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Akhmad siddiq

    Akhmad siddiq

    Attempts to build inter-religious harmony obtained influential obstacles within social relationship that is regularly based on never-ending ideological discourses. Every religion comes with its own basic faith and claim of truth. Even... more
    Attempts to build inter-religious harmony obtained influential obstacles within social relationship that is regularly based on never-ending ideological discourses. Every religion comes with its own basic faith and claim of truth. Even though, this claim should not normatively exclude the faith of others. In other word, religious believers could not assert their own faith to blame other different faiths. This paper argues that inter-religious harmony, especially between Islam and Christianity, is not only based on doctrinal-ideological argument but also historical evidences. This research will portray the relations between Islam and Christianity in the era of the Prophet Mohammad that could be illustrated in three periods: (1) pre-revelation, (2) the period of Mecca, and (3) the period of Medina. The paper will also explain the Islam-Christian relation model in the era of the Prophet by using historical-critics and hermeneutical-phenomenology.
    Agama memang menjadi salah satu isu sensitif yang berkembang subur dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat tertentu. Peran agama di ranah sosial hingga kini masih terus diperdebatkan. Sebagian meyakini bahwa agama tidak memiliki peran signifikan... more
    Agama memang menjadi salah satu isu sensitif yang berkembang subur dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat tertentu. Peran agama di ranah sosial hingga kini masih terus diperdebatkan. Sebagian meyakini bahwa agama tidak memiliki peran signifikan dalam membangun kehidupan sosial, sementara sebagian lain percaya bahwa (nilai-nilai) agama berperan besar dalam membangun tatanan sosial ke arah yang lebih baik. Sebuah hal yang menarik jika melihat peran agama dalam ranah sosial. Sering kali perdebatan muncul oleh karena hal semacam itu. Bagi yang pertama, agama jelas identik dengan moralitas yang mana sangat jelas terlihat dari ajaran-ajaran agama itu sendiri. Bagi yang kedua, menjadi suatu pengetahuan umum bahwa agama dari segi ajarannya sangat berpengaruh besar dalam tatanan sosial dalam bermasyarakat. Oleh karena itu, perihal perspektif yang pertama (agama identik dengan moralitas), keyakinan tersebut memunculkan tesis lain yang berseberangan yaitu tidak beragama berarti tidak bermoral. Kedua ...
    Abstrak Agama memang menjadi salah satu isu sensitif yang berkembang subur dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat tertentu. Peran agama di ranah sosial hingga kini masih terus diperdebatkan. Sebagian meyakini bahwa agama tidak memiliki peran... more
    Abstrak Agama memang menjadi salah satu isu sensitif yang berkembang subur dalam tatanan sosial masyarakat tertentu. Peran agama di ranah sosial hingga kini masih terus diperdebatkan. Sebagian meyakini bahwa agama tidak memiliki peran signifikan dalam membangun kehidupan sosial, sementara sebagian lain percaya bahwa (nilai-nilai) agama berperan besar dalam membangun tatanan sosial ke arah yang lebih baik. Sebuah hal yang menarik jika melihat peran agama dalam ranah sosial. Sering kali perdebatan muncul oleh karena hal semacam itu. Bagi yang pertama, agama jelas identik dengan moralitas yang mana sangat jelas terlihat dari ajaran-ajaran agama itu sendiri. Bagi yang kedua, menjadi suatu pengetahuan umum bahwa agama dari segi ajarannya sangat berpengaruh besar dalam tatanan sosial dalam bermasyarakat. Oleh karena itu, perihal perspektif yang pertama (agama identik dengan moralitas), keyakinan tersebut memunculkan tesis lain yang berseberangan yaitu tidak beragama berarti tidak bermoral...
    Barangay Kakai Renabor is a small district in Lanao Del Norte, Philippine. It is renowned as the area of conflict. Christians and Muslims used to fought one another, and living in emotional tension that guided them to commit various... more
    Barangay Kakai Renabor is a small district in Lanao Del Norte, Philippine. It is renowned as the area of conflict. Christians and Muslims used to fought one another, and living in emotional tension that guided them to commit various violences. Disharmonious relationship was exist because every group insists to live exclusively in Barangay, and striving to eliminate the existence of others. There were only two choices: Christians without Muslims or Muslims without Christians. So did their previous story. Recently, they live conjointly harmoniously. They work cooperatively both in planting and harvesting. Indeed, they do it in one similar terrain. Christians and Muslims bury their bad memories and wounds. They live side by side with the spirit of mutual respect and mutual understanding in the Barangay community. This paper aims to discuss the conflict transformational process which has accomplished in order to reconcile Christians and Muslims, how they overcomed tensions, and what the...
