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Ismary Fabé González

    Ismary Fabé González

    The Process of teaching learning of the History of Cuba in the Universities of Medical Sciences responds to the necessity of forming professionals of the health, with a high scientific level, and e humanist character and patriotic... more
    The Process of teaching learning of the History of Cuba in the Universities of Medical Sciences responds to the necessity of forming professionals of the health, with a high scientific level, and e humanist character and patriotic feelings, it implies that under the current conditions it is necessary to negotiate the own knowledge through the employment of the technologies. The present publication has as objective to base The Process of Teaching-learning of the subject History of Cuba with the employment of a virtual classroom in the students of second year of the University of Medical Sciences. For that it was used the dialectical-materialistic general scientific method and others of the theoretical level as the historical and logical, analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and the system focus, and as fundamental empiric method the documental analysis was applied. In a conclusive way the approached theoretical aspects left from the Materialistic Dialectical Concepcion, also assuming the Sociology, the cultural historical Focus, the conception scientific-critic and reflexive of the Didactics, the Didactic of the History, the Pattern of curricular design of the conscious processes and the employment of the TICs in the formation of the educational one. The results of the methods that were applied allowed to determine that as much students as professors’ present limitations in the knowledge and employment of learning set.
    Introduccion: el profesional que imparte la docencia de la asignatura Historia de Cuba en la Universidad de Ciencias Medicas, enfrenta retos de vital importancia relacionado con el desarrollo del pensamiento critico en los profesionales... more
    Introduccion: el profesional que imparte la docencia de la asignatura Historia de Cuba en la Universidad de Ciencias Medicas, enfrenta retos de vital importancia relacionado con el desarrollo del pensamiento critico en los profesionales de la carrera Medicina, que requiere del desarrollo y consolidacion de las habilidades y disposiciones de un profesional como pensador critico. Objetivo: fundamentar la labor del profesor de Historia de Cuba en el desarrollo del pensamiento critico de los profesionales de la carrera Medicina, desde la perspectiva de las habilidades de un pensador critico. Material y metodo : asumiendo el metodo general de la investigacion cientifica “Dialectico Materialista” y el enfoque epistemologico “Historico Cultural”, con la utilizacion de los metodos teoricos se realiza una sistematizacion de los principales sustentos teoricos y metodologicos para determinar las principales habilidades y disposiciones que debe caracterizar la labor del docente para contribuir ...
    espanolPara contribuir al logro de una correcta relacion interdisciplinar es necesario que el PGI posea un desarrollo formativo amplio, donde no vea los fenomenos desde un solo punto de vista de determinada ciencia, sino que los vea tal... more
    espanolPara contribuir al logro de una correcta relacion interdisciplinar es necesario que el PGI posea un desarrollo formativo amplio, donde no vea los fenomenos desde un solo punto de vista de determinada ciencia, sino que los vea tal como se manifiestan en la naturaleza, polifaceticos y holisticos. Las relaciones interdisciplinarias contribuyen a la cultura integral y a la formacion de una concepcion cientifica del mundo, desarrolla un pensamiento cientifico, la adaptacion de los cambios de contexto, aborda problemas de interes social desde la optica de varias disciplinas para asumir actitudes criticas y responsables ante las politicas sociales, cientificas y tecnologicas. EnglishThis article presents the idea that the General Integral Professor should have a wide formative development, where he not only sees the phenomena from only one perspective in a determined science; instead he should see these phenomena as they manifest in nature. In this way his formation contributes to a...
    Creation of the developed educational software aims students to expand knowledge about the feudal period that extends from the year 476 AD when the fall of the Western Roman Empire occurs until the fifteenth century, and in some countries... more
    Creation of the developed educational software aims students to expand knowledge about the feudal period that extends from the year 476 AD when the fall of the Western Roman Empire occurs until the fifteenth century, and in some countries up century XVI.
    This article presents the use of technological teaching aids with a professional approach in the initial formation of professors of Marxism Leninism and History specialty in the University of Pedagogical Sciences in Pinar del Río and it... more
    This article presents the use of technological teaching aids with a professional approach in the initial formation of professors of Marxism Leninism and History specialty in the University of Pedagogical Sciences in Pinar del Río and it has as objective: to analyze from the theoretical point of view the use of teaching aids and precisely the technological ones, as well as the determinations that are necessary for their appropriate use with a professional approach.
    The presentation has a purpose to base the development of pedagogical, investigative and communicative professional abilities in the career of Pedagogy-psychology, as well as the system of educational tasks from the Marxist Philosophy.... more
    The presentation has a purpose to base the development of pedagogical, investigative and communicative professional abilities in the career of Pedagogy-psychology, as well as the system of educational tasks from the Marxist Philosophy. The results of the diagnostic revealed cognitive inadequacies and lacks of development of professional abilities when not being integrated with the knowledge of the Marxist Philosophy, it determined an inadequate formative process in the professors in formation. It was used for it methods of investigation of theoretical level, empiric and statistical level that with the determination of dimensions and indicators facilitated the valuation of the system of applied educational tasks. The practical significance is contributed from the system of educational task and as a scientific novelty it is possible to structure this system with their respective didactic demands that allow the students to develop these abilities to apply in a 2016
    The presentation has a purpose to base the development of pedagogical, investigative and communicative professional abilities in the career of Pedagogy-psychology, as well as the system of educational tasks from the Marxist Philosophy.... more
    The presentation has a purpose to base the development of pedagogical, investigative and communicative professional abilities in the career of Pedagogy-psychology, as well as the system of educational tasks from the Marxist Philosophy. The results of the diagnostic revealed cognitive inadequacies and lacks of development of professional abilities when not being integrated with the knowledge of the Marxist Philosophy, it determined an inadequate formative process in the professors in formation. It was used for it methods of investigation of theoretical level, empiric and statistical level that with the determination of dimensions and indicators facilitated the valuation of the system of applied educational tasks. The practical significance is contributed from the system of educational task and as a scientific novelty it is possible to structure this system with their respective didactic demands that allow the students to develop these abilities to apply in a creative way those philos...
    Introduction: the current worldwide society is having a rapid development in scientific and technological knowledge, which requires the training of a skilful professional supported on the educational system of the University of Medical... more
    Introduction: the current worldwide society is having a rapid development in scientific and technological knowledge, which requires the training of a skilful professional supported on the educational system of the University of Medical Sciences and from a critical perspective, who will be able to understand the context in order to transform it. Objective: to support a comprehensive, systemic and contextualized didactic concept of the teaching and learning process of the History of Cuba, aimed at developing the critical thinking in health care professionals. Material and methods: a scientific research study of the teaching-learning process to teach the subject of History of Cuba in order to develop the critical thinking was carried out by means of the materialist-dialectical method and cultural historical epistemological approach, which is assumed as a general method underlying the theoretical methods that enable the study and systematization of the theoretical and methodological fou...