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Anda  Barak-Bianco

    Anda Barak-Bianco

    States struggle to maintain a facade of sovereignty against the large-scale migration of immigrants and asylum seekers, who are trying to find their way into the receiving societies. Increased borders control, reinforced socio-legal... more
    States struggle to maintain a facade of sovereignty against the large-scale migration of immigrants and asylum seekers, who are trying to find their way into the receiving societies. Increased borders control, reinforced socio-legal boundaries and detention facilities are some of the constant efforts' states employ to quell the immigration of asylum seekers and control their presence. Disciplinary power often appears in a centralized form, such as borders and immigration systems, but also in decentralized, dispersed forms, ranging from medical practices, media and market influences, as well as many others, which were termed by Foucault as biopower. This force - which in its broad meaning describes deliberate attempts to interfere with the essential human existence and manage all spheres of life - is defined by Foucault as a ‘political power [that] had assigned itself the task of administering life’. Biopower is employed to manage, regulate and govern lives, produce obedience, an...
    To determine the impact of evolving forms of governance on migrant workers' rights and employment conditions in Israel we first probe the extensive private recruitment industry that developed in Israel before the implementation of... more
    To determine the impact of evolving forms of governance on migrant workers' rights and employment conditions in Israel we first probe the extensive private recruitment industry that developed in Israel before the implementation of bilateral agreements, and examine migrant workers' employment conditions and wages. Next we show the importance of bilateral agreements for the annulment of illicit practices in labor recruitment, as well as the practical consequences for migrants under the new arrangement. Specifically we scrutinize the impact of implementation of bilateral agreements in the construction sector on recruitment practices and fees, wage levels, and work conditions. Implementation of bilateral agreement were accompanied by dramatic decrease in the sums paid by migrant workers to reach the host country – but did not significantly improve workers' rights, and their wages even declined. The mechanisms whereby a pool of precarious workers has emerged in the local labor market in Israel are highlighted.

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