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Rukmowati Brotodjojo

    Rukmowati Brotodjojo

    Penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung manis akibat Peronosclerospora spp. umumnya dikendalikan dengan fungisida kimia. Penggunaan fungisida kimia dapat menyebabkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif pengendalian adalah... more
    Penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung manis akibat Peronosclerospora spp. umumnya dikendalikan dengan fungisida kimia. Penggunaan fungisida kimia dapat menyebabkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu alternatif pengendalian adalah pengendalian dengan Trichoderma sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian beberapa konsentrasi Trichoderma sp. dan cara aplikasinya terhadap kejadian dan keparahan penyakit bulai pada tanaman jagung manis. Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dua faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu konsentrasi Trichoderma sp. 15 g/L, 30 g/L, 45 g/L, dan fungisida bahan aktif metalaksil, faktor kedua yaitu cara aplikasi seed treatment dan disemprot. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) pada taraf α = 5%. Jika terdapat beda nyata antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan menggunakan Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan (DMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Trichoderma sp. tidak berpengaruh d...
    UKM Sarabba Rajana memproduksi Sarabba instant, minuman tradisional khas Sulawesi Selatan. UKM Sarabba Rajana terletak di Luwu Utara yang berjarak sekitar 500 km dari Makassar ibu kota Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. UKM ini belum berkembang... more
    UKM Sarabba Rajana memproduksi Sarabba instant, minuman tradisional khas Sulawesi Selatan. UKM Sarabba Rajana terletak di Luwu Utara yang berjarak sekitar 500 km dari Makassar ibu kota Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. UKM ini belum berkembang karena jauh dari pusat bisnis Sulawesi Selatan dan produknya belum dikenal dan mampu bersaing secara regional. Pada tahun 2021 tim pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta menyelenggarakan kegiatan penyuluhan, pelatihan, pengembangan merek, adaptasi mitra pada teknologi, pembentukan dan pengembangan jejaring untuk UKM ini. Pelaksanaan pengabdian dilakukan dengan mengkombinasikan berbagai metode PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal), PLA (Participatory Learning Action) untuk meningkatkan kapasitas mitra. Dampak PKM pada UKM ini adalah  produk yang marketable,  produk terstandarisasi sesuai regulasi pemerintah,  brand Sarabba Rajana dikenal secara luas,  penetrasi pasar yang kuat sehingga menjadi oleh-oleh khas Makassar. Selain itu, pe...
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectof boiler ash which is a waste of sugar industry and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) to improve the quality of rice. Experiments were set up using split plot and arranged in completely... more
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effectof boiler ash which is a waste of sugar industry and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) to improve the quality of rice. Experiments were set up using split plot and arranged in completely randomized design, with three replicates. Main plots were composed of inorganic fertilizers on 2 levels, namely: 100% farmer’s dose and 50% farmer’s dose plus boiler ash 10 tons/ha. Sub plots was spraying frequency of LOF "Bacteria" and LOF "Plus" with concentration of 15 mL /L consists of five levels, namely: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times spraying. The results showed the use of boiler ash can improve the quality of rice. Semi-organic farming system with the additionof boiler ash and spraying the mixture of LOF "Bacteria + LOF “Plus" and LOF "Bacteria" four and five times increase the yield and quality of healthy rice including calcium content and amylopectin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruhpemberian abu ketel yang merupakan limbah industria gula dan pupuk organik cair terhadap peningkatan kualitas beras. Percobaan menggunakan Split Plot yang disusun dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, diulang tiga kali. Petak Utama adalah pupuk anorganik terdiri atas 2 aras yaitu: 100 % dosis petani dan 50% dosis petani ditambah abu ketel 10 ton/ha. Anak Petak adalah frekuensi penyemprotan POC “Bakteri” dan POC “Plus” konsentrasi 15mL/L air terdiri atas lima aras, yaitu: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 kali penyemprotan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan limbah abu ketel dapat meningkatkan kualitas beras. Sistem budidaya semi organik disertai penambahan abu ketel dan penyemprotan campuran POC "Bakteria+Plus" dan POC "Bakteria” empat dan lima kali meningkatkan rendemen dan kualitas beras sehat antara lain kandungan amilopektin dan kalsium.
