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Beautiful and Dauntless Issue 63

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MARCH 2022 | ISSUE 63

Give Me Your All Coffee Spring With a Bug Fashion & Beauty


Karissa Hagemeister Editor In Chief Arnette German Feature Editor Lauren Dennison Short Stories

HELLO BEAUTIFUL Spring is in the air everywhere I turn. It is so refreshing after this hard, cold season. This winter hit differently than most for me. It was a time of intense struggle, pain and just trying to survive. But as soon as I could smell, see and feel spring approaching, I knew that the tables were turning. Life is full of seasons. We all have times of ups and downs. It is important to remember that it is only for a season. We are really only on this earth for a season. But we each have a special purpose for being here. I pray that you find your purpose day to day as you welcome this new spring season full of life and color. Love, Karissa Hagemeister www.beautifulndauntless.com PODCASTS: If you love to listen to podcasts, you have to check out our new podcast station. It is available here: iTunes Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ beautiful-dauntlesss-podcast/id1453936323 Google Play Podcast: https://play. google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/ I2dnkg2572v4xdggrh4bvwwzmmy PATREON: Patreon is a site that allows creators to express their talents and others can contribute to their projects. You can now sponsor us with a one time or a monthly contribution. We have 3 tiers that give you rewards in return. All proceeds are given to our creators. Contribute here: https://www.patreon.com/ karissahagemeister ©2022 Published by Kingdom Dezigns, Inc.



table of CONTENTS

March 2022


02 Letter from the Editor 04 Spring Beauty


12 Feature Story Give Me Your All


20 Beautiful Fashion 24 Spring Fashion Trends 34 Coffee With a Bug


42 In the Kitchen With Bae Ultimate SaladN


46 Dauntless Fitness 30 Days Buns of SteelNT!

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Spring Beauty Trends: - Clean beauty products - Natural Makeup - Enhanced Eye Liner (Exaggerated) - Dewy/Glowy Eye Make up - Nail Colors :Pinks, Yellows, Purples and Beige Tones






Happy Spring


feature STORY


Give Me Your ALL By: Arnette German


God really is simple. He’s not complex as some made Him to be. Yes, His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts ours; yet, in all of His sovereignty, He’s exact and matter of fact. God means what He say and says what He means. Faith moves and pleases God; it compels Him to work in your best interest bringing our it to come about and be. Settling your hope and confidence in Him, despite the what or the ever is the correct course of every time. Sometimes, from our perception, what God asks of us seems impossible, difficult, risky, costly, uncomfortable and/or an inconvenience. However, you’ve got to realize our what we’re possessing that He’s instructing and/or leading you to do, give, bring about or release has already come equipped with everything required to manifest into existence the end result He predestined all the while for either us or others.

But, to get to that place with Him, you got truly know Him and then trust Him. It’s hard to place your trust into someone or something you don’t know. Trust is the essential ingredient to enhance the stability, durability and longevity within any relationship. Knowing God and knowing “of” Him are two different things. Knowing God is being cognizant of the fact that your trust is the glue that permits one to affix his/herself to Him-the bond. Knowing “of” Him is having your memory re-jogged of others stories and/ or testimonies of God that you “know” but you just don’t have your personal story between you and God. Now, for the woman that gave the best offering than any other person in the congregation in service with Jesus and the disciples in attendance, she knew. Giving her last, only 2 mites, could only be




achieved through her faith and trust in God. Being in a sincere relationship with Him carried over and showed up in her offering. A sacrificial offering at that. She gave out of love, need (as it was her last) and value (again as it was her last). This special lady understood the assignment in trust, faith and sacrificial giving. God always wants you to give your best and jovially!

Therefore, I petition that you take time to see the importance in proclaiming God to be your Lord and ask Him to come into life to be saved or if you already have but went in your own opposite direction and to repent asking for forgiveness and allowing Him to take lead again-please do so so that you can affix yourself to Him. Remember, it is in the relationship, the bond, the giving of yourself that is greatest sacrificial gift of all to God because all He wants is you. And, when he has you, God can move and be what He needs to be for you. Trust me. He is waiting and standing there with open arms and an abundance of authentic unconditional love saying ever so softly, “Give me your all”.