    Dalam salah satu ayat, Alquran mengidentifikasi umat Kristen sebagai “teman dekat” bagi orang-orang Muslim, dibandingkan dengan umat Yahudi (al-Mâ’idah [5]: 82). Posisi yang diberikan Alquran kepada umat Kristen ini menjadi sangat penting... more
    Dalam salah satu ayat, Alquran mengidentifikasi umat Kristen sebagai “teman dekat” bagi orang-orang Muslim, dibandingkan dengan umat Yahudi (al-Mâ’idah [5]: 82). Posisi yang diberikan Alquran kepada umat Kristen ini menjadi sangat penting dalam konteks relasi dan dialog antar umat beragama. Artikel ini berusaha menjelaskan titik temu dan persamaan-persamaan antara ajaran Islam dengan doktrin Kristen terkait dengan Yesus, atau ‘Isâ al-Masih}. Tema Kristologi menjadi pilihan pembahasan makalah ini karena Yesus dalam doktrin Kristen menjadi pijakan utama bangunan kristianitas, sementara dalam normatif Islam ia juga mendapat porsi pembahasan yang cukup banyak. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif terkait dengan pandangan Kristen dan Islam terhadap personalitas dan ajaran Yesus atau Isa Al-Masih. Dalam konteks dialog antar umat beragama, hal tersebut sangat penting bagi kita untuk merundingkan kalimah sawâ’ ( a common word ) antara Islam dan Kristen. Hal ter...
    Pembelajaran Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) adalah pembe- lajaran berdasarkan masalah yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif terstruktur oleh beberapa orang siswa yang terbentuk dalam satu tim, dengan masing-masing tim terdiri... more
    Pembelajaran Thinking Aloud Pair Problem Solving (TAPPS) adalah pembe- lajaran berdasarkan masalah yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif terstruktur oleh beberapa orang siswa yang terbentuk dalam satu tim, dengan masing-masing tim terdiri dari dua siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran TAPPS dalam meningkatkan kemam- puan analisis matematis siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 5 Metro tahun pelajaran 2011/2012, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII F dan VIII G yang telah dipilih secara acak. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah pretest-posttest yang melibatkan dua kelompok. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata- rata peningkatan kemampuan analisis matematis siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran TAPPS sama dengan rata-rata peningkatan kemampuan analisis matematis siswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran konvensional.
    The connection between violence and religious principle from time to time has been an essential topic discussed among Muslim scholars. Many radical movements, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria (ISIS), referred to the Qur’an and... more
    The connection between violence and religious principle from time to time has been an essential topic discussed among Muslim scholars. Many radical movements, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria (ISIS), referred to the Qur’an and hadith for justifying or rationalizing their violent acts. They consumed the verses of the Qur’an in order to graps and spread their mission. They hijacked the scripture in their behalf. This article aims to describe the verses of war in the Qur’an which structurally consists of social and political nuances. This article also discusses what so-called “permissive-structure” or “instruction-structure” and elucidates several verses of war, based on Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-‘Aẓīm written by Imam al-Ḥāfiẓ Abū al-Fidā’ and al-Mīzān fī Tafsīr al-Qur’ān written by Sayyid Muḥammad Ḥusayn al-Ṭabāṭabā’ī. Using hermeneutical approach and discourse-analysis, this study argues that the verses of war in the Qur’an have been contextually misinterpreted by the radical g...
    Blaming or demonizing other could appear from misunderstanding paradigm toward knowledgeable entities: individually or collectively. Inclusive approach to know and understand other religious groups is a basic principle to build... more
    Blaming or demonizing other could appear from misunderstanding paradigm toward knowledgeable entities: individually or collectively. Inclusive approach to know and understand other religious groups is a basic principle to build interreligious relation. In his Dialogue Decalogue, Leonard Swidler suggests that to build interfaith dialogue is to learn and understand (other) realities. In this regard, religious radicalism could be perceived as an outcome of misunderstanding that allows people to exclude or ignore others. This paper aims to explore several books of Muslim scholars, both in classical and contemporary period, relating to comparative study of religion. It is the finding of this work that understanding other religions (or religious others) as articulated in the book will create a level of acceptance within religious believers.