    Nutrient availability affected plant growth and yield. This study aimed to examine the effect of interval application and fertigation frequency toward plant growth and yield, and further determined the most proper fertigation interval and... more
    Nutrient availability affected plant growth and yield. This study aimed to examine the effect of interval application and fertigation frequency toward plant growth and yield, and further determined the most proper fertigation interval and frequency that support the highest plant growth and yield. Experiment was arranged in Split plot randomized Completely Block Design. The main plots were interval of nutrient application, i.e., 3 days interval, 6 days interval, 9 days interval. The sub plots were the frequency of nutrient application, i.e., once/day, 2 times/day, 3 times/day. The plot size for each treatment was 2.5 m×1.3 m and plant spacing was 15 cm×20 cm. Space between beds was 1 m. Red onions (Bima variety) were planting in a raised bed covered with silver black polythene mulch. Before planting, 5 ton/ha manure and 1 ton/ha lime were mix with the soil. Fipronil 1.5% was applied with dose 8 kg/ha to control grubs. Nutrient was mixture between liquid organic fertilizer (7.5 mL/L),...
    String beans productivity decreases every year. One of the causes is pest attacks. Pest control using Beauveria bassiana is an enviromentally friendly pest control. The aim of this study was to determine of the effect B. bassiana’s... more
    String beans productivity decreases every year. One of the causes is pest attacks. Pest control using Beauveria bassiana is an enviromentally friendly pest control. The aim of this study was to determine of the effect B. bassiana’s application to control string beans main pests, determine the best B. bassiana application frequency to control pest attacks and determine the correlation between main pests population and plant damage and yield of string beans. This study was conducted in Krebet, Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta in Januari – April 2019. This study used a single factor experiment arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD). This study used the following treatments: once application of B. bassiana at 5 weeks after planting (wap), two times application of B. bassiana at 3 wap (week after planting) and 7 wap, three times application of B. bassiana at 3 wap, 5 wap and 7 wap, four times application of B. bassiana at 3 wap, 4 wap, 6 wap and ...
    Agricultural waste can be fermented into liquid organic fertilizer to provide nutrition and phytohormon for plants. The application of this liquid organic fertilizer will improve nutrient availability, the root morphology, growth and... more
    Agricultural waste can be fermented into liquid organic fertilizer to provide nutrition and phytohormon for plants. The application of this liquid organic fertilizer will improve nutrient availability, the root morphology, growth and yield of plants. The objective of this research was to examine the effect of NPK synthetic fertilizers and different types of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) on plant growth and rice yield. The experiment was conducted at Bener Village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district, Indonesia, from March until November 2011. The experiment was developed according to Randomized Completely Block Design with five replicates. The treatments were: LOF “Double”, LOF “Plus”, LOF “Bacteria”, LOF “Bacteria+Plus”, and NPK fertilizers (Control without LOF). Plant growth was measured weekly on five plant samples and plant yield was assessed at harvest time. The data was subjected to an analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. The results showed that ...
    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji dampak tingkat dekomposisi serasah daun dan agen pengendali hayati+NPK terhadap pertumbuhan hasil cabai merah. Percobaan menggunakan split plot, disusun menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan tiga... more
    Tujuan penelitian untuk mengkaji dampak tingkat dekomposisi serasah daun dan agen pengendali hayati+NPK terhadap pertumbuhan hasil cabai merah. Percobaan menggunakan split plot, disusun menurut Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan tiga ulangan. Sebagai Main plot adalah Dekomposisi serasah daun dengan rasio C/N 28,52 dan dekomposisi serasah daun dengan rasio C / N 16,57. Sub plot adalah jenis agen pengendali hayati dengan enam perlakuan sebagai berikut: 1) Hanya menggunakan NPK dosis rekomendasi (500 kg.ha -1 ), 2) Kombinasi Trichoderma + 50 % dosis NPK, 3) Kombinasi Mikoriza + 50 % dosis NPK, 4) Kombinasi PGPR + 50 % dosis NPK, 5) Lem pengendalian hama, 6) Stimulant. Data dianalisis varians diikuti oleh Uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dekomposisi serasah daun dengan rasio C / N 16,57 secara signifikan memperbaiki tinggi tanaman pada hari ke umur 3 MST, jumlah cabang umur 5 MST dan 7 MST serta jumlah buah dan  bobot buah panen pertama dan kedua dibandi...
