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    Yvonne Stikkelbroek

    We examined if manualized cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was more effective than Treatment As Usual (TAU) for clinically depressed adolescents within routine care. This multisite Randomized controlled trail included 88 clinically... more
    We examined if manualized cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was more effective than Treatment As Usual (TAU) for clinically depressed adolescents within routine care. This multisite Randomized controlled trail included 88 clinically depressed adolescents (aged 12–21 years) randomly assigned to CBT or TAU. Multiple assessments (pre-, post treatment and six-month follow-up) were done using semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and ratings and multiple informants. The primary outcome was depressive or dysthymic disorder based on the KSADS. Completers, CBT (n = 19) and TAU (n = 26), showed a significant reduction of affective diagnoses at post treatment (76% versus 76%) and after six months (90% versus 79%). Intention-to-treat analyses on depressive symptoms showed that 41.6% within CBT and 31.8% within the TAU condition was below clinical cut-off at post treatment and after six-months, respectively 61.4% and 47.7%. No significant differences in self-reported depressive symptoms b...
    Computerized and blended treatments seem to be an attractive treatment for adolescents as an alternative to face-to-face treatment, but mental health professionals seem hesitant to use these treatment modalities. This review provides an... more
    Computerized and blended treatments seem to be an attractive treatment for adolescents as an alternative to face-to-face treatment, but mental health professionals seem hesitant to use these treatment modalities. This review provides an overview of factors contributing to and withholding from using computerized or blended treatment in routine care. Three databases were searched with terms related to (1) adolescents, (2) depression, (3) computerized or blended, and (4) treatment. Of the 33 articles identified, 10 focused on unguided computerized treatments, six on guided, two on blended, two compared unguided, blended- and face-to-face treatment to no treatment, and eight studies on games. Further, two articles that were focused on an online monitoring tool and three on intervention characteristics or preferred modes of help-seeking. Evidence for effectiveness, adherence, drop-out, and forming therapeutic relations were suspected to be barriers, but are no reason to reject computeriz...
    Background:Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is first choice of treatment for depressive symptoms and disorders in adolescents, however improvements are necessary because overall efficacy is low. Insights on CBT components and contextual... more
    Background:Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is first choice of treatment for depressive symptoms and disorders in adolescents, however improvements are necessary because overall efficacy is low. Insights on CBT components and contextual and structural characteristics might increase the efficacy. The aim of our approach is to evaluate the efficacy of CBT for youth with depression and investigate the influence of specific components, contextual and structural factors that could improve effects.Methods:A systematic review of randomized controlled trials was conducted, searches were undertaken in CINAHL, CENTRAL, EMBASE, MEDLINE/PubMed and PsycINFO. Outcomes were meta-analyzed and confidence in results was assessed using the GRADE-method. Meta-regression was used to pinpoint components or other factors that were associated with an in- or decrease of effects of CBT.Results:We included 31 trials with 4335 participants. Moderate-quality evidence was found for CBT reducing depressive symp...
    1  Welkom 2  Uitleg over de training 3  Watis wel waaren watis niet waar over dyslexie? 4  Tips & trucs 5  Klus
    1  Welkom 2  Vragenlijsteninvullen 3  Bijpraten 4  Rolvandetraininginmijnhuidigeleven 5  Afsluiting
    1  Bijpraten 2  Terugblikopdeklus 3  Oefeningen/Informatie 4  Terugblikopdetraining 5  Detoekomst
    ... 3.3.3 Hoofd-en bijzaken onderscheiden – de tekst kopiëren en de hoofdzaken markeren – eenmindmap of woordspin gebruiken – de studietechnieken voor hoofd ... 3.5 Moeite met het plannen van huiswerk – moeite met het maken van een... more
    ... 3.3.3 Hoofd-en bijzaken onderscheiden – de tekst kopiëren en de hoofdzaken markeren – eenmindmap of woordspin gebruiken – de studietechnieken voor hoofd ... 3.5 Moeite met het plannen van huiswerk – moeite met het maken van een planning ( zie 3.5.1) – moeite met het ...