    In many discussions and conversations with Muslim Madurese I often heard common belief that none of Madurese individuals embraces Christianity. They mostly conceive that almost one hundred percent of Madurese people are Muslim while... more
    In many discussions and conversations with Muslim Madurese I often heard common belief that none of Madurese individuals embraces Christianity. They mostly conceive that almost one hundred percent of Madurese people are Muslim while Christian people living in Madura are generally non-Madurese. It might be right but the fact shows that some of the Madurese have embraced Christianity, besides Madurese Christian community in Sumber Pakem East Java which is practicing Christianity for more than four generations. The ignorance of Madurese Muslim toward Christian population, especially Madurese Christian in Madura, appear because of less interaction between Muslim and Christian on the one hand and social worries of Madurese Christians to express their identity on the other. This paper aims to describe the existence of Madurese Christians, examine how they survive inside and outside Madura island, and how they interact with Madurese Muslims. It also attempts to elucidate cultural connectio...
    Contrary to common perspective of sacred place, which usually excludes nature and environment from its discourse, this paper attempts to link nature with sacred place. This paper asserts that human perspective of God does not essentially... more
    Contrary to common perspective of sacred place, which usually excludes nature and environment from its discourse, this paper attempts to link nature with sacred place. This paper asserts that human perspective of God does not essentially exclude human’s linkage with environment. Nature is manifestation of God, and human—as part of it—can expressthe manifestation into practical chains of religious worship and rituals. Addressing religious art of TadaoAndo with his Church of Water and RidwanKamilwith his Al-Irsyad Mosque, this paper aims to describe how ecology deals with religious architecture and how ecological standpoint fits toreligious rituals. This paper will also refer to the concept of deep ecology that traces connection to the wholeness, intuition, and affective perception of the sacredness and interconnection of all life. Simply, deep ecology tries to “resacralize” human perceptions of natural world.Keywords: Religious Architecture, Church, Mosque, Ecology, Nature.
    Capturing the case of Parade Tauhid in Indonesia, this paper aims to describe embodied relationship between religion (Islam) and politics. As part of social action, Islamic activism provides variety of contention which is practiced in the... more
    Capturing the case of Parade Tauhid in Indonesia, this paper aims to describe embodied relationship between religion (Islam) and politics. As part of social action, Islamic activism provides variety of contention which is practiced in the name of Islam: ideologically, structurally, and purposely. Within his explanation of communicative action theory, Habermas acknowledges what so-called as strategic action which can be defined as every action oriented to success under the aspect of rational choice and assess the efficacy of influencing decisions or positions of rational opponent. In this context, Parade Tauhid is perceived to be conducted for reaching several political and theological purposes based on rational choices, although it is practiced by performing religious event. This paper attempts to describe definition of Islamic activism, explore the event of Parade Tauhid, and analyze the parade using Habermass theory of strategic action.Keywords: Islamic activism, Parade Tauhid, an...
    ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to describe manners of religious commodification within social relationship between kyai and Madurese workers in Malaysia, especially through Islamic preaching performed at the kongsi (provisional housing of... more
    ABSTRACT: This thesis attempts to describe manners of religious commodification within social relationship between kyai and Madurese workers in Malaysia, especially through Islamic preaching performed at the kongsi (provisional housing of migrant workers in Malaysia). The ...
    The social structure of Madurese society gives a high position to kyai for playing roles both politics  and religion, as well as social and culture fields. Roles they say “ bhepa’ bhebu’ guruh rato h. ” These affirms that Madurese people... more
    The social structure of Madurese society gives a high position to kyai for playing roles both politics  and religion, as well as social and culture fields. Roles they say “ bhepa’ bhebu’ guruh rato h. ” These affirms that Madurese people should regard parent first, then teacher ( kyai ), and at last ruler ( ratoh ). Yet, practically, people give more affection, loyalty, devotion, and dedication for the kyai than to their parent. From this reality, this paper aims to elucidate the inter-connection between politics and religion, in the process of local election of Pamekasan 2008. It articulates how the kyai intensively participated in local election using both social and religious domains. The study showed that  the roles of the religion, social structure, and politics “communicate” each other.