    kopi Hypothenemus hampei . Pengendalian hayati H. hampei yang sedang ditingkatkan pengembangannya di Indonesia adalah dengan memanfaatkan jamur Beauveria bassiana . Jamur ini mudah dibiakkan dengan media buatan yang kaya bahan... more
    kopi Hypothenemus hampei . Pengendalian hayati H. hampei yang sedang ditingkatkan pengembangannya di Indonesia adalah dengan memanfaatkan jamur Beauveria bassiana . Jamur ini mudah dibiakkan dengan media buatan yang kaya bahan organik.yang akan mempengaruhi efektifitasnya dalam mengendalikan H. hampei . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui macam dan komposisi media perbanyakan jamur B. bassiana yang paling efektif untuk mengendalikan hama penggerek buah kopi H. hampei . Penelitian dilaksanakan di laboratorium Hayati Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan DIY sesuai Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Adapun macam perlakuannya adalah macam media perbanyakan jamur B. bassiana (Bekatul; Beras; Jagung; Kacang Tanah; Kedelai; Kacang Merah; Bekatul+Kacang Tanah; Bekatul+Kedelai; Bekatul+Kacang Merah; Beras+Kacang Tanah; Beras+Kedelai; Beras+Kacang Merah; Jagung+Kacang Tanah; Jagung+Kedelai; dan Jagung+Kacang Merah). Sebagai pembanding digunakan 2 kontrol yaitu Aquades (kontrol ne...
    Nutrient availability will affect plant growth, especially at the early development of the plant. Organic and inorganic fertilizer provides a different level of the nutrient. This research aimed to study the early growth of tomato... more
    Nutrient availability will affect plant growth, especially at the early development of the plant. Organic and inorganic fertilizer provides a different level of the nutrient. This research aimed to study the early growth of tomato cultivated under different fertilizer types and dosages. The greenhouse experiment was set in a Randomized Completely Block Design. The treatments were various types of fertilizer (Liquid Organic Fertilizer/LOF, inorganic fertilizer, LOF+AB Mix), and different dosages per day (225 mL, 450 mL, 675 mL 900 mL). Tomatoes were planted in polybags in a greenhouse and with treatments according to the experimental design, each treatment was repeated three times. Fertilizer was applied together with irrigation water, as drip fertigation, and automatically set as to irrigate at 06.00 am. 12.00 pm, at 06.00 pm. The liquid fertilizer concentration applied was 5 mL/L. Plant height and number of leaves were observed every two days for two weeks. The results showed there...
    Developing technology to support sustainable agriculture through environmentally sound approaches to enhance growth and yield of rice is needed. Utilization of agricultural waste products for further agricultural processes is a form of... more
    Developing technology to support sustainable agriculture through environmentally sound approaches to enhance growth and yield of rice is needed. Utilization of agricultural waste products for further agricultural processes is a form of sustainability. Boiler ash is a waste as a result from combustion of bagasse generated in the sugar production process. It can be used as organic fertilizer, because it contains Silicon and other nutrients. The objective of this research was to examine the effect of boiler ash application and spraying frequency of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) Bacteria + LOF “Plus” on growth and rice yield. The experiment was conducted at Bener Village, Ngrampal sub-district, Sragen district, Indonesia, from November 2012 until February 2013. The experiment was arranged into Randomized Completely Block Design Split Plot with three replicates. The main plot was boiler ash application consisting of two treatments, ie., boiler ash 10 ton/ha and without boiler ash. Sub ...
    Produksi tanaman tomat mempunyai kendala yang sering terjadi yaitu serangan penyakit layu Fusarium. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui efektivitas dari jamur agensia hayati Trichoderma harzianum dan Gliocladium virens pada penyalutan... more
    Produksi tanaman tomat mempunyai kendala yang sering terjadi yaitu serangan penyakit layu Fusarium. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui efektivitas dari jamur agensia hayati Trichoderma harzianum dan Gliocladium virens pada penyalutan benih tomat untuk pencegahan penyakit layu Fusarium. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Mei 2020 di Laboratorium Pengamatan Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman (LPHPT), Pandak, Bantul, DIY. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan uji in vitro dan in vivo yang disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan yaitu kontrol tanpa perlakuan, Fusarium, Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium virens, Fusarium + T.harzianum, Fusarium + G.virens dan kombinasi Fusarium +T.harzianum+ G.virens. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) pada taraf α=5% dan untuk mengetahui beda nyata antar perlakuan maka dilanjutkan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) taraf α=5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan kombinasi T.harzi...