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Spring Fashion Trends 2022 By Karissa Hagemeister

I don’t know about you but I just love spring time. There is something about transitioning

out of the cold weather months, enjoying the heat of the sunshine and watching the new flowers and grass grow. Everything feels new, fresh and freeing. As the seasons change, the fashion tends to change with it. What are we looking out for as far as fashion goes this spring season? 1. Extravagance Something that you will begin to see because of so many people being on lockdowns and having worked from home is the merge of comfy and extravagant fashion. This means that comfy clothes is still in but it will be more bold, colorful and printed. In other words, ladies you can still wear your leggings just pair it with a bright colored top. 2. Saturated Tye-Dye The the-dye game is still going strong this season. It has transformed a bit though from the more swirly, groovy versions from the 70’s. As the focus on fashion is shifting to Y2K, the the dye is now taking on more of an ombre effect. 3. Neon Colors Neon colors are back and brighter than ever. Anything that is neon goes so bust out your neon pieces from last year and shine bright baby. My favorite neon things to wear are accessories: like shoes or sunglasses. The reason I love just that splash of neon is because it is not overpowering for those that do not enjoy seeing neon colors but I still get to enjoy the brightness that it brings to my outfit.




4. Y2K Fashion The top dogs in the fashion world feel that we need to repeat fashion from the early 2000’s. For spring this means you will be seeing a lot of light color plaid and tweed. In particular, you will see skirt suits - the preppy kind from Clueless. I personally love this style, maybe it is because I was in my teens during the early 20’s so it brings back fun and free memories. 5. Seeing Green Even though the Pantone color of the year is Periwinkle, bright Emerald green has been making a scene all over the runways of the world. Green shoes is very on trend for spring this year so expect to be seeing green everywhere. Also, adding a green accessory to your outfit - like a scarf, sunglasses or purse is very on point as well. It does not matter if you do not have green anywhere else on your person, you can wear those green shoes girl and rock ‘em. 6. Baggie Clothing Baggie jeans and shirts have been trending among the teens for a short time now but it looks like much of what you will be seeing this season is oversized shirts and pants for us older ladies as well. I am not big on wearing baggy. To me, it just doesn’t look feminine but I know that others prefer it so to each their own. Let me know what trends you are looking forward to trying this spring. Below I have linked some of my favorites for spring fashion 2022. Fashion Favorites for Spring 2022: https://kingdomdezigns.commentsold.com https://editor.express.com/karissa-hagemeister https://www.amazon.com/shop/karissaluvhagemeister




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g n i r B l u f i t Beau Back





Coffee With a Bug by Lauren Dennison Early one autumn morning, I was sitting peacefully on my patio, taking my time with a good cup of coffee. I was absentmindedly warming my hands on the mug, letting my mind drift, when I spotted an interesting little bug. He was a colorful little guy, busily going about his day. With a chuckle, I realized he reminded me of a tiny soldier: extremely purposeful, unwavering in his mission. He was all in, giving everything he had to moving crumbs from one side of the patio to the other. He committed fully to his tiny destiny – his life’s work of gathering food. When a leaf or stick blocked his path, he course-corrected without a second thought. There was no doubt the bug knew the purpose, path, and plan for his little life. In some ways I envied him. He could never stray off his intended path because it was built into his DNA. How easy it would be to accomplish God’s desires for our lives if we were equally single-minded! However, I acknowledged that this little bug had no choice. He was “programmed” with only one talent, one ability. He was locked into a life of only one possible destiny. While simple, his life sounds dull, unexciting, and certainly restrictive from my perspective! But the benefit is that he’s never had to question or seek out his purpose through the maze of challenges presented in our complex world. He has had no unanswered questions, no mistakes to correct, no wrong turns on the way to fulfilling a dream. There will be nothing unfinished at the end of his life. He’ll have no regrets to reconcile. I turned the mug around in my hands and settled deeper into my chair. Most Christians are familiar with Jeremiah 29:11: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” “Huh,” I thought, “It’s the “plans” part most of us struggle with!” So many mornings while walking to my car, I’d wished that God would write answers to the day’s challenges in large, bold print on my fence. Maybe then I could avoid detours and mistakes! I’d finally be aware of what distractions to turn from and, perhaps more importantly, what to turn towards. I could stay on course to accomplish the dreams tucked tightly in my heart. 36



