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History Alive! 6th Grade Arizona Edition - Scope and Sequence

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6th Grade (Arizona Edition) www.teachtci.com

5. The Rise of Suemrian City-States

10. The Kingdom of Kush In what ways did location influence the history of Kush?

How do geographers show information on maps? A Spatial Way of Thinking

How did the development of agriculture change daily life in the Neolithic Age?

12. The Achievements of the Gupta Empire

What capabilities helped hominins survive? From hunters and Gatherers to Farmers

How did social class affect daily life in ancient Egypt?

Unit 1: Early Humans and the Rise of Civilization Early Hominins



What were the most important achievements of the Mesopotamian empires?

Unit 3: Ancient India

11. The First Unification of India

Program Contents

1. The Tools of Geography

7. Exploring Four Empires of Mesopotamia

Why do geographers use a variety of maps to represent the world?

Why do historians classify ancient Sumer as a civilization?

How did geographic challenges lead to the rise of city-states in Mesopotamia?



Unit 2: Ancient Egypt and the Middle East The Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs

What did the pharaohs of ancient Egypt accomplish, and how did they do it?

9.. Daily Life in Ancient Egypt

How did Ashoka unify the Mauryan Empire and spread Buddhist values?

Why is the period during the Gupta Empire known as a “golden age”?

6. Ancient Sumer

Was the Emperor of Qin an effective leader?



How did Alexander build his empire? The Legacy of Ancient Greece

24. The Rise of the Roman Republic


What were the major cultural achievements of Athens? Alexander the Great and His Empire


In what ways did the Han dynasty improve government and daily life in China?

Did the benefits of Roman expansion outweigh the costs? Daily Life in the Roman Empire

How did democracy develop in ancient Greece? Life in Two City-States: Athens and Sparta

What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta Fighting the Greco-Persian Wars


What were the characteristics of the Roman Republic and how did they change over time? . From Republic to Empire

Program Contents

How did wealth affect daily life in the Roman Empire? The Legacy of Rome in the Modern World



Unit 5: Ancient Greece

How did ancient Greece contribute to the modern world? World Religions


What factors influenced the outcome of the Greco-Persian Wars? The Golden Age of Athens

The Han Dynasty


What do Shang artifacts reveal about this civilization? Three Chinese Philosophies

To what extent does ancient Rome influence us today?

Unit 6: Ancient Rome

17. The Rise of Democracy

13. The Shang Dynasty

Unit 4: Ancient China




How did Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism influence political rule in ancient China? The First Emperor of China

How have religions influenced human society?



How well did feudalism establish in Europe in the Middle Ages? Roman Catholic Church in Medieval Europe

Unit 8: Japan During Medieval Times

How did the Byzantine Empire develop and form its own distinctive church?

Unit 6: Ancient Rome


What important innovations and adaptations did medieval Mulsims make? the Crusades to New Muslim Empires

How have medieval Chinese discoveries and inventions influenced the modern world?

28.The Byzantine Empire

What was the role of the samurai in the military society of medieval Japan?


Program Contents



33.The Rise of the Warrior Class in Japan

How did the Crusades affect the lives of Christians, Muslims, and Jews?

Unit 10: Imperial China

36.The Political Development of Imperial China

Unit 7: Europe During Medieval Times Development of Feudalism in Western Europe


How influential was the Roman Catholic Church in medieval Europe? in Medieval Towns

Which method of selecting officials led to the best leaders for China? Discoveries and Inventions

Unit 9: Islam in Medieval Times Innovations and Adaptations

What was life like in medieval European towns? Decline of Feudalism

How did events in Europe contribute to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought?

How did the Aztecs rise to power? The Incas


What were the significant achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas?


Program Contents Unit 11: The culture and Kingdoms of West Africa 38.Early Societies in West Africa

How did the Incas manage their large and remote empire? Achievements of the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas


What was the most significant factor in the development of early societies in West Africa? Influence of Islam on West Africa




In what ways did Islam influence West African society? 12: Civilizations of the Americas Maya What led to the rise, flourishing, and fall of the Maya civilization? Aztecs

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