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History Alive! 6th Grade - Indiana Edition - Scope and Sequence

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6th Grade (Indiana Edition) www.teachtci.com

How did ancient Greece contribute to the modern world?

6. Fighting the Greco-Persian Wars

What factors influenced the outcome of the Greco-Persian Wars?

7. The Golden Age of Athens


Unit 1: Themes of World History


How did geography influence settlement and way of life in ancient Greece? The Rise of Democracy

To what extent does ancient Rome influence us today?

3. Geography and the Settlement of Greece


Program Contents

1. The Origins of Judaism

What were the major cultural achievements of Athens? Alexander the Great and His Empire


2. Learning About World Religions: Judaism

10. Geography and the Early Development of Rome

How did Judaism originate and develop?

How did Alexander build his empire? The Legacy of Ancient Greece

What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta?

5. Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta

11. The Rise of the Roman Republic

12. From Republic to Empire


How did Christianity originate and spread? Learning About World Religions: Christianity


16. The Legacy of Rome in the Modern World

How did democracy develop in ancient Greece?

How did wealth affect daily life in the Roman Empire? The Origins and Spread of Christianity

How did the Etruscans and Greeks influence the development of Rome?

Unit 3: Ancient Rome

What are the central teachings of Judaism, and why did they survive to modern day?

Did the benefits of Roman expansion outweigh the costs? Daily Life in the Roman Empire

Unit 2: Ancient Greece

What were the characteristics of the Roman Republic and how did they change over time?

How are Christians’ lives shaped by the beliefs and practices of Christianity?

How did Islam originate and spread? Learning About World Religions: Islam

To what extent have the contributions of ancient Rome influenced modern society?

27. The Aztecs

How did events in Europe contribute to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought?

25. From the Crusades to New Muslim Empires

Unit 6: Civilizations of the Americas

28. Daily Life in Tenochtitlán


What was life like in medieval European towns?

How did the Incas manage their large and remote empire? Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas


How did the Byzantine Empire develop and form its own distinctive church?

26. The Maya

How did the Crusades affect the lives of Christians, Muslims, and Jews?

What was daily life like for Aztecs in Tenochtitlán? The Incas

Program Contents

21. The Decline of Feudalism

How well did feudalism establish in Europe in the Middle Ages?

18. The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe



How did the Aztecs rise to power?

20. Life in Medieval Towns


What were the significant achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas?

How influential was the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe?

19. The Roman Catholic Church in Medieval Europe

What led to the rise, flourishing, and fall of the Maya civilization?

Unit 5: Islam in Medieval Times The Origins and Spread of Islam

. The Byzantine Empire

Unit 4: Europe During Medieval Times

How do the beliefs and practices of Isam shape Muslims’ lives?

17. The Legacy of the Roman Empire

What have been the costs and benefits of globalization? Tools of Geography

What were the effects of the Reformation? Europe’s Renaissance and Reformation






How have emerging nations fared in their quest for political stability, economic growth, and democracy? Impact of Globalization

Program Contents Unit 7:

How have the ideas of the Enlightenment influenced modern government? a Global Economy

What was so revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution? of Industrialization

What factors led to the weakening of the Catholic Church and the beginning of the Reformation? Spread and Impact of the Reformation


What changes in Europe led to the Renaissance? The Cradle of Renaissance

How did the Age of Exploration change the way Europeans viewed the world? Scientific Revolution




What advances were made during the Renaissance? Figures of the Renaissance

What factors led to European dominance in the emergence of the first global age? Industrial Revolution


What challenges did Europe face following the end of World War II? Toward Independence and Democracy


How did the Scientific Revolution change the way people understood the world? Enlightenment

How do geographers show information on maps? Spatial Way of Thinking


In what ways have various leading figures of the Renaissance affected modern society? Reformation Begins

Unit 8: Europe Enters the Modern Age The Age of Exploration

Why do geographers use a variety of maps to represent the world?

What impacts did the Industrial Revolution have on society and the environment? of Post-War Europe


31.The Renaissance Begins





Program Contents Unit 8: Europe Enters the Modern Age 47.Economic Systems



How do indigenous peoples preserve their traditional culture while adapting to modern life? with Extreme Weather: Hurricanes in the Caribbean

How do American consumption patterns affect people and the planet? to the United States: The Impact on People and Places



What features make national parks special and worth preserving? Patterns in the United States: The Impact of Living Well

What forces work for and against supranational cooperation among nations? Dilemmas in Europe

How does where you live influence how you live? Great Lakes: The U.S. and Canada’s Freshwater Treasures


How can one country’s pollution become another country’s problem? Varied Landscape: Physical Processes at Work

How do physical processes shape Earth’s landscape? from the Old Soviet Empire: How Have They Succeeded? What factors contribute to the success or failure of new nation-states?

How can people best use and protect Earth’s freshwater ecosystems? Sprawl in North America: Where Will It End?

How does urban sprawl affect people and the planet? Parks: Saving the Natural Heritage of of the U.S. and Canada

How should the resources of rainforests be used and preserved? in the Central Andes: Adapting to a Mountainous Region

Who or what decides what you get? Forms of Government

How do people adapt to living in a mountainous region? Cooperation in the European Union





How do population trends affect a country’s future? Borders: Transboundary Pollution in Europe


What causes extreme weather, and how do people deal with it? Use Conflict in the Amazon Rainforest

How should political and economic power be distributed in a society? Patterns and WAys of Life in Canada



How does migration affect the lives of people and the character of places? Inequality in Mexico City: From Shacks to Skyscrapers


Why does spatial inequality exist in urban areas? Cultures: The Survival of the Maya of Mesoamerica



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