 Th o mps on, H ug h 13 8, 177 T h ompson, J a ne 58, 114, 12 7, 12 8, 13 4, 138, 143, 2 0 5 T ho m ps on , J i ll 107, 149 T hompson, Ly n ne 177 T ho mps on. Martha 130, 14 3 , 2 16 T ho rburn, J a net J J -1, 14 1 T h o rn ton , Saralee 63 149 T horson, Steve 78 , 89, 99, 138, 177 T hum ser, C har les 38, 5 8 141 T hu rm a n. Bill 12 6 127, 135, 145 Th u rs ton . D ia ne 13 0, 138. 176 Tiedem a n , J ea nn e 177 Tigelaar, Bob 4 2 , I 03. 128 t:18 142, 2 05 Tinda ll, Ti m 177 242 Tivy, Mike 177 Todd, N a ncy 177 20 8 Toma ne k , G e ne 144 T o m a ne k, J i m 145 T omi, N ic k 3°6_ 140 Tom pk i ns , Al a n 149 T o r r e nce, J a nc 130, 176, 208 Torrey, Jo a n 149 Tous a n , Henrietta 124 Tout , T im 78, 80, 149 To we r , C hu c k 149 Townend, Bo b 148 Town sen d , J im 85, 148 T ow nse nd. Pe nny 127, 140 Tracy, Tom 138, 148 Tro h a no v, Ji m 145 Trau e rnicht, K a thy 63 , 126 , 149 Tr a uernicht. R i ndy 126, 176 Tr a vis, Bill 148 Tr a ye r , Gordon 5 4 , 55, 13 0 Trimble, J o h n 146 T r is ler , C i ndy 14 I Trombley, Ba r b I 19, 146, 215 Tro mb ley, Lois 5 0, 140 Troutea u d, Jo an _ 13 4. 138, 176 Trzci ns ki, Vi nce 85 , 146 Trzos, Carole 47, 16 4 , 18 1, 207 Tu c ke r , E llen 63, 146 Tucker, K ay 147 T ur k, P a ul I 38, 144 T u rner , J oan 11 , 177, 208 T usley Lau r ie 149 T u s h is , A rle ne 14 6 u Uh as, D ale 148 U lri c h, M ar ia nn 129, 137, 177, 180 Ulrich, Victor .-.--·. °:33,...62:.. 63: 141 Unde rh ill , M a r y 36 Uppl ege r, Chris 48, 178 Ushe r , S ue 37, 62, 145 V VanBussum, C a ro l 14 9 Vande rlaan , Edward .41 , 148 VandeWater, Barba r a I SO VanDore n , Don 13 , 126, 127, 138, 141, 145 , 205 VanDragt,Ha r o ld 33, 140 VanEvery, Paul 14.S VanGeison, D uane 178

VanGei son, Gary 144

Va nH o rn, Pe te 149

Va nHo rne, Mary Lou 16 , 127 , ·•···· ·· 138, 144

Vaugh n, Sa ndra 104

Var bl ow, Mary Ann 134, 177

Vasel, Carol 145

Vasko, La na L4 2

Vass, D ana L77, 19 1

Venu to, Re ne •. 62, 149

Vidergar, Jo h n • 150 244

Vi ne. Arthur ,. 142

Virgi lio Be tty 63 , 140

Vock. Fran k 150

Voe lke r Va lerie 13 1, 15 0

Voge l. Ed . ... . 143

Vo lkh ardt. Bill ,. 15 1

Volkman , J erry 11 9 . 128, 142

vonGut1cnbcrg, Mi ke 67, 138, 144 von M aur, Fra ncie 126, 128, 130, 140, 220

vonRose n, John 15 1

Vosler, Diane 142

Voss, Gai l 15 1

Voss, Ka thy 6 1, 126, 177, 240

V oss, Sandy 130, 178, 180, 243

Vratanina, Dona ld 33, 136, 148 w

W aeh s mann, Pat 178

Wads wor th , J on 178

Wagner, Rebecca 34, 129, 13 4, 138, 178

Wagner Ross 23, 10 1

W agoner, Karen 64, 146

Walk Judy 143

Wa l ker, Gary 143, 203

W alker. Howard 126, 150

Walker. Whi t ney 128, 142, 256

Wa ll, Donna 68, 13 I , 148

Wa llace Barbara l 78

Walling. Nei l 148

Wal ls , J im 4 1, 89. 91, 92, 93, .. .... 99, 142, 178 , 2 16

Wa lter C h r is 62, 138, 144

Walters, Faye 150

W al to n, D oug 85, 150 Wangberg, Jud y • 150

Wangner, Carol 126, 15 1

W a nsak, Gera ld 177

Ward, Bert 150

W ard, Do ug 62, ]46

W arner, Le la nd 146

W a rn ick, Bryan .• 148

W arre n , Carol 148

Warren, Che rry 130, 138, 144

Warren Pa t 148

Was hb u rne Peter 177

W ntc rm a n , J u dy 148

W a tk in s, Joe l 143, 242

Wa tso n, Dr. a nd Mrs. Thom as 228

Wa tso n , Emily 27, 107, 132, •• ••···· 145, 228

Wa tson, Jo hn 89, 146

Wa ts on, Susan 228

W atson, Tom

Watt, Janet

Watters, Elaine

Webb, Brenda 52, 137, 178

Weber, Elizabeth .1 38, 178, 231

Wcckcsser, Lynne 138, 146

Ann 128, 137, 138, 178

Wehe, Don ....... ....42, 127, 140

We il ey, Lynn ..... ... ....... . ...