    Synthetic insecticides have detrimental effect to environment. Botanical insecticides are considered to be safer to the environment. Need seeds contain compounds with insecticidal properties. The aim of this study was to examine the... more
    Synthetic insecticides have detrimental effect to environment. Botanical insecticides are considered to be safer to the environment. Need seeds contain compounds with insecticidal properties. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of neem seeds extract to control Diamondback moth (DBM). A series of neem seeds extract concentration (0.04 %, 0.08 %, 0.16 %, 0.32 %) and control (without neem extract) were tested on second instar larvae in oral test and contact test. The results showed that neem seeds extract have significant effect on the mortality of second instar DBM larvae 24-72 h after treatment in oral test and 72 h after treatment in contact test. In the oral test, the neem seeds extract significantly reduced feeding intensity of the larvae 42 h and 72 h after treatment. Subsequently, the extract also significantly reduced the moth emergence. The neem seeds with concentration 0.16 % effectively control DBM second instar larvae 72 h after treatment. Key Words: neem...
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of boiler ash which is a waste of sugar industry and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) to improve the quality of rice. Experiments were set up using split plot and arranged in completely... more
    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of boiler ash which is a waste of sugar industry and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) to improve the quality of rice. Experiments were set up using split plot and arranged in completely randomized design, with three replicates. Main plots were composed of inorganic fertilizers on 2 levels, namely: 100% farmer’s dose and 50% farmer’s dose plus boiler ash 10 tons/ha. Sub plots was spraying frequency of LOF "Bacteria" and LOF "Plus" with concentration of 15 mL /L consists of five levels, namely: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times spraying. The results showed the use of boiler ash can improve the quality of rice. Semi-organic farming system with the addition of boiler ash and spraying the mixture of LOF "Bacteria + LOF “Plus" and LOF "Bacteria" four and five times increase the yield and quality of healthy rice including calcium content and amylopectin.
    Decreased yield and quality of chilies were mainly due to the attack of fruit flies and whiteflies as virus-carrying vectors. Until now, to control these pests farmers still rely on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides that leave... more
    Decreased yield and quality of chilies were mainly due to the attack of fruit flies and whiteflies as virus-carrying vectors. Until now, to control these pests farmers still rely on the use of synthetic chemical pesticides that leave residues. Efforts to control pathogens and improve yield and quality of red chilies use biological agents Trichoderma sp., Mycorrhizal, and organic materials that have been completely decomposed.  The objective of this research was to examine the effect of  the level of d ecomposition of leaf litter in combination with the application of different biological control agents and NPK dosage on plant growth.  This  experiment was conducted at Experimental Garden, Condongcatur Campus, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta from June until September 2020.  The experiment was arranged according to Randomized Completely Block Design with two factors, each treatment consists of three replicates.  The first factor was the d ecomposition of leaf litter with a C/N ratio of 28.5...
    Sorghum is one of the commodities that are potentially very good to meet the needs of food, feed, industrial and renewable energy sources. Sorghum has protein, iron and calcium content that is much higher than rice. Additionally, sorghum... more
    Sorghum is one of the commodities that are potentially very good to meet the needs of food, feed, industrial and renewable energy sources. Sorghum has protein, iron and calcium content that is much higher than rice. Additionally, sorghum has wide adaptability and is a plant that is tolerant to drought and low fertility. Therefore it can be cultivated on marginal lands. This study aimed to study the effects of fertilization on the growth and brix value of sweet sorghum cultivated on marginal land. The experiment was arranged in randomized completely block design, with three treatments, namely NPK, NPK + LOF (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) / 1 week, NPK + LOF/ 2 weeks. Each treatment consisted of 5 replication, and for each replication 6 plant samples was observed. Each plot consisted of 12 rows and in each row there were 7 plants. Sorghum was planted with the distance between rows 75 cm and the distance between plants in rows was 30 cm. The data was subjected to analysis of variance foll...