With a sigh, I mentally shook myself out of my musings. The truth is, we don’t get a map that says, “Turn here” or “Nope, wrong way, danger ahead!” Instead, God has given us talents and abilities to utilize and develop. Each ability, each talent, is of equal importance to our purpose in His kingdom and His plans for us. And unlike the bug, who finds no emotion in his work, our abilities bring joy to our hearts as we step into our calling. Our talents don’t always fit together in ways that are obvious to us, or even seem to make sense to our limited perception, but our gifts are catered to each season of life. God’s plan is to gently guide us so that our talents come together gloriously, taking us to a place higher than our own limited dreams could have ever carried us. But there is a catch! Jesus said to his disciples in the Book of John, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth…” (John 14:16-17a, ESV). Rather than “programming” us, God has offered us a relationship. The voice of truth, the Holy Spirit, will counsel us through every choice during our days, weeks, and years – but only if we ask. A relationship with God is His gift to us, and it is our relationship with Him that equips us to fulfill His purpose for our lives. As such, we must be willing to listen with an open heart, not leaning on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). I took a final sip of coffee as the little bug disappeared through the wooden slats on the patio floor. God’s plans aren’t programmed into our DNA like that little bug’s; instead, He planted seeds of dreams in our hearts when we were formed in our mothers’ wombs. And like seeds, our dreams need to be watered, pruned, and nurtured by spending time with God. In the midst of utter chaos or during the collapse of our own goals, those God-given seeds of dreams are a source of strength, rest, and peace that comforts the soul and strengthens resolve. A stumble is not a defeat. A dead end is the start of a new direction and opportunity. God has plans and purposes for our lives, and He sees over the proverbial fence that is blocking our view. In return, our hearts and lives can be filled with joy and peace as we follow Him. Even in the most difficult circumstances, the Holy Spirit is our guide, and the Word of God is our truth. As I stood and stretched, gripping my empty coffee mug, I reflected on how easy it is to get lost in the endless choices and demands we face each day. That little bug, while secure in his purpose, had no choice in his little life. We, however, are blessed with choices and opportunities – and sometimes insecurity in our mission and hearts’ desires! Our ultimate security rests in loving God, who gifted us with the infallible guide of the Holy Spirit. We can be confident that the Holy Spirit is our guide and will lead us into our calling! 39

Beautiful &Dauntless




kitchen WITH BAE

Ultimate Salad Ingredients: ½ cup of spinach ½ cup of romaine ½ cup of kale ¼ cup of shredded carrots ¼ a cucumber ½ a tomato 2 radishes 1 green onion Dressing: ¼ cup of olive oil ⅙ cup of white vinegar Sprinkles of parmesan Sprinkles of salt and seasoning


Directions: Finely dice all the ingredients for the salad and mix together in a big bowl. If you are feeling extra hungry, try adding cooked chicken, or boiled eggs for added protein. Next take the salad dressing ingredient in a small mixing bowl and mix well. Then drizzle over the top of your salad. Enjoy :)




Green Juice Detox


1 cup of water

1 stalk of celery

1 whole cucumber, sliced

1 cup of pineapples, chopped

1 small piece of fresh ginger, quarter sized 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 1 cup of spinach 1 cup of kale

3-5 ice cubes Directions:

1. Add all of the ingredients into the blender. 2. Blend thoroughly

3. Drink within 20 minutes for full effect of the nutrients.

4. For detoxing purposes, drink several times a day, for 1-3 days. Do not eat any other foods and only drink water with it. Makes 2 XL cups

Watch how to make it here -----> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYTFflkdBppODXwxKhgH4Rw


dauntless FITNESS


WEIGHTED SQUATS Using a dumbell that is not too heavy for you to lift (I am using 30 lbs), start by spreading your legs shoulder width apart. Make sure all of your weight is in your heels. Squat down by bringing your butt back and down (as if you were going to sit in a chair). Make sure your knees do not go past your toes when you squat. Repeat. Do 1 rep of 20 without any weights to get warmed up. Do 3 more reps of 20 with the weights, for the next 30 days. Position 1

Position 2


Using a dumbell that is not too heavy for you to lift (I am using 30 lbs), start by spreading your legs a little less than shoulder width apart. Focus your eyes on a spot in front of you. Bend over and bring the weight all the way to the ground but do not let your gaze fall to the ground. Keep it on the spot that you picked out. Lift the weight back up, keeping your arms and legs straight. Repeat. Do 3 to 4 reps of 20 with the weights, for the next 30 days. Position 1

Position 2


DAUN LESS MARCH 2022 | Issue 63



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