We inrich, Martin 27, 99, 127, · 164, 171, 180, 190

ic h, Kathy 138, 146 Wells , Ada 146 Well s,

Webb, Dick
Lind a 146 Werner, Jack ·-·· · .. ... . . 178 Werner, Mary Jo 150 Wesch, Nancy 128, 132, 133, . · · _ , . 138, 142 Wescott, Ron 150 Wessels, Alice 138, 146 Wes tbur y, Jim 99 Wes terby, Homer 71 West on, Carol.. ! 14, 138, 164, 180 We strate, Tom .143, 208 Westrope , James .33, 127, 146 Whe atl ey, Bruce 141 Whe atl ey, Jim .... 146 Wheeler, Linda 146 Wheel er, Pam 146 Wh ims, Peter 178 White, Conn ie 142 White, Gordon 138, 178 White, Naomi 63, 148 White , Pat 132, 133, 148, 21 5 White , Sam ., 148 White, Tom 147 Whiteh ouse, Sandy 138, 144 Whiting, Jack 43, 140 Whitney, Frank 101 Wi a r J udy 151 Wi chm an , Sandra 178 Wi ckh am, Dennis 142 Wi ckham , Fred 68, 131, 178 Widlund , Frank 146 Widlund, Fred 148 Wiggins, Kathie 131, 143 Wi lbur, Gary 178 Wilcox , Ron 131, 135, 143 Wilcox, Larry 148 Wild s, Becky 142 Wi lds, Gary 142 Wilhelm. Renita 134, 143 Wilkin, Donna 144 Williams, G. Mennen 26 Willi a ms, Gwen 141 Williams, Jim .44, 126, 140 Williams, Jobn 81 Williams, Judy ., 137, 143 Willi a ms. Robert 55 Williams, Wayne 150 Williamson, Jane 141 Willin gham, Linda 142 Willi s, Bruce 150 Willi s, Len 97 Willi s, Marjery 145 Wilson , Berrie 42, 140, 207 Wi lson, Duane 67, 150 Wilson, James 64, 142 Wilson, Lauraine 67, 147 Wilson, Sue 137, 145 Winborn, Molly Ill, 147 Winchell, Judy A. 19, 108, 109, 131, 164, 186 Winchell, Judy E 107, 138, 142 Winchell, Quanah 138 Winegarden, Lynne 134, 13.5, 148 Winkel, Barb 127, 14.5 Winkelmann, Bernd 49, 91, 178 Winkelmann, Klaus 138, 144 Winton.Sue 1.51 Wisby, Sue 128, 142 Wise, Craig 16, 146 Wisc, Karen 137, 149 Witbeck , Greg .78, 142 Withcridge, Bill " 144 Witters, Doug • •• • 143 Wittrup, Larry 178 Wolfe, Dulcie - 149 Wolfe, Norman ..• 7.5 Wollenberg, Cathy 13 1, l'.18. 148 Wood, Bob 96, 97, 178 Wood, Betty 140 Wood, Nancy 138, 142, 216 Woodburn, Sharon ,62, 63, 131, , 146 Woods, Gary _ 146 Woodworth, Tom .............125, 149 Woodworth, Charles .............. 143 Worchester, Ted ·•-·••· 85, 149 Wozniak, Ed L48 Wright, Donald 178 Wright, Sue 142 Wrobleski, Kent 148 Wujek, Juliana 150 Wyatt, Grace 138, 177 y Yarnell, Nancy .59 Yatich, Ron 99, l'.18, 139, 141 Yerse, Elaine 137, 145 Yobey, Jean 63, 146 Yori:, Dave _ 14 1 Young, Alan , 145 Young, Albert 70 Young, Dorothy .37, 147 z Zabriskie, Bill 150 Zaino. Dick 83, 89, 99, 142 Zehnder, Ray 145 Zeigler, Chuck I .5 I Zerbey,Lyon 138, 141 Ziegler, Charles ··- ······-·· · 136 Ziel. Pat 144 Zielke, Don .................................. 140 Zierer, John SL, 126, 127, 178 Zimmerman, Jim 89, 143 Zimmerman, John 64, 127, 149 Zimmerman, Paul 178 Zoellin, Fred 89 Zulak, Jack 144 Zuppke, Harvey 1.50 Organizations Admini stra tion 72-73 Aquabe ll es I 04 A scien tia 127 A ssembly Club 132-133 BHS Publications 44-47 Biology Club 127 Birmingham United Nations A ssociation (BUNA) 138 Business Club ....... .... ..... ............ 136 C am e ra Club 135 Cicerone Club 129 Conplayphony 131 Custodians 70-71 Debating 58 French Club U6 Future Nurses Club .................. 137 Future Secretaries Club 137 Future Teachers Club 134 Garcon Club 131 Girls' Athletic Association (GAA) 104-107 Homerooms , 140-ISI National Honor Society 180 National Thespians 182 Proscenium 128 Quill and Scroll .................... .. 181 Saggitarius l 36 Schussmasters 138 Scribblers Club 134 Scuba Diving Club .... ................. 135 Spanish Club 126 Student Congress _ .1 12-1 JS Tiara ·-······ 130 Varsity Club 89 Voice of Christian Youth (VCY) 130 25S
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