    bijeenkomst 1 ‘Dyslexie nader bekeken’ in het werkboek p. 10
    Dyslexie komt vaak voor. Internationaal lopen schattingen uiteen van 5-10% van de bevolking. Zowel verschillen in gehanteerde definitie (wanneer noemje een leesprobleemdyslexie) als verschillende visies over de wijze waarop de diagnose... more
    Dyslexie komt vaak voor. Internationaal lopen schattingen uiteen van 5-10% van de bevolking. Zowel verschillen in gehanteerde definitie (wanneer noemje een leesprobleemdyslexie) als verschillende visies over de wijze waarop de diagnose vastgesteld dient te worden, leiden tot deze uiteenlopende schattingen (Siegel, 2003). Ook kan de regelmatigheid van de taal van invloed zijn op het voorkomen van dyslexie; binnen het Engelstalig gebied zijn ermeer kinderen die ernstige lees- en spellingproblemen ervaren dan in landenmet eenmeer eenduidige taal zoals het Italiaans of Duits (Paulesu et al., 2001). In een taal gebaseerd op een alfabetisch schriftsysteemzijn letters immers gekoppeld aan spraakklanken en vormen op deze wijze de basis voor het lezen en spellen. Eenminder eenduidige koppeling tussen spraakklank en letter bemoeilijkt het leren lezen en spellen.
    In dit hoofdstuk wordt het draaiboek besproken. Het draaiboek beschrijft per bijeenkomst het programma van de training, inclusief de instructie voor de trainer. Eerst komen de algemene aspecten van het uitvoeren van de training aan de... more
    In dit hoofdstuk wordt het draaiboek besproken. Het draaiboek beschrijft per bijeenkomst het programma van de training, inclusief de instructie voor de trainer. Eerst komen de algemene aspecten van het uitvoeren van de training aan de orde: de opleiding van de trainers, de werving, de intakeprocedure en de indicatiestelling. Vervolgens worden in twee gebruikswijzers – voor cursisten en voor ouders
    The death of a parent or sibling (family bereavement) is associated with mental health problems in approximately, 25 % of the affected children. However, it is still unknown whether mental health problems of family-bereaved adolescents... more
    The death of a parent or sibling (family bereavement) is associated with mental health problems in approximately, 25 % of the affected children. However, it is still unknown whether mental health problems of family-bereaved adolescents are predicted by pre-existing mental health problems, pre-loss family functioning, or multiple bereavements. In this study, a prospective longitudinal assessment of change in mental health following bereavement was done in a large representative sample from the 'Tracking Adolescents Individual Lives Survey' (TRAILS). This is a four-wave prospective cohort study of Dutch adolescents (n = 2230) of whom 131 (5.9 %) had experienced family bereavement at the last wave (T4). Family-bereaved adolescents reported more internalizing problems, within 2 years after family bereavement, compared to the non-bereaved peers, while taking into account the level of internalizing problems before the bereavement. A clinically relevant finding was that 22 % new ca...
    Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents are undertreated. Computer- and Internet-based cognitive behavioral treatments (cCBT) may be an attractive treatment alternative to regular face-to-face treatment.This meta-analysis aims... more
    Anxiety and depression in children and adolescents are undertreated. Computer- and Internet-based cognitive behavioral treatments (cCBT) may be an attractive treatment alternative to regular face-to-face treatment.This meta-analysis aims to evaluate whether cCBT is effective for treating symptoms of anxiety and depression in youth. We conducted systematic searches in bibliographical databases (Pubmed, Cochrane controlled trial register, PsychInfo) up to December 4, 2013. Only randomized controlled trials in which a computer-, Internet- or mobile-based cognitive behavioral intervention targeting either depression, anxiety or both in children or adolescents up to the age of 25 were compared to a control condition were selected. We employed a random-effects pooling model in overall effect analyses and a mixed effect model for sub-group analyses. Searches resulted in identifying 13 randomized trials, including 796 children and adolescents that met inclusion criteria. Seven studies were ...
    It is important that depressed patients receive adequate and safe care as described in clinical guidelines. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the Dutch depression guideline for children and adolescents, and to... more
    It is important that depressed patients receive adequate and safe care as described in clinical guidelines. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of the Dutch depression guideline for children and adolescents, and to identify factors that were associated with the uptake of the guideline recommendations. The study took place in specialised child and adolescent mental healthcare. An implementation project was initiated to enhance the implementation of the guideline. An evaluation study was performed alongside the implementation project, using structured registration forms and interviews with healthcare professionals. Six multidisciplinary teams participated in the implementation study. The records of 655 patients were analysed. After 1 year, 72 % of all eligible patients had been screened for depression and 38 % were diagnosed with the use of a diagnostic instrument. The severity of the depression was assessed in 77 % of the patients during the diagnostic process, a...