    Synthetic insecticides have detrimental effect to environment. Botanical insecticides are considered to be safer to the environment. Need seeds contain compounds with insecticidal properties. The aim of this study was to examine the... more
    Synthetic insecticides have detrimental effect to environment. Botanical insecticides are considered to be safer to the environment. Need seeds contain compounds with insecticidal properties. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of neem seeds extract to control Diamondback moth (DBM). A series of neem seeds extract concentration (0.04 %, 0.08 %, 0.16 %, 0.32 %) and control (without neem extract) were tested on second instar larvae in oral test and contact test. The results showed that neem seeds extract have significant effect on the mortality of second instar DBM larvae 24-72 h after treatment in oral test and 72 h after treatment in contact test. In the oral test, the neem seeds extract significantly reduced feeding intensity of the larvae 42 h and 72 h after treatment. Subsequently, the extract also significantly reduced the moth emergence. The neem seeds with concentration 0.16 % effectively control DBM second instar larvae 72 h after treatment. Insektisida sin...
    Coffee bean borer (Hypothenemus hampei) attacks coffee when it is still in the plantation until it is in the storage that reduce the quality of coffee. To avoid the negative impact of chemical insecticides, biological control is carried... more
    Coffee bean borer (Hypothenemus hampei) attacks coffee when it is still in the plantation until it is in the storage that reduce the quality of coffee. To avoid the negative impact of chemical insecticides, biological control is carried out by using entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana. The aims of this research were to study the effects of culture media on viability of B. bassiana and its pathogenicity in controlling H. hampei. Laboratory experiment was arranged in Completely Random Design (CRD). This research used 8 (eight) treatments namely KO: Distilled water, Kk: Lamda Sihalothrin 25 EC (Chemical Insecticide), B1: 10 g/L B. bassiana cultured in rice bran media, B2: 20 g/L B. bassiana cultured in rice bran media, B3: 30 g/L B. bassiana cultured in rice bran media, B4: 10 g/L B. bassiana cultured in corn media, B5: 20 g/L B. bassiana cultured in corn media and B6: 30 g/L B. bassiana cultured in corn media. Each treatment was applied on coffee beans infested with 20 H. hampei and rep...
    Stem borer attack is one of the limiting factors in the production of sugar cane. Proper management of plant nutrients to improve soil productivity could also improve plant resistance to borer attack and increase the yield of sugar cane.... more
    Stem borer attack is one of the limiting factors in the production of sugar cane. Proper management of plant nutrients to improve soil productivity could also improve plant resistance to borer attack and increase the yield of sugar cane. The aim of this research is to study the effect of fertilizer and boiler ash application in improving sugar cane plant resistance to stem borer attack. A Split-Split-Plot field experiment was arranged in a Randomized Completely Block Design with three replicates. The main plot was inorganic N, P, K fertilizer (standard dose, 2/3 standard dose, 1/3 standard dose). The sub plot was boiler ash application (80 tons/ha boiler ash and without boiler ash). The sub-sub plot was type of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) (LOF “Bacteria”, LOF “Double” and LOF “Plus”, no LOF application). Field observation was conducted on 4 months old plant to examine the percentage of stalk attacked and percentage of internodes damaged by stem borer. Artificial infestation in l...
    The response of generalist egg parasitoids to alternative natural hosts that are present simultaneously is not well known. We investigated the behavior of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in relation to two... more
    The response of generalist egg parasitoids to alternative natural hosts that are present simultaneously is not well known. We investigated the behavior of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) in relation to two field hosts Helicoverpa armigera Hubner and Spodoptera litura Fabricius, in choice and no choice tests. We quantified the effects of natal host species and post-emergence adult age on the oviposition preference of the parasitoids. H. armigera eggs were consistently preferred over S. litura eggs, regardless of the natal host and adult age. When only S. litura eggs were available as hosts, they were parasitized at statistically similar rates to H. armigera eggs (average of 17 +/- 2.7 vs. 13 +/- 3.0, H. armigera to S. litura). The adult lifespan and lifetime fecundity of T. pretiosum were variable but were affected by natal host species and/or host species to which they were exposed. Mean lifespan and fecundity of parasitoids that had developed in H. arm...